La Última Cena por Juan De Juanes

En este pedazo de interpretación que hare yo, se tratara de un cuadro muy famoso llamado, “La Última Cena” por Juan de Juanes. Yo, el padre McEnroe tengo muchas opiniones sobre este cuadro. Especialmente porque es unico e interesante. Yo soy un sacerdote que cree en la igualdad. Para mi los pobres y los ricos son seres humanos que se tienen que querer como una familia. Entiendo que vivimos en una era muy polémica.  Sin embargo, todos somos hijos de Dios, por lo tanto todos somos iguales. Desafortunadamente en la época en que yo vivo, las peras y las manzanas estan separadas. La división entre la clases sociales son feroces y hay mucha tensión. Aunque yo quisiera mezclar las peras con las manzanas no puedo. Solo soy un director de la Escuela Católica aquí en Chile. Solo soy un real sacerdote aquí en mi país.

En la obra de Juan de Juanes, “La Última Cena” hay un color que me llama mucho la tencion. Los apóstoles y Dios están en un cuarto que usa colores oscuros como el negro y el azul marino. Pero en el fondo, donde se ubican las ventanas hay colores brillantes como el azul cielo. Muchas de las caras de los apóstoles de Dios estan cubiertas por colores oscuros. El uso del color blanco solo esta usado para darle color al mantel de las mesa y la famosa ostia. El pan de Dios. Las manos de los apóstoles tienen una posición exacta que se repite conforme al apóstol. Tienen una forma de decir gracias. Las manas son extendidas y puestas juntas como cuando alguien va a resar. Por lo tanto, es una gran significancia en el estilo de arte de Juan de Juanes.

Muchos saben que en el 11 de Septiembre del 1973 en Chile ocurrió un golpe de estado. Tanto como las clases sociales y las amistades entre los países estaban separadas. Habia mucha tension y rivalidades. El presidente de Chile en 1973, Salvador Allende fue elegido democráticamente por votos libres. Como él era socialista, el ayudaba a los pobres. Por lo cual muchos no lo querían, incluyendo a los Estados Unidos. Los Estados Unidos donaron dinero a los militares para que derrocaran a Allende. Eso fue muy fuerte para mi, y para mi gente. Unos de los recuerdos que me vienen a la mente son los niños. Una cosa es tratarce duró entre adultos, pero otra muy distinta tratarce mal entre niños inocentes. Como dijo nuestro Señor alguna vez, los padres apoyarán y serán los líderes para los frutos que produzcan. Pondrán el ejemplo para guiarlos para al buen camino de dios. Si los padres no se respetan, como quieren que los ninos se respeten. Una de las cosas que me encanta del cuadro de Juan de Juanes es que Dios levanta la hostia con un gran poder. En el cuadro se nota como la hostia guia a la gente. Todos demuestran una gran intuición para comer la hostia. Eso es un signo de purificación al alma. Eso es lo que la gente de mi época necesitaba. Limpiar por completo la amargura y la envidia.

En el cuadro de Juan de Juanes me interesa mucho porque es muy diferente al cuadro original. En este cuadro refleja la maldad que se avecina por el uso de los colores dentro del cuarto de la última cena. La ventana al fondo es muy llamativa que concluye que a pesar de lo malo que se aproxima siempre va a ver una salida hacia el camino correcto. El enfoque del cuadro se limita al enfoque de la hostia. Los demás están muriendose por probar la hostia.Qué querrá representar las almas que quieren estar en paz. Cueste lo que cueste. La hostia es la salvación de las almas perdidas que viven en mundo que constantemente quieren cambiarlos.


Q3 Artwork Marteena Johnson

Art History 

Vincent Van Gogh was born March 30th, 1853. He was the son of a pastor. When he became an artist between 1860 and 1880 he had also worked as a clerk in a bookstore, a art salesman, and a pastor in Belgium. Even though he has been released from that position as a pastor. He stayed in Belgium to study art. 

In 1886 he went to pairs and joined his brother who was the manager of Goupil's gallery. Van Gogh's health was starting to deteriorate with the long nights and mornings. He would paint all day. He went to Arles to establish a school of art. His friend Gauguin came along to accompany him. Though this ended badly. Van Gogh threatened Gauguin with a razor, but was stopped by Gauguin and in turn ended up cutting a piece of his own ear off. After experiencing lucidity and madness Van Gogh was sent to an asylum in Saint-Remy for treatment. 

