Days Of The Week

Alfredo Tang & Miguel Woodruff
Band X

Days of the week:

Here are the days to ask the question what day is it today, yesterday was, tomorrow will be, and the days of the week. As you notice in Spanish, the days that start a new week will be Mondays.  

Question/ Days of the week

In Spanish


What day is it today?

¿Qué dîa es hoy?

¿kay d-ay es oy?

Yesterday was

Ayer fue

a-year fuey

Tomorrow will be

Manaña Sera

min-ya-na sera





























Numbers and Phone Numbers

Alfredo Tang & Miguel Woodruff

Band x

Numbers, phone numbers:

Here is one way to ask someone for the number.

¿Cuales tu numero de telefono /celluar?

¿cua-les tu nu-mer-ro  day te-le-fo-no/ cell- u-er

What is your house number/

cellphone number?

Answering back the question.

Mi numero de telefono /celluar es...

me nu-mer-ro day te-le-fo-no/cell-u-er s....

My telephone/

cellphone number is.....

Here are the numbers you need to know


































Greetings, How are you and Good Byes

Alfredo Tang & Miguel Woodruff

Band x

The Greeting, How are you and Goodbyes

Here are the greetings if you are in the Spanish native country. It is very handy to greet people, how they are and saying good byes in couple ways.







¡Buenos Dias

boy- nos de-is

Good morning

¡Buenas Tardes

boy-nos dar-des

Good afternoon

¡Buenas Noches

boy-nos  no-chess

Good Evening/ night

Then the followings of “How are you.” You use informal to younger people and the same age group. Formal is to use for older people/ interviews. Plural is for more than one person.

¿Como estas?

co-mo s-stas


¿Que tal?

kay- tale


¿Como esta ud?

co-mo s-sta u-d


¿Como estan ustedes?

co-mo es-stan es-t-des


Here are some following that can be answer by the question














es-tu-pen- do/a


Maso Menos

mas-o may-nos

So/so  or Alright



Bad/Horible/ Poorly

Ways to say goodbye.



Bye- Formal



Bye- informal

¡Hasta Luego!

asta lu-a-go

See you later

¡Hasta Mañana!

asta min-an-na

See you tomorrow


How to tell time

There are three ways to ask for time in spanish. 
¿Qué hora es? ¿Qué hora son? ¿Qué hora tiene(s)? 

The following are statements to how you can answer: 

4:00    SON LAS CUATRO      ( EN PUNTO) 5:00    SON LAS CINO  (EN PUNTO)
       12:00 PM   ES LE MEDIODIA    (IT'S NOON) 

Minutes can be stated simply by separating the hour using “y".

Son las seis y cinco. It is 6:05
Son las siete y diez. 
It is 7:10
Son las once y diecinueve.
 It is 11:19

We use media to indicate the half hour and use cuarto to indicate the quarter hours.

Es la una y media. It is 1:30
   Son las cuatro y mediaIt is 4:30.
    Es la una y cuarto. It is 1:15.

It is customary to use menos to tell time during the second half of each hour. We simply state the number of minutes until the following hour.

Es la una menos diez. It is 12:50. (It is ten until one.)
Son las cinco menos cinco.
 It is 4:55. (It is five until five.)

Son las diez menos veinte. 
It is 9:40. (It is twenty until ten.)

Son las ocho menos cuarto.
 It is 7:45. (It is quarter until eight.)

The following are some main words you should remember when you respond:

... de la mañana  ( in the morning) ... y cuarto ( quarter after) 
... de la tarde ( in the afternoon) ... mesos cuarto ( quarter of) 
... de la noche ( in the evening)  ... y media ( haft past) 

Son las siete y cuarto de la mañana. It's 7:15 a.m. (It is 7:15 in the morning.)

Son las cuatro menos cinco de la tarde. It's 3:55 p.m. (It is five before four in the afternoon.)

Son las ocho y media de la noche. It's 8:30 p.m. (It is eight and a half at night).

Time are essentially very important for everyone to keep track of. If I am in a country that only speak Spanish, I think I will be late for school.

Days of the week :)

Have you ever walked, Have you ever walked to a school, the teacher asks the you: "¿Qué día es hoy"? You are wondering what the teacher is saying?Well today is your luck, we will teach you how to say the days of the week in spanish today.

In Spanish, ¿Qué día es hoy? means "what day is today"

 here is how you can respond.. 

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Here is an example of real life situation where you might need to know the day of the weeks.

