Why I Write

I write to express my feelings about the modern times and events. I also write to store ideas I have, and communicate with those that cannot hear or see me.

Writing is a tool for recording, yet I do agree it is another force that has been used for corruption and evil. It can be a platform for propaganda and complete fabrications. It's system can cause oppression,elitism in those who know more words and those who can write at all and it's unfair if not everyone learns to read, which is a global inequality.On the other hand, people write to say things that they are capable of saying face to face, but maybe don't have the stomach. 

Writing is okay but the spoken word and storytelling will always hail in comparison.It's much better to physically interact with an actual human being, and have the social experience of actually connecting with another human being in front of you whether they are reciting a poem, telling a story, or expressing their opinions. I'd rather listen to someones views face to face, accent and syllable,  spit glob to hand motions, body posture, and tone, features, facial expressions, volume and all then simply read it on a piece a paper, not really seeing how they breathe and withdraw sentences out of their thoughts and maybe even getting to build a mutual relationship with them. 

You can write on the bus, and train, isolate yourself in your room or desk. But nothing beats taking someone on the train with you or speaking to an entire audience. Even if you are reading something you've written down, You can always add in other flows of thought, and new ideas your writing generates. It's all about the present moment.

But in modern times, I can't expect people to remember everything in their heads, through the constant chores, stresses, and tasks of modern institutions. So It is a pretty useful, but I like to get out and experience things.

You always travel to a bad writers house and punch them in the face, but how more convenient to punch them in the face when they are right in front of you.

Why do you Write ?

I started writing in 4th grade. It wasn't something I was passionate about , I just needed a good grade on that 5 paragraph essay assigned in Ms.Kane's class. When I received my test the next week, I was awarded a 97, and a publishing in a writing competition. I was excited at first, but then I just brushed it off. My Mom was so proud, an d my Dad shook my hand, but I kept my face straight, trying to let them know it didn't matter.

If this was a world that you couldn't write, things might be better. When you think about it, a lot of drama starts with the wrong text thing written. Like that comment on FaceBook that gets someone upset. If you couldn't write, you'd be forced to say these things, or just drop it, since writing gives people a sense of safety at the time. Most suicidal deaths in teens are caused not only by bullying physically, but also through cyber-space. 

I write (though I'm good at it) mainly because I get reprimanded if I don't. Like I said, I do it because I have too.

Why I write

Why do i write?
i write to express my feelings and let out myself. When i write words flow from my head to my hand. My pen to my paper. when i hold a pencil and a paper I feel like creating my own imaginary world, with its own stories and its own problems. Magic or not. Violence and peace. they all come to my head when i write.
The feeling when i write is like the great relief. Everything I'm thinking flows on paper. jumbled or in order. doesn't matter, they all make it on the paper.
My pieces of writing all make me proud. The thing that makes me frustrated it that i know i can do better.
I lose myself when i write. my mind grabs a topic and comes up with a million things for it. It jumbles and jungles  the ideas and hopefully pics the closest ones for it. I sometimes stray of topic because i need to get something off my chest or i need to say everything on my mind. I cant always rely on myself to edit and delete my works because it's hard for me to chose or single anything out.
I love to write and read and it is what i do the most.

Why I Write?

I write because im told to do so by teachers in order to get a good grade on classes.But i believe that people in general write because writing is the basic of communication between each other.Also writing in different ways such as poems or songs can be a great way to express your opinion, feelings, or life experiences.

Why do i write?

Why do i write?

one of the reason i write is to communicate with other people. i write something each and every day. most of the time when i'm writing it is threw a text message. when i text it because it is a quick and easy way of talking to someone and i can do other thing while doing it. if i couldn't write, i dont know where i would be in life because writing is something that happens in my every day life. another time i write is when im doing my home work. when im doing my english homework, it always involve writing an answer to a question or writing a essay.  

Why Do I Write

I love to wright because it helps me relax and relieve stress.  Writing soothes my mind and it takes me away from all the things that I deal with from time to time. Writing helps me organize my thoughts. Writing also helps me use bigger words and it strengthens my vocabulary and spelling. I believe that writing is important because writing helps you get into different jobs different schools and etc. Many people don't really care about writing but I do because writing could take you very far in life. To places that you never dreamed of being. Some people don't realize how good they are in writing until they try and craft together a story, an essay or any kind of writing prompt. So you should ask yourself why do you write!!!

