How to say and spell days of week.

First saying the days of the week,


Next spelling the days of week,

Domingo – de, oh, eme, eee, ene, he, oh

Lunes – ele, ooo, ene, eh, ese

Martes – eme, ah, ereh, the, eh, ese

Miercoles – eme, eee, eh, ereh, seh, oh, ele, eh, ese

Jueves – hota, ooo, eh, veh, eh, ese

Viernes - veh, eee, eh, ere, ene, eh, ese

Sabado – ese, ah, beh, ah, deh, oh

Here is how you ask what today is and answer.

¿ Qué dia de la semana es hoy?

Hoy es miércoles.

¿ Qué dia de la semana es manana?

Manana es jueves.

By : Imani Rothwell and Amanda Cartagena

Greetings, How are you? Goodbyes

Greetings in Spanish translating into English:

¡Hola! – Hi
¡Buenos Dias! – Good morning!
¡Buenos tardes! – Good afternoon!
¡Buenas noches! – Good afternoon!

How are you in Spanish translating into English:

¿ Qué Tal? – How are you?
¿ Cómo va? – How are you?
¿ Cómo estás? – How are you?    (Informal)
¿ Cómo está? – How are you?      (Formal)

Goodbyes in Spanish translating into English:

¡Adiós! – Bye!
¡Chao!  - Bye!
¡Hasta Luego! – See you later!
¡Hasta pronto! – See you soon!
¡Hasta manana! – See you tomorrow!
¡Qué le vaya bien! – Have a good one!

Dialogue :
Amanda: Hola Imani
Imani: Hola Amanda, cómo esta?
Amanda: Muy bien, y tu?
Imani: Mas ó menos
Amanda: Muy bien, Hasta Luego!
Imani: ¡Hasta pronto!

By : Imani Rothwell and Amanda Cartagena

Voting Questions

1. What motivated you to come out and vote?

What motivated me? I always do it.

2. What would you like to see changed in our political system?

Is it gonna change? I never thought about it, It is what it is. The government is what it is, it's not about what the people think.

3. Do you vote in every election? (How regularly do you vote?)


4. Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?

No i really don't understand the whole concept.

5. Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning?

Radio, TV, print and internet.

6. What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have


When P. Diddy came out with those "vote or die" t-shirts.

7. Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?

Yeah I'm always sure.

8. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?

I don't know, my answer would be different if I was expecting a change.

Karly and Lexy teach you Spanish

Asking Someone the Day of the Week
Here's how you say the days of the week in Spanish:
lunes- Monday
martes- Tuesday
miercoles- Wednesday
jueves- Thursday
viernes- Friday
sabado- Saturday
domingo- Sunday
*Notice that the days of the week in spanish are not capitalized.
When asking someone what day it is, you say "Que dia es hoy?"

-Karly Bornstein

Seeing your friend/ someone you know in the hallway
To greet someone you first start with "Hola". Also, to be more polite and you can ask how are you : "Que tal?" or "Como va?" The formal way to ask someone how they are is Como esta?" The informal is way "Como estas?"Lastly, to say goodbye to someone, you can say, "Adios!", "Chao!", "Hasta lugeo!" (See ya later!) or "Hasta pronto!" (See ya soon!)

-Karly Bornstein

If you accidentally bump into someone
Here are the ways to have proper manners when speaking Spanish:
To say thank you, you simply say "Gracias" If you want to say thanks a lot you would say "Muchas Gracias" or "Mil Gracias" which means thanks a million. There are three ways to say your welcome: "De nada", "Por nada", and "No hay de que". To say please, it is "Por favor". When it comes to saying excuse me, there are also three different ways to say it, but each way is appropriate for different times. If someone is standing in your way, you tell then "Con permiso". To try to get someones attention, it is "Discuple". If you actually bump into someone it is, "Perdon".

