Ethnomusicology By: Morgan Taylor <3

The purpose of this project was to interview people 10-20-30 years older than us and ask them what their favorite song was from the decade they were born in. Then we had to find an event that happened in that decade and relate it to African American History.

Questions raised were:
Did the environment the person interviewed lived in affect their song choice?
Does the race matter?
Were the cultures way different?
How did the cultures change over the course of 30 years?

The best part was making the imovies for each person I interviewed, it was fun.
The hardest part was finding an event that related to AAH.


Collapse Reflection

The 2 countries I focused on were Saudi Arabia and Papua New Guinea. There was an explanation for why they were chosen but for nothing a want to learn about to different countries. The process consisted of researching both countries. The research didn't take long but was pretty tedious. The hardest part of project was picking a design. At first, I wanted to do an Imovie but it was starting to take to long. Then I tried a website but then again it became too difficult. Finally I decided to do a google slideshow.
The 5 point frame work was kind of easy. The hardest part was just reflecting on what each factor actually meant. The hardest one was climate change. It was very hard to find information about hostile neighbors. A solution could have been being more thorough with my research.
  If I could change one thing I would of tried to put more effort into my project. Eventually I was attacked by a force called senior slacking. Eventually my mindset became just get the project done hopefully get a C and pass for the quarter. If I had the fortitude to try to achieve make the project better it would have been a much better project.