

Alphabet in Spanish!

Knowing the pronunciation of the letters of the alphabet is important because it helps you with sounding out words in Spanish and writing them.


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3 Monologues

Robbie McCormac                         White house or death house


It’s been 3 long hours I have been standing out side the tall white house that America looks up to how they look up to it I can not begin to understand. How can you trust people to make choices for a nation not even knowing the full effect of what can happen. The tar sands pipeline will be the death of us all. It will have a huge effect on the environment and it won’t end well. The tar sand pipe is just a failure waiting to happen the first pipe that is all ready made was only suppose to leak once every 7 years it leaked 12 times in one year! This is not a safe project that’s why I am up here next to the white house protesting for what I believe is right. We stand here untied for one cause and we are all going to stand up for what’s right like the great red woods in California we will stand up tall. The cops start yelling through their loud speakers. The words they say don’t faze us they roll right off of us like nothing was ever said. They start to move in with their batons and harsh words we still stand. I see people getting handcuffed people bleeding. I start to move back yelling we must stay put we can’t give up we came this far for a reason! An officer came up to me and through my hands behind my back I just kept a smile on my face. I felt the icy cold steel cuffs go around my wrist, At that moment I knew I did everything that I possibly could.

Robbie McCormac                        Dimitrty Medvedev           


Hello my name is Dmitrty Medvedev I am the current Prime Minister of Russia. I thought it would be in my best interest to express my opinion about the Tar sand pipeline and how it can effect the rest of the world. The oil companies are getting greedy and they don’t understand the risk they could be putting all of us through. The oil that would be pumped out of Canada to America is what we call crude oil. Crude oil is a very dirty form of oil and it can be very dangerous to transport. This oil can have effects on the land, water ,and air. The people of the world could be potentially be facing a crisis and we don’t even realize it we just over look it like it’s just another way to get energy. I’m expressing my view here because I know President Obama has the power to make the final decision about this and he can potentially change the environment, as we know it. The tar sand’s is a catastrophe waiting to happen. It doesn’t only affect the U.S the Co2 from this can go into the air and cause serious problems for other countries to.

As an allies I would just like you to consider the possible negative out comes that may happen because of this.


                                                Dmitrty Medvedev

Robbie McCormac                         Trans Canada


To Who ever may find this.

You are reading my last journal entry. The year is 2016 December 5th We finally got approved to start getting the crude oil that was in Canada over to the united states. We should have listened to all the protesters and the environmentalist. We got all the pipes in place by 2015 but we weren’t aloud to pump the oil until this year at first everything was fine jobs were created people were happy and best of all profit was coming in. We were able to take control of the oil industry in the United States it was a great accomplishment. But weeks after drilling the world was shocked to hear what was happing the current atmospheric co2 number went from 390ppm to a staggering 460ppm in just over a week people were scared with fear and I couldn’t blame them that day I drove to the Trans Canada HQ and sat at my desk looking out the window the sky now red with heat and blistering light. I sat at my all oak desk hearing on the T.V how we doomed the planet the co2 level was suppose to rise by 12 every day eventfully causing the atmosphere to collapse and then the planet would be destroyed people were told to live as well as they could in these last moments on earth. I put my head on my desk and reached under it to take out the little bottle of rum I kept. I took one last swig and opened my vault. Once I opened my vault I saw the letters C.O.L.T .45 and I just gazed upon it.


"Futuro" por Seamus Kirby

The purpose of this project was to create a mask that represented us. We wrote an essay that had two parts, the things that were obvious about us, and the things that were less obvious about us. Our masks could be anything we wanted, I chose to make a mask of a platypus. I chose this animal because the platypus seems like a more "advanced" animal, that can adapt to many environments and situations. It seems like a creature well suited for the future, which is what I would like to be; prepared for whatever comes my way in the future. After creating the masks, we put the parts that were obvious about us on the outside of the essay, and the parts that were less obvious on the inside. Masks are an important part of Spanish culture, because many festivals and celebrations use masks to represent animals and spirits.


