What is Printmaking?

Printmaking is an art that is designed by printing a picture to a paper, block, or plates. Printmaking is important because it attract creativity and corporate arts to other people. The invention of printmaking was revolutionary because it first started from the Chinese and then was inspired by the Europeans. This is so important because many people was inspired by it and they want to go try it as well. It was past from generation to generation and from countries to countries and soon it was world wide.

Image result for printmaking art

I found this printmaking interesting because it shows the different contrast of the work and that because of the space that is around it. In this printmakig, I noticed that in the background, half of it is black and the other half is white. I also noticed that there are multiple lines on the picture. I wonder how the artist make the contrast of the colors for half of the picture. What if there is only a white background?

Briannie Matos: Printmaking

Printmaking is a way of making art. Printmaking are designs and pictures printed on a more likely a plate or block. Sharpening tools are used to carve a design out. After your design is carved out, you would use ink to transfer the design onto the surface you want the design on. Printmaking is important because art has a way of speaking to everyone. There are so many beautiful designs that people have carved out. Engraving is one of the oldest art forms and throughout the centuries, it has turned into printmaking.

Image result for Printmaking designs

This design is a common design but very beautiful. I notice how the top of the design is white over black and the bottom is black over white. I wonder what made the artist to it this way but it was a good choice. I also noticed how the background of both trees aren’t similar. It’s cool like that because it’s like giving you 2 sides of the tree and the weather of where the tree is at.

Art Blog and Artist Statement

Printmaking is a medium of art that is made by carving pictures or designs on plates or blocks and stamping them into a surface. The ink allows artists to have very strong colors and high contrasts in the print. While engraving is one of the oldest art forms, relief printing techniques were first used by the Egyptians to print on fabric. However, printmaking first appeared in Europe in the 15th century. Johannes Gutenberg started to work on his printing press in 1436, but Master E.S. was one of the first to use initials as a signature on his plates. The subject of the prints also varied in different parts of the world. In Germany and the Netherlands the art was almost completely dominated by religious subject matter and Italian printmaking covered a more broad range. The Invention of printmaking was revolutionary for several reasons. For starters, no one had thought of using these techniques as a regular art form before. It also lasted longer that oil paintings and other mediums of art because the block was often made of wood or stone. It was also a new way for artists to show color and tone in their work. The print I chose is The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai. The print shows an ocean with large, restless waves. Amidst the blue and white waves you can see two tattered and beaten down canoes with rows of men in them taking shelter from the waves. In the background you can see a large, snow capped mountain. The piece has a lot of cool tones in the sky and the water and shows texture by creating wakes in the waves. The artist shows space by having a foreground in the ocean and a background with the mountain. I notice that the men in the bout are hunched down and have matching uniforms. I wonder if they were a part of some kind of crew or army. I also notice that the sky is grey and that the wakes are big and violent. I wonder if that means it is a big storm that these soldiers got trapped in.

​Hokusai, The Great Wave off Kanagawa
​Hokusai, The Great Wave off Kanagawa

A. Negative space is is the empty space around the subject of an image.

B. I found the negative space in my cut out by tracing the lines of the tree and cutting out the darker parts.

C. Seeing in negative space helps an artist because they can make their subject more defined, interesting, and detailed.

D. I think seeing in negative space enhances some drawings because if you want to depict a sharp image with high contrast, it can help get your message across to the viewer.

Untitleddocument (6)

What is Printmaking?

​Printmaking is the process of making artworks with the use of printing. There are different types of printmaking which are woodcut, metalcut, linocut, lithography, and etc. People all over the world use printmaking. Everyone knows the importance of printmaking and the techniques of it. Printmaking can create a variety of special artworks. Printmaking is important to more people than others.
  Printmaking began in China after paper was invented around AD 105. In Europe printmaking began showing up in the 15th century. Another type of printmaking is relief printing. Relief printing is the process where protruding surface faces of the printing plate or block are inked. This technique was created by Peta Jayne Smith. The tools she used were a brayer, roller,paper, and a printing plate or block of course. I picked this image because it was eye catching to me and everything wa artistically drawn.  

What is Printmaking?

Do you know what printmaking is? It’s simple, printmaking is a technique in art that transfers ink to a paper. There are different kinds of printmaking. Some include woodcut, linocut, lithography, and more. Printmaking is important to people all over the world. It is a well known technique all over the world. Many people use it. There are a lot of artworks that are made from printmaking techniques.

