
​Por0   0tal 2 will be mine today. I'm excited, I got all my homework done in advance and my artist will be there so he can continue work on the comic drawings (i'm paying him with food)  Life is good my friends, life is good.

Morning Bus

​Everyday since school begun I've taken the same bus at the same time give or take a few days. In staying in this pattern of life I've come to see regular bus goers. There's this guy that takes the bus mostly all week hes missing an arm but seems really cool. Every time he gets on the bus he uses his nub & hand to text it's really fascinating. He looks like a generic white guy but just so happens that his right arm is missing thus leaving a nub. From my observations hes married thanks to the silver band that's placed on his ring finger. Mostly all the time I see him he receives a text on the 7 block radius of his bus duration. I believe its his wife because one day  I looked over his shoulder to see a naughty text I'm way too nosy.  Other then that hes sensible due to the same pair of shoes he wears & on occasion I'll see him in flip flops. He shops at trader joes when I catch the late bus hes there getting his grocery on.

korah and brandon

lindsay Lohan who needs to gain weight for a role








2 Pancakes, 2 huevo, y un taza leche




Un el huevo sandwich con lechuga, tomate y queso.




8 tocino, huevo, dos pan, y el jugo de naranja




el pollo sandwich con tomate, lechuga, pimienta, sal, y queso




Dos pancakes, thes tocino y los frijoles




Un el huevo sandwich con lechuga, tomate y queso.




8 tocino, huevo, dos pan, y el jugo de naranja






Raeven's Negative Space

Negative space is all of the space that is behind the object that you are looking at. While looking at that empty space, you have to draw the empty space that you see with the object.

To find my negative space in my cutout, I simply took my construction paper and traced half of the drawing that was on the regular paper. Afterwards, I cut out the pieces and glued them onto the other part of the construction paper. I found my negative space by looking at the other colored paper. I also found my negative space on the stool by shading in the empty space that i saw.

By looking at the negative space, it helps the reader see the object better. In addition, it helps the artist draw the object in a much better way.

To me, it doesn't enhance the reader's drawing. Unfortunatley, it messes me up by just drawing the negative space. To others it may help them in a better to draw the object that is shown, however it could just be easier to just draw the object. 
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 13.07 #2
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 13.07 #2

Negative Space

A. Negative space is the space that is not there.  So when you draw it you draw the parts of the background that you can see.
B. For the cut out I used one color for the negative and the other for positive.  For the I drew the orange parts that i could see as the negative space.
C. If an artist can see in both negative and positive space then they will still be able to draw an item even if they can only what's in the background.  Also it gives them one more option for how to draw an item.
D. Yes, because  sometimes it looks cooler for things to be in negative space but also drawing look good when they combine the two kinds of of spaces.
Negative Space Cut-Outs
Negative Space Cut-Outs
Negative Space Drawing 1
Negative Space Drawing 1
Negative Space Drawing 2
Negative Space Drawing 2

Buchanico Hull Art 2!

A:Negative space can be thought of as the image between the image. It can be represented as what sticks out in the picture. This was represented in the tree shown below.

B: I noticed which part was negative and positive space by taking note of what sticks out in the picture. This went for both images.

C: It can help an artist with the shading of a picture as well as perfecting the perspective of the image

D: Seeing in negative space can help improve the perspective and shadowing of a certain object. A vacuum cleaner was drawn in one art class and if done professionally shadowing would have been included. This would have been easier with Positive and Negative space.
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 12.55 #2
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 12.55 #2
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 13.42
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 13.42

Boccuti Negative Space

A. Negative space is the space in a picture or drawing where there is nothing there. 


1. I found negative space in the cut out by only cutting one side of the picture and gluing it down to a different colored paper. When I glued the pink part down you can see the brown paper and that is the negative space.

2. I found negative drawing in the stool drawing, by first getting the outline of all the objects. I looked at the actual stools and when I looked at it, everything that was around and what was inside of the stool I shaded in.

C.Negative space helps the artist by seeing the object better. Its easier to find the objects and creates a new view to the picture.

D. Negative space does enhance the drawing. The negative space highlights the objects or person(s) in the drawing.  

Photo on 2011-04-26 at 13.00
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 13.00
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Screen shot 2011-04-26 at 1.37.02 PM
Screen shot 2011-04-26 at 1.37.18 PM
Screen shot 2011-04-26 at 1.37.18 PM

Negative Space Reflection

The project that we had to do was about negative and positive space drawings. Negative space drawings are drawings where you draw the shape of the space before you draw the actual object. To find the negative space of the cutout I simply got the construction paper and that was my negative space. Then once I had my object I put it over another piece of construction paper (that was a different color) and cut it out; this was my positive space. For the stools I tried my best to focus on the shapes of the space that were not the object. So I shaded in my negative space for them. Negative space helps because it helps the artist to draw the picture easier. Also for the person viewing the picture it enhances the picture more. It's more contrast in negative space then in regular drawings, so it enhances it for the human eye.

Where's my Negative Space at?

A. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it)
Negative space is everything that is behind what your looking at. So, if I told you to draw the negative space where I had just placed a flower in front of an all blue wall, then the negative space is everything that is blue.

