Ronald Harper Capstone

Hello, My name is Ronald Harper. I am a senior at the Science Leadership Academy and for my senior project I decided to talk about my work during my junior/senior year mentoring for a youth mentoring fitness program called “Youth mentoring Partnership”. I’ve been apart of this organization for over a year and every moment has impacted me greatly. 

This is a program that is designated to build one on one relationships with children in empowerment communities across Philadelphia and surrounding areas. As a peer mentor for the program, I had to go through the training as if I was a child in the program, I had to go through the workouts, so I can built GRIT myself and I can walk the same walk and understand the effort the children I would be peer mentoring would be giving. I was assigned a child at the beginning of the program after I am finished my peer mentoring training. We work out every Wednesday from 4:30-6m, the goal of each workout is too make goals and reach them, finding the passion and perseverance to get through the trials, finding your edge and pushing through that. It teaches discipline, dedication, motivation and life lessons. More than a fitness program, I played a role model to these children who also have someone to talk too, confide in.



Jaime Christmas Capstone

​For my senior capstone project I analyzed the different grade theme questions and did my best to answer them along with the core values. Along with that I also chose projects that I thought represented some of the things that I learned while doing this project and showed some of the work that we did in the past couple of years and why based on these different themes. When I first began this process of researching and trying to figure out what I wanted to say and what I wanted my project to say about me I learned a lot about why we did some of the things we did in the past couple of years that at the time felt frustrating. By interviewing people and learning about their projects I got to see how they interpreted certain things from their perspective and that helped me better understand why I was doing this project as a whole. In some areas I would say that this could be used as a teaching tool for example projects but I go into briefly about the the dangers the school's within the school district faced and how we've grown from that as a whole. I also go into explain how institutions differ in the city because I've been to three extremely different ones. Most of my process included researching and writing. My final product is a website with the projects on them that outlines everything that I learned through finishing this project. 

Annotated Bibliography
  • Jack Mackie Pictures. Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide. Prod. Scott Fellows and Apollo ProScreen GmbH & Co. Filmproduktion KG. TEENick. Santa Clarita, California, 07 Sept. 2003. Television. This source provides me information about how a directional piece is written and how it might actually benefit people. It provided people with a service from their peers; someone that they were comfortable confiding in which is very important at this age. I selected this source because for people coming of age they're at that time when they "hate their parents" or they feel no one understands them and there's a lot of stress because you constantly hear how you have to be molding your future at this point and time. I found this source useful because it's essentially what I was trying to do with my capstone. One limitation of this source was for one it's fictional but again that doesn't mean the situations always were.

  • Barber, Bruce. Web log post. Bruce Barber's Real Life Survival Guide. Cindy Papish Gerber, n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. < >. This source is a great example of how I might want my blog to look. Not only does it have different recorded observations from all aspects of life but provides great advice in reference to other people's. It's a blog with a question component so it can always be adjusted to fit people's needs if some may arise. I selected this source because it provides a good reference point for how I want to create my website. It's extremely useful because it'll give me a range of ideas of topics I might want to cover. Although this is geared towards an older audience it's still very relevant information that comes in handy which is what I want to provide people.

  • City of Philadelphia. "Phila.Gov | Office of the District Attorney : R. Seth Williams." Phila.Gov | Office of the District Attorney : R. Seth Williams. City of Philadelphia, n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. < >. This source is the program that I represented while on the Youth Safety Task Force. The Philadelphia Youth Aid Panel's purpose is to help juvenile offenders avoid trial by providing them services and directing them to a more productive lifestyle. This is a very important program especially in Philadelphia because of all the budget cuts kids turning to negative lifestyle choices is a serious concern. This source provides me with more information on what the panel does and what my participation looked like. I selected this source because it's a huge issue when it comes to young kids in schools that aren't funded as well as they should be. Kids who make a mistake shouldn't immediately be thrown into the system, no one benefits from that. Everyone deserves a second chance, but my blog or whatever could help deter them from that in the first place.

  • "Rookie." Rookie. Say Media, n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. < >. Rookie Magazine is an online magazine with dozens of young women writing about the everyday quandaries that girls face. It isn't all bad they cover so many topics that it's hard to define Rookie in one word. They empower young women by honestly discussing different aspects of life from love to school to friends and everything in between. This source provides me with a way to construct my blog and things that I may want to write about that are more relevant to people my age. I selected this source because I found it really interesting and raw. This source was extremely useful because it gives great advice on certain situations that isn't always easy to discuss with your parents. Rookie Mag is a great source that really embodies everything self help and lifestyle.

  • Lattanzio, Vince. "Thousands of Students Walkout, Protest Budget Cuts."NBC 10 Philadelphia. NBC 10 Philadelphia, 18 May 2013. Web. 21 May 2015. <>.

NBC 10 Philadelphia is an extremely trustworthy news source. It specializes in current events that are directly correlated to Philadelphia. This source provided me with a more in depth idea of what we were fighting for during the time budget cuts in the Philadelphia School District were creating a very strong public response. This source helped me become more aware of how drastic the situation actually was and what that meant for students around the city. This source allowed me to appreciate the education I have received in the past four years.

This source is the mission of Masterman High school and outlines what they look for in students in one simple sentence. This source helped me see the similarities and differences in the students taken there compared to SLA and how the learning styles differ as well. Because school has obviously been a huge part of my life seeing the differences in how I’ve been taught over the years helps me learn more about myself. I chose this source because it was important for me to analyze how education differs even around the city.   

I chose this source because it clearly outlines how things operate at Science Leadership Academy. This source helped me analyze what really makes SLA unique which was pretty much what my whole project entailed because of the things we do here. The Family Night Guide talks about what to expect when you start school here and explains the different themes for each grade and core values. This helped me extremely while doing my capstone project because I wanted to go into depth about why we do these things and how I’ve learned by answering the theme questions.

The mission and vision is a critical part of SLA because it differs greatly from a regular institution within the district. This source helped me because at times it was difficult for me to put into words in what ways we were different from others by the way we did things and this helped explain why we do things the way we do at SLA. This source provided me information on the technicalities of how we are taught here including the rubric and what is expected of us and how we reach those goals every quarter.

This source was about how individuals operate within an organization properly when integrating different beliefs, cultures and people. It went on to talk about how people are motivated, their attitudes and behavior and how that affects their day to day. This source provided me information about collaboration in the workplace and how group work and organizations have evolved over the years. This source helped me with my capstone project because it gave me a better idea of how I’m going to continue to collaborate with people well into my college years and so on. This is one of our five core values so learning about this was vital to completing my project

This article or whatever you would like to call it, journal article, talked about the study of systems thinking and everything that goes into it and what aspects you have to look out for to be a critical systems thinker. This source gave me information about systems and what it means to think about systems. This was important information to have because one of the key themes is systems, how you interact with them, how they change and how you maintain their change. This source helped me a lot because I was able to answer a lot of the questions listed under grade 10 very effectively and efficiently. Without this source I probably wouldn’t have been able to answer the questions as meaningful as I had.

Matthew Schreiber Capstone

Throughout the year I attempted to build a Stirling Engine. My goal was to make one the most cost effective materials possible. i spend hours designing my engine and figuring out all the materials I would need. However this project allowed me to see the issue of time management when it comes to designing a large process as well as how hard it may be to find materials for designs. In the end I couldn’t get all of the materials needed to finish the engine in time. This lead me to eventually design an engine based lesson plan for the new engineering teacher and my capstone mentor, Mr. Kamal, as he is trying to reinvent our engineering classroom. i looked at the SLA sample lesson plan which revolves around the same core values our capstones go by. Looking at this allowed me to design the set up for my engine lesson plan. This included how the schedule should be for the unit, what the teacher should be looking for, and the major essential questions. This lesson plan taught me the importance of trying to make a lesson that engages students and makes every single person involved with the project. Below is the lesson plan I created as well as a drawing of my engine and a photo of all the material I collected.
StirlingEngineLessonPlan (1)

American Stirling Company. "American Stirling Company." American Stirling Company. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.

This was both a look at other designs and a look at some of the Science Behind Stirling Engines. The main thing I got from this website is that Stirling Engines can be made by a lot of Cheap materials. One of the designs I looked at was a Stirling Engine made from something as simple as a coffee cup which allows me to be very broad with the materials used in my design. The website also has a very in Depth FAQ’s section that allowed me to see answers to most of the questions I have.

Braun, Jim. "Stiling Engine Email." E-mail interview. 10 Oct. 2014.

These were conversations that I had with Mr. Kamal before I decided to make him my mentor. Afterwards he sent an email to his friend Jim Braun who worked on Stirling Engines. What he taught me was that Stirling Engines are typically Kinematic types. Meaning that they transfer energy through kinematic energy. This greatly helped me with my design because I thought Stirling Engines had to transfer energy through thermal energy. One drawback is that the email he sent back didn’t go into much detail on Stirling Engines, but the information about them being Kinematic types really helped me out with the Design.

Gras, Pierre. "Stirling Engine." Advantages and Disadvantages of. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.

This link helped me when it came to describing my Stirling Engine. It gave me the advantages of a Stirling engine such as how adaptable it is and how efficient it is compared to most combustion engines. There are a few disadvantages of Stirling Engines that this website points out. Such as how the Engine is not that well unknown and is therefore deemed not popular. Another issue is that switching everyone to Stirling Engines is not yet as cost effective as it should be. One big thing it pointed out was the issue with keeping the Engine sealed, which helped with my design.

Hirata, Koichi. "Let's Build A Can Engine Step 1." Let's Build A Can Engine Step 1. N.p., n.d. Web.  30.Oct.2014         

This was one of the first websites I came across when finding a way to Build a Stirling Engine. I needed to see what a smaller design looked like so I could make one myself. This source gave me a lot of info and an in depth instructions on how to build the Stirling Engine that is shown. One thing that the website didn’t give me was all of the science behind each part. It only gave me the materials needed to build it and the measurements for it. I could see that each part worked, but the website wouldn’t explain why.

Infospace LLC. "How Stirling Engines Work - HowStuffWorks."HowStuffWorks. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2015.

This was the first source that gave me a scientific explanation of how Stirling Engines work. It went as far as to explain the History behind Stirling Engines and showed me how the first Engines were built. It taught me a concept that I did not know about called the Stirling Cycle where the engine uses an “external Heat source” and that the gasses inside the Stirling Engine never leave it. This information help me get the idea that if the engine is not insulated, then the gases leak out and it’s not an actual Stirling Engine. I also learned that Stirling Engines are used in Submarines and Yachtz.

Kuprenas, John, and Matthew Frederick. 101 Things I Learned in Engineering School. Boston: Grand Central, n.d. Print.

This book wasn’t exactly for my engine itself. I am using this book as a source because it was a large influence on my engineering process. It gave 101 different tibets about Engineering in general and gave me a lot of tips, when it came to work speed and process. One tip that has already began to help is the fact that working fast does not save money. Meaning that I should take a little more time than what may be needed so that I can save money by not making mistakes. Other tips was the fact that solar energy is super useful in projects and that environmental positive impact projects (like mine) are really good.

Multiple Authors. "" N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2014.

This was another source that I used when trying to work on my design that was shown to me by Mr. Kamal. This one gave way more in depth designs on different Stirling Engine. This website was special because instead of giving designs made by professionals who work on these daily, it gave designs made by people who just have a similar interest in Stirling Engines. A similar drawback with this website is that it does not give me the science that I am looking for. The website is also a little harder to navigate to the different designs.

Stirling Engine." Real World Physics Problems. Real-World-Physics-Problems, n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>.

This is one of the most useful sources that I have. It gave me the Physics behind Stirling Engines and Guidelines behind an idea of their own for Stirling Engines. I prefer this source over most because it gives diagrams to explain how the major parts of the design work. The one thing I would of like this website to do was give information about the Physics around Stirling engines in General and not just about their design. This way I could have a easier grasp about all of the information they were given men so I could apply it to my own design.

University of Caterbury. "Stirling Engine Info." - Electrical and Computer Engineering. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.

I got another look into the Science and History behind Stirling Engines. However one unique thing that this source gave me was the idea of a Low Temperature Differential Powered Stirling Engine. This is a form of a Stirling Engine that still gets an efficient amount of Energy from the Engine, but without it needing to get to the high temperatures that Stirling Engines normally need to get too. This would be a version that would be a lot more cost efficient because you wouldn’t need to focus so much on increasing and store heat into the Engine. This source gave me a good idea on another kind of engine that I can build.

VanKouwenberg, Matthew. "Stirling Engine Conversation." Personal interview. 22 Dec. 2014.

I have been working on this project for over three years. I tried multiple times to build it, but couldn’t finish because I ran out of time. Over the last three years Mr. Vk has given me a lot of information about Stirling Engines. So I just decided to combine all of the conversations into one source. Some information includes how they work with heating and cooling as well as the environmental Benefit of the Engine. He taught me about how most of the engines needs to have an insulated Piston in order for the Engine to work. It because of my many trial and error attempts in VK’s class that made me decide on this Capstone.

Jennifer Perez Capstone


A year ago, my family had lost a friend due to a battle against breast cancer. Ella Reynov was a brave women who lived happily married and once became a mother of two young children. After her death in April 2014, she inspired me to make a change by helping others that are diagnosed with the sickness because it really hits you, when someone you truly love is hurt by strong medications and painful procedures. Now that senior year was approaching, I decided to dedicate my capstone in the memory of my dearest friend Ella. My overall ideal of having a breast cancer project, I wanted to be supportive and to make a difference for the victims that are fight against cancer. When I was introduced to the Susan G. Komen organization, I always participated to walk the 5K but this year I decided to fundraise and form a team for SLA called “Pink Rockets”, after finding out that in the Philadelphia area about 3.8 million women and 15 counties, 75% were funding for the awareness. To raise money, I sold Pink Rocket t-shirts and created a bake sale along with my partner, Chaveliz Nieves. Overall we made $139 dollars to donate. Anything counts towards breast cancer, either if we were short on money or have big bills. Throughout the year, I also wanted to connect and reach out to other breast cancer patients so I created a mini diary blog on tumblr by sharing stories and reblogging.

Link to Google Slides:

Link to Tumblr Page:


"Breast Cancer Awareness Month | A Little Bit Better With Keri Glassman."YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>.

This source provides information about Breast Cancer Awareness Month throughout October. The video is presented by Keri Glassman, who is the founder and president of Nutritious Life in New York City. Glassman, has been leading many females to health and wellness plus encouraging other viewers to learn more information about early detection and ways that people can support the fight towards breast cancer. We know that the disease can be aggressive but the video includes tips and advice, that we should be aware for the ones we love. In the channel ‘Living Strong Women’ organization, the source gives plenty of recommendations and definitely helpful to my capstone.

"Pink Ribbons, Inc. Official Trailer #1 (2012) Breast Cancer Documentary HD." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>.

