Story 2

"The 1st person we have up today in out first ever poetry"  This was the first part of the sentence that would begin what could have been a life time. But a good story always has a beginning so let me go there...

"oh yeah...thats right...todays the first poetry slam" I said, walking into Mr. Chases room today at C - Band. I walk to the back...i carefully look over each chair to see which one im going to sit in. after i finally find my seat, i notice the smell of tea, coffee and cookies filling the room.  
"Dang...forgot my mug..."
"Ok Class, take your seats" Mr chase echoed to the room.  

2 Love Stories In 2 Sentences

Let us begin with a melancholy tale:

He crossed the street, well aware that she would not notice his absence until she awoke tomorrow without a ride.

Now to uplift the spirits!:

Bold he shall never be, but when she returns to sing- poorly- beneath his window he will turn off the sprinklers and provide her a chair.

Ruff Love

Coco whimpered as his love was carried away to the operation room. Fluffy was pregnant, and there was no room in the shelter for puppies.


Falling Ice

​During a walk home from school in freshman year i was walking with Perry and like the weird person i am i decided to grab perry and remind her that she's a person, also to say hi. during this grab a ridiculously oversized icicle fell down and landed where Perry would've been if she continued to walk. We just kind of stared at it for a while  before it sunk in. My random bouts of insanity actually saved someone's life, or at least someone from serious pain.

State Patty's Day

My oldest sister Katie who is the College ​Neighborhood Coordinator at Penn State main is in the process of making State Patty's Day less reckless as it has been in the past. In effort, she and other volunteers and students are encouraging families to be present while the unofficial day is being celebrated. They believe that mere presence of families people will mostly like be reluctant to (for example) urinate in public. In addition, an off-campus union is tactfully planning to hand out free pretzels. With food in these peoples' stomachs, puking and alcohol poisoning are more preventative. Thousands of students from other universities plan on attending the event. From the past few years, it has been shown that those who cause the most trouble have not been from the university. My sister and her supporters' goals are not to create an "anti-drinking army" but rather keep the community under control and still have fun. Hopefully those who are visiting from outside the university won't trash the campus this year.

She says if I attend, she will be sure to tell everyone that I am her sister. Mind you, she will be running down the street wearing a bright yellow hat and wearing a shirt that says "sober is sexy!"


​So after endless amounts of applications, envelopes and books of stamps I finally found the college I want to spend the next four years of my life. Wagner is my college the hunter green color with long intelligent walks in NY is where I belong. During the college experience I applied to several places to be exact 12 and this was the last college so it's fate I go there. My heart is set on Wagner college I just gotta get accepted first then NY here I come Idk life's surprising like that I had one idea now I'm doing a whole 180 on my thought process.

Trosario Art Projects 1-3 Quarter 3

I feel that my art is a representation of who I am and what I like. When it came to drawing my face I knew before hand that I would have problems since I never felt I was good at proportion on a face, or at drawing noses. But after talking to my father, who is an artist, I figured them out. I also had a lot of help from my friends with their, 'constructive' criticism. I had been so used to drawing in the anime form which didn't focus on the nose of mouth, and had different proportions. Then when I had to draw my hand, something that I had always struggled to draw, I had to push myself to my limits. I thank Ms. Hull for giving us things that we NEEDED to draw, or else I would have stuck to my norm and never be able to say that I at least tried. Now I am truly proud of the art work that I have posted here.

My face in charcoal
My face in pencil
My hand drawing
Full body
Clear bottle (big)

Art inspiration 

2 art recreations
Photo on 2011-02-14 at 09.21
Photo on 2011-02-14 at 09.21
Photo on 2011-02-14 at 09.22
Photo on 2011-02-14 at 09.22
Photo on 2011-02-15 at 18.38
Photo on 2011-02-15 at 18.38
Photo on 2011-02-15 at 18.39
Photo on 2011-02-15 at 18.39
clear bottle
clear bottle
inspir 1
inspir 1
inspir 2
inspir 2
my art 1
my art 1
my art 2
my art 2

The Little Gnome

Long ago there was a gnome
Who ate every piece of food in Rome
When he was done, he we home
Skated along the shiny chrome
Thoughts racing through his little dome
When he arrived, he settled into the loam
But not long after, his mouth started to foam

You see, the gnome had rabies
Such a sad, sad disease
Kills many
Killed this gnome
Might kill you

Moral of the story: don't share needles.

If I had Known..

Studying for tests, completing projects and finishing my homework each night seems to come easy to me.  My 8th grade teacher called in “playing school” and it’s a game I’ve always won. However the good grades and friendly teachers come with a price.  Though I never understood it, there were always people who disliked me, maybe even hated me because I always pushed myself.  And while that sometimes bothered me, the worst part of being so “perfect” in everyone’s eyes was the stress that I deemed necessary to maintain that perfection. 

I started my college process like every other student: with the SATs.  However, unlike most students, I had spent the proceeding 4 months reviewing sentence structure, math concepts and reading techniques.  I took practice sections almost every week; I would shut my door and inform the entire house that no one was to disturb me while I prepared for my future.  Now, that seriousness makes me laugh, but between the regular SATs and then the subject test, it was my life for almost a year. 

Now I’m sure most of you are thinking, “she’s crazy.”  Go ahead, admit it.  I feel the same way sometimes.  I push myself way to hard and worry about things that while important, aren’t that important.

I remember working on my Georgetown application and staring at my computer for almost 5 minutes before actually submitting it.  Again, I needed to recheck everything, ensuring that it was perfect.  It was my first choice and I knew I’d be devastated if I wasn’t accepted.  The month and a half wait to hear the committee’s decision almost killed me.  You can ask my friends; I talked about it constantly.  “You’ll get in, Taylor.  Stop freaking out.”  “But what if..” was the chorus on replay in my head. 