Printmaking began in China, around AD 105. The relief printmaking process was invented by Daniel Hopfer who was from Augsburg, Germany. Printmaking started to show up in Europe in the 15th Century. This was invented when paper was made, which was in China. As mentioned before, there are many different printmaking processes created by different artists. Relief printing prints what is on the left of the original surface. This method uses different materials. It requires wood or linoleum blocks. On the other hand, intaglio requires copper, zinc, as well as plastics. There are also different basic tools that is should be used for relief printing. This method uses tools such as a knife and a gouge.

This technique is created by Robert Mangold. This is a woodcut. I decided to choose this print because it is simple. It is also aesthetically pleasing to the eye. The image was carved onto a wood surface and then inked and printed.

Printmaking and Relief printing

Printmaking is the activity of making pictures of designs by printing them on blocks, and plates. It is originally an ancient technique that were used by many tribes and nations such as China, Germany, Egypt, Japan, etc. Printmaking is important because it’s a way of expressing yourself, and designing stuff such as armor, plates, traditional materials or just plain art. People even used to use printmaking to communicate. A kind of printmaking is relief printing, which is when the image is a relatively simple matter of inking the original surface of the matrix and bringing it in firm contact with the paper. Then remove (by carving) away areas intended to print white.


This is an example of relief printing. I notice how the artist made this art look simple. I also notice how the beautiful this art looks like with just black and white. I wonder what inspired the artist to make this art. I also wonder how long it took for the artist to make this.

Printmaking Traditions

Nasya Ie

Printmaking is a form of art, for religious use, mark an animal or prisoner, and there are different techniques to printmaking. Printmaking can be in different forms, Intaglio, stencil etc. Each Type of printmaking uses different materials and techniques. The form of printmaking was originated from China, China they used it for religious show their religious idols.

The one of the oldest type of relief printing is engraving, engraved designs were found on bones, stones and cave walls. But what was their ink back then? They used clay to make that impression. Printmaking was spreaded to Europe and Europe used it for religious use also. At that time it was getting popular, they would print things on thin pieces of paper and some people would eat it. Whatever the image was on the paper it will protect them or the will make wishes. This shows that printmaking we different for everybody they will use for different uses.

Here is an example of Chinese printmaking

Image result for printmaking from china

I chosed this printmaking because you can see every detail and it shows you that you can do a lot with printmaking. You can see the texture, different color and how real it looks.

Overall for printmaking it can be different, printmaking can be used for traditions, religion, art, and communicate with each other.

The Significance of Printmaking

Printmaking is a form of art that originated in China in the year 105 AD. It involves carving an image into a surface -- such as wood or metal -- and then rolling ink onto the surface. Then, the artist places paper over the image, and presses it together revealing a unique work of art. This technique came about soon after the invention of paper, making it almost ancient.

Printmaking was an important invention because of how different it is from other forms of art. It uses negative space to create beautiful art. Printmaking was also used by famous artists including Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhol along with artists from all over the world.

Print for art blog
Print for art blog

In the foreground, this print shows thick tree branches with two birds. The background shows a person. His shadow stretches along a road lined with buildings. I notice that the man is alone and I wonder how the image would be different if there were multiple people. It might have a less gloomy feel to it. What if the artist had made the man larger, and the tree portion smaller?

(Artwork by Leon Sidwell)

Printmaking Blog

MIcah Carrera  ART 9

Printmaking is when a picture or design is printed from a special stamp, block, or plate that is specially prepared. This is important because it is a beautiful addition to the category of art and is a profession that many people do today. The invention of printmaking was revolutionary because these prints were sold for a lot of money and was seen as something that brought people together.

This print stood out to me because it is very detailed. I notice that the artist used many lines to create the face. I wonder if the artist intended the whole print in general t make the Lion look very angered, not from his facial expressions.

How Printmaking Changed Us

Printmaking is important and easy to make. The history of printmaking starts with a block some carvings and it produces many of the same copy. It’s art with a hint of a beautiful meaning and it’s easy to make around the house. Printmaking is important because it makes copying easier, it takes a small amount of time to make many types of art, it even evolved throughout history and now printmaking saves people time and effort and it’s easy for us to get copies of homework to do every night. People back then used wood, rubber, and stone, they also used ink to outline their image or text and they had to press it on paper. It evolved from Europe to China to the west, books and tests were printed easier for money, and Chinese people would print charms for lucky beliefs. The art that I chose conducted with dark and light lines, there is space between the person, the buildings, and the tree branches. I notice the contrast and how this specific art is divided between dark at the top and light at the bottom makes this a very interesting form of printmaking. I wonder why the artist had to add the person to the picture too instead of keep it an empty space between the two sides of the building. What if the artist didn't add any living form in there?