B. Explain how you found negative space in 1. your cut out?, 2. in your stool drawing?
I looked at the tree and then everything behind it. Then cut out everything besides the tree. Same thing for the stool drawing.

C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?
If an artist draws in negative space they will not only be ably to draw the object, but actually see it. When they draw in negative space, they are looking at the shape of the object, which helps them draw the object more accurately. 

D. Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not
Yes, because as stated above the artist sees not only the object, but the shapes that form the object.

Negative Space

Negative space is the area around the an object. The object it's self is called the positive space because it is the part that is there on the frame. When I was cutting out the shapes, what ever was cut out was the positive space and what ever was left from the cutting was the negative space. In the stool drawing, the negative space is everything around the stool. It helps an artist to see the negative space because only the objects shape is standing out. It enhances the shape of an object.
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 13.05 #2
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 13.05 #2
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 13.05
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 13.05
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 13.01
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 13.01

Negative Drawings!

Wondering what a negative concept is?
Well, its two colors. All of the objects are connected. The space behind the object is one color and the objects are another. There are no lines in negative space drawings, just shapes and the background.

How can you try negative space?
For my negative space drawing, I drew the objects first and then I erased all of the lines and then I colored around the objects I drew. Then when I was all done, I erased all of the lines that I forgot to erase. What our teacher did that made it easy is that she put orange paper as the background and told us that the orange was one color and the objects were another.
For my negative cut out, I used stencils to help me. This cut out was really hard because we couldn't mess up. First, we cut the stencil in half along with on of the two sheets of paper we took. The scraps of the stencil would be used for the other half of my drawing. 

You're probably thinking, why would this help me in anyway if it's so hard to do? 
It's not, artist actually do this for a living. These types of drawings would help add a whole new view on the drawing for the artist and also helps the artist practice not drawing every little detail but the space around the object or thing you are drawing, so in a way anything negative helps you become a better artist!

 Did you look at my drawing and cut out yet?
There are a few mess ups but doesn't look cool? Couldn't you imagine an artist doing this? Its so simple looking but looks amazing when it is done. Just two colors and thats all it takes. You could hang this on your wall!

Below you'll see in order: 
- My Negative Space Drawing
- Tree Negative Cutout
- House Negative Cutout  

Photo on 2011-04-26 at 13.31
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 13.31
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 12.57 #2
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 12.57 #2
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 12.57
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 12.57

Negative Stuff

  1. A negative drawing is a drawing were every thing but the actual image is blacked out.
  2. In my cut out I cut out the shaded part of the picture and pasted it on a full paper, then used the rest of the picture, flipped it, and glued that to the other side of the full paper. In the drawing, I shaded in everything and erased out the shapes afterward.
  3. They will be able to know what the outline of a drawing will look like.
  4. It will enhance the drawing because you will have the boundaries of a drawing.
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 13.01
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 13.01
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 13.01 #2
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 13.01 #2
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 12.58
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 12.58

Dakota Foster's Negative Space

Negative space is the space in a picture that isn't taken up with drawings or figures. Also, negative space could be the background of the picture. For example, if you draw a house in the middle of a paper, but then you color the space around the house. That is classified as negative space because that part is not occupied by anything. 
You can find negative space in my cut out drawing of the bird by looking at the black parts. The black parts are the negative space in the drawing. This space is empty because there wasn't a bird there before, but with the positive space around the negative space, you can see the bird and it's wings. Now for my second drawing, even though it isn't complete. You are able to find the negative space vs. the positive space. As the same for this drawing, the black or shaded in parts is classified as negative space. The non-shaded part which is the objects in the pictures are the positive space. The negative space isn't occupied and the positive space because it is the figures in the picture. 

It helps for an artist to see the negative space because the artist can focus on outlining the figures in the picture instead of getting ever detail. Once the artist can outline the figures in the picture then, the artist knows the basic shape of the figures in the picture. So, the artist can focus on drawing the positive space of the drawing last. Another reason, it helps for the an artist to see the negative space because it makes for an interesting piece of artwork. If the artist draws the negative space, then the audience can wonder what is in the positive space. 
In my opinion, I do think negative space enhances drawings because it make them look more interesting. Also, the artist can focus more on the details and take their time so, the picture is more likable. 
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 12.58
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 12.58
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 12.59
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 12.59

Negative Space

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​Negative Space Concept: 
Negative space is the space around the object. For example, there is a colored in circle that is black and out side of this circle the color is white. The negative space of the circle is the white part of the paper. Another example would be a can. The can's outlined shape is black and the outside of it is white. The white part of the paper is the space around it that is negative space.

At first, I was confused because I didn't know the negative space of the owl. Then I noticed the first piece I cut out that was the background to the owl. After, I added pieces from there by adding certain shapes I cut out and made the owl. The negative space for the stools was hard. When drawing it, I had to look at it and come up with reasonable shapes that envisioned the stools in negative space. 

Negative space probably helps artists know the other side of what they are drawing. Knowing the positive and negative helps the artist know their drawing intimately and it's easy to understand it and capture any angle. 

Using negative space shows the "bare bones" of the drawing and it shows its simplicity. A carving may have many designs in the middle, but it's negative space shows how its not complex at all.  
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photo (6)