You watch the news, and they tell you the weather of the weeks. You will need to be able to understand what days of the week are in order for you to follow the weather that is being told for that particular day. The following is the video showing the weather and days of the week.

Lobbying Post #2 - Flash Mobs/Curfews

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​Living in the 4th district means that Curtis Jones Jr represents me in the city council. He is the most formidable advocate for education and community development. He also grew up in Philadelphia and graduated from Overbrook High School and University of Pennsylvania with a degree in Government. He's a member of multiples committees and has served in various public and private sector positions for more than two decades. 

On October 12th 2011, city council voted upon a new curfew for the city. Councilman Curtis Jones Jr was for the new law. He claimed that not only will this stop flash mobs, as it has done in the past couple months, but it will decrease the amount of violent juvenile crime. The law was voted upon and is now set into law for 2 years. This law will fine parents if their children are out past curfew. However, it is said that not every person out past curfew will receive consequences, some will simply just be told to go home, which in the past has worked. To keep more police on patrol to watch out for curfews, it will cost the city about $56,000 a weekend. 

Spanish I: Lesson The Alphabets in Español By Mingxue Zheng and Lala Doumbia

ABCs - Alfabeto Lesson

Learning Spanish alphabets is very important because the pronunciation of the confusing looking Spanish words is associated with these letters. So, this lesson will make you know the pronunciation of the words. Then, develop more complex phrases or sentences.

A - a                sounds like“a” as in art
B- be alta       sounds like (be-all-da)
C- ce              sounds like “sa” as in sat
Ch- che          sound like”ch” as in chips
D - de             sounds like “da” as in dad                     
E - e                sounds like “a” as in at
F - efe             sounds like (a-fe)
G - ge             sounds like “ha” as in hair
H- hache        sounds like (a-che)
I - i                   sounds like (e)
J- jota              sounds like (hall-da)
K - ka             sounds like (ka)
L- ele             sounds like (a-le)
LL -elle          sound like (a-yah)
M -  eme        sounds like (am-mai)
N  - ene          sounds like (an-ne)
Ñ - eñe          sounds like (an-ne) with a strong nose sound
O - o              sounds like (woo)
P - pe            sounds like “be” as in bed
Q - cu           sounds like “coo” as in cool
R - ere          sounds like (a-rea)
RR - erre      sounds like (a-rea) roll your tongue on “rr”
S - ese               sounds like (a-sia)
T- te              sounds like tei
V - ve chica  sounds like (ve) (chee-ka)
W - doble ve sounds like (doe-b-le) (ve)
X - equis        sounds like (a-keys)
Y - ye   sounds like (ya)

I griega sounds like (i) (gar-ri-ga) 
Z - zeta  sounds like (sat-da)

Trick for memorizing Spanish Alphabets

You probably had noticed that some of the Spanish Alphabets starts off with “e” and then the letter itself (two or one times) and ends with an “e”.
The pattern started after the letter E
These are the alphabets:
Ve Chica and doble ve is very easy to memorize if you know the trick. Since, Ve sounds like the English alphabet of saying “V”. You would know that V is Ve chica (it start with a V too) and then doble ve can be view as double “V” which symbolized “W”!

Tú vs Usted

In spanish there are two ways  to ask people something. One is to say  tú= informal and one is Usted= formal. 
Tú can also translate to english as "you". You only use tú to talk to a friend, or people who are younger than you, or people who are close to you and they are about your age.
Usted (ud) means  sir/mam in english. You use Ud when you're talking to a older person, Like your teacher, your mom/dad, and their friends. If you do not know the person or you are unsure of their age, use ustead.
For example:


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Now let try out this practice. 
 Ask each of the following people their names and how they feeling today in spanish. Remember tú v.s Usted 

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When you go a class and you want to introduce yourself to a spanish teacher. Watch a video of us in class trying to introduce to a spanish teacher 

Goodbyes in Spanish by Sophie Deoliveira

​What you need to know:

1. what some nice friendly goodbyes are in spanish and translated in English

2. why would you need them

3. which are informally and formal to use

Adios- Bye (can use it for anyone)

Chao- Bye (slang)

Mucho gusto- Nice meeting you

Un placer- It's a pleasure

Encantado/a- delighted to meet you

Hasta Mañana- see you tomorrow

Hasta luego- See you later

2) You need these goodbyes to be able to end a conversation or at least be polite about talking to the person when you want to leave.