On the Monday before I was supposed to find out, I was called to Ms. Hirshfield’s.  I didn’t know what it was about, but I figured a college had sent me a package, which wasn’t uncommon.  I walk in and she’s beaming.  I give her the awkward, “I don’t know what’s going on, but it must be good” eyebrow raise. 

“So… Georgetown,” she prompted.

“I don’t hear till Wednesday,” I answered. 

She was still grinning and then it hit me.

“I got in! I got in!” All of a sudden I was jumping and clapping.  No, it was not one of my most modest moments, but I didn’t care.  I was too happy for words. 

I called my mom, who shared my excitement.  “I knew you would, honey.”  My dad was even more blunt over the news.  “Yeah.. and?  It’s not like I didn’t expect it.”  Each one of my friends echoed their sentiments.  “Of course you did, congrats!”  “We knew you would, Taylor.” 

The more people I told, the more annoyed I got.  Was the accomplishment less impressive because it was expected? Even worse, if everyone else had knew, why hadn’t I?  I couldn’t help but wonder, If I had known that everything would work out in the end, would I have let stress dictate my entire high school career?


If I Knew Then What I No Now

When I was I think about eight or nine years old I when through this face where I would mimic everything someone said to me. I was also a snitch, I mean I’m not anymore but I was back then. I grew up with my two older sisters and they hated me because I was always telling on them. Like I would eavesdrop while they were on the phone and then later tell my mom what they said. So this one-day they told my mom that they were going to hang out with their girl friends but really they went out with their boy friends. When I found out I couldn’t wait to tell my mom. I mean you no what snitchers like best is to snitch. So as soon as my mom got home from work I ran to her and told her what had happen. Boy was my mom mad, she grabbed her belt and you know what happen next lol. At the time I was all smiles well not for long, the next day when my mom went to work I was done for. Both my sisters grabbed me and locked me up in my mom’s room until my mom was about to get off work and they let me out like they didn’t do anything. Well you know what I did, I told mom what they did to me. And once again you know what my mom did to them. I think it was like a day a two later I was on it again I kept mimicking my oldest sister, but what I forgot was that she had an anger problem. So I kept repeating everything she said. We were both standing on the top of the stairs like in the little hall. And she was like “Arthurline stop repeating everything I say”.  And I was like Precious stop repeating everything I say. “I’m not playing with you”. I’m not playing with you. “I swear I will punch you down the stairs”. Now we both know that was not the best idea to repeat what she had just said but knowing me I did anyway. And before I realize I was already rolling down the stairs. That was the last thing I remembered. When I woke up I was in the hospital with bandages on my nose. After an hour my mom asked me if I remember what had happen and boy did I remember lol. I told her everything and once again my sister got in trouble; and she had to take care of me and feed me until got better. If I knew than what I know now I would have never mimic my sister and I would have never gotten a broken nose.

Change of Plans

So today I had plans with Rumman but things didn’t work out the way it should have. Like today is so beautiful outside so we were thinking about hanging out and then going to Red Lobster for dinner. But unfortunately we were both so tired that we decided to cancel until tomorrow. Hopefully everything goes on as planned tomorrow because I am craving some shrimp. But since we didn’t go today I have time to go online and look at the menu so that I can be ready for tomorrow. Adios Amigos!

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Screen shot 2011-02-15 at 3.25.21 PM

The Woman Warrior

The Woman Warrior

Written By Maxine Hong Kingston

Retold By Arthurline Bowen

 “No Name Woman”

Chapter 1 (First page)


Maxine is a girl who has just reached puberty. Her mother sat her down to tell her about a very important story that most not repeats itself. Her mother tells her that it is a warning so that she too isn’t forgotten. What do you mean mom why would I be forgotten Maxine asked her mother. You’ll find out after I tell you the story. And her mom went on talking, this story is about your "No Name Aunt" her mother said. What my “No Name Aunt"? Was that her name Maxine asked, my Aunt name is no name? I don’t understand I’ve never heard about her before. Exactly her mother replied it’s because she has been forgotten. Why was she forgotten Maxine asked with curiosity. Her mother began to speak and than she stopped and said, this is a secret and must not be told to anyone else. Why are you talking about mom you are scaring me. This story is about premarital sex.

What? Just listen the no name aunt was your father's sister who committed suicide by jumping into the family well. Because of her forbidden behavior she was forgotten and the family acts as though she had never been born. What did she do so wrong to cause her to be forgotten by her own family Maxine asked, she had premarital sex. What exactly happen? That’s all you need to know her mother responded. Remember never to do something that is forbidden so that you too won’t be forgotten. Also remember, you must not tell anyone what I have told you her mother said as she walked away. Leaving Maxine with a lot of unanswered questions.




Story: Smart Cat

Most people talk about how smart, or cute their pets are. They say that they can do trick and just be as cute as can be. My cats....aren't like that. We got them at an animal shelter (which I also volunteer at). The oldest is smokey and the baby would be Pecan Swirl. The two are total opposites

The first week we brought them home, something odd kept happening. One of the two..was going to the bathroom all over the place. We didn't know who it was, so we kept making sure they knew where the litter box was. Well, it didn't work; it kept happening and so we started blaming Smokey for it because we thought that because she's the oldest, her memory must be shot. So, Smokey was punished each time it happened. One day, I was in my room and Smokey came up to me. She meowed and pointed towards the door, as if to say "come with me please". So, I followed her. This cat was smart enough to go to the litter box and showed me that she knew how to use it. I was stunned. Most cats just take it, but Smokey wouldn't have any of it. She's too smart.

Pecan, on the other hand, isn't that smart. Not that I think she's stupid but...that's another story