-Karly Bornstein

Socializing at a Party

Basic Conversation Questions:

Q:Where are you from? - De Dònde eres (Ud./tù)? 
A:I'm from____ - Soy de ____

Q:How old are you? - (Informal) Cuàntos años tienes (tù)? [or] (Formal) Cuàntos años tiene (Ud.)?
A:I’m ____ years old - Tengo ____ años

Q:When’s your birthday? - Cuàndo es tù cumpleaños? 
A:My birthday is____ - Mi cumpleaños es____(Go to Writing the Date on your documents on the blog for help to finish the phrase)

While Socializing at a Party:
You can ask the questions above. You might be able to make a new friend! It might help to use the other sections of this blog to keep the conversation going.

-Lexy Babcock

Writing down the date on your documents


When asking the date, use these questions:

What is the date? - Cual es la fecha?

What is today's dates? - Cual es la fecha de hoy

What is tomorrow's date? - Cual es la fecha de mañana? 

When responding, use these fraces(phrases):

Hoy es el numero de mes month - It's the (number) of (month) 
Ex.: Hoy es el 4 de mes julio - It's the 4th of July

Spanish/ English/ Number
enero/ January/ 1
febrero/ February/ 2
marzo/ March/ 3
abril/ April/ 4
mayo/ May/ 5
junio/ June/ 6
julio/ July/ 7
agosto/ August/ 8
septiembre/ September/ 9
octubre/October/ 10
noviembre/ November/ 11
diciembre/ December/ 12

Numbers for the days: (to help write the date)
English/ Spanish

one/ uno
two/ dos
three/ tres
four/ cuatro
five/ cinco
six/ seis
seven/ siete
eight/ ocho
nine/ nueve
ten/ diez
eleven/ once
twelve/ doce
thirteen/ trece
fourteen/ catorce
fifteen/ quince
sixteen/ dieciseis
seventeen/ diecisiete
eighteen/ dieciocho
nineteen/ diecinueve
twenty/ veinte
twenty-one/ veintiuno
twenty-two/ veintidos
twenty-three/ veintitres
twenty-four/ venticuatro
twenty-five/ veinticinco
twenty-six/ veintiseis
twenty-seven/ veintisiete
twenty-eight/ veintiocho
twenty-nine/ veintinueve
thirty/ treinta
thirty-one/ treinta y uno

[note: In English we format the date in this order: Month/Day/Year; however, in Spanish we format it in a Day/Month/Year structure]

When your writing a document and your required to write the date, 
use this form: Day/Month/Year 
[in English, we write the date as Month/Day/Year ; it's different in Spanish]
Ex. (English) 10/31/10
Ex. (Spanish) 31/10/10

-Lexy Babcock

Spelling your name

Before you are able to spell words or sing the alphabet, you must understand the pronunciation of each letter. It helps to practice until you're able to grasp each pronunciation. Knowing the pattern and pronunciation of letters will help in future conversations.

Spelling your name is easy, fun, and simple after knowing background knowledge of letters (like pronunciation). First, learn these:

 Letter: Pronunciation

Dobleh veh
Eee gree-eh-gah

-Lexy Babcock

Video to help:

Tu VS. Ud

What goes to who?

Ud. – Goes to a person older than you.
Tu. – Goes to a friend or someone younger than you.

Who to tell what to

Senor Sánchez - ¿ y ud?
Tu professor de ingles - ¿ y ud?
Tu amigo - ¿ y tu?
Senor en el autobus - ¿ y ud?
Presidente Obama - ¿ y ud?
Sasha Obama - ¿ y ud?

Kabbor Election Work

Kabbour Rizq                                                                       11/2/10

Interviews For World history on election day

I went to the polls and interviewed 3 different people and asked them all ten questions. The first 2 people seemed normal. However, The third guy seemed a bit off even though he was a poll worker. Once my family showed up to vote I followed them inside and took pictures of them. Afterwards i took pictures of the outside and then went home.

Questions asked

1. Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?

2.What motivated you to come out and vote?

3. What would you like to see changed in our political system?

4. Do you vote in every election? (How regularly do you vote?)

5. Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning?

Radio, TV, print, internet, other.

6. What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have


7. Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk

into the booth or are you still deliberating?

8. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this


9. What impact do you feel that your vote will have on the election?

10. Did you learn about voting in school? If yes, did that impact your

willingness to vote today?