After seeming to recover in May 1890, Van Gogh went to live in Auvers-sur-Oise with the watch of Dr.Gachet. Two months after he committed suicide by shooting himself. 
Wheatfield and Crows 
Wheatfeild With Crows
Wheatfeild With Crows
Copy a Character 
Itachi Pencil
Itachi Pencil
Itachi Sharpie
Itachi Sharpie
Itachi color
Itachi color
Found Obejcts
Found Item 1
Found Item 1
Found Object 2
Found Object 2
Found Object 3
Found Object 3

Selfie Assignment:


I think selfies are important for the simple fact that they capture us at that very moment. I think our generation really likes to be publicized for no specific reason other than being alive, which is why twitter, instagram, and other social networks are so important. When I take a selfie, not much thought goes into it, rather confidence of how I look at that moment. I really believe thats one of the biggest reasons people take selfies, next to pure fun. When selfies are taken, I think a lot goes unseen. Selfies depict only happy moments, no one wants to take a picture of themself when they are crying or even experiencing any emotion that isn’t close to joy. Thats pretty much as far as I can analyze selfies, they just are.

Final Perspective Drawing

During this project I learned a lot on perspective drawing. I did not know there was so much you had to do, so many lines to draw. I learned how to make ceilings and make it look as if everything is getting smaller. Learning how to draw perspective made my drawings more accurate and more realistic. Now instead of just drawing random lines I use a ruler to make sure everything looks straight. 

If I could do this project again I would of erased less to make the drawing look cleaner. I would also put a little more detail into the room and not just keep it so blank. But it was really fun learning how to draw something new and different from what I would usually draw. 

If you want to get into perspective I would suggest using the internet to your advantage. Look up tutorials, tips and tricks on how to draw perspective. Also make sure all your lines are straight or else everything will look crooked. While I was drawing my piece, YouTube was really helpful. Also the site that Ms.Hull provided for 
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Final Perspective Drawing

A. I did not know a lot on perspective. I had heard of it before but never practiced it in so much depth. For example, I didn't know every line or angle had to travel back to that one center point in the picture. 

B. With one point perspective my drawing looked very realistic and neat. I think this is because instead of drawing anyway I wanted to I had a formula to my drawing making it harder to be sloppy with lines and angles. 

C. I would add more detail and shading. I think I mostly focused on the lines on shapes in this drawing. There ended up being a lot of white space making the drawing look incomplete.

D. Always use a ruler and double check your work to make sure your lines aren't crooked. Also look at the drawing to make it makes sense realistically (Looks like the real world should).

E. My ruler which always came in handy for making my lines look straight, and just the room in general. You can't just take one look at something and immediately get it right. You also gave very good feedback. Without your help my ceiling would be be off perspective and my back wall would be too small. 

Final Perspective Drawing

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2014-04-21 20.54.43
​1. What is one thing that your learned specifically that you did not know before?
I didn't know how to draw a 3D's door

2. How did leaning this thing make your drawings better?

it make my drawing look better, because it make my door look real, and 3D

3. If you did this assignment again, what would you do differently?

I'll make the windows look more better, and i'll put more time on this project

5. What resource helped you the most and why?

 I think my past projects we did in class helped me the most because it make me know about the basic thing about how to draw a room.

Un dicatador de Guernica

¿Quién eres tú? Habla un poco de tus experiencias, valores, ideas, creencias, políticas.

Soy un dictador de Germania. Estuve soportando mi grupo los nazis. Durante mi tiempo como un dictador, yo discrimino contra afroamericanos y judíos. Soy responsable de la segunda guerra mundial y una incontable cantidad de muertes. Mi plan era gobernar el mundo y extender mi influencia. 

¿Qué ves en la obra? ¿Cómo son los colores? Describe el tono.

En este obra de arte yo veo muerte. Los colores son gris, rojo y negro por que representa las los colores de mi partido politico. 

¿Qué quiere decir el artista?

artista dice que debe de tener poder. Y para obtener ese poder, debes tener una comprensión de la vida y la muerte. Es decir por qué el artista utiliza colores como blanco, negro y gris que representa el entre de la vida y muerte.

¿Qué comunica/significa la obra para ti?

No significa nada para mí. No soy una persona que valora el arte mucha

¿Te gusta? ¿Por qué la escogiste?

No. Creo que es feo y que cualquiera puede dibujar mal

Final Perspective Drawing Green Stream 2014

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a. What is one thing that your learned specifically that you did not know before?
One thing I learned that I did not know before is that all horizontal lines must connect to the vanishing point. 

b. How did leaning this thing make your drawings better?

It made my drawings better because it made them look more realistic.

c. If you did this assignment again, what would you do differently?

If I could do this project again, I would add more details to the room. 

d. What is your advice to someone who has never drawn a one point perspective drawing before?

My advice is to make sure all horizontal lines connect to the vanishing point. It really helped me.

e. What resource helped you the most and why?

A resource that helped me the most was the presentation Mrs. Hull made.It really gave me great instructions and was easy to understand. 