This source is not only an ordinary video, It’s a Breast Cancer documentary. The documentary provides information about marketing campaigns throughout fundraising the awareness. We know that many brands are involved such as New Balance, Fuze, and even the NFL who supports the awareness. Each year, there is an estimation about millions of dollars is raised but the documentary questions, where does the money really go? Is it really donated to the awareness? Are campaigns unfair to Breast Cancer patients? or Does it even achieve? One of the woman in the trailer explains that the disease is able to help raise but also believes that it is being used so that people can profit. It gives good background and helps improve my progress for capstone presentation.

"Breast Cancer - Symptoms and Treatment." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>.

I found this source useful because the video includes information about Breast Cancer. The video is basically in a animation and breaks down of how is cancer transfer to a woman body, also it is scanned as a 2D- 3D video. Describing the facts of what females such as the three different types of Breast Cancer, most women should be aware of the life threatening alert and how to prevent the disease is very important. The Health channel gives support throughout the video and believe it is helpful towards the viewers. I personally think, that this video is very useful because when capstone presentations will begin, I would want to give a short summary of what breast cancer is and how many women are affected each year.

"Are We Fighting Breast Cancer All Wrong?" BuzzFeed. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>.

I found this source useful because it is different from other research that I found and it is an infographic about breast cancer. The infographic questions, are we fight breast cancer all wrong? and how much breast cancer research money is spent on prevention? There is enough statistics to look at and discover how is the money is being used. Such as, $87 million is made by Department of defense of 2011 and only 1.1% has been given towards the prevention and the rest is wasted on treatment and survivor outcomes, etc. Another interesting fact that I am able to use for my capstone is that in 1975, there were 105 reports for each 100,000 women with Breast Cancer and 32 years later in 2007, there were 125 reports per 100,000 women.

"8 Things You Didn’t Know Cause Cancer." BuzzFeed. Mark Celestino, n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. 


I selected this source because I thought it will be helpful that there are secret ways to get cancer, therefore people should be aware of. These are the type of things that people can get cancer easily such as the processed meat of what we eat, popcorn bags since its filled with perfluorooctanoic acid that is basically a toxic, and farmed salmon that is a high risk of cancer, etc. This can be part of my research for my capstone presentation. I would include how much research I have done and possibly show this video if I am able too but will definitely share the information to the viewers.

"Home | Susan G. Komen®." Home | Susan G. Komen®. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>.

I found this source very helpful because the Susan G. Komen is the main cite that I will follow up everyday for my capstone. I had set up a group account so I can fundraise and join the 5k walk on mothers day. Almost every other two days, I receive updates and reminders about the charity within how I am able to help out the community with survivors but it even sends me short personal stories. Since, I decided to create a gathering call Pink Rockets, this source will honestly be my best friend throughout the year. It will follow me up of how much I will fundraise and how much effort have I gave.

"Breast Cancer." Breast Cancer. American Cancer Society, n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>.

This source provides information about breast cancer awareness. It is able to help you find support and treatment, exploring research, learning about cancer of what it is exactly, and how to get involved. We may know what cancer is but people must know that this disease is not easy to recover. We love our mothers and other important females in our life, so therefore we should take care of women. The way this source will help me present my capstone is by explaining the audience of why is it important and how it can impact everyone is a certain type of why. Or even, go around to the students and let them share their experiences with this disease because it is always nice to hear short stories. But mostly, this sources will provide many information and lead me to a good path.

"Fight for Ella Fund." N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. <>.

I selected this source because the link will direct to paypal where students, teachers, and friends will be able to donate to ‘Fight for Ella Fund’. You can donate at any amount as you please towards the fund that will help me for the capstone and the organization. This link will be used in my Capstone presentation and website. I will also post statuses on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr to see if people will participate and have a good heart to donate. At the final product of my capstone, I will announce how much did we raised and what were the goals.

"Breast Cancer For Dummies." Barnes & Noble. Ronit Elk, Monica Morrow M.D., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. <>.

Not only that I would want to look into online sources, It is always good to find information in text books. This book is called, ‘Breast Cancer for Dummies’. It’s a common book that people always use for any situation or guideline. Since, this is about breast cancer,  it will help me understand a lot better of what is the disease. Some of the truths of breast cancer that I recently found out was that, when a woman has breast cancer it does not mean it will lead to death because there are some cure and depending of what type of cancer it is. There are millions of survivors and it really inspires me to talk about the facts towards my capstone. I just think it is interesting and it will be helpful throughout my process.

"Chicken Soup for the Breast Cancer Survivor's Soul: Stories to Inspire, Support and Heal." Barnes & Noble. Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Mary Olsen Kelly, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. <>.

Other than online sources, there was another book that I found that was clever about Breast Cancer. Not only, does it give facts or any other warnings that readers should be aware of. The book explains the positive side of breast cancer and give stories about survivors. Even, if we lost the ones we love and became afraid, at the end families shared their experience in the book and gladly supports the awareness that people fundraise. I believe that the book is very heart-warming and touching. It is a nice book to enjoy and other readers would like to find more information about the fight.

Nia Hammond Capstone

Throughout the year for my capstone, I chose to explore the world of theatre and performing arts. I saw a few play productions from schools in the Philadelphia area, including Thoroughly Modern Millie performed by students at Lower Merion High School and Pippin performed by Friends Select School students. In addition to this, I read a few plays and decided to try writing my own. With the process that came with first watching theatre productions and then creating my own, I’ve learned that there are many ways to develop a story, put it onto a stage, and ways that the audience will interpret it. 
Below is an excerpt from Amazing Grace, a small play I wrote following life of a modern day transgirl (in .pdf form). Enjoy!
nhammond amazing grace EXCERPT

Pippin. By Roger O. Hirson. Dir. Donna Romero. Blauvelt Theater, Friends Select School. Philadelphia, PA. 21 November 2014. Performance.

This was one of the first plays I saw after deciding to write one for my capstone. This helped me because it is an example of a school production that I could pull ideas from when trying to complete my own production. Though I didn’t take notes while watching, I was very mentally aware of the elements in the play that I liked (not just the story content, but also the transitions and set) and did not find as pleasing. Something I notice is that this school probably had a lot more time to make the play larger scale than the time I am giving myself, which lets me know that I probably won’t have as long or bulky a play, but that’s okay.

Thoroughly Modern Millie. By Richard Morris and Scanlan. Dir. Hana Holquist. Lower Merion High School Auditorium, Lower Merion High School. Ardmore, PA. 22 November 2014. Performance.

This is another play I saw, which was much different from Pippin. The crew was much larger and the costumes, set, design, and actors were much more available at this school because of its size and funds. I can use this play as another example of how something in writing can come to life. This will also benefit my project because, again, I can take the elements I liked from this performance and didn’t like and have mental notes to help the performance I put on to be what I want it to be. This is especially helpful because the cast is of students.

Angels in America. Created by Tony Kushner. Perf. Al Pacino, Meryl Streep, Patrick Wilson, Mary-Louise Parker, Emma Thompson, Justin Kirk, Jeffrey Wright, and Ben Shenkman. HBO, 2003. DVD.

This source is reliable because I saw it during my Sexuality and Society class with Ms. Giknis. The original writing for this film was in the form of a play, and this is yet another representation of bringing scripts to life. There are different ways to interpret what is on paper and this play had more theatrical elements that made it feel more like a play. For example, there were parts where characters were having hallucinations and instead of clearly making it a daydream-like edit, the film just continued as if nothing happened. Watching Angels in America is another example that gives me ideas of how I can interpret my script into a live performance.

Heaney, Seamus, and Sophocles. The Burial at Thebes: A Version of Sophocles' Antigone. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004. Print.

I read this play during my Political Theory class. Though this play is not as modern as others that I have read, it is still useful because I can note the format of the script and how through only the dialogue of characters (mainly) an entire plot can unfold. The best way to learn how to write plays is to read and see many plays, so that is what I am doing. I selected this source, and it was the first play I read after deciding to write a play. The formats used in this play will be useful when I am writing for myself.

“Tom Girls.” Narr. Ira Glass. This American Life. This American Life. PRX. Web. 13 February 2009.

This is the podcast that inspired me to write a play. Not only did it inspire me, but I am creating my plot based on the people interviewed and featured in this podcast. There are two young people who were born as males but identify as girls. They are from different states, and have met through a convention for parents of children like them. Lilly and Thomasina speak first-hand what they feel like being “out of the ordinary,” which I can use to guide character development in my play. Though the lives of these girls will be later on when displayed for the play, this podcast is important because it is my starting point, essentially.

Nina Lewis. “Writing Short Stories – Tips on Narrative Structure & The Writing Process.” AWritersFountain. Web. 18 Jan. 2015. <>.

This web page provides many tips for writing narrative pieces. The author of the blog on which this page is posted recently started the blog in 2013 and frequently updates it with more tips. Just a few months ago, she was involved in an online writing retreat. Because I am not used to writing large amounts or writing narrative pieces, I turned to this source. With it, I can begin to draft out more knowingly what my play will be like. That way, I don’t have a confusing plot with the tips used from this post. I can plan out the script and have it succeed.

Williams, Tennessee. A Streetcar Named Desire. New York: New American Library, 1990. Print.

I read this book for Sexuality and Society class. I chose to read it because not only does it deal with a controversial topic, but is a play. The good part about this play is that it has also been performed and I can find versions of adaptations for this performance to see how I could like my play to carry out as well. This is a good source also because I can use the format of the writing and the plots to mimic when writing my own play. Again, this just adds towards my research process for widening my knowledge on plays and how they are performed and written.

Szalwinska, Maxie. "Twelve tips for aspiring playwrights." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media Limited, 16 Aug. 2002. Web. 13 Dec. 2014. <>.

These are tips I really needed in addition to other resources that explained the ropes of playwriting to me. This article was written on the Guardian, which is a reliable source for news and other topics. From this source, I learned that I have to learn to listen to what’s going on around me and be very wary of those conversations. It helps to write things with a more realistic approach. For example, if you listen to conversations on the train, you can build a story off of the partial story you are getting from what you hear. Also, another tip was to write more often, which I have been doing since discovering this source.

David Hare, Katori Hall, Matt Charman, Nell Leyshon, James Graham, Alia Bano, Richard Bean, Anders Lustgarten and Roy Williams. “Top Tips for Writers.” National Theatre. National Theatre, n.d. Online video clip. 15 Nov. 2014. <>.

This is another display of many useful tips I need to keep in mind during the writing process. The most useful tips I picked up on was to write about what I’m interested in and what I could learn more about, which would be a driving force for the plot. Another tip was to start out with a plan, and to avoid being boring. By many writers’ perspectives from the video, boring is presenting the audience with something they already know. Additionally, it was good to know that the first draft of a play is not always going to be the greatest, and being able to take criticism is crucial or else I might not succeed.

Clem, Brian. “8 Ways Any Writer Can Get Started in the Craft of Playwriting.” Writer’s Digest. n.p. 17 Oct. 2013. Web. 13 Dec. 2014. <>.

Some of the tips here overlap with things I already had an idea about, but nonetheless, they were still useful. Something that I found to stand out was the tip that said to focus on character development and less about the more theatrical things. The main character should have some change, journey, what it may be between the beginning and end of the play. Also, it was said that I only need to write what is necessary in terms of stage directions and gestures for characters. This source is reliable because it comes from Writer’s Digest, which is an publication for the community of writers.

Dylan Long's Capstone

Student Name:

Dylan Long

In-school mentor’s name:

Douglas Herman

Out-of-school mentor’s name and affiliation:

Dan Long; Father & mentor photographer

Topic Summary:

The goal of this project was to develop and explore a deeper understanding & skill in the art of photography and photo editing, while building up a professional portfolio and letting new photographic styles and techniques evolve.


The inspiration behind this project was ultimately rooted in my passion for photography and visual art. I wanted to develop and improve my skills as a photographer, capture and create art that I would be proud to call mine, and develop a professional portfolio of work to help launch me into professional opportunities. I had been shooting live music for years prior to this project, and I felt I was ready for this next step in my career. I conducted extensive research on the mechanics of cameras and how to manipulate them to achieve the results I wanted, with the help of my mentor Mr. Douglas Herman and my father Dan Long, both professional photographers/artists. As a result of this project, I have an extensive body of work that reflects my growth as a photographer, I have loads of more experience and work under my belt, and I have an intensely deeper understanding of the functionality and artistry behind photography. I aspire to continue making art and capturing beautiful images of live music when I go off to college, while saving up for more professional gear and hopefully landing paying gigs with reputable outlets. I found this project very successful & rewarding by applying SLA’s system of core values to my process from start to finish.


Nikon. "Digitutor D5100 | Nikon." Digitutor D5100 | Nikon. Nikon Corporation. <>.

I selected this source because it gives a professional insight into how to use my specific camera, the Nikon 5100. I found it extremely reliable because this extensive interactive walkthrough was provided by the very maker of my camera, Nikon. From this source I refreshed myself on the specific features of my camera and how to apply these features to my work to come up with the best images that I can be taking.

Nikon. "Shooting a Rock Concert." Concert Photogaphy Tips. Nikon Corporation. <>.

I selected this source because it gives a professional insight into how to use a professional camera in a live music setting. I found it extremely reliable because this extensive article on concert photography offered visual examples along with the settings information for each image, and also included was an extensive article talking about both a logistic and artistic standpoint on concert photography, along with a comments section that offered further collaboration among fellow photographers. From this source I was able to draw more knowledge and inspiration in my photography.

"Nightclub Photography Tips: Camera and Flash Settings." Nightclub Photography Tips: Camera and Flash Settings. The Nightclub Photographer, n.d. Web. <>.

I selected this source because it gives a professional insight into how to use a camera and flash effectively in a nightclub/darkly lit setting, which is where I am often doing concert photography. I found it fairly reliable because the information on the website is consistent with photographic settings and techniques. From this source I was able to draw lots more knowledge concerning lighting in a darkly lit environment, which is essential to be adept in when it comes to low-light concert photography.

"Concert Review." Concert Review. Duke University. <>.

I selected this source because it gives a professional insight into how to write a concise, well-written concert review. Part of my job with the blog Phawker along with taking pictures of the show is writing a 150-200 word review of the show as well. It’s a very demanding job as a teenager because I have to write with the quality of an adult journalist. I found this source extremely reliable because it is a document offered by Duke University in North Carolina. From this source

Bray, Simon. "10 Steps for Building a Photography Portfolio to Be Proud Of - Tuts+ Photo & Video Article." Photo & Video Tuts+. Tuts. <>.

I selected this source because it gives a professional insight into the process of building up a professional portfolio of photography. My project primarily consists of various different mediums of showcasing my work, and thus I decided to do some professional research on the best way to go about it. From this source, I learned a lot about what looks good to the eye when it comes to preparing pieces of art. I learned about storylines with images, color schemes, and other interesting ways to arrange and isolate images.