People interviewed 3


First interview

1.No idea

2. Wanted to change something/ have ideas heard

3. Less negativity

4. Yes

5. Television and billboards

6.  Pat Toomey on oversea jobs

7. Both, It depends on the year and who is running

8. Keep the Drop program (related to retirement)

9. A slight one

10. Yes but I don’t remember what I learned about


Second interview

1.     I don’t know

2.     Want to help people with their beliefs

3.     More bipartisanship 

4.     Every year

5.     Television

6.     Regans campaign

7.     Still wondering

8.     More jobs and better economy

9.     None but its my duty

10.  No I didn’t


Third interview with a poling person ( they were a bit odd)

1.Because I am Jewish and eat latkes

2 .I am a committee person

3. More jobs all around round and people should make more money

4. Yes it is my job

5. I see a lot of adds on my television

6. Chopping each other up?

7. (Laughed) I have my ballot in hand

8. No I have not been in school in a long time

9. (said something racist)

10. The same as every one else

history election 3
history election 3
history election day 2
history election day 2
history election day
history election day

American Government Voting Day Project

​I interviewed John Holland a 48 year old man from philadelphia. He voted in west philadelphia on lancaster ave. and he was one of the people helping on election day. 

He took time out of his day while still helping the election process to do his interview with me. 

He can be seen in some of my photographs, he is the african american man seen sitting at the table.  
Image (1)
Image (1)

Voter Interview

This is Yadi Angeles, out here with Jen Camari(name has been changed to preserve anonymity) and I just want to ask you some questions about voting is that ok?

Jen: Yea

Yadi: Ok.

​What motivated you to come out and vote?
Jen: My [civic] duty.

Yadi: Ok, what would you like to see changed in our political system?
Jen: Too much to even go into.

Yadi: Do you vote in every election?
Jen: Yes

Yadi: Wow, um how regularly do you vote?

Jen: Every election.

Yadi: Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?

Yadi: Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning?
Jen: Mail.

Yadi: Mail. What was the most memorable campaign ad that you encountered?
Jen: Hillary Clinton, when she was running.

Yadi: Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?
Jen: Not really, no.

Yadi: What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?
Jen: Better healthcare, and more jobs.

Yadi: What impact do you feel that your vote will have on the election?
Jen: None.

Yadi: And, did you learn about voting in school?
Jen: No. 

Yadi: Well, thank you for talking with me.

Nailah Adam's Voting Day Interview @ Edmonds Elementary School

​Nailah Adam
Franklin S Edmonds Elementary School

8025 Thouron Ave

Philadelphia, PA 19150

(215) 276-5261

Voting Day Project/Interview

(Go Vote Sidewalk Sign)

Heres the link to the video

Excuse the quality of the video, it was dark outside.


My interview was intended to answer the questions in detail and come up with conclusions. The answers that the interviewee gave showed that the people in my neighborhood (age 35 over in Mt Airy 19150) are people who subsequently vote every election. Also, the answers the interviewee gave supported that education in high school helped improved their willingness to vote. I enjoyed doing this project because it allowed me to see what is going around in the community and how people feel about voting. 

Brenda Chhin Election Day

Ms. Laufenberg had given an assignment where we had to go to the voting polls in our neighborhood and approach to strangers, first off, introducing our project and what was asked for from them, and to just get a good understanding of the process of voting and each individual. I would like to give thanks to the wonderful seniors in my community who took their time to let their voices be heard by others.​

2010 election interview

I interviewed a 26 year old democrat.

What motivated you to come out and vote: I always put off voting and I feel like I never really help the other democrats by not voting.

What would you like to see change in our political system: I  would love to see the voters get a fairer share of power.

Do you vote in every election: No, every couple years

Do you know why we vote on Tuesday? Nope

Where have you encountered the highest amount of political ads: It seems like every single youtube video has an add for toomy

What was the most memorable add you have seen: The zombie cover in the paper last week

Are you always sure of who your going to vote for: Yeah, generaly the democrats are on key with me.

What impact do you feel your vote will have: I dont think it will really change anything, but I think you have to vote if you want the system to work

Did you learn about voting in school: No, actually my mom explained the whole process to me when I was like 18

A day at the Polls...

