Scream 4

​After being so excited for Scream 4. I was not disappointed after leaving the movie theaters April 15. Scream 4 was the best Scream movie since the original. It had everything that I looked for in movies. The ending was one of the best endings that I've ever seen. 

Negative Space_Katherine Hunt_Hull

Negative Space-

a. Negative space is when there is an object made. The space in between and that surrounds the object is what is called the negative space.  The positive space is known as the object itself. 

b. The way that I found the negative space is by taking the actual object itself and tracing it. Once I traced the objects onto the paper I cut it out and than put it on a different color paper. That differentiated the negative and positive spaces within the photos. When doing my stool drawing I knew what the negative space was because the space surrounding it and in between the figure space was classified as negative. 

c. It helps an artist to see the negative space because it tells you what is part of the drawing object and what isn't. 

d. Seeing the negative space can enhace but as well dull the picture because it pops out the object more but the background is dulled. 
Photo on 2011-04-25 at 09.39
Photo on 2011-04-25 at 09.39
Photo on 2011-04-25 at 10.16
Photo on 2011-04-25 at 10.16

Negitive space drawings

A. When you look at a stool for example positive space is the object and negative space is the what you look through.
B. I think it was easier finding negative space and making the drawing with the cut then the stool drawling. I found negative space with the stool by drawling it in positive space first then it got easier to find because you just had to fill in the spaces on another piece of paper. I found negative space with the cut out by tracing the one side and cutting it out  and putting it the other side of the paper.
C. It helps you with abstract drawings.
D. It enhances the drawing because you get to see it in different views and that makes you know more about what your looking at or if your actually drawing it.

Negative Space - Morgan Taylor

What is negative space?
     Negative space is the space that you see in between the actual object. Such  as a chair, the parts that you can see through is negative space as well as then space around the object.
Explain how you found negative space in 1. your cut out?, 2. in your stool drawing?
     I found the negative space in the cut out by first cutting out the white parts of the cut out and save those parts so I could trace the scraps on the construction paper. I cut out certain parts and flipped the left overs on to the other side of the paper. In the stool drawing it helped to draw the item first then fill in the spaces and erasing the extra lines.
Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?
     It helps an artist to see in negative space because it enables them to see the item in different perspectives, so t is easier for them to draw it. negative space is drawing a bunch of shapes.
Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not?
     Seeing in negative space can enhance drawings because you see in both perspectives. If you can see in both perspectives and understand both negative and positive space then you can use both to create an amazing awesome drawing.

Seamus Kirby Negative Space

Negative space is what you get when you take a picture, remove the objects in the front of the picture, and the space that's left in between the spaces of the object and around it, is the negative space. It is basically the background of the image. The negative space in my cutout is the red on the left side, and the blue on the right side. I found the negative space in the stool drawing, by looking at the shapes inside of the stools, and drew those. It helps an artist to see negative space, because it allows them to see objects and scenes in two different ways. It does enhance drawings because it can add contrast into the drawing.
Photo on 2011-04-25 at 09.57 #2
Photo on 2011-04-25 at 09.57 #2

Negative Space Cutout

A. Negative space is the area around a drawing that isn't the main focus. For example, if there is a drawing of a tree, the trunk and leaves are the positive space, and everything behind the tree is the negative space.
B. After tracing the tree, I took all the sections of the drawing and put them as positive space on one side, negative space on the other. Everything that wasn't positive was negative, and everything that wasn't negative was positive.
C. If you know how much space has to be in the picture because of negative and positive space, you can scale the drawing appropriately.
D. I think that seeing negative space does enhance drawing for the reason I said in C.

only paper work

Based off of actual events observed in a police ride along, names were changed for protection.


Officer Daniels and his partner Woods were first on scene. The call came in about 8 minutes ago, the call first went to dispatch, who put it out as a priority a minute and a half later. It was a domestic dispute at first, but one of the suspects broke a bottle and slashed the other open. Daniels rushed to the house, the door was already open and there was a man standing there with a broken bottle in his hand, Daniels pulled his tazzer out and aimed it at the man “Put the bottle down now!”