I selected this source because it gives a professional insight into the process of planning and executing a professional art gallery. I think it is a very trustworthy and legitimate source because the ideas explain in this article are extremely helpful and insightful, and relevant to the topic. From this source I gathered a potential game plan for the end of the year show for all of the photography students and I am now far more aware about how to orchestrate an art gallery and collaborate with others to make it even better.

Photo Book Girl. "How to Make Your Own Digital Photo Book - Digital Photography School." Digital Photography School RSS. Digital Photography School, n.d. Web. <>.

King, Julie Adair. Digital Photography for Dummies. New York, NY: Wiley Pub., 2002. Print.

I selected this book because I own it and it is an extremely reliable source of information. Inside of this book is quite literally everything you need know on how to become extremely adept at handling DSLR’s (digital single-lens reflex camera), which is one of my goals in this capstone. From this source, I learned various new techniques and tricks that have helped me and will continue to help me explore and advance my skills in photography.

Interview: Dan Long

“I am a professional concert photographer who has been photographing concerts for over thirty years. I have used various different cameras and shot shows in various different ways, and I have been my son’s primary life mentor since he first picked up his Nikon D3100. I have taught Dylan almost everything he knows about photography and have guided him through many projects and new experiences with his camera. I am continuing to do the same thing to this day.”

Interview: Douglas Herman

“I am Dylan’s in-school mentor. For this year, Dylan and his other classmates are going to be helping prepare another annual SLA Photolab student gallery. I am going to be helping both the students as a whole with this art gallery, and Dylan individually. I am going to be giving Dylan guidance on executive decisions to make about his photography and how he portrays it, tips and advice on how to improve the quality of his work and his work ethic, and anything else he needs along the way.” 

Visual representation of my capstone is available via the PDF uploaded with the post!


Emmanuel Kouadio Capstone


  Have you ever walked down the street and see someone homeless? Maybe you haven't, but if you did it's not a pretty sight. Homeless people in Philadelphia tend to roam the streets, sleep anywhere, pan handle at multiple septa locations, and much more. People who are homeless have to deal with a lot of issues like where their next meal is coming from, where will they sleep, how will they get money, and more. Food, protection, and shelter is a big factor of living and the fact that people are homeless that makes it harder on themselves to provide and also survive. Even some homeless people have too much pride to goto shelters. I thought to myself that its not the fact that the person is faking their homelessness or not, but either way that person is ill and attention is needed. My capstone was helping the homeless and that is exactly what I did. I thought about the different needs and things a homeless person would want like food, clothing, money, and other personal needs to take care of themselves so I did the best I could do. With the help of an SLA alumni parent my capstone mentor (Mr. Joe Willard) and I thought about the ways I could pitch in and leave and impact on the environment. He is the vice president of Philadelphia's People's Emergency Center and a well known individual. With my ideas and goals Mr. Willard helped and guided me into the right path. 



Annotated Bibliography

Source 1-
M., Morris. "10 Shocking Realities Of Modern Poverty." Listverse Ltd., 26 Sept. 2013. Web. 25 Jan. 2015. <>.

In this source it basically talks about how poverty doesn’t define people or situations. It is possible to have a good life even if you’re labeled as poor. There are many good views about poverty. Many people think negatively when they hear the word “poverty”. When hearing poverty even myself used to think, “dirty, trashy, poor, lower class”, and reasons for that is because growing up in a city rated #3 for poverty and homelessness in the U.S. they are things I see when roaming the street. Prior to my knowledge there were many more insights about the reality of poverty. In the article, “10 Shocking Realities Of Modern Poverty.” Morris talks about 10 shocking and revealing things about the poverty happening today. His list of things relating to poverty consisted of the following: chronic illness, relocation, early death, homelessness, low social mobility, lifelong debt, working poverty, loss of human rights, hungry kids, child mortality. It basically gives me an overall on poverty and homelessness.

Source 2-

Ambrose, Jeffrey. "The Reality of Global Poverty." ECONOMY & PERSONAL FINANCE. The Real Truth. Inc,, 30 Nov. 2014. Web. 25 Jan. 2015. <>.

In this source the article provides a lot of feedback on the topic of reality and poverty. When first reading this article I saw a quote that amazed me. The quote said, “While pockets of genuinely severe deprivation do exist even in the Western world’s lands of plenty, most notably in inner cities and rural areas such as Appalachia, the overall picture of the poor in the United States is starkly different from the rest of the globe. On other continents—in slums, rural villages and jungles far from any kind of government-funded social programs—what is it like to be among the “have not’s”? After reading that quote I thought to myself, “What does this actually mean?”, so I redefined it. That quote meant that many populated cities in the United States today are basically portrayed as wealthy and a fine environment to live in, but most of those environments are struggling and need help. Many of the attention directed towards poverty aren’t really making clearer images for people to actually see.

Source 3-

Battistoni, Alyssa. "Poverty in America Is a Moral Issue." The Reality of Poverty. The Nation Inc,, 27 Oct. 2007. Web. 26 Jan. 2015. <>.

In this source I read about an article called,  “The Reality of Poverty” and it also included new obtainable data and information. By now in my chapter you should’ve basically learned much about poverty, the relationship between the economy and the people, and how people enter into the stage of poverty. Now I am going to surely bring my essential question into play and relate it to my deeper questionings and thoughts. What is the reality of poverty according to this article? Well, this article is focused on the aftermath of poverty that happens in the United States and what actions could be taken place.

Source 4-

Rank, Mark. "Poverty in America Is Mainstream." The New York Times Company, 2 Nov. 2013. Web. 26 Jan. 2015. <>.

In this article it provides a lot of helpful information to use and obtain for knowledge prior to the reality of poverty happening in current day America. First lets start off by stating some statistics that I have found and hear some explanations that I have for each of them. it shows that the articles name actually has proof to back up its theory. America’s system of poverty actually is mainstream. Think of it this way, poverty in America is mainstream because people fail to realize that there are pros and cons of living in poverty. Most people assume that people who live in poverty are poor, have no home, or lives near an abandoned subway or church.

Source 5-

Ryssdal, Kai. "Tell Us What the Economy Feels like to You." Marketplace Productions, 9 Dec. 2014. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>.

In this source it talks about how starting at the age of 25, you have a lot of things to take care of and responsibilities. Whether you have a child, going to school still, out of school and paying off debts, or just working… all citizens have something that they have to take care of and that’s just apart of growing up in life. Times in today’s economy are rough and surely even if you have money and “middle class” or not, you must have to learn the economy is rapidly changing and people have to fully adjust to it in order to be financially stable.

Source 6-

Elliott, Andrea, and Ruth Fremson. "Invisible Child." Girl in the Shadows: Dasani’s Homeless Life. The New York Times Company, 9 Dec. 2013. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>.

In this source I think the main idea was to show how when you take a stand and help someone who is going through homelessness overcome their situation you are both apart of something good and the person is too. In this source a girl is interviewed, followed to school, and is looked at from a different perspective since people knows that she is poor and doesn’t have the best house around as possible. She lives in a house of trash and dangerous living conditions, but as time passes overtime peoples then get involved such as organizations and big time names in helping her. This was the motivation for my capstone.

Source 7-

McArdle, Megan. "What Prevents the Poor from Reaching the Middle Class?" American Enterprise Institute, 10 July 2014. Web. 28 Jan 2015. <>.

What stood out to me in this source that made me use it is that it talked about numbers and facts a lot. I have learned that statistics say that at least over 54% of Americans in their lifespan will spend at least one year going through poverty or near the state of living in poverty. At least 40% of Americans ranging from ages 25 through age 60 will most likely experience a year below the poverty level. I found this source very useful because it helped me know about the things that people involved in homelessness ever go through and what the numbers look like on paper. Things like this would be good for my presentation.

Source 8-

Rosling, Hans. "Hans Rosling: New Insights on Poverty." Ted Talk Inc,, 26 June 2007. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <>.

In this source  it talks about how their are multiple insights of poverty which leads to the topic of homelessness. Becoming homeless and just the state of being homeless has been misjudged by people and in this video Hans Rolling does just that by talking to the public in his Ted Talk on what he believes is the way to guiding people to the right path of seeing why homeless people feel uncomfortable going into shelters, asking for help, rather beg for many, and many many more issues. Hans Rolling discusses a lot of things that I never thought about and should ever be discussed with the public.

Source 9-

"Opening Doors: Preventing Homelessness." Preventing Homelessness. United States Interagency Council on Homelessness Inc. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <>.

In this source it talks about more information just like the others. Homelessness, how to prevent it, how it starts. The main argument of this source is that it eventually likes to bring into play that poverty in the U.S. is an occurring event because of less job opportunities for people that are low class citizens, which forces many of those lower class citizens to live off of welfare, social security, and over government provided programs for people in need of financial help. This will come to show that homelessness in America and poverty itself is being overlooked by people who don’t know enough about this topic or people who are not educated. Poverty shouldn’t exist in extreme ways, the government should step up more.  

Source 10-

How YOU Can Help End Homelessness. National Coalition for the Homeless Inc.,, 1 June 2006. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <>.

In this source I thought it was helpful because it talks about different ways to contribute to homelessness, how to end poverty, and the different ways of how to avoid the improper way of approaching it. This source was amazing to me also because this pdf in the source provides a great amount of info on where to go if homeless and how to still feel special and not down. How to bring yourself up if you are going into a homeless position. Shelters and other programs for people who need to get special help and attention for themselves and their family.

Mingxue Zheng Capstone

In my life in America, I experienced discrimination, language issues, and other complications just like any other immigrants. As an immigrant, I always wanted to help my fellow immigrants. So, I decided to join the Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition during the summer. Every Mondays and Fridays, I helped new citizens with their voter registration. My ability to speak Mandarin allowed me to register Chinese immigrants who were either reserved or ineloquent in English. While volunteering, I gained organization and logistics skills by keeping track of the number of newly registered voters after each naturalization ceremony. 

During the fall, I participated in phone banks every afternoon on Thursdays and Wednesdays for three months. In each session, I connect with advocators and immigrants. I had become increasingly knowledgeable about the current issues that current immigrations are facing. 

As I became more devoted to the program, I was inspired to create my capstone project on immigration reform. I worked with Maria Sotomayor, the program coordinator, and Maria’s coworkers, Sundrop Carter and Taja Towne, to create a website. The website includes information about the immigration histories in the U.S., three PICC staff interviews videos, and a Diversity Photography Gallery that will remind us the importance of immigrants in the U.S. 

As a result of this project, I was able to improve my photography and video editing skills and as well as my leadership skills. I hope this project will educate the public more about immigration and gather more volunteers to support the immigrant communities.

*Bibliography included in website 

Capstone Movie Trailer:

Traevon Gray Capstone

The inspiration behind my capstone comes from the time when I used to work with special ed children in my former middle school. SLA is a school focused on changing each student for the better. I created a documentary about the interaction between special ed students and their teachers that explains why they are important to society and how we can learn from them. The way someone gets the opportunity to become a more well rounded person, something or someone has to help them. The way I was helped to become a more well rounded person is by the program I was involved with, I helped the special ed students with there everyday tasks. This program changed my life made me a better person and appreciate life more. The guide to my capstone is, I interviewed teachers who were the head of the program and also have dedicated their life to help students of the special ed live and learn.

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Screen Shot 2015-05-21 at 11.07.28 PM

Reginald Simmons Capstone

My Abstract: I’ve loved writing since I was very young. It’s a passion I’ve explored further in my high school career in different writing classes. In my junior year, I held an internship at a newspaper named The Philadelphia Tribune. Writing is a theme that I stuck with for my Capstone project. At the Tribune, I was writing articles about education-related things, and I decided that for my Capstone, I’d like to give other students to have their own articles published for everyone to see. Science Leadership Academy has a focus on science, engineering and technology, so I thought it would be fitting for these Capstone articles to focus on the same subjects.

I worked with several different students to co-author small, supplemental articles that explained some interesting scientific stories that are relevant today. One might read about a new computer technology, and another some new information on the Hubble Space Telescope. I learned that people, even those who don’t normally like writing, are eager to share with others the things the passionate about. My hope is that by creating these short articles, they found that writing is one of the best methods to use if a story needs to be heard.

In addition to writing articles with other students, I also created a few of my own to be grouped with them. My writings span across a few different subjects that hopefully will create in the reader’s mind a fuller picture of the purposes of journalism.

Here, you can see an easy to read layout of all the student articles, labeled by author and subject:

And below is my annotated bibliography:

Annotated Bibliography

Source #1:

Gonchar, Michael, and Katherine Schulten. "Google." Google. The New York Times, 6 Feb. 2014. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.

I used this New York Times contest website to get another possibility for where the work that’s created in my project can be hosted or shared. I talked with my advisor about some other possibilities, such as SLA’s writing group or class, whichever it is(I’m not too familiar with this, but it sounds like a pretty good possibility). I’d originally planned on creating my own website for the articles, but my advisor, and this is something I agree with, my advisor suggested trying to get it out there on a site a lot of people know to get some more publicity.  

Source #2:

Fong, Jing. "Spring 2015 National Student Writing Competition: Learning That Matters." YES! Magazine. Yes Magazine, 13 Jan. 2015. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.

This is a source similar to the previously listed one in that it is also a kind of writing contest. This is another suggested possibility by my advisor. It’s just another alternative to having work published on my own personal site. The one issue that I see with this is that the writing for this contest has to focus on a story that originates from YES! magazine, which takes away a lot of the creative freedom that I want for this project. This source does have some information on how to organize things, which I find a bit useful, but I don’t see myself pursuing this any further in the future.

Source #3:

Hacker, Diana, Nancy I. Sommers, and Marcy Carbajal Van Horn. A Pocket Style Manual. 6th ed. Vol. 1st. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins, 2013. Print.

This is a manual that details all the intricacies of writing a professional paper. I’ll use this book to refresh some of the writing skills that I’ve gotten a bit rusty on. Skills that will become very important as I’ll be helping other students write their articles. I’ll have to know exactly what I’m doing or none of this will work at all. It has sections on clarity, grammar, punctuation and mechanics, research and other extremely vital writing skills. I’ll continue to reference this book as I delve more deeply into writing articles with other students and the written portions / explanations for my project overall.

Source #4:

Cialdini, Robert B. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. New York: Collins, 2007. Print.

This book on the psychology of persuasion is one I started reading a while ago based on my interest in psychology and how it relates to everyday human interaction. I’m now seeing that the topics discussed and explained in this book are definitely applicable to writing news articles, specifically opinion editorial pieces, because they are written to try and persuade someone reading it to a certain point of view or idea. I can take ideas and methods from this book and explain them to the students that I help to write their own articles.

Source #5:

Irv Randolph, Managing Editor at the Philadelphia Tribune

Mr. Randolph is the man I originally worked with when I first went to the Philadelphia Tribune in the beginning of my junior year. He was an invaluable source to me and helped me a lot when I was in the process of getting my footing at the Tribune. I collaborated with Mr. Randolph on most of the articles I wrote during my time there to make sure that they were ready to be published. He also worked with me on coming up with important topics for me to write about in my articles, which helped a lot, because when you’re young sometimes you don’t have the same wisdom that people who write award-winning works have.