Why do I write?

Writing can have many different meanings for each person. For some people writing is just grabbing a piece of paper, or in a computer, etc. and start writing/typing every word that crosses your mind in that instant. For other people, is just a boring thing that makes you tired and leads to nothing. However, for some people it is something so important, that it becomes part of their lives. But for me, it is both… writing/typing every word that crosses your mind in that instant and something that I could not live without.  It all depends on each person. I write because I think that writing can be your best friend in some situations, but it can be your worst nightmare too. For me, writing helps me get relieved, it helps to clarify my thoughts and it makes me feel better after expressing everything I have inside. At the same time, it brought me problems when I wrote something about someone and that person read it. But after all that, I still think that writing is super important and is one the best ways you can express yourself, with no one judging you.

Why I Write

​I write because it is a way i can describe myself, and I can say what I feel and mean with out being judged. Like I am a shy person when it comes to me telling people what the problem is, writing it is a lot easier, I can tell you everything with out the fear of you judging me. Writing is a easy stress reliever. Writing what you think and feel is a lot easier than having a face to face conversation, any type of writing (texting, im'n, messaging.) Expands the way you think, your vocabulary and speaking become more advanced.By writing you can discover a new world, you can click delete and restart, life is not that easy, but thinking about what could be makes every day a little better. Expands the way you think.

I write because ...

I write to express how I feel without speaking. Sometimes I get so upset that my words may hurt the people I care about or just anyone in general. So, instead I just write/type how I feel. I adjust my writing depending if people plan on reading or If I give permission for people to read it or not. If I'm writing for example: class or for someone to review, revise or edit my paper in any sort than i'll make sure that the paper is formal proper, and full of correct grammar. If I'm writing for myself or just to empty out everything I'm holding inside then, I'll put whatever I feel. I'll curse, swear anything I want because I'm the only person reading at the end of the day. I don't write to intentionally hurt people feelings, but If I advice someone not read something personal, it's probably because it's something in their that they might not want to see, or I may just not want them to see it. I don't just write how I feel but I also write from my perspective of seeing/ viewing things.

Why I Write

Why is it that I write? I'll tell you why. It's important to have literacy. To read, to understand. I write so people know my topic. I write so I understand. I write so people can see my topic. I write just for the heck of it. I write to spell. I write to chat. I write to be beneficial. I write for a lot of things. Writing is important on this planet. A world without written literacy is a world with no language(s). A world that has no language is world with no understanding. If our world was like that today, we'd be in caves, scratching our heads and butts figuring what a rock is. Writing is essential to the human race.

Why I write?

​I write because it lets me get a chance to express my feelings/emotions. It let's me get a chance to speak my mind without everyone listening to me. Sometimes theres personal stuff that you need to let out and when you have no one to talk to it can help if you write about it.

I write because I have a very imaginative and creative mind. I never have a one track mind, it wonders, so when i write to get a chance to clear my head. I have a lot of things pop into my head and do not want to forget those thoughts, and writing them helps me remember.

I write because it is like a documentary about my life. Even if it is the simplest things that happens to me, I want to remember it in the future and it helps. I know that when i get older i probably won't remember what any of the things i write means but technically I'll have the memory because i wrote it down

Why I Write

I write because it makes me feel good. I write because it can help deal with problems. I write because it gives me something to do. I write because my teacher tells me to. I write because I want to. I write because I am in school. I write because it keeps my fingers moving. I write because it helps me think. I write because it is fun. 

Why I Write?

Writing is a way of expression. The words of which you can not say come to life on paper. Its a way to bring others into my colorful world. The feelings I feel, the many things i see, everything will come to life and will not only be seen from my point of view. Writing is a way to not only tell , but also vividly show others my many obstacles I face. Verbally speaking is not a way i can tell people the thoughts that run through my brain, the images of which I see, the future of which i seek.Typing up what I feel or even writing it down is the best way for those to get into my head full of ideas. Writing is not just an action that you do in school nor is it just something to do if you have no emotions behind it. Writing is a way you can put yourself in someones shoes. A way to show visual thoughts, feelings and expressions. Those who see me on a daily basis do not see or feel or even understand who I am. This form of releasing feelings helps those who judge me based off of my appearance see who I, Zaria Linton, really am. So why do i write you may ask? I write because to me, writing is life itself.

