spanish2, español2, español, Q2BM, proyecto, Gierke, "Steven Webb", E2.X.2011-2012

-Introduction (In English):
  • What was the assignment?  
    To describe what we do everyday.
  • What did you enjoy about this project?  
    The recording

-Reflection (In English): 

  • What did you learn about yourself after mapping out your daily routine?  
    That I take a while to take a shower.
  • What skills did you acquire related to the Spanish language?
    Refer to the vocab list.
  • If you could do this over for the purpose of improving your final product, how would you change it or what would you add to it?

    I would have a recording of my eating.

¡Me encanta mi escuela!


   ¡Hola amigos! ¿Como esta? Mi escuela, SLA es mas o menos pequeño, de costumbre bobo, y mucho entretenido. Nosotro principal es el Sr. Lehman. Es el muy intelligente. SLA estamos en Filadelfia. Natenamos de un café, mucho clubes, y mucho deportes. Hay quinientos estudiantes y profesores. Los profesores es mucho inteligentes. ¡Me encanta SLA! SLA es muy interesante y diversión.


Clase: Ingles

Tengo la clase de: martes, vienes, miércoles, jueves, 

Profesor: Señor Kay

Actividades en la clase: Leer, escribir, tomar apuntes,

Responsabilidades: Prestar atención, tomar apuntes, participar, trabajar duro

Materiales: Unas lápices, Las hojas de papel, Mi computadora, y Mi libro, Kindred.

Opinión: Me fascina porque es muy interesante, difícil a veces.

¿Te gusta tu clase de: Ingles?


Clase: Bioquímica

Tengo la clase de: lunes, martes, jueves, vienes

Profesor: Señor Sherif

Actividades en la clase: Leer, escribir, hacer investigación,

Responsabilidades: Prestar atención, tomar apuntes, hacer investigación

Materiales: Unas lápices, Las hojas de papel, Mi computadora,

Opinión: es muy interesante, mucho diversión

¿Te gusta tu clase de: Bioquimíca?

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26th Amendment


Why did you choose this topic?

I chose this project mainly because I think this amendment relates to seniors a lot. Most of us are turning 18 and before we know it we are going to be thrown into the hot pot of politics. Also in SLA I think our seniors and juniors are more informed about what is going on in media and politics more then other schools. So the fact that we are well informed, and turning 18 is really important. Because there are a lot less votes coming from younger people, and we need to change that. Especially since we are basically the future, we should have a say in what happens. 

What did you like about this project? What was most challenging?

I always like putting together the movie together. It just is always a nice way to wrap up information in a creative way. I think the hardest part is trying to find what clips I could use within the movie. There was really only one c-span slip that had to do with young voters so trying to find different clips to incorporate and highlight that clip was a bit difficult. So that part was the most challenging for me. 

Describe the most interesting fact or event that you investigated.

I actually didn't know much about the voting age changing. I knew it did change rom 21 to 18 but that was as deep as it was for me. So researching about why it changed was interesting for me, and finding out that young men who were drafted at 18 felt that if they fought for the country they should be able to have a say in it as well. Which makes sense. So that was really interesting. 

How could this project be improved?

I would have liked the video to be a bit longer, and I really wanted to do interviews of young adults between the ages of 18-21 and figure out their voting history, if they have one. I think it would have really complemented the video and would have added a really interesting view since the young adults, themselves, would be saying how they felt about it. 

Where did you run into trouble with the project?

I think the hardest part was the fact that my partner and I were really doing well with the ideas and brainstorming of the project. We were really on our way to an awesome project. But there were some complications that got in the way and kind of flipped the whole project upside down. So trying to to get back up and start on my own was a bit difficult. 

What went well with this project?

I think the clips I did get looked really nice within the movie. The movie has a nice flow to it, though its short, it states it's point well. 

If you had it to do over, what would you change about your decisions or your process?

I would definitely get interviews of 18-21 year olds so that I had more clips for the movie, which would lengthen it but also make it way more interesting. I also would have worked harder to get it done faster and remember to post the video after I made it.  

