We Need to Move On...

Dear high school,
I've found someone better. Its been a incredible 4 year relationship but, I've grown & moved on. Hopefully you can let me go while I make this next stage in life although I may fall and stumble on my way I know you've helped me get here. I think its best if we stop seeing each other for, like, ever. Ok, see ya in 5 years at the reunion.

Self Inflicted Stress.

It's truley unbelievable that I put myself in these situations almost as if it where subconsioulsly on purpose. I am such a procrastinatior. Truth is I work best under pressure. I KNOW I have all this stuff to do and have time to do it and LITERALLY don't until I feel the anxiety of time creeping up on me. I mean I get it done, but why do i inflict this on myself. I mean, I know I have a problem I guess it's my first step to recovery..
(*head down, slowly walking away) haha I am so Dramatic. 


I swore I told you that story before, Freda! Fawn had found him on her street near her dad's house one day and called me and was like "Hey Rachel, do you want a baby bird?"

My mom and I rushed down there to get him. We had him for only about a week and he wasn't scared of us at all.  He was a fledgling, so he could almost fly but wasn't quite ready yet.

I'm trying to find the pictures I have of him. 

Oh, and I named him Gingersnap! :D

I'll post the pictures here if I can find them.

Like being in the audience

While doing some homework when I heard a couple cheers
Then it got louder and louder 
Then a choir of excited violin music came in
And the room was filled with trumpets and joyful cheers
And then I heard the first lyrics to justin beiber's never say never *shudder*
Then I looked around and realized that I did not have my tv on
Looked out my room door
Down the stairs
My dad was sitting them watching the last part of karate kid with the volume around 25
I wanted to take a deep breath and say "turn it down, i'm doing homework"
but I feel like it would somehow hurt his feelings
I just walked back into my room and
I thought about how I felt like I was in the audience
If only justin beiber hadn't popped up
Then maybe it would have been a good daydream :)

Musical Instrument Blog #1

My group & i decided to spell xylophone "Zillaphone", i'm telling you this because i dont want you to get confused when you see it spelled like that. =)

-How is it played? What does the person have to do to produce sound?
You hit the notes with the mallets. The Zillahphone strike the metal bars of the Zillahphone (xylophone) with a stick produces a vibration. This vibration's sound is determined by the length of the bar. The longer ones produce a much deeper sound than the shorter ones. These sounds are enhanced by the resonator tubes below the bars. Air is pushed into these tubes, creating more vibration, but at the same pitch as the bar struck. A cord runs through the center of the xylophone, lifting the bars slightly away from the frame of the instrument, letting them vibrate freely.

-How do you change a note? (you might have to watch very carefully to see this)
On an Zillahphone, there are different sized bars, the smaller the bars the higher the pitch is. The notes change depending on which bar you hit.

-How is it shaped?
Its Piano Shaped.

-What does this make you think about how you can create and change sound?
It makes me think that this would be easy to play/handle.

-What connections (if any) do you think you can draw between what you are observing and you might already know about waves?
Well i personally think that how hard you hit might effect the length of the wave, and every time you hit the bar, its another pulse.

Musical Instrument #2

​The flute produces sound by the musician blowing air into the mouthpiece. By blowing on a sharp angle and covering and uncovering holes on the flute different tunes and pitches will be produced. "The pitch can be lowered slightly by aiming the air in a downward direction into the embouchure hole, and raised slightly by aiming the airstream higher so that it crosses over the embouchure hole." I will be experimenting with different lengths of pipes to see if a shorter flute will produce a different sound than longer flute. I plan to drill holes into one side of the pipe. The holes will model holes on a real flute. I'm planing to use just pipe and drill to make the flute, if i don't make the flute of out of wood. Wood may be a tough challenge because I have no experience in cutting and sanding and it would be terrible for me or any who tries to play my "replica" of a flute and get a splinter.

No Questions :)


Musical Instrument Blog #1

The flute is played by blowing air from your mouth into the mouthpiece end of the flute. There are different types of blowing techniques. Most flutes are about 67 cm. There are over 6 types of flutes. The flute that I am going to model/made is "the concert flute." This flute is made of 3 parts, the headjoint, the body and the footjoint. To change the sound the the flute creates, you simply place a finger or fingers over a whole or wholes that are placed along the longer half of the flute. You can also change the sound by limiting the amount of air released from you mouth when blowing into the flute. The flute makes many different sounds, in many different pitches. When comparing the sound that the flute makes and sound waves, I imagine that the higher the wave, the higher the pitch and that if the pitch is low then the wave will be smaller.



i was going to post something about Hangover 2, but then i was completely blown away by Freda's picture below.


shit like that gets me so depressed.

many of you may not know this, but i love birds.

and during this season, so many birds die from falling from their nests. and for some reason, i keep stumbling upon all of these dead little babies.

i know it's a part of life, but i hate it.

many of you know about my tragic experience of when my pet parakeet died of cancer a few years ago.

but once, about two summers ago, i tried to save a baby bird who had been thrown from his nest in a thunderstorm. i kept him for a few days in a small box and fed him as though i was his mother. i would have to feed him every 25 minutes and wake up with him in the morning when he would start to cry. i was giving him this gross mush mixture of baby food, cat food, and bread. he would actually sit in my palm and open his little mouth so i could drop the food in. he would also cuddle next to me to keep warm when i took him outside to sit in the grass.


he died in my hands about a week later as i kissed him goodbye.


apparently he had been pretty traumatized by the fall, considering his missing patches feathers that weren't growing back.

i will always have a place in my heart for my "adopted baby".


Let I breathe. Jedi Knight. The more space I get the better I write. Never I write. But if ever I write. I need the space to say whatever I like.


The NBA Finals start on Tuesday. My team as you should know by now (Miami Heat) are going up against the Dallas Mavericks. This is the rematch of the 2006 NBA Finals when the Heat came back from an 0-2 series hole to win four straight games and beat the Mavs for the title. DWade averaged 34 points. I hope I can relive that championship experience! #teamheat