Interview #1
1. What motivated you to come out and vote?

I don’t like the way the government is running now I want to see better choice.
2. What would you like to see changed in our political system?
I’d like to  see better monitoring of election.
3. Do you vote in every election (How regularly do you vote?)
I vote in every election.
4. Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?
No I don’t know the reason I just know that they always had it on Tuesday. I know they used to close all the bars in Philadelphia on voting day.
5. Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning? Radio, TV, Print, Internet, other.
On television.
6. What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have encountered?

Tom Corbett against Onorato, Onorato will say how he brought jobs to Pennsylvania and the Corbett would turn around and say that Onorato says he will bring jobs but tells you the truth.

7. Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?
Yes I always know who I am voting for.
8. What changed do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?
Get better comers and a better economy because we will have a better business climate since we’ve had a decline with the national government so that would bring a better business climate, more jobs and more people won’t be afraid to spend money.
9. What impact do you feel that your vote will have on the election?
I think that my vote will have a small impact but combined with the other people that is basically the election.
10. Did you learn about voting in school? If yes, did that impact your willingness to vote today?
No I did not learn about voting in school, so it did not have an impact.
Interview #2
1. What motivated you to come out and vote?
The economy.
2. What would you like to see changed in our political system?
I would like to see a variety of candidates in our political system.
3. Do you vote in every election (How regularly do you vote?)
Yes I vote in every election.
4. Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?
No I don’t know why we vote on Tuesday, but I do know that the bars used to be closed.
5. Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning? Radio, TV, Print, Internet, other.
On television.
6. What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have encountered?
2008 President  Obama campaign.
7. Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?
This time I wasn’t sure but usually I am 100% sure.
8. What changed do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?
Once again I would like to see a variety of candidates.
9. What impact do you feel that your vote will have on the election?
I think my vote will have little impact.
10. Did you learn about voting in school? If yes, did that impact your willingness to vote today?
Yes I did learn about it but it did not have an impact on me voting today.

My interviews where with two different men who had 2 different views on today's election. As you can see both of these men did not know why we voted on Tuesday, but they did tell me that the government would close all the bars and liquor store's for the day (did not know that one). All in all, I guess you can say that these two men have very different political views as well as really pay attention to whom they are voting for.

Interview - Voting Day (Alissa DiBartolomeo)


​Interview Questions - Donna Crudele 

1.) For change into the world and to voice your opinion.
2.) To have health care reformed banned because I do not agree with it and I would also like out representatives to find the unemployed people to find jobs.
3.) Yes I vote in every elections, every 2 years.
4.) No I do not know why we vote onTuesdays.
5.) A TV  
6.) The Bill Clinton campaign
7.) I always know who I am voting for before I go to vote
8.) JOBS!
9.) Every vote counts
10.) No I did not learn about voting in school, I learned it from my family & it is my responsibility to vote. 

Leeann's Interview.

​I interviewed Lamont Williams, who voted on Broad and Fedreal.

1. What motivated you to come out and vote?
my mother called me up, and said we going to vote now. 
3. Do you vote every election?
yeah, now i do, just start the last 4 years ago. 
4. Do you why we vote on tuesday?
No, I do not. the first election was held on a tuesday. 
5. Where do you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning?
Radio, because i am always driving. 
8. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?
That lower income people get better housing, that why he went democratic. the republican for the rich, that why they struggling. 
9. What impact do you feel that your vote will have on the election?
It has a lot of impact because every vote count, and every vote means a lot. 
10. Did you learn about voting in school? if yes, did that impact your willingness to vote today? 
Yes, but i was hard-headed and didn't pay no mind, but as i got older it became more serious. honestly, no but hearing it outside in the street maybe me want to make a difference. 


Qyidir White Election Day

What impact will people in Philadelphia have on the election?
Philadelphia will almost help shape the election, being majority Democrat if everybody get out here in vote the election will go our way!

Do you vote in every election? (How regularly do you vote?)

Me being a black women its like not optional. My mom always told me " if people went through so much not matter what it is, even if you hate it take avenged of it".

What motivated you to come out and vote?

I want to see Obama back in office!

What where some obstacles?