Here's an example:
3) Well basically everything else you can say to anybody except "Chao" is a type of slang word so you would want to normally use it to a peer or someone younger than you

The Weather in Spanish by Betty Louis and Sophie Deoliveira

What you need to know:

1. the days of the week in spanish translated in English

2. How and when you will use them

3. How to remember them 

1) Esta lloviendo- Rainy
1137372-3-another-rainy-day[1]         Hace sol- Sunny

Esta Nublado- Cloudy


Esta Nevando- Snowy


Hace viento- Windy

2) You probably use these when/if a person ask you "¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?" (What's the weather like today?) then you would have to answer "Esta hace sol." (Its sunny)

3. A way to remember these things are to make up flash cards with them and practice remembering them each night that always works. 

The Days of the week in spanish by Betty Louis and SophieDeoliveira

What you need to know:

1. what the spanish days of the week are (in spanish and english)

2. when will you ever use it

3. a way to memorize it easy


Lunes- Monday

Martes- Tuesday

Míercoles- Wednesday

Jueves- Thursday

Vienes- Friday

Sábado- Saturday

Domingo- Sunday

2) You will need to use the days of the week in spanish is because if someone ever ask you "¿Qué día es hoy?" (What is today's date?) of course will will have to reply to them.
Ex. Hoy es vienes.(Today is friday)

3) Any easy way to memorize the days of the week in spanish is this:

Months of the Year Betty Louis and Sophia Deoliveira

​What you need to know:

1. the Months of the year ins spanish and in English

2. how to use them to remember them

Enereo- Janruary

Febrereo- Febuaray

Marzo- March

Abril- April

Mayo- May

Junio- June

Julio- July

Augosto- August

Septiembre- September

Octubre- October

Noviembre- November

                                                                     Diciembre- December

2) You would normally use these months when ever someone askes you what month is it? You will also need these Months in writing the date.
Ex. Hoy es el quince de Noviembre (Today is November 15th)

3) As you can already see that most of the months of year look and sound similar to the english version of the months of the year. That one of the ways you can remember the spanish version! Since they already look familiar it will be much easier to remember. Just use index cards and practice at home to get a goo vision of how they are exactly spelled and sound like.

The Spanish Alphabet by: Sophia Deoliveira and Betty Louis

​What you need to know:

1. The letters of alphabet

2. The pronunciation of the letters

3.How to remember the alphabet

4. how would you use them


A: a 
B: be 
C: ce

Ch: che 
D: de 
E: e
F: efe 
G: ge (sound like h; “hey”)
H: hache (h is silent)
I: I (sounds like a long e) 
J: jota 
K: ka
L: ele 

LL: elle (sound lik “eeyye”)
M: eme 
N ene 
Ñ: eñe (sound lik ennyee)
O: o
P: pe 
Q: cu 
R: ere

RR: erre (roll your tongue and make a double rr)
S: ese 
T: te 
U: u
V: ve (sounds like b; “be”) 
W: doble ve 
X: equis 
Y: ye or i griega
Z: zeta

3) In order to remember the alphabet and how to pronounce them you can always sing along to the alphabet song over and over until you finally get it!

4) Learning the alphabet in spanish will also help you learn how to spell words a lot easier!

Days of the Week

The days of the week in Sapanish are never capitalized like they are in English and it always starts with Monday. Here are the days of the week in Español with their meaning and pronunceation: 

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You also need to know how to tell someone what today is, or what tomorrow will be if they ask. Here is how:

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Imagine your dad wanted to know what day today was and what tomorrow will be. You would need to know how to tell her the day of the week.

What Time Is It?

People may think that it's really difficult to learn how to ask and tell time in spanish,but in fact it's really simple.
First you need to know your numbers.

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Another thing you will need to know is how to tell time.

1:00- es la una (en punto)                    7:00- son las siete (en punto)
2:00- son las dos (en punto) 8:00- son las ocho (en punto)
3:00- son las tres (en punto)                 9:00- son las nueve (en punto)
4:00- son las cuatro (en punto) 10:00- son las diez (en punto)
5:00- son las cinco (en punto) 11:00- son las once (en punto)
6:00- son las seis (en punto) 12:00- son las doce (en punto)
                      12:00 AM- es la medianoche (it's midnight)
                      12:00 PM- es la mediodia (it's noon)

:05- y cinco           :45- menos cuarto
:15- y cuarto          :55- menos cinco

EX: 5:05- son las cinco y cinco
      5:15- son las cinco y cuarto
      5:45- son las seis menos cuarto
                          6   minus   15
      5:55- son las seis menos cinco
                          6   minus   5
       4:10- son las cuatro y diez
        8:20- son las ocho y veinte
       10:40- son las diez y cuarenta la mañana (in the morning)   ...y cuarto (quarter after)        ...en punto (on the dot) la tarde (in the afternoon)     ...menos cuarto (quarter of) la noche (in the evening)      ...y media (half past)
Imagine you were stuck in Mexico and you needed to catch the next train out of there. Your train leaves at 1:00, but you don't know what time it is. You would have to ask someone what the current time is..