Why I write

I write for me and for others but mostly me. 
Letting my imagination run wild through my head and channel it through my pen onto the paper.
I write about adventures real and fiction. 
I write of romance. Connecting to a person with vivid descriptions of many things. 
I write about trust and teamwork. Showing that friends and family can overcome ANYTHING.
I write to build suspense. Leaving the reader on the edge of their seat, with descriptions so vivid they can see everything happening. 
I write to make people laugh. Always bringing some comedic relief. 
I write for the joy of making up stories, of fantasy, fiction, and many more.
Why I write there are so many reasons but the main one is this...

I write for the readers.


"Why do you write?" So I can breathe silly...

   People usually say "I write to express myself". And yes, that is why I do it in a nutshell. But it's deeper than that. I know for a fact that I don't like telling people how I'm feeling. I can't just say that I'm pissed, or heartbroken. Writing is my way to say all of that with out even twitching my lip. You'll find out more about me through my writing than I would ever let you hear me say. My journal listens to me and my pen is my translator. They don't judge me. And they never say anything back. This goes for analytical writing as well. I'm not perfect and sometimes I don't want people over my shoulder correcting my every move. Just let me write. I can breath and not be tense when I write, and that is why I do it.

Why do you write?

​               The reason that i write is because it release my mind. I can write alot at times depending on the topic. Free writing, i can go on and on. But if I'm write in school for a certain class its more difficult. I honestly can say that i like to write. I write music almost twice a week. If you think about it, i write everyday in school and at home and that's a lot. People can define writing in many different ways. But writing to me is just saying what  ever i think but on paper. Sometimes i have a hard time saying something through my mouth so i just write it down then it can help me focus more about it. My hand writing is very messy but that doesn't stop me from writing. I really don't know why my hand writing is so sloppy. I mean i did learn how to write since Pre-school. People write poetry because it makes them feel better. People write music because they have things to say. People write essay to show their thoughts. Writing can be expressed in many different ways. And my only reason to write is that i have a lot of things to say.

A world without writing

A world without writing for me would be bad.I write to my brother online. He is in the Navy and is currently in texas. I usual get on Facebook and talk to him. Sometimes he calls, time permitting. I am usually home until about 7. This gives me no time to talk to him.  I tell him everything. He gives me advice. If I cannot reach him then I will write down what I have to say. 

Why I Write?

Why do I write? I mostly write because I am instructed to, well then again depends on what type of writing you are talking about? I mostly write because a teacher in a class tells me to. There are much bigger aspects to writing to just this though. I write because it is a form of communication and expressing myself. Writing allows for people to say things they would rather not say out of their mouth, or maybe can't say. I write because it lets me share my story with other people. It allows me to tell others how I feel about things and why I feel that way. Writing is something that we absolutely need. We only know the history that we know today because somebody was smart enough to write it down. Some of the greatest stories are told through writing. Yes people can re-tell stories through talking but that way mostly messes up information, but if it is written down then that changes everything, you are getting the story from the main source. Writing is nothing but another form of talking, and since I love to talk I guess that's why i write. 

Why I write?

Why would any one write?
Why not just leave the page bare?
Why would anyone read it?
Why would they even care?
About what the put on a paper or in a word doc?
Why would people tell stories of an unknown world or hidden place?
Why do people feel the need to express themselves in this way?
O why o why?

Well dah,
People write because they feel like it,
Or because life is so dry,
Stories can add excitement to anything and make anyone feel alive.
They write because sometimes reality isn't enough,
Because there is an unlimited and an unlimited amount of stuff,
Of stuff that can be put on a page or told in a bedtime story
People write for the snaps or claps that comes at the end of the speech
They write because its a way for people to just be themselves or be anyone else who they want to be.

O, you meant why I write?
I'll tell you very simply,
I write because it is a possibly for me.
I write because I feel like it, I write because I'm me.
I write because I simply think its awesome.
To do anything with a page or a line
To simply show the world what I could be.