W2 D2 Printmaking-Rivera

Benjamin Rivera

Printmaking was a revolutionary form of art that has evolved into art we see today

Printmaking is when you carve shapes into a piece of stained wood,roll ink on the wood ,put pressure with a piece of paper

Artist wanted something unique as sculpting and painting.Goes back to 255 B.C. Came from China

It created new art in Mexico.It gave ideas for more printmaking processes.It help create mechanical moving printing

Printmaking is interesting because you can make a flat surface turn into a 3-D Design

Relief Printing is the most interesting because it is the easiest to make and it doesn’t take a lot of materials to do it

The Work of art is fascinating there is an endless amounts of different art that are appealing to the human eye

W2 D2 Printmaking - Ossowski

Printmaking is the process of carving on a surface, then rolling ink on it to print on paper. This is useful because you can use the same surface with the carvings again to print on paper. You can copy the picture again and again with the same surface.

It was invented by Daniel Hopfer, the invention started in China, then moved to the Middle East. Printmaking was used on walls, stone, and even bones from long ago. It is believed that the Egyptians didn't start using wood blocks until the 6th or 7th century. When doing this process the Hopfer not only invented the idea of multiplying something, but the roller also. Before that, they used the rubbing method.

This artist decided to do a animal near a tree when it is snowing. You can tell it is snowing from all the white on it. The artist creates space by making the hill and the tree close but not on the same angle. The face on the animal shows that it is scared of the viewer or is cold because of the snow. The contrast shows that it is dark. The tree in this also has texture so you know there aren’t any leaves, you know it is winter. I notice that the animal looks at the viewer with such sadness that you actually feel sad. When I saw this I knew I had to critique it because it gave me emotion. I honestly love this print because of that.


Oxacana Cavalera

Printmaking is important because a lot of artists find a way to express what they want through it, like a lot of artists find their happiness in printmaking. Also, a lot of process are involved in the printmaking. It also inspired other streams of art, like graffiti.  

The invention of printmaking was revolutionary for multiple reasons. The most relevant one is probably that it allows to produce multiple images, it was totally new at this time. It also made a redemption with the other styles of art at this time, mainly when it has been discovered in Europe.  

I find this printmaking interesting because it translates a lot of expressions and feelings through a skull. It represents the Mexican Day of the Dead, which is a very important event outhere. This artist is very satirical in his drawings, we can see as well that the people behind him are bourgeois, the main character is actually the representation of what these people are afraid of, he is the allegory of the poor mexican people that terrorise the higher class.

(Source: https://publicdomainreview.org/collections/the-calaveras-of-jose-guadalupe-posada/)

How printmaking revolutionized art - Sam Gualtieri

Printmaking originated in China in 105 AD. It was an efficient way to copy designs to be re-printed. Over the next 1912 years it massively increased in popularity. In the 1400’s Daniel Hopfer popularized the method of relief printing after using it to add designs and textures to armor. During the Han Dynasty, woodblock printing was popularized being used on silk. Printmaking is a unique art form because it has multiple mediums that all come out with products unlike any other art form. Such as using wood engraving, a letterpress, or woodcutting.

Printmaking revolutionized the way we copy artwork and literature as well as designing an entirely new artistic look. The image I've included was once being sold at https://www.etsy.com/listing/241668864/ but is no longer available. I'm a fan of this piece because I noticed way it depicts the light in the sky and how it hit's the building. I'm also a fan because it references a television show called Futurama which I am a fan of.

The Importance of Printmaking

Printmaking is the art of carving, etching, or putting chemicals on stone canvases and working in the art. This form of art is important because, it preserves the history of paper and ink art from China. Printmaking also is a form of art that is still used today.

Printmaking was revolutionary because using an older form of art, people started creating paper money, magazines, books, posters, and billboards.This is important because we use these things everyday, when we pay for food, read magazines or newspapers, and when we do work in school on packets or in books.


This piece of art  interests me for many reasons. I notice how fine the fur is and the intricate details in the background. It makes me wonder how much time it took to make this piece. I also wonder how they got the blue background and the black cat.