One point perspective

a. What is one thing that your learned specifically that you did not know before? I learned how the vanishing point works and what a vanishing point was because before I had never heard of what that was before Floor Line and ceiling Line was and how it affects my drawing.

b. How did leaning this thing make your drawings better?

The floor line made my drawing look like it was 3 denominational so it gave it a better look the for the windows chairs desks it gave the drawing that illusion. 

c. If you did this assignment again, what would you do differently? I would erase every thing and I would take my time get a bigger ruler to make perfect lines I would start from top to bottom.

d. What is your advice to someone who has never drawn a one point perspective drawing before?

Take your time listen to your teacher and make sure that if you do make a  mistake its not the end of the world erase it and learn fro  your mistake no ones is perfect first time I know mine was not.

e. What resource helped you the most and why?

I think the drawing that was posted online because it gave us a feel of what it need to look like and how we where supposed to make it and having that helped me alot

Final Perspective Drawing Blue Stream 2014

5. Answer these questions in full sentences. Make sure your answers sound intelligent. (read them back to yourself to make sure) No spelling or grammatical errors. Use vocabulary you have learned. 

a. What is one thing that your learned specifically that you did not know before?

I learned to use my artist eye.

b. How did leaning this thing make your drawings better?

I was able to determine things for myself.

c. If you did this assignment again, what would you do differently?

I would give myself more time.

d. What is your advice to someone who has never drawn a one point perspective drawing before?

Make sure you use your artist eye.

e. What resource helped you the most and why?

The step by step slide.

Art final Project

I have taken art classes sense I was young, so this wasn't much of a learning experience. I did learn more about the measurement process and more about scaling. I feel that this piece isn't my best work but I am still rather proud of it because I am very bad with perspective. If I could redo this project I would have given more in class instructions and would have given a longer time to complete the project. I also suffer from depth presentation issues so the fact that this drawing came out so well was very surprising. All in all I really enjoyed this project. 

Final Perspective Drawing

During this project I learned some new things that I had not previously known. One thing I learned was how to use one point perspective to create a 3D drawing. Learning this made my drawing better because I can now make things more realistic. Also it gives it a certain appeal that people like to look at. If I did this assignment again I would definitely learn to use my materials better. I would choose a longer ruler so that my orthogonal lines were more accurate. My advice to a person who has never drawn in one point perspective would be to carefully read instructions and take their time. The resource that helped me was actually other people. I say this because when I was practice drawing getting others feed back helped me better my project and look out for those things when I made my final project.
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Final Perspective Drawing

​Prior to this project, I didn't know how to use a vanishing point. I knew that it was required for perspective drawing, but I didn't know exactly how to make lines utilize a vanishing point to give the illusion of depth. This made my art much better, not only in the sense that I could convey depth, but also in the sense that it gave my art a direction. When my goal was just to make a room with depth, it looked a lot more focused on that goal, which I believe is for the best.
If I were to do this project again, I would add more details. My room felt sad and uninhabited.
My advice to someone who has never drawn in perspective would be this: Draw light lines, have a good eraser, and never forget the vanishing point.
Rulers were my most helpful resource, because I could not have drawn straight lines without a straight edge, and I could not have conveyed depth without straight lines. Erasers were helpful too.

Final Perspective Drawing

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​I learned many different things throughout this process but one thing I specifically learned was that there are different types of lines like Horizontal, Orthogonal, and Vertical to the vanishing point at when all lines in the drawing end up meeting each other. Those things that I learn are all connected because without knowing them, I would have never draw anything what I got right now. These are very easy things that are need to follow and I feel that the vanishing point helped create the drawing. If I was to do this assignment again, I would different is to color it in more. Like I would make some lines darker and some light and just put color period. I think my project would've came out better if I used color. My advice to someone who hasn't never drawn a one point perspective drawing before is it can be hard to make something like this and it is but in order to get this done you need to know the simple of views like bird eye's view. This resource was the most helpful because it has step by step process and slide show with pictures to go with it. 

Final Perspective Drawing

Through out this project I have learned to pay attention on simple details in drawings because they will be necessary on accomplishing the final piece of art. Learning this has helped perfect details in drawings so that they can be better and more appealing to the viewers attention. The direction and setting to which I have drawn the tables would be set differently. I would tell them to pay real good attention in class, ask for help, and search up ways to improve their knowledge on the subject. Everything we have learned in class has helped equally, but if you wanna take things step by step, the final project website really helped in the beginning of the task.

Art Quarter 3 _Khadijah Fofana

This quarter we continue to draw pictures. It get challenging and challenging every  quarter, but not impossible. A the quarter goes on, you start have more and more fun with the picture. I mean some of these picture speaks to you, weather artistically or just as a dry picture. I enjoy drawing these pictures.
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