SPANISH 1 TAREA: Possession 02/23/11

A) "OUR"
Escribe: nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras
1. . . .  familia es bastante grande
2. . . . profesores son bien simpáticos.
3. . . . novias son muy guapas.
4. . . . clases son demasiado dificiles.
5. . . . director se llama Sr. Lehmann.

B) Escribe en español. 'S NO EXISTE en español.
1. She is Allison's best friend.
2. Baird's class is fun.
3. Allen's computer doesn't work.

Aidan and the

Aidan walked into the wood, wielding only his trusty axe and a thermos of coffee and whiskey. He made sure to step on each of the individual crusty brown leaves lying on the forest floor. He was thinking about his cabin, deeply secluded in the mountain several miles away. He couldn't quite remember if he had covered his logs with the tarp. He wondered if his dog, Bruce Springsteen, was still howling at the oven.

"Fucking dogs," Aidan thought.

If only he didn't have to travel this far everyday. If only Montana hadn't recently passed the Land Protection Act, Aidan wouldn't have to travel several miles by foot every day to avoid cutting down trees in an "environmental preservation zone."

"Fucking treehuggers," Aidan thought.

He finally stopped next to a tall tree with ripe red leaves. He looked up, savoring the view of the sun shining through the beautiful red leaves. For a moment, Aidan remembered. He remembered climbing in these trees as a youngster. Sharing a picnic with his family in this very spot. For a moment, Aidan was not Aidan the lumberjack, but Aidan the human being.

He then swung his axe into the tree until it fell heavily to the ground.

"Fucking nature," Aidan thought.

Is blood thicker than water ?

​What is it like to be a single mom ? Would it be better if the rest of your  family was married ? This podcast is about my mother experience as a single mom is a traditional family. My mother is the interviewee and i am interviewing  her .This is all about her interesting stories of her family i the last 16 years .
Crossing Boundaries _Families Judgement  Podcast

Chris and the Diner

"And don't come back!" she screeched as she threw Chris to the ground. "Ouch," Chris thought, "what a strong woman. She just threw me!"

Chris had just been thrown out of his favourite diner. He had been hitting on the waitress, Carmella, yet again. She told him that he was making her uncomfortable, but he didn't listen. He couldn't. Hard as he tried, he could not manage to stop the steady stream of sexual innuendo and just outright profanity that flowed out of his mouth.

With the help of the handrail against which he fell, Chris pulled himself up, lit a cigarette, and walked away. Like a boss.

Alex and the Accident

Alex ate her macaroni and cheese in silence. This silence was not one born out of upset or anger, however-- no, this silence was forced. In fact, if she could have it her way, Alex would be talking. Yelling. Singing. She could not, however, because Alex was a mute.

She had been a mute for only 1 year, since the accident. The accident that changed her life. The accident... that changed her destiny.

No, but seriously, it was just a car accident. Her destiny is still probably the same. She just can't talk now.

Um another story I guess

Saturday night I realized that one of the beads on my nose ring popped off. It was late, so I decided to just put it aside and fix it tomorrow. However, the next morning, the entire ring had fallen out, so I kind of panicked. 

I attempted to put the ring back in myself, but I guess it closed up a little and it hurt, so I decided I didn't want to mess with it and went to the place I got it pierced at originally. 

I decided while I was there I might as well get a bigger ring, because I've wanted a bigger one for ages. 

I didn't realize that meant they would have to stretch my piercing, and I guess I wasn't prepared for it. 

The girl put a taper in my nose and started pushing, I was just sitting there thinking ...this hurts... why does this... the piercing itself didn't even hurt... this hurts WOW THIS HURTS 

I started tearing up, and accidentally said "crying is for the weak" out loud. Now everyone there (well my two friends had come with me) witnessed how badass I am and they can't even deny it. 

Christine and the Avocado

Christine walked to the supermarket to buy an avocado. She had to stop several times on the way there in order to tie her shoelaces. This did not bother her, however, as the weather was, as she would say, "positively delightful!"

When she got to the store, Christine bought her avocado. On her walk home, her shoes became untied again. She screamed a scream of anger, threw her shoes to the sidewalk, and walked away. Like a boss.

But man was that avocado ripe.

Fake Behind Snow Day

This long week has been great. I was surprised that we didn't have school yesterday all because we had like three inches of snow. Then again that is the Philadelphia school system.

I woke up yesterday extra early in the morning to get ready and to make it on time ( I had saturday school this week; I was not trying to be late) I was fully dressed and ready to go to school. While I'm heading out my little brother starts complaining about how there is snow on the ground and he didn't want to go to school. I start to argue with him until he finally makes e go on FaceBook to check if anyone else was going to school. (It's a shame really that I didn't just turn the news on.) None the less I pull out my laptop and at seven in the morning there is a never ending feed flow  from SLAers in particular; some happy and upset about there not being school. I was a it discouraged because I had put so much effort into getting ready that particular day; But i put on my PJ's and sat on my couch.

Schooled by Jenn Wright

What's in a school? How about tradition? As said by my best friend and interviewee "High school is a whole different world." Grade school may seem like no big deal but coming from a Catholic grade school based entirely on tradition, this was my story about crossing the boundary by leaving my neighborhood and my peers. This is a story about my parents decision to break the social norm and *gasp* send me to public school *gasp times two*--downtown. 

Musical Breakdown
First Day of my Life- Bright Eyes
Polite Dance Song- The Bird and the Bee
The Book of Matches- Gentleman Auction House
Stranger- Dr. Dog
CrossingBoundariesPodcastJWright 2

"No Cell Phone, No Power" by Sierra Dinvil

In this podcast I interviewed my cousin Brandon Carter about his cell phone being taken away from him. He talks about the toll it took on him and his social life, and why parents everywhere should make rules regarding cell phones very clear. Enjoy!

Music - Jingle Bell Rock (Instrumental), Happy Ending (Avril Lavigne), Happy Ending (Guitar Solo)

A Life You Didn't Choose for Yourself by Mabintu Donzo

  I interview my uncle about the war he was apart of  when he was younger.
mabintu Q2 English BMK-3

"Living with the Disease" by Isabella Tognini

In this podcast, I interview my friend Haley Van Schaick and Kelly Kunik, both whom are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. For those of you who don't know what diabetes is, listen to the interview, where I explain exactly what it is. This podcast is about living with diabetes and doing things that differently to try to be a normal person, but still having to live with a disease.
Crossing Boundries

I Fought the Law and Guess Who Won by NaQuan Harding

What can you say about the law? You love it, but at the same time, you hate it. It keeps you safe, it keeps order, but also restricts the things you're allowed to do. In this podcast, I talk about a time when I was just being an idiot and broke the law. I also interview my mom about a time when one of her friends got into big trouble with the law.
I Fought the LawGuess Who Won