Source #6:

Meenoo Rami, Science Leadership Academy Teacher

Ms. Rami, other than being my mentor in this project, helped me last year to succeed in my internship at the Philadelphia Tribune, which helped in turn to inspire me this year to come up with my current idea for my Capstone project. Ms. Rami gave me guidance a few times when I struggled with where to go with my writing both inside and outside of class, recommended me certain texts to read to help me through the process, and put me in contact with someone who works as a professional writer to help me out with some ideas.

Source #7:

Shonda McClain, Philadelphia Tribune Magazine Editor

Shonda McClain is another invaluable employee at the Philadelphia Tribune. Last year, while I was completing my internship there, I ran all of my writing through her as well and received important guidance as to room for improvement and places to expand on. Dealing with the intricacies of writing a news article, I’ve found, is a pretty tough skill to master. Ms. McClain was very important to me in making sure that my writing was perfect and ready to be published (in addition to the help I received from Irv Randolph, the Tribune’s managing editor).

Source #8:

"Writing Your Article |" Scholastic Teachers. Scholastic, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.

This Scholastic site that explains how to teach to children how to write news articles is also very helpful to me in that it will assist me in implementing methods to do the same thing in my Capstone project. I’ve taught lessons in class to my peers before, but I’ve never had to teach writing to students below my grade level, and thus I’ll have to master how to present things to them in a way that doesn’t belittle them and at the same time encourages them to learn more; this project’s participants will need to be mostly self motivated to write these articles. I’m still working through this to come up with a solid lesson plan.

Source #9:

"All Issues." All Issues. Environment America, n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2015.

This source gives a comprehensive list of some of the current issues in America that can be written about in the news articles for my project. I sometimes get ‘writers’ block,’ where I struggle to come up with good and interesting material that I know people will be inclined to read about in a newspaper. Having this list will help me to give guidance to other students who may run into the same problem. Who knows? Maybe they’ll be so excited and motivated that they won’t need guidance in this area, but I want to have a plan to deal with them promptly should they run into this problem.

Source #10:

"How to Design a Website Easily - No Experience Required." 2 Create a Website. 2 Create a Website, Jan.-Feb. 2014. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.

This is a site that explains to the user with little experience (criteria that I meet) in web design how to create a website that is clean, clear and concise, just like the articles that are created in this project should. I have created websites before, but they’re only been for classes. I’ve not had to create something that will be showcased in a public setting. I’m certain that there are skills I need to know in order to create the best website possible, and this website that contains a tutorial helps me in doing that. I’ll most likely look to a different source for this as well, since this website’s design is a little sketchy to me.

Ana Dushi Capstone

I created a magazine about traditional Albanian food and the cultural meaning behind the food displayed in the magazine. In the magazine I show different recipes and with a spice of Albanian traditions. I think it will be an interesting topic because not many people know things about Albania. In this way they can learn something for my country and the typical, traditional food that is cooking in my home country.

I think it's important to expose Albanian culture through food because food is universal and I believe that my culture should be understood through something as universal as food. I specifically chose to do my SLA capstone on recipe's of Albanian food because I think it will add another perspective to an SLA environment, which will add diversity to SLA's community. So, I hope that you will enjoy learning about the foods that my country enjoys to eat and maybe make some yourself one day!

My Capstone Project 


"Gatime Shqiptare - Kuzhina Tradicionale Shqiptare." Kuzhina Shqiptare. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.

This source for me is very helpful because in it, are very traditional Albanian recipes. The main idea is to show more about Albanian culinary works of art, and Albanian traditional cooking. For this reason, this is one of the most effective resources. There are dishes from different regions with different and delicious recipes together. This resource will have a very important function to my project. According to the article, it is noted that Albania has a rich cuisine.

"Receta Gatimi Tradicionale Shqiptare." Albania Tourism RSS. 18 July 2014. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. <>

In this source I found the most typical Albanian foods and sweets which are popular in Albania. Albania has an extensive coastline and for this, different cities located in southern Albania have their typical food and different ways to cook one food. This is why I think this source is interesting for my project.

Osmani, Arbana. "Libri: Receta Për Njerëzit Që Dua – Arbana Osmani." ArtiGatimit. 9 Nov. 2013. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.

I chose this book because it is really interesting and has traditional Albanian recipes that are very beautiful. In this book there are recipes for dinner or lunch with friends or family, there are many ideas in it that could boil like food to make great food. In this book there are also written dessert recipes which are highly sugary and fattening but nonetheless incredibly delicious. Each cooked dish is reflected in the picture. This makes it even more interesting and sparks curiosity and motivation for people to try to cook the foods in the pictures. This book is also useful for the project since I had to use photos for my project.

"GATIMET TRADICIONALE NE FIER ABCNews 3 Mars." YouTube. YouTube, 4 Mar. 2013. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.

This source gives information for dishes that are cooked in the city of Fier, Albania in an area called Myzeqe. This article was very important because it shows foods that are cooked in my native town, Fier. I think that this is a good resource that should not be missing in this project because the cuisine's in this book are so essential to the culture in Fier that they cannot be left out.

"GATIME TRADICIONALE." YouTube. YouTube. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. <>.

Here is a video with different recipes and in different city's of Albania. Every recipe is visually shown in this video. To look at the video about the food, I think is a good way and engaging way to learn about the food. I think this video can help me to take some interesting recipes from different cities.

"Traditat Dhe Zakonet Shqiptare Te Paqyruara Ne Krijimtarine Popullor..." Traditat Dhe Zakonet Shqiptare Te Paqyruara Ne Krijimtarine Popullor... Web. 30 Jan. 2015.


I chose this source because for me it is very important and very helpful for my project because in it there are not just recipes of the traditional foods that I will be using in my project but also more recipes that are relevant to Albanian culture. So, in this site there are clearly a lot of things about the traditions and culture of Albania that go beyond my project.

"Tradita Shqiptare Në Gatime Dhe Festime." Lajme Durrës. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. <ë-gatime-dhe-festime>.

In this source I found how Albanians celebrate with traditional cuisines for the holidays. For instance, there are traditional foods, especially desserts which are cooked for holidays such as Christmas, Eastern and New Years.

"Ballokumet "pushtojne«" Elbasanin, Embelsira Tradicionale Qe« Pergatitet Ne Diten E Veres." YouTube. YouTube. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. <>.

In Albania there is a day that is called ‘’Day of Spring’’. This is a huge day of celebration. A lot of people get together and prepare special desserts for this day, desserts which are called ballokume. This is a special day for all Albanians and this is a special kind of dessert. Therefore, I decided to do this source as part of my project because for my project, I have to write about that day and about this traditional dessert cooked in my country.

"Receta Gatimi Te Thjeshta Dhe Te Shpejta." : EMBELSIRA. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. <>.

In this source I found some easy recipes and they are recipes that were made many years ago which continue to be cooked even today. There are some recipes that I don’t find in any other sources. That is why this source stands out. It is very informative.

"Receta Për Bakllava Shqiptare." ArtiGatimit. 26 Nov. 2012. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. <>.

Here in this site, probably the most important deserts and the most traditional desserts are presented regarding Christmas and New Years day. It includes a dessert that was cooked 100 years ago and continues to be cooked today. This is traditional for Albanians, and Albanians are characterized and known for this dessert.

Max Amar-Olkus Capstone

My capstone was done in collaboration with RubyJane Anderson. We wrote, directed, edited, and starred in two short films about SLA. Before production began, we did lots of research. We researched different types of comedy, journalism, and media production. We wanted our show to be both informative and entertaining so we took inspiration from comedic news programs such as The Colbert Report and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Our research included lots of time spent watching programs like these, to observe what made them such effective platforms for conveying information. After that, we started to think about what issues we wanted to tackle.

In our first episode, we really dug deep into the issue around students cutting the lunch line. We set up a hidden camera to record people cutting the line then identified them and interviewed them. We interviewed some staff members about their thoughts on the line cutting and their ideas for potential change. We filmed all of the interviews then recorded narration, then edited it all together into one cohesive piece. After that, we uploaded it to Youtube.

After finishing the first episode, we moved on to our next idea; the school building. We focused mainly on the holes in the walls and the oversized toilet paper rolls. We researched the owner of the building and tried to contact them for an interview but they chose not to comment. We filmed interviews with students and staff members alike, again, then edited and published it on Youtube.

Ray Albarouki's Capstone


Being an aspiring model, convoluted writer, food enthusiast, and a fashion aficionado, I figured I could create a blog to highlight these details of my life, and maybe inspire someone else to find outlets that suit them. I’ve always been interested in showcasing what I’m good at, and I never thought there was anything wrong with people who do as such. Even if some think it’s narcissistic, I think it’s clever to share your talents with others, and maybe create a platform for yourself. My blog, “Detailed Daze,” does not have a purchased domain name yet, so I’m using Tumblr as a base to start. After I have fiddle around with the exact style I want my blog to have, I’ll be buying a domain and making it a legit thing. I post at least 6 days a week, sharing 3 OOTDs (outfit of the day), 2 works of art or writing, whether that may be my own or someone else’s, and 1 event I attended that week or a new restaurant that I tried. I’d love for this blog to grow into something large, and reach a wide range of people. Hopefully, one day Detailed Daze will be a success and give me connections and experiences one can only dream of. I’ll be continuing to post even after the submission of this Capstone.


BIBLIOGRAPHY (I have the annotated bibliography for my old Capstone idea, but I don’t have one for my new idea because I am my own source. However, I did pull ideas from these sources because my blog is about self-expression.)

"Center for Health and Healing." Center for Health and Healing. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. 

Art therapy is one of the oldest and most useful tools of healing. With a combination of a particular theoretical framework or eclectic combination of psychological theories, this form of therapy is used to bring out the creativity in a person. A goal of creatively expressing oneself is the ultimate end result that is desired. Art is one of the largest universal languages, just like music, so with the ability to have an interpretation of it, one is able to relate what they’re feeling to others. Art therapy is used clinically and in research, with a hope to advance the theory of what impact it has. 

"Encouraging Self-Expression Through Art." PBSparents. PBS, n.d. Web. 

Children don’t need all of that extra stuff, like coloring books and cutouts, to be creative, sometimes, they just need simple things like their imagination. In most cases, some of the most innovative things come out of your mind, instead of something concrete. Creativity should not have restrictions; following rules, thinking too hard, and limiting your thoughts are all wrong paths of innovation. I think that with an inclusion of free flowing days in school for kids, they would be able to hone their skills and come up with genius ideas - enough trying to build things around rules. St. Thomas, Bruce. 

"Empowering Children Throught Art and Expression." Amazon, n.d. Web. 

“Empowering Children through Art Expression” helps find the connection between youth empowerment and creativity. Focusing on things liked the forced relocation of kids and their families to a different culture or community, Bruce St. Thomas uses art therapy to bridge the gap of mental illness and connection to the world to find some sort of relation of feeling of children to other children that feel the same thing(s). I believe that if we follow the teachings of Bruce St. Thomas, we might be able to find the root of what innovativeness in children truly is, and what sort of power it has. "

Kids Feel the Power of Poetry in Performance." WHAT WORKS IN EDUCATION. Edutopia, n.d. Web. 

Writing, poetry specifically, is one of the most common things people use to express themselves. Things like poetry slams can transform students from reluctant, shy, or diffident learners into passionate artists. Slamming can be taken really eagerly for some students because they feel so passionate about sharing how they feel. With an opportunity to share their writing with an audience, students are able to get applause and praise for the work they do, boosting their self-esteem and confidence. Writing is a highly effective and healthy outlet to expressing oneself, having a possible long term effect on one’s life. 

"American Art Therapy Association." American Art Therapy Association. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. 

Organizations like the American Art Therapy Association introduces people to the work of art therapists all around the world, giving you an account and experience on the significance of how a creative process can be the key and pathway to one’s emotional well-being. With a website that helps people find therapists near them, people are able to have easy access to what they need. A journal, education opportunities, and information on events can be beneficial to the opinion people have on the American Art Therapy Association. 

"Membership." Educational Leadership:Giving Students Ownership of Learning:The Power of Audience. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.

Having a strong support group in life is important. Similar to that, a positive audience can make all the difference in the world when it comes to performing. If someone is at a slam competition, and they perform and the audience gives no positivity toward the poet, that can bring down the confidence of that person. Most people who recite what they write, are people who are in need of support, appreciation, and positive expression. An audience is just as much part of the performance as the actual performer. Jayson, Sharon. 

"Teens Feeling Stressed, and Many Not Managing It Well." USA Today. Gannett, 11 Feb. 2014. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. 

A while ago, I read an article saying that teenagers have more stress in their life than adults. With school, peer pressure, expectations, and goals we have set for ourselves, trying to find the balance between all of that can be a daunting and stressful task. This article gives statistics on the amount of stress a teen has. Bad habits stem from the stress and create a path for them that is not healthy. Most teens get irritable and angry when they’re stressed out, which can cause chain reactions, which lead to other negative impacts on the teen’s life. 

Scott, M.S. "Art Therapy: Relieve Stress by Being Creative." About Health. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. 

Stress can be released through art. A lot of people paint, a lot of people write, and a lot of people sing. It acts as a form of distraction, gives a nice flow to things, and gives some self-care to people. Things like keeping dream journals and sharing your work with people who will appreciate it can give you some positive feelings about yourself and your self-expression. Make sure to do it for yourself and not follow the guidelines people tell you to follow, because art is a free moving thing. 

"The Power of Poetry | The Queen Latifah Show." YouTube. YouTube. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. 

Queen Latifah had three young ladies in high school come onto her talk show and speak about their slam experience and recite one of their poems together. They’re part of a program called Get Lit, where they have been able to freely express themselves. Latifah gave them an experience of a lifetime having them recite their poem. Not only was their audience a positive one, but they were also able to touch a wide range of people in the country and beyond, telling everyone that poetry has a way of expressing a part of the mind that nothing else can help express. 

"Get Lit | Words Ignite – Increasing Teen Literacy through Classic and Spoken Word Poetry."Get Lit. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. 

Get Lit is a nonprofit that helps promote literary performance, education, and teen poetry. Based in Southern California, this program helps teens branch out of their comfort zone to bring forth what they feel and talk about things like social issues, teen issues, etc. Get Lit boosts literacy, self-confidence, and create expression. It challenges youth to think through certain fundamentals like personal expression, creating an outlet that lets youth have a voice in the world that they may not necessarily always have.