Printmaking Blog - Day 2

​Printmaking is a unique way to transfer pictures/paintings onto a textured canvas. For example, instead of just painting a picture on canvas paper, artist use metal, wood, plate, stone or screen. There isn't just one processes of printmaking-relief, intaglio, lithography, stencil, etc. 
One of the important reasons why printmaking was invented so people can communicate from long distances. Johannes Gutenberg was the first person to introduce printing to Europe. It allowed for people to make multiple copies of one. This was people were able to expand news. People all around the world were now able to here from distant areas. 
When I shop for home decor I usually go for a modern look. To me modern has a very small color pallet. For example, black, white, grey and tan. So for the image I chose consisted of black and white. This way there is contrast and postive/negative space. Giving it an aesthetically pleasing look. In the image there is also fading. The fading makes it different because I know there was a different technique involved in order to make the image. 

I notice that art has different meanings. For example, some artist focus on certain techniques- point perspective, positive/negative space. art isn't just coloring. There is music also involved with art. I always wondered how artist come up with such unique ideas. Personally I have a hard time coming up with something of my own. What if printmaking was never discovered ? How would people communicate? There would have not been books, newspaper, signs, etc. 


The Art of Printmaking

Printmaking is the occupation of printing art using a block or plate with the art engraved in it. Printmaking is important, because it gives you the ability to print the art engraved in the block or plate as many times as you would like. The invention of printmaking has many useful purposes. Printing gives a unique look to art, because of the ability to have different thickness of lines. I notice the artwork above is a fish which shows that you have the freedom to print whatever you would like.

Mulder-Slater, Andrea, Fish, 2014

Zeyah Gomez/Pablo Picasso Art

Tell your reader what printmaking is and why it is important.

Print making is process of which art is printed on a platform Printmaking is important because it’s a way to express yourself as an artist. Street art/ Graffiti is a form of printmaking.  If you see Graffiti out on walls in your city you’re seeing printmaking first hand.
Explain to the reader why the invention of printmaking was revolutionary and why it is so important.

The invention of printmaking was revolutionary because there was revolutionary art that made history that was printmaking. Pablo Picasso even did printmaking the most popular artist. Printmaking is important because it revolves around art or the reverse.

Find a print that interests you. Download a copy of the print, upload the print with credits to your blog.

pablo picasso art SLA
Tell why you find the print artistically interesting. Use this resource (Links to an external site.) to properly tell about the print you chose.

My sign is a Taurus and the sign of a Taurus is a bull. I like the mix of colors it seems like negative colors, because an animal is killing another animal.  I noticed the picture is simple for example the feet are like little triangles. I wonder the inspiration of this artwork, was it from a experience with a bull or does this symbolizes the artist. What if this picture was not negative What if the background was filled with spectators in the background.
Use - I notice... I wonder… What if… to explain how you think about the work of art.


Zeyah,Gomez, Bulls Fight, 1934, Paris

{Alexis Sweeney} Week 2 - Day 2 - Blog - What is printmaking/Why is printmaking important?

Hokusai, The Great Wave

I notice in this print the age in expertise. If you look closely you may see the texture of wood and leveling of carving. Where the cuts have been made, you can see them, leveled  space variety from the plain surface without much added color or texture. The added realistic aspect of the crashing waves are pleasing to the eyes. The colors are meticulous on purpose to ensure the wave's integrity.

I wonder what Hokusai went through to create with picture. Because it is so beautiful, I wonder is a great deal of stress was put into preserving it or if the true story behind it is a dynamic to the aesthetic.

What if this wasn’t created at all? Would we observe another picture similar, or would we have curated a mainstream around something else made by the artist?

Printmaking is one of the world's oldest art forms dating back to 764 CE. We may not notice regularity of our use of the art form, but chances are you are in a place where the art form can be found. 
Printmaking is important because in today's culture many of the street art pieces like graffiti and wall murals involve the process. Art centered around this process and the artists who produce carbon copies, woodwork, and printing aren't acknowledged for printmaking because of how common it is. However, they are no exception to the praise for their beautiful art pieces. We use printmaking most every day, that is what marks it's importance.
Invented in 1470 by Daniel Hopfer in Augsburg Germany, the process of printmaking was first used by the inventor to decorate his armor with prints. He fancied the designs he made and saw it fit to bring it into the mainstream art societies. Traditional etching, printing done by carving of wood or other materials, uses acids or mordants to dig into the parts of the surface to create a design. Other ways of printmaking include using ink on a flat surface or rolling on designs to bleed onto a surface. Relief printing needs no printing press, only a roller and the cutting of wood for the image to appear.

