
A day can fulfill your needs or end your dreams. It could hurt you or make you the happiest person alive. Its each day, the different sequences in between that make people understand life in a different light. I remember this one day, doesnt matter what time or if it was during the weekday/weekend, the sequences of it changed the way I portrayed life.

Driving by a little known street near all the fast food places near Front st. I always take this route to get to all my favorite places to eat and its the quickest way, but this time I seen something that changed how I viewed my life. Something big and wide was in the middle of the unseen street. It looked like a log or a box, maybe? Coming closer to it and about to go around it, I notice a pool of blood and it wasnt an object but rather a person. A homeless person who seemed to have gotten shot in his head. Scared out of my mind, I decided to call the police in which they came in 20 minutes. Not because they took long but because it was hard to describe the area I was in. I noticed when they made us leave that the person they picked up was an old friend of mine. He wasnt a bum, nor old but a classmate I went to elementary school with...

Friday Post; I Made A Friend...

Sorry its late but, again I was away from the computer this weekend due to a bible retreat.

While waiting for the bus Friday morning I made friends with this bird. This seaguil was boss when I got close to him he didn't even move but stat there like "yea what" After taking a few photos I realized I looked kinda weird like a up incoming "bird lady" so I nonchalantly moved away and returned to being semi normal. 

Next Step In Life...

Taking the next stage in life is saddening but it has to be in order growth. They'll always be changing around us and we can't be stuck in our same stage never wanting to move on. I sometimes forget that life's full of change and you have to embrace it and yes you'll be sad but ultimately you'll grow. I'm so blessed that I can say I grew from what I use to be and my mentality. To have come from my me stage to my need to fit in stage to my complete stage is extraordinary.I'm extremely optimistic about the future at least I'll be there ready to open the door.

Pretty Great Weekend

I really don't have anything else to write about, so I'll tell you about my weekend:
So on Friday after school I spent sometime with some really amazing people. I got to see one of my closest friends friends, Victor who I havent seen in a very long time. Then I went to Johnny Rockets with my boyfriend and his friend which was really fun and interesting. On Saturday, me and my mom went to breakfast and then went shopping. Later on in the day we went to a wedding, and it was really beautiful. That night I stayed up extra late talking to my boyfriend and watching movies. I woke up late on Sunday and spent the whole day in Jersey with my families. I spent some time with my uncle, and learned a lot. When I got home (about an hour ago) I did my homework, and spent the rest of the night relaxing and getting ready for school. I would call that a pretty great weekend, and hopefully it leads into a great week :)


Narcissa: You guys, my favorite season is Fall, its just wonderful
Camille: I know its so pretty
Robbie walks up....
Robbie: Oh my God, GUYS! Autumn is almost here, isn't it so exciting!
Narcissa and Camille: Yea! Yea! Yea!
Narcissa: Wait... So when does Fall start :D

Samurai Champloo

So I started watching this anime called Samurai Champloo and it's a pretty good show. I would compare it to the cartoon "The Boondocks" but the setting is in the past in japan. The show is very funny and is full of violence. It's about two samurais getting mixed up with a young lady who they promise to find another samurai that has the scent of sunflowers. The plot sounds boring but it's actually an enjoyable show.

Messed up! (saturday's Story)

I am so upset! I just posted this whole story for saturday! I posted it ! then I clicked "View blog post"! then I came back to the editor deleted the stuff (since the story was already posted and started writing another one. i finish the story entitled, "Late", just to  go and "view blog post" as well. So then I go to the forum to double check if everything was there and u know what!? The Saturday one was REPLACED with my "late" one. So this is my story about loosing my original Saturday story.. (SMH) so disappointing. I refuse to write it over. So yea. Bye..

Late. (sunday)

I sleep too late..
I wake up too late..
I get to School Late..
I get to saturday school late..
I was late to my own sweet 16...
My menstrual cycles are always mixed up and late...
I submit Moodle assignments late unintentionally even by a minute...
My train to work always breaks down or something happens to make me to work late...
I eat too late..
I drink water too late....
I used the bathroom when it's late...
When It's late and I wake up I cant go back to sleep...
I take sleeping medications too late; witch result in the waking up late...
I would say I'm reliable.. Just don't expect me to be there early.

Text from...

I stared down my phone. It never buzz, rings, vibrates or anything. It's just kind of beyond out of date and nonworking. I pressed my thumb against the buttons randomly until it woke from it''s sleep mode. On the screen a gray box with a moving envelope and words alerting me of a text message. I sighed and clicked on it and ti took me to a list of messages. The text opened saying "Hey sunshine". Only my family called that. My eyes wandered to the top of the screen looking for a name. It simply said Tab.

 My head feel back against my pillows and I squeezed my eyes shut. Why now? Even if Tab is my mother, we didn't have a real relationship. For the most part I went months (one time it was over a year) without hearing or seeing her. Then at random she would appear for a bit talk to my dad then vanish again. If I did see her in person we never talked much. She would ask my a few questions and if I tried to answer them she tuned out part way or if I asked her something she would kind of ignore it. There were times she would open up and we could connect but then she was gone. It always seemed to be the same cycle. That's why I can honestly say I am not one to open up to people or trust them. Just from Tab's actions. It doesn't just effect me either. My little half sister (who used to live with her) and my dad. She has all effected us and how we act with people in some way.

 I looked down at the phone again. The message still started back at me. In my head I ping ponged back and forth about what to do. Mom (actually my grandmother who raised me like a mom) always told me it was my choice. If I wanted Tab in my life let her and if I didn't I wouldn't need to. Did I want to have a mother/daughter relationship enough to give her the chance to let her in even if she left again? Maybe I need to take my own time and reach out to her when I was ready? It wouldn't be on her own terms but my own. That way if she responded or not I would just be ready. Now what would be my choice though...

Taahir Henry

This project required me to explain my daily routine using Spanish.  ​I had to write down steps for each part of my day and then combine them with audio, video, and some pictures.

I learned how to say my daily routine in Spanish. I feel like my final product is good, but it could have went more smoothly. If I could do it all over again I would make it all video instead of a mixture of video and pictures. I enjoyed this project because it was interesting turning every that was on paper into a video.

This is the link for my video:


(This was meant for yesterday but my internet was acting up last night.)

​I randomly decided to try out cleverbot again after not using it in a very long time. I must say cleverbot is not only funny still but knows how to make someone happy ^_^
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Alternate Endings

The Ideal Life Story

Back to start, but add an s.  

The Life Story of Many 

Alternate Endings 

Too many have lived, are living, and will live out this storyboard. 

Story #18

"Get in the passenger seat"
I responded "ok".
"First you have to adjust your mirrors and your seat."
I thought to myself "wrong", then I said "No first you have to put your seat belt on."
My dad turned around and asked "you think you know more than I do?"
I laughed and said "No, you just don't know how to follow rules and asked him are you gonna pay the ticket?" and put my seat belt on.