Pierce Luck Capstone

This year, my capstone project was to have a frisbee clinic for the Youth. My partner Marcus Burrell and I, took new players and Junior Varsity players from the SLA school and team to teach everything we know from our experience of playing the game. The clinic was sort of like a mini camp. For 3 days, we gathered together at 31st and Chestnut to play Ultimate. Myself being an instructor, had pre-set lesson plans that I focused on during the process of the clinics. I researched drills, techniques and asked questions from a pro-Ultimate frisbee player so that I may be very precise in my teachings. Each day of the clinic was recorded and documented for myself to look back on to see what I could do better the next time. What I learned from this process, was that it's hard to be an actual teacher. It's a difference from being on one side of the prospective of playing to now having to teach. I know I am proud of what I've accomplished while teaching these kids a fun new sport that they will continue to play and enjoy while at SLA. 

(^ Is a small portion of the video footage and pictures taken of my capstone.)

Pierce Luck Capstone Bibliography

1. Zaslow, Eric. "About Spirit of the Game." Spirit of the Game. N.p., 29 Mar. 2005. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>

This source provides information about the spirit of the game which is a major concept in the sport of Ultimate Frisbee. It’s all about character of people and the true sportsmanship of the game. I selected this source because it has the 10 main points you need to know about the spirit of the game. It also tells about the spirit guidelines and rankings to gage a teams spirit (1 poor spirit, 5 high spirit). This website is really resourceful because I can use these guidelines when I teach the students about the game. This source is reliable from being on the official USA ultimate frisbee page.

2. "Why Ultimate Frisbee for Your Class?" GymClassUltimateFrisbee,. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>.

At first when I found this source it didn’t seem to be too reliable but it had good information about the game and useful techniques I could use when teaching it to the youth. It gives background information about the sport and tells all the benefits of playing. The website is broken down into the main concepts of the game, of scoring, defending, about the disc, officiating, and teaching new players, which directly corresponds with my goal. The website didn’t seem reliable because it wasn’t an official USA ultimate page but it had a lot of information which can be used. This website will help me cover all the key points of teaching this sport and it also gave me references of videos.

3. Smith, Brodie. "How To Throw A Backhand | Brodie Smith." YouTube. YouTube, 28 Mar. 2011. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>.

This is a resourceful youtube video of a very popular Frisbee player and youtube sensation Brodie Smith. He’s well known in the frisbee community with more 900,000 subscribers on YouTube. This is a teaching video showing one of the most basic throws you can perform in Frisbee. It shows technique and form. This video is a little dated but these techniques are timeless. He teaches grips and arm motions in performing the backhand throw. I can model my teachings and alterations off of his expertise of the game.

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4. Statue of Liberty Flick | Brodie Smith. Dir. Brodie Smith. Perf. Brodie Smith. YouTube. YouTube, 25 Sept. 2012. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. < M>.

This source didn’t seem to reliable at first because it showed techniques that weren’t popular in the Ultimate World. It is a reliable source because known player Brodie Smith invented a throw that would help in advancing the game. It was a tutorial video on how to do a new throw, called “The Statue of Liberty”. It’s a growing technique in Ultimate World that is becoming more popular. This is resourceful for my capstone because after I teach the basics, I could throw in this extra technique that could be useful in their learning. The video focused a lot on technique that I could really specify i my teachings.

5. How to Throw a Flatter, More Consistent Flick | Ultimate Rob. Dir. Rob McCleod. Perf. Rob McCleod. Ultimate Rob. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. < how-to-throw-a-flatter-more-consistent-flick/>. w

This is a reliable source because it is an informative video on how to do one of the most basic and well known throws in frisbee. The forehand, “flick” throw. The video is done by Rob Mcleod who is a well known frisbee player, who has a numerous amount of awards to verify that he is reliable in a frisbee background. He has an universal quote said by Michael Jordan in the article, “You can practice throwing (shooting) eight hours a day, but if your technique is wrong, then all you become is very good at throwing (shooting) the wrong way. Get the fundamentals down and the level of everything you do will rise.” This is something I could preach to my students, of working hard and performing perfect practice.

6. McGroarty, Kent P. "Benefits of Teamwork in Sports." Healthy Living. Demand Media, n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. < sports-1119.html>.

This is a source that relates to my topic in broad terms of relating to all sports. It’s a webpage about the benefits of teamwork and how it relates to everyday things. This relates to my teachings because teamwork is a major point in my teaching. In the website it teaches the main points of Corporation, Socialization, Teamwork, and Accountability. This could be a major point in my teachings. It’s kind of reliable because it’s kind of what the Author thinks about these concepts rather than what they mean to sports. I selected this source because I have to teach a team sport, I would want to know the best values to teach my students.

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7. How To Layout in Ultimate Frisbee | Brodie Smith. Dir. Brodie Smith. Perf. Brodie Smith. YouTube. YouTube, 9 May 2011. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. < v=DSbU38d6wnE>.

When reviewing this source I noticed that the video was made in 2011, which would be a little dated in 2015 but the source was made by Brodie Smith a world renown Frisbee player. This source would is reliable in teaching the art of laying out in the game. Laying out is thrusting your body horizontally, on offensive ( for catches) and defensive (for blocks). Brodie Smith teaches the fundamentals and techniques of this art, so that a player may make amazing plays and be safe. This will help me in my teaching to my players as I will teach them this high risk technique in a safe way. This video source is highly useful, I can use the Brodie Smith tutorial into a lesson.

8. Tsui, Bonnie. "Ultimate Frisbee Takes Off." The New York Times. N.p., 29 Apr. 2009. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. < %2F2009%2F04%2F30%2Ffashion%2F30fitness.html>.

This article by Bonnie Tsui, is about the rise of the sport of Ultimate Frisbee. Although it doesn’t protein exactly to my topic of teaching the sport it tells about the constant rise of it’s popularity over the years. How it started as a game only played by white men to now a world renown, professional sport. The article has bio’s of people’s history of the game and how it could be more than a college activity. These stories can be useful in the promotion of the sport. Even though it has grown, the goal isn’t set yet to inform everybody about this great sport. This source is reliable and will help teach my kids about the history

9. Chansky, Tamar. "Kids and Sports: Eight Strategies to Teach Kids How to Handle Disappointment and Lose like a Winner" Parenting at More4kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <>.

This webpage was about teaching Kids about playing sport in general. It focused on teaching kids how to lose, and how to face disappointment which can be really challenging in a kids life. This website is useful because it gives specific techniques I can use in teaching my sport. These techniques aren’t directly forin 1 sport in particular, there for the love of sport and the love of the game which makes this a very useful resource to use in my teachings. I can combine these techniques with the core aspects of Ultimate Frisbee. I selected this source

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because I want to make sure that when teaching the kids they gain more than skills for a new game but to gain character while doing so as they become good sportsman.

10 .How to Throw A Frisbee Far (Huk). Dir. Brodie Smith. Perf. Brodie Smith. Youtube. N.p., 20 June 2011. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. < v=Trm_XZR3dA0>.

This video is a tutorial of how to throw a very long pass (huk) in the Ultimate Frisbee play. It is introduced by professional player Brodie Smith. He teached the mechanics and techniques of performing this throw. This source is useful because it will help me translate the tutorial into teaching of my own, when teaching the young players how to huk. I selected this source because I needed to know all the guidelines and techniques, so I may correctly transfer the tutorial information into a lesson plan. One limitation of the tutorial videos is that i’m not actually there to perfect the craft but the video is very specific in the techniques.

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Maggie Hohenstein Capstone

I created a book full of stories collected from my family members. The stories are organized by date so that when read front to back the book tells the story of our family with as much detail as possible. There are pictures throughout that match with some of the stories, and add a visual representation of us and our lives. At the end of the book is a large selection of blank pages so that people can continue to record stories and memories as they happen. The most important part of this project was collecting the stories. I did this through an interview process. My family is very large, so I only managed to interview approximately half of them. Each person told a story that they thought of when they heard the word family. Then I transcribed what they said, and organized it all into a book. Not only did I learn about my family through this process, but I also learned about how to encourage people to open during an interview, and how to format other's stories into a cohesive piece. This project represents an important part of how I became the person I am, and is set up to continue so that future members of my family will be able to look back and see how we, as a group, have changed through the years. 

Hohenstein Family Book Excerpt
Anotated Bibliography

Stephen White Capstone

For my Senior Capstone project, I chose to tutor Algebra 1. I chose this for a couple of reasons. Math is my favorite subject and it’s the easiest subject to improve in my opinion. But, my main reason was to help others enjoy math as much as I do. A lot of students don’t particularly care for math and a common reason is because they don’t feel confident in the subject. Being a student assistant teacher for Mrs. Giorgio, I saw firsthand which students were confident in their skills and which students were more quiet and just copied down what was on the board without asking clarifying questions. With access to their grades, I could also determine which students could do better.I then chose two students who I saw had a lot of potential, but needed some extra help outside of the classroom to tutor. Together, the students and I chose about 8 standards that we would focus on to help them refine their abilities. Student teaching their class during school, and tutoring the students after school, definitely helped me become more personable and a better teacher. Without any teaching background and just Mrs. Garvey as a reference, I chose to tutor the students the best way I knew how, with visual representations and practice problems. In the beginning of the year, I noticed that not a lot of the students in Mrs. Giorgio’s classroom approached me for help, but now, no one is afraid to ask for my help anymore.
Capstone Presentation

Stephen White

Annotated Bibliography

Senior Capstone

  1. Garvey, Erin. Personal interview. 31 Jan. 2015.

Ms. Garvey is my main source because she’s my capstone mentor. Ms. Garvey is the Algebra 1 teacher for all of my students and knows their grades, work ethic, strengths and weaknesses which is helpful for me. As a math teacher, she knows what works and what doesn’t work for students. Ms. Garvey can also give me advice on how to tutor and teach the kids algebra 1 effectively. One limitation of this source is that Ms. Garvey won’t help me create any of the quizzes or notes sheets. She’s more of a consultant. But, as my mentor, I believe that Ms. Garvey will help lead me in the right direction of success with my senior project.

  1. Khan, Salman. "Khan Academy." Khan Academy. N.p., 9 Sept. 2006. Web. 27 Jan. 2015.

I selected this source because it’s one of the main math resources that I will use during my capstone. This source provides me with everything I need when it comes to math. From pre-algebra to algebra 2, Khan Academy teaches a number of lessons that I could show the students or base my lessons off of. Another thing about Khan Academy’s website that makes it useful is that it’s easily accessible online so when they’re at home, the kids will be able to study and get instructional video help while they’re at home. It will help make my job easier.

  1. Stapel, Elizabeth. "Purplemath." Purplemath. N.p., 1998. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.

I selected this source because it’s another one of the main math resources that I will use during my capstone. This source provides me with everything I need when it comes to math. From pre-algebra to algebra 2, Purple Math teaches a number of lessons that I could show the students or base my lessons off of. Another thing about Purple Math’s website that makes it useful is that it’s easily accessible online so when they’re at home, the kids will be able to study and get instructional video help while they’re at home. It will help make my job easier.

  1. Latimer, Brad. "Personal Interview." Personal interview. 31 Jan. 2015.

Mr. Latimer is another source because she’s my capstone mentor. Mr. Latimer is a math teacher for a lot of my students, including me. As a math teacher, he knows what works and what doesn’t work for students. Mr. Latimer can also give me advice on how to tutor and teach the kids algebra 1 effectively. One limitation of this source is that Mr. Latimer won’t help me create any of the quizzes or notes sheets. She’s more of a consultant. But, as my mentor, I believe that Mr. Latimer will help lead me in the right direction of success with my senior project.

  1. "Solving Systems of Equations by Substitution." Solving Systems of Equations. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.

I selected this source because it gives detailed notes on solving systems of equations using substitution, a lesson that the students are currently learning and struggling with. This source provides important notes, practice problems, and examples of systems of equations that can help the kids before they take their standards or their retakes. This helps push the kids to achieve their goal. Unlike other students, my students will have a note sheet that they will study from for their standards.

  1. "Solving Systems of Equations in Two Variables." Math Planet -. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.

I selected this source because it also gives detailed notes on solving systems of equations with variables, a lesson that the students are currently learning and struggling with. I know that this will probably be one of the worst standards.So when they need to take standard retakes, this source provides important notes, practice problems, and examples of systems of equations that can help the kids before they take their standards or their retakes. This helps push the kids to achieve their goal. Unlike other students, my students will have a note sheet that they will study from for their standards.

  1. Martin, Donald. "How to Study Effectively." How to Study Effectively. How to Study Effectively, 1988. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.

This source provides information studying effectively. I chose this source because it’s important that the students learn how to study if they want to improve in math. Studying and repetition is the key to perfection. If the students study effectively, they’ll pass their quizzes easily. The source gives tips on building good study habits, taking control, making it enjoyable, and generating a positive attitude. These are all important factors in creating a helpful study session. I plan to print the key points out and present it to the students the first day of tutoring. This way they get an idea on how to make the tutoring sessions successful.

  1. Xiao, Emily. "Math Test Generator - How to Make Math Test." Wondershare. N.p., 10 May 2015. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.

I selected this source for information on how to build a quiz. This is important for my capstone because I need to create quizzes to teach my students. This source is also helpful because it provides templates that I can use for my math tests. Another feature of this source is that I can even input some of my equations and put them directly on the quizzes. The quizzes will be utilized for each topic and/or lesson that we go over during the study sessions. This essential for the students to complete so they will be able to get practice outside of school. It’s also necessary to gauge how the students are learning and how much or how little they are improving since the lesson that I gave them after school.

  1. "Finding Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines." Mathshell. UC Berkley & University of Nottingham, 2012. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.

In Ms. Garvey’s Algebra 1 class the students are learning about the properties/similarities/differences between the two. Their standards are approaching and it’s time for the students to start studying. Even if I can’t present the information on parallel and perpendicular lines in times for their standard quizzes, in a poll taking in class today, the majority of the students are going to sign up for retakes after the quiz. UC Berkley’s lessons on finding the equations of Parallel and Perpendicular lines are helpful for new students who aren’t proficient in finding the equations of the lines and need video/text help when I’m not there.

  1. "Reteach: Slopes of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines." Holt Algebra 1, n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.

My final course is the Holt Algebra 1 book. This book is full of lessons of algebra 1. This book covers all of algebra 1 from beginning to end. It’ll be helpful because I can use this book for the rest of the year unlike my other sources. This educational book provides, pictures, notes, and text examples that I can print out and hand out. I plan on getting examples periodically from the book to use to help teach the kids whatever algebra 1 topic I’m teaching. One limitation of this source is that I’m going to have to make a lot of photocopies since the whole book isn’t digital. If the teachers allow me to make copies everything should be fine.