J. Pullins, Why I Write

In life, there are often times in which the established order is the norm. It becomes taboo to question it, and one must go about and simply accept it as fact. In situations where argument is invalid or holds no merit, the power of writing is necessary.

Throughout the world, powers and political influences the citizens of a nation. In situations where one's voice is silenced, the power of writing is freedom.

In everyone's life, there are times in the measures of the world prove too daunting and the problems are far greater than the solutions. The words to describe the feelings are non-existent, and the eloquence of a pen may be the only thing one can depend on. In situations of life, the power of writing is mandatory.

Maleena Mel "Why I Write Poem"

Why I write ?
i write because instead of me telling you how i feel in person, i rather tell you by writing a letter.
i write Because I can lie beautiful true things into existence, & let people escape from inside their own heads & see through other eyes.
i write because i can lie to my self and to who is reading it will think its real, but its really not.
i write because there are history that haven't been writing and i want to be the first to write them.
i write because..

Pause "Im writing".

Its not skill, I'm not a professional writer. I haven't written a novel nor  have I wrote New York's best selling book. I write to express my self, and to let my days emotions fly through the tip of my fingers. Where when i start writing I can't stop, where i know that it possibly isn't making sense but the words are coming out in their own order. A way to speak out loud with out really having anyone hear you. Where you can whisper your thoughts to your pencil. When I'm writing on paper, the pencil is my guidance and the paper is my path. The pencil guides my words and the paper puts it into place. Sometimes I over think it but once I notice I'm over thinking something I stop. I have to be able to know what I'm going to say next and not have to put a single thought into it. Where i can look back and say "Yeah, i wrote that" instead of knowing I could better. When I over think its when i have to write a paper but during my journals I write just to feel clean inside. Like if the world paused and its just me and the things i have to say. Where i can admit to every little thing and i won't be scared about being judged. Where i can speak my heart and won't bore someone, where I can ask a question and get an answer. An answer no one else can give me, my own answer. 

Why I write

Honestly I don't know why i write. I write sometimes to show expression, I write to feel something , I wrote to get a thought away from me and out of my head and down on paper. Sometimes when i write it explains the crazy jungle jumble i call my mind. But at times I absolutely have to be forced to write.It's just not in my category. I write to see my thoughts as a movie or a book , when I write it explains me. 

The first time i felt like a writer had to be in the 7th grade.I entered in a essay contest. The contest was about who has the best written essay out of the city of philadelphia. The essay "Does the new President of the united rates inspire you , why ?" Was the best essay i have ever written. I won first place in the entire city. This is the moment i felt superiors to all man kind. i felt like I was the best writer ever and all i had to do was clear my jungle jumble mind and express my self in the best way I could. Which is why I write in expression....

Why do we write?

Hm, writing? Why do we write? What is “writing?” what are we writing about? What inspire us to write where does writing come from? Writing is that thing that people jot down on paper, walks, grounds, computers, hands just about any solid object that you can think About can be written on. We can write about just about anything, stories, poems, riddles, jokes and notes just to remind you of other important things that happen. All you need is your mind, a pencil or writing utensils and a solid object to write on and write away. You can write the new masterpiece inspired by shakeshere. Or instructions on how to build something from the future to make people lives way easier. Writing is the base and foundation of everything from the pass, present and future. Without writing, life would be like French toast without the butter, the cheese fries without the cheese, the sea without the water. Life would be just one boring oblivion of boredom and sowwer. Without writing, there would be no more books, tools, inventions, poems, songs, music nothing just people wondering the earth with out no enjoyment what so ever. What, do you think, “oh, I don’t need writing, I’ll just turn on the TV and what my favorite show” or “I’ll just watch a movie” or “oh, ima just play my new Xbox game” You couldn’t! Writing is how all those things are created. If there’s no scrip, there’s nothing to become in theater nothing.


Who would teach the children the fascination of writing or the thrill that you get, the Goosebumps you get from reading stories and the mind numbing things you can learn from other people writing. The bible, history, science experiments done and famous mathematician that lived in life nothing. This world would be just so meaningless. Writing completes us we write for others, ourselves and just for fun. Writing is one of the most important things that Humans and possibly others can do…