Lo obvio:

Una de mis cosas favoritos para hacer es jugar fútbol. Yo empese a jugar fútbol cuando tenia 5 años. Yo he jugado en varios equipos de fútbol, un equipo de Fairmount, Palumbo, y el equipo de SLA. Fútbol es algo que yo puede hacer para reéducar tensión en mi vida. Cuando yo soy frustrado o triste, yo puedo jugar fútbol y me siento mejor. Cuando yo conozco a gente por primera vez, yo estoy muy huraño. Fútbol me presentó a un grupo de gente que gusta algo similar que mi. Los miembros de mi equipo de fútbol eran mis primeros amigos en SLA cuando yo vení aquí por primera vez. Ellos ya están algunos de mis mejores amigos. A mi me importa mucho mi familia, y mis amigos. Mi familia están las personas que yo amo, y nos apoyamos a cada uno de nosotros. Tengo un hermano, llamado Colin. A veces, el me molesta, pero la mayoría del tiempo nos callemos bien. Mi mama me entiendo mucho, y yo puedo ir a ella para ayuda. Mi padre y yo somos muy similares. Por eso, nosotros nos entendemos a el otro, pero también nosotros nos molestan a la otro. Pero la mayoría del tiempo nos callemos bien. Mis amigos son las personas que me mantiene feliz. Sin mis amigos, yo sera mas deprimido en el vida. Yo soy pasivo. No estoy muy pasivo, pero estoy mas pasivo que afirmativo. Eso es a veces útil, pero otros tiempos es malo. Es bueno porque yo raramente tiene argumentos con personas, y ese esta bueno por mis relaciones con gente. Al mismo tiempo, yo no soy proactiva, y yo no haga atemptos para hacer cosas.


Lo menos obvio:

Yo no estoy un persona religiosa, y yo no creo en dios. Yo creo que eso esta bueno en mi vida, por varias razones. En mi opinión la religión esta un barrera para la creatividad y la imaginacíon. Si crees en un explicación por vida y el universo y solo esto, no quieres aprender sobre la ciencia de el universo, y vida. Yo creo que es mucho mas interesante aprender como vida evolvo desde un célula pequeño, hasta animales complexos como humanos, en vez de solamente pensar que dios pono todo en el mundo. Yo creo que la ciencia que explica como funciona el universo, como estrellas, planetas, luz, son muy interesante, pero la religion a veces condena esas estudios. En mi opinión, no creer en dios en un cosa libertador. Yo no haga cosas buenas para apaciguar un dios, haga cosas buenas para hacer cosas buenas. Mis opiniones sobre religión no afecta la mayoría de mis relaciones, excepto por pocos personas con quien me tiene argumentos. Mis padres tiene expectaciones muy altas de mi. Esta no esta solamente de cosas como escuela, y mis grados, pero también cosas no académicas. Esto es bueno, porque me da un empuja para hacer bueno en vida. También, yo estoy empezando de tener los mismos expectaciones de mi mismo. Los únicas cosas malas de esto es que a veces me estrés, y causa argumentos con padres. Unos de los cosas que yo quiere hacer cuando tiene un trabajo, esta ingeniero, o programador de computadora. Estos son mis intereses favoritos, porque para mi trabajo, yo necesita resolver problemas. Yo me gusta resolver problemas porque me da un sensacíon de gratificacíon. No me importa si el problema es sobre un problema en una programa de computador, o si un ciudad no tiene agua limpia. También es bueno que esos trabajos tienen un bien paga, pero la parte mas importante para mi es la trabajo que esta haciendo.


Photo on 2011-11-03 at 11.05
Photo on 2011-11-03 at 11.05

Basic Conversation/ How are you?

So your mom surprises you and your family with a great big trip to Costa Rica! Problem is thats a spanish speaking country and you need some basic understanding of what to say. Well we got the solution for you with these charts:
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"(título de la obra)" por (tu nombre)

(Explanation in English of what the project was and the about the 2 part essay and then the significance of masks for you and for other cultures. Explain the design of your máscara.)

(Post your ensayo. Italicize it or change the font or color so that it's clear that it is separate from the above explanation.)

(click on multimedia below to post a photo of your máscara)

Before you publish it:

1) spell check your explanation
2) have another person peer check the explanation
3) put the tags: E4U1 (enter) Manuel (enter) masks (enter)

My drawings

Screen Shot 2011-11-10 at 2.33.36 PMThis is my picture of the clear drawing before I finished it.
2011-11-01 09.33.24 This is my picture of the clear drawing after I finished it.
I feel pretty proud of what I draw. I feel as though I accomplished a lot, like at first I was telling myself that I couldn't do it but when I started to draw I told myself I could do it. At the end it came out pretty well. The process of drawing this picture was pretty easy because at first you had to draw the outline of the object. It give you a picture of how the object should look. Then you had to put in the lighting it wasn't really hard because you had to focus on where the light hit the glass. You can tell where because the glass would brighten and shine more. The next thing you had to was take away the outline because there was really no outline there. At the end of my drawing it really look like it was 3-d which I think is pretty stellar.