Jasmine Nieves' Capstone

Link to Capstone Website:


My name is Jasmine Nieves. To explain what had to be done for my project, was that at first I wanted to do a newsletter. Then another opportunity came so I can help participate in somebody else’s Capstone. That somebody is Kenayah Cerdan. I just went back and forth with the idea. Also, another great opportunity came so I can volunteer for a company known as, “Dress for Success”. That business, all it is, is that it is sort of like a donations. They give those donations, but of business and professional clothing who can’t afford it. Throughout being in this process, nothing really happened. I called the people, I got nervous and we never moved forward. Also out of nowhere, I thought to volunteer at the Main Library in Philadelphia. But then my mentor said, “Would it be realistic enough?” That question stuck with me ever since even though I really didn’t think about it. When I was trying to set up more of the newsletter than I already had, the program didn’t allow me to both do the accessing and the editing. While in this process, I put words together in my own words describing the styles people SLA likes and who inspired them.

So then I went along with the idea of creating a website. The one who gave me this idea was my mentor and one of my old teachers, Elizabeth Menasion. She told me in the beginning how she wasn’t good about knowing about fashion but she did help me. She was the one who gave me most of the ideas. This is why I chose her as a mentor. To speak now about my website, I just started off with a Google survey. I created 10 questions but in the very beginning, I had more until I needed to edit and condense it. I created one survey and then I created another survey in which some people did answer and did leave their email address so I will know who did what question. The total amount of people that did the survey was 10. After I saw the results, I then put what I put in my own words, onto my website. My capstone ended up to take up the whole year. Mostly all the senior who had a Capstone did.

Now speaking about the website. According to the questions that were created and the way people answered, I ended up having the titles that I had when putting together everybody’s words on to a document, making them as my links with some pictures, videos, and of course the description of what I put in my own words. What I am doing right now is just writing up my abstract. Soon I will upload everything to SLAte and then everybody will get to see my Capstone.




Alex Marothy Capstone 2015: Our Beautiful Voices

Evidence (website)


For my 2015 Senior Capstone Project, I collaborated with a fellow student in creating and hosting a podcast here in the halls of SLA. It’s entitled Our Beautiful Voices, and focuses on examining and showcasing the talent and the passion here in our fine establishment. 

Passion is like a safety net for the mind. When we feel like we have nothing, passion is there to remind us why we continue on. Taking the next step is always easier with walking sticks of passion. Filling your life with what you love, waking up and opening your eyes to that magical force that moves your legs, can make an incredible difference not only in your own life, but in every life you interact with. 

Walking through these halls for four years, I’ve heard so many voices, an incredible symphony of vocal music. Today’s youth, vibrant and alive, sharing their passions with each other, keeping one another afloat. At the beginning of this year, I set out on a quest to give each individual voice its own megaphone.

Our Beautiful Voices focuses on the passion that is present in the halls of SLA. It seeks to highlight that passion, and present it, along with the individual who holds it, to the world, and send it back into the halls, more vibrant than ever. More than anything, it is an appreciation of students.

Of course, the actual creation of the final product was a much greater task than I initially assumed, and I’m very proud of the work I put into it. I learned a lot, and I hope that by listening, you can learn something too.

Alex Marothy

Abumrad, Jad, and Robert Krulwich. "In The Dust Of This Planet." Audio blog post. NPR, 08 Sept. 2014. Web.­planet/
Radiolab is one of the most successful podcasts to­date. I used this episode in particular as a source to better understand the specific style of podcast it utilizes, and how the authors’ thoughts and goals manifest to create a final product.

Radiolab’s distinct, overedited style keeps listeners engaged, but does also remind them constantly of exactly what they’re listening to. Radiolab cannot be considered a conversational podcast, but rather a more script­driven, documentary­esque narrative. This style has proven to be slightly more commercial, or publicly successful, and is often selected by today’s professionals.

I used this source to inform my own style of podcasting and decide what kind of podcast I wanted to do.

Atlee, Tom. "Ways to Make a Community Stronger, Wiser, More Resilient and Engaged." Ways to Make a Community Stronger, Wiser, More Resilient and Engaged. CII, n.d. Web.­
This source provides information about community building and strengthening communities. It brings up valuable points and interesting philosophies that will help me build and elaborate upon my driving questions and their manifestations. Can I actually make my community stronger through this project? Maybe.

This source simply maps out strategies for community building programs, and suggest possible in­roads to a stronger community. But it also analyzes what exactly defines a community as such, which helped me understand my own community and mission.

I found this source useful because it helped me to realize factors that go into community building I hadn’t realized before, which I utilized in building strategies to impact some kind of change with my project.

Becker, Deborah, and Lynn Jolicoeur. "‘Selma’ Is About ‘The Power Of Voice,’ Director Ava DuVernay Says." The Artery Arts Culture on WBUR RSS 20. 90.9wbur, 10 Dec. 2014. Web.­movie­ava­duvernay
The power of voice. This is a key element of my capstone project. I want to communicate to the community, by the community, a message of unity and passion and the realization of the self. And I feel the best way to do this is by way of the power of voice. The voice that the passion lives underneath.

This source helped me discover the truth behind that power. What are the voices of history that inspired political and social change? Of course, this is not the goal of my project, but if I can capture the power of voice in an interview from the community and give it back to that community, I will have learned it from histories leaders.

Game Over: Kasparov and the Machine. Dir. Vikram Jayanti. Perf. Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov. THINKFilm, 2003. DVD.
Passion. An intense desire and enthusiasm for something. This is what I’m truly fascinated by. “Game Over” is a documentary about the passions of many that explores the specifics of these passions.

Through my exploration of this source I learned more about and better understood what passion can mean to a human being, how it can, and so often does, decide and command their entire life. I am absolutely fascinated by the notion of passion.

I will use what I’ve gathered from this source as inspiration for the seeking of my interviews, simply fueling a desire to learn about passion.

Kang, Cecilia. "Podcasts Are Back ­ and Making Money." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 25 Sept. 2014. Web.­are­back­­and­making­money/20 14/09/25/54abc628­39c9­11e4­9c9f­ebb47272e40e_story.html

I am not making my podcast for money, but for love. I am a renaissance man, a romantic of sorts. This article helps me remember everything I do not want my podcast to turn into. Capitalism... Capitalism, the Marlin Fish in the “Old Man in the Sea”.

But it’s interesting that podcasts are making such a bold return to the spotlight. I selected this source because it pertains directly to the work I’m doing. I found this source useful because it instructed me as to the audience that I will be addressing in my project. However it was not very useful in actually determining any choices or developing any inquiries.

Marothy, Alexander. “Interview with Apple Employee and Podcaster David Webb.” Personal interview. 03 Jan. 2015.
This interview introduced me to the world of amateur podcasting. I spoke with a person who podcasts simply because they enjoy it, not because they have an end­goal of monetary success or fame. This guy set me up with some great equipment that I can use to really get the ball rolling, and introduced me to other amateurs like myself.

Understanding the paths and quests of others with similar visions has been helpful in bringing me back to reality and comprehending exactly what it is I’m hoping to accomplish with this project.

The biggest limitation of this source is that I wasn’t able to talk with him very long because he had to get back to working at the genius bar.

Marothy, Alexander. “Interview with SLA Student and Community Member Sieanna Williams.” Personal interview. 27 Dec. 2014.
This source provided me valuable insight into the life of an SLA student and their experiences in the community. In the interview, we spoke about a sense of safety and belonging in the halls of SLA and the ways in which students look out for one another. Even though she doesn’t know most of the students who go to SLA, she has faith that if she’s in trouble she can count on them. I selected this source because it would give me a window into life inside the very community I want to inquire about. It specifically addresses at least half of inquiry questions.

Marx, Karl, T. B. Bottomore, and Maximilien Rubel. Karl, Marx: Selected Writings in Sociology and Social Philosophy. London: Watts, 1956. Print.
Marx’s social philosophy has given me wonderful inspiration and allowed for the development of an incredible birth of inquiry. His ideas on society and how human beings function in communities have given me great things to think about in terms of my own understanding of my community.

Of course, my podcast is not so directly about communities and social philosophy in that it doesn’t specifically target or speak about these ideas, but it is in many ways indirectly about these things. This source has helped me to embed notions of social and communal unity in the fabric of my project, without directly addressing it.

Muhammad, Ali Shaheed, and Frannie, Kelley. "Souls Of Mischief: 'It's Like Catching Lightning In A Bottle'" Audio blog post. NPR, 03 Sept. 2014. Web.­of­mischief­its­like­ca tching­lightning­in­a­bottle

Microphone Check is the hottest hip­hop podcast right now. I selected this episode specifically as a representation of the entire show, and used it to better understand the different styles and rhythms of podcasts. One of the beautiful things about a podcast, like so many other artforms, is its infinite forms and possibilities. Microphone Check is driven by conversation, and some would call it extremely under­edited. Pauses and breaths are not cut from the audio, conversations are allowed to spread their wings and soar. This moves away from the style of podcast that has proven more successful in the public eye, and provides the listening the unique opportunity to completely tune it out. This style of podcast is great to fall asleep to, or, if you’re in the mood, listen in as if you yourself are a member of the round­table.

Roose, Kevin. "What's Behind the Great Podcast Renaissance?" NYMag, 30 Oct. 2014. Web.­behind­the­great­podcast­renaissance.html This source works to document the recent success of podcasts. Apparently, numbers are soaring, and there are several reasons why. I selected this source because I wanted to learn about where

podcasting is currently, what’s happening in the world of audio journalism, and how the public is responding to it. This way, I can better formulate my own strategies in terms of audience and broadcasting. I found this source useful because it had important interviews with valuable, successful members of a community I’m attempting to enter. However, one limitation of the source was its lack of a clear conclusion. It didn’t attempt to make predictions about the future of podcasting, although it did mention the future of radio, and it isn’t good. 

Feliciano, Adam Capstone

Capstone Recap
The goal of my Capstone was to mentor the youth at my old middle school, Thurgood Marshall. Earlier in the year I mentored several students from different grades who attended Marshall. As the year progressed I realized the need to assist 7th graders in understanding the high school application process. Partly because my sister is in 7th grade and she needed guidance in what schools are “good” academically and that she should start exploring her options. This helped me to narrow down what my Capstone should be and my relationship with staff at Marshall helped ease me in the process.

My vision for this project was to give middle grade students (specifically seventh grade) exposure into what to expect transitioning into high school. My motivation came from personal experience as a seventh grade student. I had to learn everything on my own without any additional support. Having a big brother/sister who’s assigned to me when I enter into high school would have benefitted me in terms of an easier and more comfortable transition into high school. As a middle schooler you are always told what high school is like. Your teachers, parents and counselor can all lecture you about it but if you never experience it, you will never know. This project enabled 23 students the opportunity to experience it first hand. I can only wish that other schools provide this and I was glad to offer it to a few students.

I learned how to plan, organize and structure a mentoring program that I hope could be the seed of something big in the future. This was a learning experience for me on so many different levels. I was a teacher, mentor, guide and administrator which culminated in a successful day for all.

Capstone Annotated Bibliography

Marla Wormley


I selected Marla to be one of my sources because since I’m creating a program where she works, I figured I would benefit a lot by having her as my mentor. As a counselor there, she has the responsibility to help all the students as much as possible. She’s an expert on understanding what the students want and how to make it successful. Not only this, she would also be very beneficial in terms of giving insight on how to control students of a younger age and ways to accommodate a large crowd’s attention.


(Mentor — Disc Jockey)

A member of The Philadelphia Youth Media Collaborative. PYMC strengthens, connects, and promotes organizations that engage youth in the creation, analysis, and distribution of media. This is a very important source for me because he supports youth in becoming creative media makers, critical thinkers, and engaged global citizens. Together, we can work to advance a healthy democracy that values youth perspectives and contributions.

Joshua Block

(Mentor — Teacher)

I selected Mr. Block as one of my resources because he has been very useful in terms of connecting with people who are involved in the field of communications. He is a very useful in terms of helping me expand on my ideas and also providing insight on how to make this project run more efficiently and successfully. One limitation from this source is that he’s inexperience in the musical component of this project. However, he has a strong relationship with many musicians and people in the communications field.

Douglas Herman

(Film Educator)

I never came across the thought of needing Mr. Herman for my capstone but in order to record all my DJ events and overall process of this capstone, I’m going to need a camera and computer software. I believe he’s reliable source in the technical part of my capstone because he has been helping me understand how to work a camera and computer softwares such as “Adobe Premier.” More so, he’s been teaching me the techniques in filmmaking and this would benefit me in producing a more engaging and cutting film for my audience I’ll be showing to in June.

Understanding Youth by Michael J Nakkula

(Book — Author)

I came across this book at my mother’s friends house. I immediately thought that this was a perfect source to include in the process of creating my capstone because my capstone consist of mentoring the youth and what better way to understand the youth by reading a book that offers techniques and advice on working with the youth. This book will benefit a lot because it prepares me ahead of time for what’s expected from the youth that I’ll be mentoring.

Doing For Dummies by John Steventon

(Book — Author)

I’ve been a fan of these “…for dummies” books and I figured there would be one for DJing. I chose to use this book as a resource because it provides methods and tips for being a DJ and how to DJ. Additionally, this book would provide ideas for me in terms of teaching others how to DJ. I know how to teach, but this book provides key components in helping someone DJ and it would benefit me because I could implement similar ideas into my capstone project overall.

Morgan, David. "5 Steps To Creating A Professional Website." Organic Themes Professional Minimal WordPress Themes. 25 Oct. 2013. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <>.

At first I thought this website wasn’t reliable but in fact it is very reliable in terms of giving me insight on how to create a professional website. This website provides detailed explanations and tips for making your website look very professional and also the steps in creating it. This website will give me exposure to creating a domain, finding a host, choosing a CMS, designing the website appearance, & adding content.

"Enoch Pratt Free Library." How to Find Grants for Your Nonprofit Organization -. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <>.

Since I would be starting up a mini program at my old school, I would most likely have to use my personal equipment or find funds. I think this website would be a great resource because it offers many ways to fund for my program. Not only that, there’s a variety of methods on the website that give exposure on how to effectively get material provided without too much hassle. It also provides tips and samples on how to create proposals for grants.

GEHL, DEREK. "How to Attract Visitors to Your Site." Entrepreneur. Entrepreneur Media, Inc. Web. <>

Since I also want to create a website to display all my work, I still needed to find a way to gain exposure for my website. On my website, I would have my film from gigs, school program, and overall, guide to DJing would be the main focus of this website. I found this website very reliable because it touches upon entrepreneurship on gaining revenue (which I don’t want) for my website. With this website, I would be able to learn the skills and techniques in gaining attraction for my site and actually building views.


(School Program at Palumbo)

SEAMAAC’s After School program entitled ‘Hip Hop Heritage’ offers a balance of creative arts workshops, homework assistance, college preparation, sports activities and group open discussion. They offer classes in all of the Hip Hop Arts ranging from emceeing to deejaying, breakdancing and graffiti writing, and students may earn a cash incentive for good attendance and the completion of arts projects. Their staff works with each of their students and families so that they may define success for themselves, and achieve that success in a spirit of creativity, cultural integrity, and independence. This resource is by far the PRIMARY resource for my capstone because it defines everything that I plan to do with my capstone and would benefit me tremendously.

