
Well now the time comes where i rush to do all the work that is due during this week. That means my Calculus benchmark will have some pretty iffy problems on it, and the presentation for my capstone will be pretty meh. I mean not that it matters because from what I understand, as long as you have something done, which I do, your in good shape. Im really looking forward to the end but not this final stretch...

Die, or Live

The paradox about having something to die for, is that you also have something to live for, so whats more important? to die for something, or to live for something? or purchase both? live for it until you have no choice but to die for you? and if you live for it, and then die naturally, have you died for it as well?

Fairy Tales

I didn't believe in fairytales, but after Friday I now believe that anything is possible. But the best part about my fairytale is that I still have my prince charming :)

I don't know what to call this.

The kittens opened their eyes and are now curious of their surroundings but still can't walk yet. Lola lets me touch them and pick them up but i still have to wait until they are walking before anything. for now i'll just watch them a bit more and try not to turn my ac on too much cause i don't want them to freeze from the cold. getting that out of the way this weave is itchy as hell and i hate it. when i take this off i will burn it and yell to the heavens above how weave is just one little peeve of my life that i can't cope with unless sewn it which i have never have. Until then i hate this hair. lola ate my hot dog while i was sleeping that thief.

Musical Instrument Blog #1

So, I've been looking around for a good instrument that has distinct notes that could accompany like a guitar or something well and just be that sweet, higher pitched aspect to a song. I was thinking along the lines of a piano, but that would be far to complicated to make. However, I do know about African Thumb Pianos. I have one in my house. Basically, you play it by striking metal strips that are attached to some type of hollow wood (like a cigar box). The struck metal makes a resonance that plays the tune. Different types of wood and shapes of it make different resonances, and different types of metal and lengths also affects to resonance and frequency. The sound is then released through a hole in the hollow wood.
large thumb piano
large thumb piano

Movie Review

Hell Raiser is a weird movie. It's not scary it's just gruesome. If you can't handle gore I wouldn't recommend it. Even though it has that cheesy 80's movie theme I have to admit it has pretty good special effects for the violence.  Tonight I'm going to try and watch the Exorcist. I don't like scary movies about religion. They really scare me. It's not like I'm deeply religious, actually I'm not religious at all, yet something about religious scary movies really gets to me. I not an atheist, I kind of believe in religion but I'm not really sure. I assume I'll figure out my religious views as life goes on and for now I'm content with not knowing my religious beliefs all that well.

BREAKING NEWS- Congress Defies Charge of Treason, Declares Independence!

​After a long and heated battle in Philadelphia, the Continental Congress finally came to accept what the northern colonies had already known for quite some time. War with England now deemed unavoidable, and a Declaration of Independence inked, the focus of the newly united colonies now shifts to New York as General Howe's forces moves in to capture the critical port.

E1 U9 TAREA 24/05/11

A. Estudia para la prueba. (Quizlet)
B. Write the correct form of the verb ESTAR. If you get stuck on the form, check your ESTAR handout. No publiques tus respuestas.

   1. ¿Cómo . . . . Ud.?

   2. (Yo) . . . . bastante contenta, gracias. ¿Y tú?

   3. Mi novio . . . . en el sótano barriendo.

   4. Mi papá . . . . en la cocina preparando un sánwich.

   5. Yo . . . . en mi dormitorio porque tengo que estudiar.

   6. Mis hermanos y yo . . . . en el sofá viendo la tele.

   7. ¿ . . . . Uds. en el jardín o en la sala?

   8. El carro . . . . en el garaje.

   9. Mi piso . . . . en Madrid. ¡Pasa, pasa!

  10. Las camas . . . . en la habitación de mi hermana menor.

  11. ¿Dónde . . . . el espejo?

  12. Yo . . . . en el baño.

13.  Mis sobrinos y yo . . . . en casa porque . . . . cansados.


Last night I realized that I had to write a three page rough draft of my capstone defense paper.  I also had to throw together a power point by Friday.  Guess how long it took me to do all that?

About 1 hour.

I can't believe that I've gotten to this point.  Other people are freaking out about how much work they have to do and how terrible writing a three page paper is.

And I wrote a basically perfect essay in a flash.

School has gotten the best of me.


​You have the balanced scale that most people interpret information on and understand it without a problem. Then, you have the tipped scale that's leaned farther towards one end of interpretation/ understanding and just dishevels most information. People are ridiculous. 