Art Blog and Artist Statement Maya Kohl

Printmaking originated in China, when they would paint on paper a symbol or text to create a message. They did it to express a belief in the religion. Later became popular in relief printmaking in Europe. In Europe they became very advance with paper mills and printing other religions symbols. It was a discovery around the 15th century. The whole process of printmaking was from the East. The first original printing stamp invention was cut steel and brands, they used this to mark animals or prosteners. Later in the 15th century books were created on woodblocks, in Germany. In Japan in the 18th century, it became know from china, so the Japanese created colors in printmaking. The imagery and colors are still today used in the trending fashions and books. Years later it became very successful because it developed into an equally aesthetic and commercial process printmaking became widespread with advanced ink in 1960. It was very popular around the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War, because they printed out banners and poster to express peace.  

Relief printing is when there is ink applied to a woodcut or metal carved plate. So when the surface face is placed on paper the area cut into the plate will show up. Other printmaking could simply be drawing, or using paint to fill in the empty places cut out. Or there is intaglio, which is when an object is engraved with design prints. There are prints like lithography where the ink is placed on a surface where it’s needed and placed carefully onto one specific area and rolled over or pushed into the paper, and when peeling it off leave the ink where it was placed. Another type of printing would be serigraphy which is when ink is forced through a silk screening to create a design. One more example of printmaking is monoprinting that's when there are specific lines that can only be drawn one and printed down carefully. But unlike most printmaking this one has many techniques to how this could be done.


This flower shows a serigraphy type print. Its layered colors to blend together to make a whole print. I find this serigraphy printed print artistically interesting because of how many layers it took to complete something so realistic. I think it shows a impressive job at matching opposite colors to make the main focus really pop. I see texture in the petals within the mixture of coloring and middle core of the flower. There isn't similarly in the flowers petals but in the shape I see it so it fills out the whole canvas which is pleasing to the eye. I noticed each line drawn is not distinct they bleed into other colors to make it more realistic and I wonder how they did that because it was a print so they must of layered the ink patterns very carefully.

Siarra Cummings Print Making

Printmaking is the process which an artist takes a stencil or something with a design on them and use a roller (with ink on it) and roll it over it to create an image. It is important because it makes a picture faster and nice in a short amount of time. Printmakers were inspired by stained glass windows to create these images. The invention of printmaking is so important because it makes pictures that are nice. It was revolutionary because artists found a new way to create something. 
Image result for printmaking

 I really like this print because I like designs like this. Especially when they are on elephants it looks so pretty. I also like to draw stuff like this. I notice that the pattern is in the elephant instead of outside of it. I wonder if they did this because they couldn't properly see the elephant if it was outside of it.

The Art of The Print ~ Rahmir Powell

Printmaking is a process where you use ink to make drawings of anything from wood. This idea was brought about in the 15th Century by Daniel Hopfer, who's known for his revolutionary printmakings and you could say he was way before his time. His influence on those around him caught on and soon more and more people got involved, and mastered the art. The history of printmaking is so important because it's branched off into many styles today. 

The image below is very creative and most definitely caught my attention when I first saw it. The first thing I noticed is that there is very little color, but that's what brings out the beauty of of the print. Allen Iverson himself is outlined in black and all negative space is filled in nicely.



Printmaking is an ancient art form. Originated in China around 105 CE, the original method of printing was woodcuts, an example of relief printing. Relief printing is when you carve into a surface to create your image. The places where you carve will not be filled with ink, so they will create the negative space of your image. When you put ink on the surface and press it down to paper, you are able to see your image.

Printmaking spread all over the world, being used to create beautiful textiles in the middle ages. It continued to develop in Europe as artists such as Albrecht Düre continued to perfect the craft. It later spread to Japan, with artists creating unique woodcuts in the 14th and 15th centuries that inspired several famous impressionists. Printmaking is still widely used today, both as a fine art and commercially.

There are many forms of printmaking besides Relief. Intaglio printing is basically the opposite of relief printing. You create divots in a surface and fill those with ink, then press a piece of paper into them, so while the divots are negative space on relief, the divots are positive space in intaglio. Serigraph printing uses a stencil and a screen. The ink is pushed through the screen, covering everything except the part of the paper under the stencil. During Lithograph printing, the stone used with lithograph is drawn on with crayon. The stone is in turn washed with oil and water, and ink is placed upon it. The ink is attracted to the oliy crayon and washes off from the parts covered with water. The stone itself is never carved into. Intaglio, Relief, Serigraph, and Lithograph printing are just some of the many printing methods.