Liza Cohen's Capstone: Healthy Eating

FINAL Healthy Eating Capstone #2
For my capstone project, I wanted to teach my community and peers about healthy eating. For the first part of my capstone, I made a portfolio of meals - breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. All of which are healthy, easy to make, and inexpensive. I talk about the calorie count, the ingredients, and how to make it too. The second part of my capstone was to form a presentation about eating healthy and presenting it to all of Mrs. Martin's health classes. In the presentation, I mainly talk about all of the nutrients on the back of a food packaging. I give a breakdown of each nutrient and what it's effects are on the human body. I also mention the benefits of healthy eating, the downfalls if you don’t eat healthy, easy things to do at home to help you maintain weight, and many more. I wanted to do this because I wanted people to be informed about things they didn’t necessarily already know about the way they eat. I want people to be more aware of the daily nutrients they consume or how they can live healthy.

The final product of my project was interacting with the health students and having them listen to me as a teacher figure. I informed the audience about eating healthy and produced a portfolio of meals for people to guide. I was very happy with the finishing product. I have been so appreciative to have learned new information myself through building this capstone and I hope my community can benefit from it just as much as I did. Attached to this post is the presentation that I presented to the health classes. In the presentation is also the link to my food portfolio. 


"55 Cheap and Healthy Breakfast Recipes." Greatist. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <>.

I picked the source because I am using some of the meals I found on the website for my project itself. The website gives me access to easy breakfast dishes that people can make. I found it the most useful because it gives me a breakdown of each ingredient I need to use. Also, it inspires me on what language I could use to talk about the dishes I’m making. On the website, before the writer goes into detail about the dish, they give a nice and convincing intro about the significance to the meal (why its healthy, what it tastes like, etc). I need to gather that type of information to learn how to talk about my meals and to really convince people it is worth trying/making.

2. rice-mushrooms-budget-cooking-recipe
"Budget Cooking: Feed 4 for $10." Cooking Light. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <http:// budget-cooking-recipe>.

This source is helpful because it provides information for things that relate to my project. It specifically gives me information about preparing dishes when working on a budget. The website also gives me advice/tips on how to be more healthy. I need to learn about more tips on this to add to my presentation to let my audience be aware of how small things can make a difference in their health. Most meals also give a breakdown of the cost of each of the ingredients and how much you’d be saving.

"Eating Healthy on a Budget -- The Doctors." YouTube. YouTube, Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <https://>.

This is the type of idea I am trying to get at for my project. I used this source to get a feel of how I should reach out to my own audience and convince them to eat healthier. I would like to even incorporate some type of game or way to engage my audience like they did in this video. Moreover, this source was helpful to me because it helped me figure out what I’m trying to target my audience at; I want them to know it isn’t expensive to eat healthy - and eating a bunch of unhealthy things can even be more expensive.


"How I Eat Healthy on a Low Budget! (Cheap & Clean)." YouTube. YouTube, Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <>.

This is another video that gives me tips on what to include in my presentation. I really want to incorporate words of advice and rules to live by in my project. This way, if people really don’t want to cook the dishes I am telling them about, they can still walk away knowing easy ways to make a difference in their lives and to stay healthy. I want there to be a balance in my project so people feel comfortable that they have options. I don’t want people to feel like they have to cook these meals in order to be healthy. I want them to see there are other ways to be healthy as well if they follow easy rules.

"A College Guide to Eating Healthy." Nerd Fitness A College Guide to Eating Healthy Comments. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. < to-eating-healthy/>.

I am using this source because I feel like the main people that will be attracted to my project will be the Class of 2015 seniors. I want to encourage them that it is possible to eat healthy even though your living in a dorm with a meal plan in the dining hall. This website gave me information about ways that you can tackle those college-eating roadblocks. This is an addition to the tips I’ll put together for people to follow. Hopefully, I can combine them all into some type of pamphlet.

6. The Skinnytaste Cookbook by Gina Homolka

Homolka, Gina, and Heather K. Jones. The Skinnytaste Cookbook: Light on Calories, Big on Flavor. Print.

This cookbook gives me great ideas for what to cook for my project. It might not give much detail about how much ingredients cost or if your saving any money, but it does give recipes that fall under the food categories I am looking for. I realize I won’t be able to advocate for a “cheap” meal for every single dish I am talking about, but if that is the case, I want the good to out-weigh the bad and this cookbook does that for me. Basically, this cookbook along with my project is vouching for those dishes that might not be extremely cheap but are not expensive.

"Healthy Dining Hall Eating." KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. Ed. Mary L. Gavin. The Nemours Foundation, 01 Oct. 2013. Web. 27 Jan. 2015. <http://>.

This website helps me because it gives me strategies on what to tell my audience. This is another source that isn’t necessarily helped me make dishes but it is telling me how you can eat healthy in college without the cooking aspect. Once again, this is something that I need to expand on and advertise in my project to get people’s attentions - it is okay to not want to cook but there are easy things you can do to eat healthy in a dining hall. This is important because cooking is a lot of effort and realistically, people in college don’t care for this. This is why my project is opened to anyone even college students.

8. Healthy Cooking for Two (or Just You): Low-fat recipes with half the fuss and double the taste by Francis Price
Price, Frances. Healthy Cooking for Two (or Just You): Low-fat Recipes with Half the Fuss and Double the Taste. Emmaus, PA: Rodale, 1995. Print.

I found this to be one of the sources I am going to use the most during my project. The most important thing that I need to keep in mind during this process is that I can’t be advising people or teaching people how to make dishes that serve a whole family (especially for college students). I want most of these meals to be prepared as if your cooking for a party of one. This is because this will decrease the amount of money you spend, the cooking time, and makes the process of breaking down the nutrition per person way easier. This cookbook gives recipes broken down into categories that are similar categories for my project. This makes it helpful for me to navigate dishes to use in my project.

9. Microwave Cooking for One by Maria T. Smith
Smith, Marie T. Microwave Cooking for One. Gretna, LA: Pelican Pub., 1986. Print.

This cookbook is another source that will be extremely helpful when trying to involve college students to care about the foods they are eating. This cookbook includes an unlimited amount of recipes that are not unhealthy for you and that you can make in your microwave. This decreases the time it takes for you to cook it and the clean-up process is very minimimal. I like this source because it gives me an idea of dishes that with your first impression, you would think are an intensive process but really aren’t. This is another point I am trying to get at - a lot of people have incorrect assumptions about healthy foods and I want to state the facts.

10. Cook Food: A Manualfesto for Easy, Healthy, Local Eating by Lisa Jervis Miya-Jervis, Lisa. Cook Food: A Manualfesto for Easy, Healthy, Local Eating. Oakland, CA: PM,

2009. Print.

This is another cookbook that I am using as a source for my project. It is important that most of the deals I make are not an intestive, long process. Whether you are a college student or just living at home, cooking a meal that is healthy but takes an obsessive amount of effort is not going to be helpful for my project and the message that I am trying to get across. This cookbook includes basic dishes that are easy to make. It also includes the basic supplies that you would need in your kitchen to make any dish a lot less stressful to make. This is another thing I’d like to mention in my project (probably at the beginning of my presentation) - a general list of things you could store in your kitchen, mini-fridge, etc. to make these dishes possible.

11. "How Does Your Body Store Excess Calories?" Healthy Eating. Web. 13 May 2015. <>.

I used this source to figure out where excess calories go when you overeat. I needed this information to see how the body reacts to all the food we put into it. For my presentation, I gave a lot of context about calories so I had to be sure to include what happens when you eat more calories than needed.

12. "U.S. Food and Drug Administration." How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label. Web. 13 May 2015. <>.

This was a source that I used a lot for my project. This website included a great summary of understanding nutrition facts and the nutrition label. I used this website as a guide to steer me in the right direction for my capstone. It mentioned great points on the website that I wanted to make as well in my presentation.

Arshelle Johnson Capstone

During my four years of high school I have observed that not many teens are familiar with the meaning of sexual health, so I choose this topic as my Capstone. Having a Mother that has worked with sex education almost all of her working career I received  information regarding sexual health earlier than some of my peers. I wanted to look more into school based programs that inform young minds about safe sex. OIC of America offers a TPP ( Teen Pregnancy Prevention) program which is funded by the Office of Adolescent Health and the DHHS.TPP goes into different school across the Philadelphia area and teaches young people on pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) prevention. September 21-23, 2014 I attended a National Performance Measurement Conference. While attending the conference I was able to sit in on a couple of sessions, in these sessions they focused on key target populations and locating hard to find community level data. While at the conference one of the activities I participated in with the Philadelphia group were to evaluate pregnancy rates and performance measures to develop an action plan for re-application. On April 17,2015 I attended the TPP Leadership Academy. I participated in a  Pros and Cons of Sexting and Texting activity as while as team building activities. While working on my Capstone I was able to gain understanding of the TPP program while also learning what is focused on to build a program such as TPP.



"State Policies on Sex Education in Schools." State Policies on Sex Education in Schools. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2015.

In this article it speaks about the breakdown of what states allow sex education in schools. In this article they also talk about why these states allow schools to implement these programs . They go state by state and talk about the programs that they have and what they are allowed to educate the teenagers and children with. Something that I found really interesting was that pennsylvania was not on this list.

"Implementing Sex Education." Implementing Sex Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2015.

This source talks about how to implement sex education in a school setting. How it should be taught so that the audience understands the message and what they are trying to get through and to also help them fully learn about sex education. They talk about how each topic should be talked about and how it needs to be approached depending on the age of students. They also talk about how education does not just stop at school it is also a conversation that should be done in the household.

"The Popular Education News Continues With A New Editor!!" N.p., 09 Apr. 09. Web.

This source talks about what it takes to be a good educator, how you should approach children when talking about any topic. What students are receptive to, how they learn the best and how they retain what they learn. In the article they talk about how certain things need to be taught certain ways depending on the community that you are in.

OIC of America

This is the program that I am working with they are located on 1415 N. Broad st. There mission is the continue to provide a quality education, training and employment and housing services. They reach out to the community to provide them with the tools that they need in order to succeed. Their motto is “Helping People Help Themselves.” This organization focuses on the African American community, the sexual health programs that they provide focus on the poorer communities.

Sex Education That Works." Sex Education That Works. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2015.

This article talks about what works best for sex education. What teaching methods work best for students. It also talks about how sex education is a very touchy subject so it needs to be approached in an appropriate manner. It talks about what attitudes and beliefs should young people should be exposed to. It talks about how students need to be able to form their own opinions about sex education and what it means to them.

This source talks about the most effective way to run a student council and how the flow of the meeting should run. It talks about how to become organized and how to keep people engaged. It also gives you other various links to other websites where they talk about what is best to do for running a student council. It also gives you examples of student run councils that have worked over the year and gives you guidelines as to how you should run yours.

"National Association of Student Councils." (NASC). N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2015.

This website is the main website for the National Association of Student Councils. It speaks about the many student run councils around America. It also talks about the history of this association and why it was put in place. They want to help students become advocates for themselves and making sure that they have a voice, they want to help establish strong student councils that will make a change in their communities.

André Gallagher-Souza Capstone

For my capstone project I raised money doing " magic shows " for the SLA boys basketball team. I wanted to combine two things I like in something fun.

I created contact with my Equatorian friend's host family, and theywere the ones who helped me in stting up the events. In the first three weeks, I just performed in block parties; they would hire me to entertain the people, but the last one was something bigger. They took me for a booth where I had to attract people to their tend with my magic tricks. They made announcements and everything for me...

At the end of the project I raised 400$ which was the amount of money that I had combined with Mr. Kay ( the basketball coach ). With this money he could purchase new jerseys for the boys.

The project was a success! The project helped me in creating new firends, contacts, opportunities, etc. At the end, I could notice that I was a lot more confident in performing and handling the crowd, which helps you in express yourself better; and of course... the improvement of the language since English is my second one.

1st Source

"Bicycle Cards." Bicycle® Playing Cards. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.

<> .

I selected this source because the 3 most important things for you to become a magician , or if you want to become one, are : The performance, skill ( sleight of hand ) and EQUIPMENT.
Since I began studying magic , I always had difficulty making certain movements with the cards , and I was often annoyed because my movements were not equal, as the magicians that I admire. So after I discovered that professional magicians used this deck brand , I ran to the internet to see if they had a own site .
Having the right equipment makes a big difference, with the right deck we are able to make techniques and advanced moves that leave people impressed , thus making the performance at another level , because the only thing you want to do while does a magic trick, is to impress the audience .

2nd Source

"How to Do the Dynamo Shuffle / Sybil Cut Tutorial / Learn Card Flourishes / REVEALED." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.

< >

This source is extremely important, because I think it was because of it that I had this desire to learn all I know. At the beginning of my life as a "magician" if I can say that... I did not want to do anything that was connected with magic, I just wanted to do "cool" things with a deck, which are called "cardistry". It was in this video I started my passion for cards and so it was taking me to what I am today.On the page of this video, all the others videos that were related, were about magic tricks, then one day I was interested to a trick that was called: The ambitious card, (which is now a performance I do all the time) I clicked and so it all began.

3rd Source

"David Blaine Real Or Magic TV Show 2013 Full." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.

< >

I selected this source because this magician called david blaine, is my mentor. All I know is because of him, I watched his performances so much that now I perform exactly like him. It was at this particular show, he did with celebrities like Kate Perry, Kenye West ... I started to like him, because everyone likes magic, but to see a magician doing absurd things with stars that we love, makes us, want to do the same.

 Whenever I see, and  think something is cool, I do not content myself with only watching, I want to learn, and that's my motto of life, if I can say that. Now I can take the same people’s  reaction, that he was taking from those people on that show.

4th Source

"David Blaine Street Magic (Made in 1997 - 2013)." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.

<  >

I found this source very useful because in my early days as a magician, because I wanted to be a pro with cards, I did not want to make big shows on stages and things like that, so I thought myself to be a card magician. In this video we see David Blaine( the magician) performing what we call, street magic, which for me is the best kind of magic, because we go on the streets, and we ask random people if they want to see something amazing with simple objects, like a cell phone, a balloon or a pack of cards.

5th Source

"Disturb Reality." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.

< >

This source is, and was useful for me, because while i was practicing it was in this Youtube channel that I learned my first magic moves, the guys who used to make the videos, used to make tutorials, for basic sleight of hands techniques. I started watching his videos to learn amateur card tricks. With time passing I realized that those videos was , becoming very " basic" for me, so then I started to read books, written by great magicians, because I wanted to upgrade level as a card magician. Because it is in old books that we study the true secrets of magic.

6th Source

"SECRETS OF DAVID BLAINE." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.

< >

Most of my sources are videos, and in this video source is very useful because, the guy that presents the video, give us tips for people that wants to do street magic. He give us very good tips, about how to approach people that we never met, performance tips, how to handle the crowd etc. When I was back in Brazil I made a street magic video with two other friends, and It was one of the coolest thing I've ever done, and in this video that I mentioned, the guy says things that you really need to know, things that I had to do in my street magic video, so it worth it check it out.