I didn't really have any i live right across the street and i'm here any other day, why not come over in do something important.

What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have

I was watching a show on BET in that rapper Puff Diddy just popped up on my T.V Set screaming VOTE OR DIE during the Obama campaign, and he looked like he needed so every election i vote thing about he's simple self…lol

Screen shot 2010-11-02 at 6.48.35 PM
Screen shot 2010-11-02 at 6.48.35 PM

Encouraging the Voters

        This was the first election I really got involved in and even though I can not vote yet it felt good to be a part of the process and encouraging others to vote and make their voices heard. Overall it was a interesting experience. I had been excited the day before to pass out the flyers and looking official with the key chain and card, so this morning I got up got dressed, put on my red lipstick (I had heard red was a power color and that people are more likely to pay attention and take you serious if you wear red), got my materials and headed out.
           I walked around my neighborhood and to local businesses to hand out flyers. I tread up and down Broad St with a smile asking people if they had voted and giving voting information along with the flyers. I ran into a few people that said they did not vote, that voting was not worth the effort because it was the same thing no matter what nothing ever changes. I was shocked at first but my answer to them was if  don't make it a point to put your opinion on the ballot and you don't support the candidates that have similar values to you how do you expect change to happen? You, yourself is preventing change from happening by not voting. For my interview I interviewed an older man who owns a barber shop a few blocks from my home. I asked him the the following questions and he answered:

1) What motivated you to come out and vote?
" I'm from the old school. I was around during the civil rights movement and I know how important it is to use the rights we faught for."

2) What would you like to see changed in our political system?
" There should be a cap on the amount of money candidates can spend on elections.

3) Do you vote in every election?
"Yes every election."

5) Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning?
" The most on T.V."

6) What was the most memorable campaign That you have encountered? "There was one Mayor Nutter had were he used his daughter in the ad. That's what got me to vote for him. I regret that now." 

7) Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating? "Yes" 

8) What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election? "I hope to see budget changes and more reasonable spending."

Election Day and Coloring

This recording is me (Markia)  talking to Tom a voter who was encouraging others to vote neer the poles. Tom was not comfortable letting me take a picture of him  or get his age. Tom did however encourage me to vote once i come of age and also encourage my friends and others that are my age to vote.

2010 Election Interview

Sade Skelton
Earth Stream

Piccoli Recreation Center

I went to my neighborhood recreation center which is Piccoli, to take pictures and to interview a person. I asked questions about the 2010 election, what they thought about it, & did they learn about it growing in school. I passed out papers with saying a voters right on it, & I drawled an art piece on the sidewalk outside of the voting center to let people know that every vote counts & getting out to vote will make a difference. I took pictures of everything then made a video that shows a student of Science Leadership Academy working outside of school, with voters to make a difference.

Voter Interview

Interview with voter at Moore College

Question: What motivated you to come out and vote?
Answer: It is the duty of every citizen to to come out and vote, we live in a democracy and being able to vote is a cornerstone of that type of government.

Question; Do you vote in every election?
Answer:I try to always vote and if I know I'm not around I try to get an absentee ballot

Question: Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning?Answer: Radio

Question: Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?
Answer: Oh…um, thats a good question, generally yes I usually know.
Question: How about today?
Answer: yes, when only 4 people are running its generally easy.

Question: Do you know why we vote on tuesdays?
Answer: no I actually do not.
-This is a blown up version of the sample ballot, I was not permitted to take a picture in the voting place, but this was on display outside along with Voter rights and regulations.

2010 Election Interview

​I marched over to the rec. center today, and finally managed to work myself up to talk with someone.  I interviewed a senior from LeSalle University, who was resetting the machines after every voter (and incidentally who's name I did not get.)  

Q: What motivated you to come out and vote?
A: Political views.

Q: What would you like to see changed in the political system?
A: Less spending, jobs, and less corruption.

Q: Do you vote every election?
A: yes.

Q: Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?
A: Yes, do you? 

(He tried to catch me off guard there, but I told him.  He learned in a political science class.)

Q: What impact do you feel your vote will have on the election?
A: Not a lot.

Q: Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?
A: I'm always sure.