Awesome Alfebeto

Do you want to know your ABC's in Español?
"A B C, it's easy as one two three!"
Here is the Alphabet and how to prnounce the letters:

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There are some other things you need to know.
For Example:

v and b make the same sound: beh.
v= beh corta (small)
b= beh larga (big)

h is silent
hola (hello)= oh la

ll- two l's= j

ay= eye

i= eeee


n does not equal ñ
ñ= ny

ge= he
Imagine that your talking to a spanish speaking friend and they want to know how to spell a word in spanish. You would need to spel it out for them.

Greetings and Goodbyes in Español

Isn’t it an awkward moment when someone tries to be polite and greet him or herself but you can’t understand what they’re saying because they’re speaking Spanish? Well, now you won’t have that problem because I’m teaching you what they’re saying.

Some basic greetings are hola, buenos días, buenas tardes, buenas nóche, cómo te llamas, qué tal, and adios.


Hola in English is hello


Buenos días in English good morning


Buenas tardes in English is good afternoon


Buenas nóche in English is good night


Cómo te llmas in English is what’s your name


Qué tal in engles is how are you


Adios in engles is goodbye

Imagine there is a new kid in your school who manly speaks Spanish. To be polite you might want to greet yourself in Spanish.

Courtesy Phrases

When someone does you a favor, you would want to thank them for it right. Or if you’re trying to get someone’s attention or they do something to you you’d want to respond to them correct. Well here are some courtesy phrases to eliminate those problems.

When you want to thank someone.

Gracias= thanks

Muchas gracias=thanks a lot

Mil  gracias= thanks a million


When you want to say you’re welcome.


De nada= you’re welcome

Por nada= you’re very welcome

No hay de qué= you’re super welcome


When you want to say please.

Por favor= please


Imagine you are walking down the hallway and you see someone drop their books. You bend down to hand it to them. What will they say in return? Lets find out.

How to have a basic conversation?

Before we can even start speaking Spanish to other, you need to know the basic conversation in order to talk to other people. Also, you need to know how to address other such as formal or informal. Here are example below that shows you and when to use it.

¿ Cómo está (Ud.)?

You only use (Ud.) when you are speaking to someone older than you and to adult. The reasons why you have to address them like this is because its formal and it show the adult that you know the proper greeting and also show them good manners. 

¿Como estás (tú)?
You only use (tú) when you are talking to your friend or buddy. Otherwise you use (Ud
¿De dónde eres (tú)? ¿De dónde es (Ud.)?

Real Life situation:

You are sitting at class, and the girl next to you only speak spanish. You haven't seen Señorita Manuel, and you want to ask the girl next to you. Here is a video:

Learning the ABC!

In order to know how to spell or write in spanish, you need to know your alphabet! The chart below will teach you everything you need to know!

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here is also a song to it to help you out

You are having a spanish test on spelling and you don't want to fail that test. Well, you have to know the spanish alphabet in order to pass the test.
Here is Kenayah's blog post for basic conversation 
Here is Kenayah's blog post for weather 

¡Hola, amigo!

How to greet someone?

In order to greet someone, you need to know basic greetings, like goodbye, hello, good morning, etc... The chart below teaches you everything you need to know about greeting someone.

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Here is a fill in the blank example that you can use for practice!!

¡Buenos días! ¿Como está?
________,gracias. ¿Y tú?
muy bien,______

Real Life situation 
You are walking to your class and and you see a girl sitting down. You want to greet her but she only speaks spanish. Here is how: 

¿Qué hora es?

How to tell time and ask someone what time it is?

Before you learn how to tell what time it is, you have to know numbers 1-12. You also would need to know when to use the words es la and son las. Last but not least, you need to know the meaning of menos and y media and when to use it. The chart below it will show you all these things.

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Here are examples you can practice on:
 ¿Que´ hora es?

Son las tres y ________

Es la una y ____

Son las ___ y media 
Son las ____ menos cuatro 

Real Life Situation 

Your at class and  you want to know when do class end, but the person next to you only speak spanish therefore you have to talk to him in spanish asking him what time it is.