What did you learn?

Some of the things that I learned was not only the details of the voting age changing but also how important it is for young adults to vote. Though a lot of 18 year olds may think our vote doesn't count, it really does. We really should work hard in making sure we have a say in our government and our future. A lot of us are more informed then many older adults when it comes to politics and media since most of us have classes based on those. So our thoughts, and votes are needed. I just learned a lot about the importance of young adults voting. 

Kashif Ahmad Benchmark reflection

Since I was leaving to Pakistan I didn't have access to computer like that, Ms.Laufenberg assigned me this project. One thing I liked about this project is that it reached things I didn't knew before. What was challenging is that I had a little struggle with finding information about Pakistan government. One interesting fact is that Pakistan presidents serve 5 years instead of 4 years like here. This project could be improved if I included more pictures. I didn't really have problem with this project but one problem I encounter was that when I came back from Pakistan my computer battery was messed so now I can't use my computer without being plugged in to the charger, it makes it hard because I have to turn on and off my computer all the time. Finding the key points of the 2 government went well. I would make a video instead of slide show. I learned that Pakistan only had 12 presidents, also each president serves 5 years. 

Passing Final Project



It seems like when ever there is something, it could be a good thing or a bad thing, there is always a main source. So to completely eliminate something, that main source. For instance, you need to take out bulb so the lamp won't glow. But in my video, I explained that it is almost impossible to end this problem with racism and people not feeling accepted and they feel like they don't have the rights to do things that they have a desire to do. Many people are to scared to attempt to fix this problem.

Here is the video of the poem...
If the video doesn't work, then make yourself useful and read it yourself.​


The Oil of Fire


Life is made in many different forms,

These different forms come from different makers.


You eat the food from the ground,

You drink the water from the seas,

You smell the scent of the flowers,

And you breathe the air of the earth.


The Presidents made the constitution,

The gods made the earth,

The chicken laid the egg,

And seed made the tree.


Everything has a source.

It’s the heart of the body,

Without it we would be dead

It’s the Sun of the Universe,

Without it we would be dead.

It’s the racism of our society,

Without it we would be alive.


It has brought nothing

Except hatred and war,

It is something undesirable,

Nothing we adore.


The main source of it,

Died many years ago,

Not possible to fix,

This situation left us in woe.


We can always attempt to make a change,

Getting a lot of people to agree, is very hard to arrange.

Most likely it is impossible to complete this task,

Everyone is two afraid to help, they will wear the fearful mask.


-Daniel Varnis

Q2 Work

Here is my work for this quarter. Some of these may go into my portfolio. Not all are posted, just the ones that best represent each project.
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"Passing" Art Piece

This picture is meant to question the feelings that Clare and Irene might have had in that apartment when Clare's husband confronted her about being black. Did Irene push Clare out of the window? If so, did she do it because it was the perfect opportunity to get rid of her? If Irene didn't push Clare, did she fall out of the window on purpose? Was she grateful for her death or was the whole thing an accident?

Passing Painting
Passing Painting

Mí escuela !

SLA es un muy intelegente escuela. Es pequeña, divertida,y creativa. en la esculea tenemos que actividadas de basketból , drama y tecnology. Es quinientos estudientes y veinte professor@ . La escuela es en el centro filadeífia. Mi gusta escula porque es muy interesente y difícil.   

Synopsis ;

Clase: español

Profesor/a: la Srta. Manuel

Actividades: en la clase leemos, cantamos, habla en inglés

Responsibilidades: complemente tarea y clase trabaja

Materials:  un lapíz, una pluma, la carpeta, record de tarea

Opinión: me encanta la clase porque es muy. interesente

Clase: álgebra

Profesor/a: La Srta. Garvey

Actividades en la clase: escribamos, problemas de álgebra

Responsibilidades: completemos la tarea para credito

Materials: un lapíz, mí carpeta, mí computadora, una calculadora 

Opinión: me encanta la clase porque es muy facíl y importante

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