Q4 Benchmark

My favorite benchmark was the most recent benchmark because it was more beneficial to me than anyone else. This benchmark wasn’t all about learning new topics, because it was a study guide to help us out later on in life. Despite that it had to be the most beneficial benchmark out of all the benchmarks  we had over the course of the year. I applied statistics by using what I already knew and just making it into a study guide/tutorial. I felt like this was a great benchmark to do because it wasn’t exactly complicated but I feel like it was a nice way to finish out the year, especially when all the seniors are really just thinking about graduating and senioritis may still be lingering in our bodies.  The easiest part of the benchmark had to be when I just had to research my topics, because it was so easy I made sure to make my explanation super detailed so I could possibly get extra points for going over the top. It was also very easy to pick out the topics that I wanted to do because I could pick something that I could easily understand. The hardest part was definitely trying to explain everything in detail, I just feel like I had to explain everything very very well, by this I mean I basically did 2 pages for every topic and while that might not seem like a lot, It is when you have to work on like 10 different topics.


Inquiry: What have I learned over the year that could help me with this final benchmark? How does my understanding of the topics help me out? At this point we have a good central basis of what statistics is and from that we can branch out to different schools with our basic understanding and just expand our knowledge. My understanding of the topics helped big time, I literally mean that because if I sat there trying to learn some topics It would have taken a much longer time.


Research: Why would we look up the classes we are taking next year? How does that help us with the benchmark?  I think we looked up the classes for next year just to get a basic understanding on what we will have to be ready for next year, it helped us with the benchmark because maybe some of our tutorials had to do with the topics.


Collaboration: Not much to say here, I didn’t really collaborate with anyone while trying to complete my project but I guess I could’ve asked how were they presenting their information and what different computer programs they were using to do this.


Presentation: I didn’t really get fancy at all with this benchmark, I used basic notebook paper to create my tutorial and I used a word document to produce the written portion of my benchmark.


Reflection: After all this I would say that I worked very very hard on this project, but I must say, if I had done better earlier in the year then I would be in a different position than I am now.

So... We're still here..

 I'm so glad that this nonsense is over.

My dad's friend who honestly believed that the world was going to end, who is now located at friends hospital for his crazy behavior left my father three voicemails.

1st. "Hi Danny, We have about a week left, I hope you get yourself together so we can both go, but as of now.. I hope you come see me, I took off of work, might as well relax at home. Call me."

2nd. "Danny, you haven't called me back, There is only two days left, I really hope you come see me. My wife keeps calling me crazy... I just want her to be saved. I'm so nervous. Call me back Danny."

3rd. (sobbing) It's past six and I'm still here, (sobbing harder) I got left behind danny... I don't know what to do... My wife left she wont let my son come see me, the only person who came to say goodbye was my daughter and grandson.. YOu didn't even come danny. But.. I guess there's nothing I can do... I got left behind (crying.)"

.... He seems suicidal to me.

Nathan's Instrument

For my instrument, I want to do an erhu, which is a traditional chinese stringed instrument. It has two strings and is played with a bow. It has a much less solidified system of pitches, as the instrumentalist only has one string to play with. By shortening the length of the string, the frequency is changed and the result is an exotic, metalic sound. For more info:

Musical Instrument Blog #1

I am considering constructing a guitar as my instrument of choice for this band. This is played by using either a pick or my fingers to strum the strings which produces the sound. You can change a note by tuning the strings which will be located at the top of the guitar. It will be shaped like a normal guitar. Pretty Square at the bottom and the fret board will be rectangular. I believe that depending on how hollow the wood I use the guitar will produce different sounds accordingly. I feel as though the waves that will be created when I make the guitar will be large waves because I plan on making this guitar about half of the size of a normal guitar.

Brooke's Instrument Blog

The instrument I was thinking about creating was an xylophone. I chose this instrument becuase after watching a video I found that it is probably one of the easiest instrument to learn how to play in a short amount of time. The xylophone is played by playing the nots on the xylophone with mallets. You produce sound on the instrument when the metal or wooden bars vibrate and push and pull the air particles around them.You change the sound of the xylophone by hitting the metal bars at different times and hard or lighter. The xylophone has a row of bars that range from different sizes.

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