When I started drawing my full figure drawing I had the beautiful image of what it was going to look like. With both of my drawings, I want for them to come out looking great. That wasn’t always possible. With my full figure project it didn’t come out as a thought it would. I had a whole different picture in my mind. I wanted for my picture to be pretty; I wanted for my picture to covered all of the details that I saw. That couldn’t happen because every time I had to start over. At the end I thought it was still pretty good.

Through out the course of me drawing my full figure object, it was hard. I had to start over four times, in all four classes. It was pretty terrible. I wanted to give up; I was going to give up. My teacher and one of my peers encourage me to continue. My peer helped me with my outline, she pointed out things that I haven’t seen before. At the end I thought it was a pretty good turnout. With my clear object it was really easy. I drew what I saw and at the end I went over it and made it even better. It was one the best thing I ever draw.

My work shows that if I but my mind up to it I can do it. If I try hard and say I can do it then it’ll keep happen. As long as I have positive mind then my work will show how good I am. The same thing happens with all my other work. If I put my mind to it I can do it. I have learned how to have a positive relation with all of my work.

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2011-11-01 09.33.24
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Chile(Buchanico, Bezhani)

Buchanico, Bezhani


Chile por Serafína y Arseño

Nosotros volemos a chile. Arseño pago para medio del precio. Nosotros commimos almuerzo y cina. La comida vino en muchas sabros deliciosos. Despues nosotros fuimos a un hotel en Santiago. Es mucho grande y blanco. Nosotros fuimos a la playa para nadar. Tener la agua fue guapa. Nosotros fuimos el parque en Santiago. Fue mucho diverted. Despues tomamos un taxi a las montañas. Nosotros caminamos en las montañas.

Visitamos ina iglesia una ciudad. Nosotros hablamos con las personas en la iglesia. Comimos en la restorante famoso.

Comomos chile en chile y muchos frutos. Estaba delicioso. Regresamos a la hotel.

El procsimo dia tomamos una avion a Filadelfia.





Lobbying Project #2

The person who represents me is Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown.  Who has been about of the Philadelphia youth for along time. She has programs that work with energy conservation, and energy matters.

How has my legislator voted on my issue in the past? There wasn't really an issue on my topic in the past due to the recent act of violence ( Flash Mobs) in the city.

What do you and your representative have in common?
We are both against violence, but we both are in to helping others and good education.

Artist Statement - Hohenstein - Q1

​Charcoal is a classic medium and indisputably the one I am most comfortable with. It smoothes well and thick and leaves part of your art work on your fingers. When you become so accustomed to using just one medium you know the intricacies that it wants and how to bend to its desires and make it work the way you want it to. That is why I find it so easy and fluid to make so many drawings of the same thing. Each time it comes out strangely different than before which is why I never stop doing the same thing. Part of the most interesting thing in this project was how I was able to do the same concept a few times before I felt I had accomplished something. I did two figure drawings, one in color and one in quick sketch charcoal. I felt like they were completely different projects and in a sense they were. I was in a different position and a different paper and medium and model. But the base concept was the same - large figure drawing. It just makes me happy to see how things that are the same concept end up so differently. 

Similarly, I also made three drawings on glass bowls. One was a simple sketch to get the feeling of the material right. The second was with water and a flower to test my use of shapes and dark versus light. The third was a still life of multiple to try my hand at the circles they had as well as glass on top of glass. Again I was in deep admiration of the way that things that would seem so similar can be portrayed so differently.

The pictures came out very small, sorry.



Lobbying Post #1

1.    What are you lobbying for, against or to change? Explain the issue  I am lobbying for the curfew act in Philadelphia.
  2.    Elaborate on your motivation for investigating and influencing public policy? I am a young man in philadelphia, when I'm not in school that like to get out at night and have fun. Which i can't because I got to be in the house at a time where the fun start.
   3.    Who are the main supporters of your lobbying idea? Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown
   4.    Who are the main opponents of your lobbying idea? Philadelphia Youth
  5.    Is there any pending legislation dealing with your lobbying idea? Explain. If there is not, what would you like to see proposed. Elaborate. I would like to see them proposed some way of going to where the problem is like the old days and stop picking on all the youth they see.
 6.    Any other information regarding the background for your topic. This is only happening in philadelphia and i don think its right!


Enero- January

Febrero- February

Marzo- March

Abril- April

Mayo- May

Junio- June

Julio- July

Agosto- August

Septiembre- September

Octubre- October

Noviembere- November

Diciembre- December 

Days for the Week

Monday- Lunes


Tuesday- Martes


Wednesday-  Miecoles


Thursday- Jueves


Friday- Viernes


Saturday- Sabado


Sunday_ Domingo