Printmaking is remarkable because, as an art form, it has stood the test of time. It is just as useful as it was in Ancient China, and has changed a lot since then. The most revolutionary thing about printmaking is that it gave people the ability to make almost perfect copies of something quickly and easily. That just wasn’t possible before. In China, it was used to copy scriptures for scholars, making it infinitely easier to study. In the middle ages, it made making textiles much faster and much easier. Printing is all about making art that you can copy, and that’s important. With printing, you can easily commercialize beautiful art and make it accessible to all kinds of people. Furthermore, without printing we wouldn’t have modern day books, newspapers, magazines, or any other forms of literature. It’s how it has helped us progress as a society.

The image below is an Untitled Woodblock Print by Harry Bliss, Date Unknown.



This woodcut print depicts Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders from shoulders up. He is in the bottom right corner and is staring out into the distance. In the background on the upper left corner is a house, surrounded by a field.


The print exhibits the use of contrast by having Sanders appear lighter than the rest of the painting, highlighting him as the subject. The print also uses leading lines, the lines of grass in the field leading to a dark space behind Sanders. It also uses rule of thirds. Vertically, two thirds of the print are occupied by Sanders and the last third is occupied by the background, drawing the eye to both him and the house. Lastly, the print exhibits a frame within a frame, because you can see the outline of the print within the surface it was printed on.


Since the print is very rough hewn and jagged around the edges, I believe that the artist was trying to convey Sander’s grassroots, pull yourself up by the bootstraps attitude. He believes that we as people have to do the hard work ourselves in order to start a revolution. This is also reflected in the supposed farmland background.


This print is aesthetically pleasing to me for a number of reasons. First and foremost, I can get behind the subject matter,  but that’s not important. I can appreciate the use of lights and darks, as it puts the focus on Sanders as the subject and basically lets everything else just be background. Similarly, the rule of thirds divides up the image evenly between main subject and background. I also think the hard, coarse lines really give it a handmade feel.

19. Harry Bliss
19. Harry Bliss


Printmaking has been something very important to the worlds art and culture. It's spread shared culture from Asia to Europe and influenced many artist today and throughout history. It not only brings are aspects, but it lead to other creations as well, such as playing cards. Printmaking was something used strongly towards religion when it first reached Europe, until Italian printmakers spread the designs onto book covers, and are the creators of the playing card. Printmaking has been very revolutionary in the cultural and art world impacting famous artist and spreading these creations world wide.
santa_cruz-water_at_center: Taken from UCSC, Artist Salal Moon Rinaldo.
santa_cruz-water_at_center: Taken from UCSC, Artist Salal Moon Rinaldo.
​The image is of Santa cruz with many buildings that rise in height towards the background. There are also parked cars spreading a variety of colors on the one of two roads. Rinaldo also put many trees between the buildings that helps spread between manmade and natural elements. The sky comes down a small amount towards the top, but most attention is drawn towards the two flipped white cones. They stand out and it leaves the viewer at their own guesses since the bottoms are blocked by trees. 
Rinaldo showed a lot of contrast having half the building being hit by sunlight providing it with a white color while the opposite side is in the shade. The shade varies from gray to black visible on almost every building. I think the image is intended to be interpreted as a photo. It's a drawing that can be interpreting a beautiful part of Santa Cruz, showing the difference in building elevation creating a very eye catching image. Some of the lines in this image look like they could've been drawn by a child, but the way Rinaldo forms the building still makes the buildings look spectacular and professional. which is shown by the strong contrast. One thing that looks poor is the drawing of the cars, they look sloppy and rushed, but this could be cause of how small they are compared to the buildings.

One thing I noticed was Rinaldo only created a few key elements to draw the readers eye. Between the normal buildings and cars, there are a few elements that stand out very distinctly in comparison. I wonder however about these elements, like the cones, the car on the roof, and the difference in types of trees within the image. Something that could change the image a lot would be if it was taken from a point in the background. It could create an interesting flipped perspective.

Kennedy Fields: What's Printmaking

Printmaking is the process by which artist take a carved image from one template to another ( usually paper). Some of the earliest printmaking were by Egyptians. Egyptians used printing for there fabric. To do this they took a block of carved wood with a knife, and pasted it of there clothing. Printmaking developed into different styles over time. Intaglio, Relief, and Lithographic printing are some of the different styles. Printing is is important because it helps mass communicate across the world. We also use it as a convenient way to create books much faster.  
The print below from Quilts By Jen, has captured my eye. The relief print is a black and white sunflower, that has been carved and pasted. The sunflower shows negative space on one half, and positive on the other. I think this print is fantastic because of the well thought out contrast idea.
Releif printing image
Releif printing image