7th Source

"Lincoln Now: The Art of Cardistry by Dan and Dave." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.

< >

This source provides us, cardistry.

Cardistry, is nothing more nothing less , than fancy moves, and techniques, that you need to learn to be a good card magician. Because once you are skilled with cards, the first thing that you need to do, is to show the audience that you are good, we need to show them that we are going to do something amazing with the cards, we are not going to do a amateur trick. This is very important because if you make cardistry moves (before you perform the magic trick for it self), for someone, this person will expect something awesome, and then you will have a better reaction.

8th Source

"On How I Approach Strangers in the Street | Humans of New York Creator Brandon Stanton | UCD, Dublin." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.

< >

I found this source useful because, the guy that is talking in this video is a photographer, and he is telling us how he asked random people on the streets to take pictures of them. And he told us how he accomplished that, in one of the coldest city in the world, which is New York. And this is very useful because when we perform street magic we must know those same things, because it is the same concept. We need to be quick, precise and do something remarkable. Make the the day of those people.

9th Source

"A Beginner’s Guide to Fundraising." The Fundraising Authority RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.


This source provided me information about how to create an organized and successful fundraiser. I have been doing card magic for a long time, but I have never done it to make a profit and help others. Because of that I will need to persuade the viewers to give me money. This will mean that I have to be very charming and respectful. I think I will be able to get them to pay me because the money will go to the SLA basketball team and my tricks are impressive. One limitation to this site is that it is not made for small events like mine.   

10th Source

"David Blaine Street Magic." David Blaine Style Best Free Magic Tricks Revealed. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.

< >

This source is useful because it give us a few exemple tricks that we can do while performing on the streets. Because once you are on the streets we need to be quick, we can not take so much time of the audience, so in this source we can select a few tricks that are very good for this condition. One limitation that I found on this source, is that at the examples,  there is just a few card tricks, and I wished there was more so I could have more ideas, since I am a card magician.

Marcus Burrell Capstone

http:// capstone was completed as of may 18th. Another student and myself hosted the first ever SLA Ultimate frisbee clinic where we taught new players and JV players how to play the sport. Passing down our knowledge and what we have learned to them. You could say it's like we are going to continue playing through them after we graduate. The whole point was to prepare them for the future and make another championship run and continue the great name that the Rockets have created. As well as spreading awareness about the sport. People hear the name and immediately think it's something dumb or soft, until you actually play the sport. It is probably one of the hardest sports to play aside from athleticism. The amount if skill and brain power needed for this sport is incredible and does not receive enough credit. More people should be out playing Ultimate and that is exactly what we tried to encourage. The clinic was a huge success as kids left the fields with smiles on their faces. Honestly, there is no greater joy than playing Ultimate Frisbee for Science Leadership Academy.

Darya Nemati Capstone


My partner, Marlyn, and I began a partnership with Benjamin Franklin Science Corner in Paraguay this past October. The Science Corner hosted a series of science festivals throughout several cities this year and we were given the opportunity to be a part of the excitement. The goal of the festivals was to present science in a fun and engaging manner for students who are not fortunate enough to learn the material in school.

We cultivated a relationship via email and video chat with a group of five engineers. Marlyn and I quickly became familiarized with the education system in Paraguay. After some introductory conversations where we learned each other's strengths, we were given the task of displaying physics and chemistry concepts through simple experiments using materials that were easily accessible to the engineers in Paraguay. Each experiment that was displayed at the fairs required an intricate process to ensure the most successful outcome. My partner and I divided the work so that we each had very specific goals. My goal was to research and create science topics that would be exciting for students between the ages of eight and eighteen. Marlyn’s goal was to display the experiments chosen in the most engaging and creative way. After brainstorming ideas, we began the google hangouts to inquire about materials available and ideas for improvement. There was a good deal of back and forth communication before the final experiments were sent over to the engineers. The last step in the process was the troubleshooting, which took place after the experiments were created by the engineers. 

The first festival took place in the city of Caacupé on October 25th. The engineers were able to find and hotspot in order for Marlyn and I to witness the fair live. Hundreds of young students were in attendance, testing the experiments we had created for the festival. The look of fascination on the students’ faces was exhilarating. The second fair took place on March 27th in Villa Hayes and the last one will be held in Villarrica on May 29th. 

Final Product:


  1. Mr. VK

    1. The most important source I can name is our mentor, Mr. Vk, who brought this project to us and has helped us tremendously along the way. Mr. VK is our number one source when it comes to communication with the engineers in Paraguay. He is cc’ed on all emails that are sent back and forth. He checks all work that is being sent over to the engineers before it is sent and always gives us his input. VK has also been a source for other sources that have come our way such as books and articles.

  1. Claudia & other engineers @ the ben franklin science corner

    1. Claudia, our main contact in Paraguay, works with a group of five other engineers at the Benjamin Franklin Science Corner. The BFSC has developed a partnership with the Franklin Institute, which is how my partner and I became involved. The BFSC is one of the organizations featured in the science fairs being held around the country of Paraguay. All of our science experiment proposals have been sent to Claudia and the group of engineers, who build the actual models and test all experiments before taking them to the fairs. We have had many google hangouts to help with experiment testing in any way we can and make any changes to the procedures or materials if necessary.

  1. "Benjamin Franklin Science Corner - About - Google+." Benjamin Franklin Science Corner - About - Google+. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <>

    1. The Benjamin Franklin Science Corner is the organization we are in communication with in Paraguay. Their mission is to bring science and technology to students who are not fortunate enough to get the experience in school. Most students in Paraguay are only in school for four to five hours a day and have no hands on science curriculum whatsoever. The Science Corner supports Paraguayan education by promoting science and technology among the youth and by promoting scientific education. The Benjamin Franklin Science Corner website has a blog and many photos that have aided us in our capstone process.

  1. "Fun Cool Exciting Science Experiments for Children and Kids." Fun Cool Exciting Science Experiments for Children and Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <>

    1. This source provides information about science experiments that will be used in our proposals to the engineers in Paraguay. The science fairs were organized with the intention of giving students around the area, who don’t have a strong science curriculum in their schools, the opportunity to get hands on science experience. This source provides many experiments that are simple and entertaining for the younger kids at the fair. The oobleck experiment was one of the most successful ones, despite the fact that it was one of the simplest ones. This source has brought many ideas to our attention, whether we use the specific experiment or not.

  1. "Experimental Procedure." Experimental Procedure. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <>

    1. This source was used to create the Trebuchet for the first science fair and will be used again to better the second version of the model. We used this source only as a template for our model. The units we use here are different than the ones used in Paraguay, therefore we had to convert all units to the metric system. After doing that we also had to scale the original trebuchet down because size was a factor for the engineers. Although there were other procedures for trebuchets that we looked at, this source was the most comprehensive and specific one we found.

  1. "Chemistry." Science Fair Projects, Ideas, and Experiments. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.<>

    1. This source was used for the ideas on Chemistry experiments. We had about four chemistry experiment proposals for the first fair. One was the shiny penny experiment which is always a classic for kids and very easy to show. The second, was also a simple one that involved the reaction between vinegar and baking soda. Another proposal was for an experiment that involved making slime, which is a great way to get students to do some very hands-on work in a fun way. The last one consisted of making saturated copper sulfate solution. The goal for many of these experiments was to create them using the most simple and attainable materials possible.   

  1. "Physics Science Fair Project Ideas." Physics Science Fair Project Ideas. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <>

    1. This source was used for the ideas on Physics experiments. We had about four physics experiment proposals for the first fair. The first one was building a parachute and using different shapes for the parachute to see the difference it would make. The second involved watching the motion of a trash bag filled with air. Another experiment was a water bottle toss, involving a water bottle with a poked hole in the cap. This experiment was a test of gravity. The last experiment, and my personal favorite was building a gyroscope using a bicycle wheel. The goal for many of these experiments was to create them using the most simple and attainable materials possible.  

  1. "Thinking about How to Evaluate Your Program? These Strategies Will Get You Started. Gajda, Rebecca & Jennifer Jewiss." Thinking about How to Evaluate Your Program? These Strategies Will Get You Started. Gajda, Rebecca & Jennifer Jewiss. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <>

    1. Although our capstone is not necessary building a program, we decided that there should still be some type of evaluation to ensure our work was making progress. This source gives information on the most effective ways of evaluating a program and much more. The source includes a clear outline of the steps needed in order to evaluate the program, it’s progress, and it’s effectiveness. The source enforces the fact that having a specific audience is essential. Quantity and quality are both factors that are explained in depth. Assessing outcomes, achievements and indicators is very important in maintaining success in a program.

  1. "Designing a Survey." Designing a Survey. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <>

    1. This source will come in handy when making the surveys for the next fair. I wasn’t expecting to have to research this, I thought I could just create one but then it dawned on me that I’d never made one. I didn’t know where to start so I decided why not look it up? Sure enough I found many credible sites, but I chose this one because it is specifically based on creating surveys revolving around science courses and curriculums, which is exactly what I will be evaluating. This source gives me ideas on what questions to ask, as well as objectives to keep in mind and templates to use.

  1. "The Popular Education News: What Is Popular Education?" The Popular Education News: What Is Popular Education? N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. <>

    1. This source is valuable in learning how we want to connect with the students at the fair. Although, we won’t be there with them we want projects they see to be as meaningful as possible. Our goal is that students learn some science in a much more interactive way then they are used to. Popular education is a collective effort, one that engages students and allows them to work together and participate in the material. Popular education begins with learning the students’ ability and knowledge, which is what we want to learn through the surveys we will be giving at the next fair.

Ibn-Haneef Nelson Capstone

For my Capstone project I decided to create and run a one day basketball clinic for young children ages 8 through 16. The goal I had set for this project was to give children who may not be as fortunate an opportunity gain new skills and experience. At the clinic we taught the children simple yet effective techniques and skills to try to improve their game. I played for SLA's Varsity Boys Basketball team for my entire high school career and developed from a not very skilled guard to a potential Division Three college athlete. Playing basketball can open doors for people who work to become great. My passion for basketball started in the 8th grade when I attended UPenn's Basketball camp, and I feel that if that passion developed at a younger age I could be potentially be playing Division One Basketball. So with this clinic I looked to help one of the children see basketball as more than a hobby they enjoyed, but to try to possibly make a career with the sport.
  1. Kay, Matthew. "Interview of Mr. Kay." Personal interview. 30 Jan. 2015.

  • This source provides further information about African Americans and their relationship with poverty.

  • I selected this source because it helps add to my argument about how teaching and aiding youth that don’t live in the best neighborhood could influence their life in positive way.

  • I found this source useful because it helped aid my argument.

  • One limitation of this source was it is an opinion.

  1. Rami, Meenoo. "Interview of Meenoo Rami." Personal interview. 30 Jan. 2015.

  • This source provides further information about African Americans and their relationship with poverty.

  • I selected this source because it helps add to my argument about how teaching and aiding youth that don’t live in the best neighborhood could influence their life in positive way.

  • I found this source useful because it helped aid my argument.

  • One limitation of this source was it is an opinion.

  1. Jeffcoat, Thomas. "Interview of Thomas Jeffcoat." Personal interview. 30 Jan. 2015.

  • This source provides further information about African Americans and their relationship with poverty.

  • I selected this source because it helps add to my argument about how teaching and aiding youth that don’t live in the best neighborhood could influence their life in positive way.

  • I found this source useful because it helped aid my argument.

  • One limitation of this source was it is an opinion.

  1. Spells, Ashley. "Interview of Ashley Spells." Personal interview. 30 Jan. 2015.

  • This source provides further information about African Americans and their relationship with poverty.

  • I selected this source because it helps add to my argument about how teaching and aiding youth that don’t live in the best neighborhood could influence their life in positive way.

  • I found this source useful because it helped aid my argument.

  • One limitation of this source was it is an opinion.

  1. TIERNEY, JOHN. "Prison and the Poverty Trap." The New York Times. N.p., 18 Feb. 2013. Web.

  • This source provides information about the relationship between poverty and African Americans, and how youth that aren’t on the best path fall into the “trap” of being in and out of the system.

  • I selected this source because it helps add to my argument about how teaching and aiding youth that don’t live in the best neighborhood could influence their life in positive way.

  • I found this source useful because it helped aid my argument.

  • One limitation of this source was it doesn’t directly relate to philadelphia.

  1. MLaughlin, Lacey. "The Poverty-Crime Connection." The Poverty-Crime Connection. N.p., 19 Oct. 2011. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.

  • This source provides information about the relationship between poverty and African Americans, and how youth that aren’t on the best path fall into the “trap” of being in and out of the system.

  • I selected this source because it helps add to my argument about how teaching and aiding youth that don’t live in the best neighborhood could influence their life in positive way.

  • I found this source useful because it helped aid my argument.

  • One limitation of this source was it doesn’t directly relate to philadelphia.

  1. Jensen, Eric. "Membership." How Poverty Affects Behavior and Academic Performance. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.

  • This source provides information about the relationship between poverty and African Americans, and how youth that aren’t on the best path fall into the “trap” of being in and out of the system.

  • I selected this source because it helps add to my argument about how teaching and aiding youth that don’t live in the best neighborhood could influence their life in positive way.

  • I found this source useful because it helped aid my argument.

  • One limitation of this source was it doesn’t directly relate to philadelphia.

  1. "Poverty Rate by Race/Ethnicity." The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. N.p., 2013. Web.

  • This source provides information about the relationship between poverty and African Americans, and how youth that aren’t on the best path fall into the “trap” of being in and out of the system.

  • I selected this source because it helps add to my argument about how teaching and aiding youth that don’t live in the best neighborhood could influence their life in positive way.

  • I found this source useful because it helped aid my argument.

  • One limitation of this source was it doesn’t directly relate to philadelphia.

  1. Morello, Carol. "Poverty Rates Higher for Blacks and Hispanics than Whites and Asians." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 20 Feb. 2013. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.

  • This source provides information about the relationship between poverty and African Americans, and how youth that aren’t on the best path fall into the “trap” of being in and out of the system.

  • I selected this source because it helps add to my argument about how teaching and aiding youth that don’t live in the best neighborhood could influence their life in positive way.

  • I found this source useful because it helped aid my argument.

  • One limitation of this source was it doesn’t directly relate to philadelphia.

  1. Plumer, Brad. "These Ten Charts Show the Black-white Economic Gap Hasn't Budged in 50 Years." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 28 Aug. 2013. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.

  • This source provides information about the relationship between poverty and African Americans, and how youth that aren’t on the best path fall into the “trap” of being in and out of the system.

  • I selected this source because it helps add to my argument about how teaching and aiding youth that don’t live in the best neighborhood could influence their life in positive way.

  • I found this source useful because it helped aid my argument.

  • One limitation of this source was it doesn’t directly relate to philadelphia.