            The man listen to him, but said no words. “Turn around, keep your hands up” Daniels continued. He took his cuffs off, and cuffed the man, who Daniels noticed was bleeding from the hands. Daniels partner went inside the house to deal with the other suspect. The ambulance pulled up and the medics rushed into the house while Daniels examed the mans hand. His partner Woods came out to recap the situation.

            “man insides cut up pretty good, he needs to be rushed to the hospital, mom only speaks Spanish, but the her little girls speak English pretty well, told me they always do this shit, the fight started over a game controller”

            “It’s always the stupid stuff huh?” Daniels answered. Woods nodded

            “I just feel bad for the poor girls, the one has to be about 14, their real upset”

            The medics moved the second suspect out into the ambulance, and Daniels put the cuffed man in the car. “he is going to need medical attention Woods, can you wait here until the sergeant pulls up, I’m sure he can give you a ride”

            “sure, but does that mean I get all the paper work too?”

            Daniels laughed “nah, just get what info you can, I got the paper work”, Daniels put the man in the back of his car, and got in the driver seat. “god damn paper work” he laughed, as he drove off, looking back into the mirror as he pulled away from the house, the house with the two little girls, and the blood on the game controller.


​I have a feeling of dread and I can't figure out the cause. I feel like i'm forgetting something extremely but for the life of me can't discern what it is. It's slowly driving me insane. I want to lay down and stop thinking about things that matter but the nagging in the back at my head at this unknown problem is consuming.

Trosario Art 2 'How To'

This project was to find a 'How To' online and follow the directions. For mine I recreated Flowers made out of Tissue paper and chenille sticks. When reading the instructions I learned how to make an accordion fold and what happens when you mix different color papers.
Photo on 2011-04-24 at 16.08
Photo on 2011-04-24 at 16.08
Photo on 2011-04-24 at 16.08 #3
Photo on 2011-04-24 at 16.08 #3
Photo on 2011-04-24 at 16.09
Photo on 2011-04-24 at 16.09



 I made one a long time ago but didn't know how it worked so I just quite it, so august I think I gave it another try and now i am absolutly in love with it. Its a place where you can totally express your inner most deepest secrets through pictures text, videos, audio or quotes. Its an opprutunitly to meet new people and network. For example one of my favorite blogs, is a girl from Australia, things like that amaze me. Smh this technology sure is a nifty thing lol.

Spring Break

My spring break was cool, really calm and chill. I spent almost the whole break over my cousin house and she got me thinking.

 I am really going to college. Like its not a game anymore, this is for real. This is real life and the near future. This means new friends new faces new experiences and new memories that are to be created.

We always were talking about fake friends and grimy people in our lives. I had to think, I never really got that close to anybody for them to "snake" me, but she had me rethink a lot of recent things that happened before I left for spring break.

 So all in all, the time for cutting ppl completely off is here and more apparent than ever

Easter Sunday

7:00 am- Woke up

9:00 am- Got to work

10:am- Bored 

!2:00 pm Lunch Break

3:30pm- Got of work

4:00pm- Got home

4:45pm- Left for godmom's house

5:15pm- Arrived at her house

5:20pm- Filled my tummy with yummy food

5:50pm laid down 

6:53-9:15pm- Family time

10:00pm- got home and talked to my boo

10:57pm- Still on the phone

E4 25/04/11 Auto-evaluacion (narratives)

Por favor, mándame tus respuestas por email.

En cuanto tu español este semestre...

1. ¿Cuáles son tus puntos fuertes (strengths)? ¿Cuáles son tus puntos débilies (weaknesses)? Se puede usar la criteria en la rúbrica de Responsibilidades Estudiantiles.
2. ¿En qué quieres mejorar (improve) en tus últimas semanas de tus estudios de español aquí? ¿Cómo vas a hacer para mejorar tu español?
3. ¿Qué quieres aprender todavía?

Lo que respondes aquí va a aparecer en tu "narrative."

Easter Traditions (2/24)

​So today was Easter. Being Polish honestly needs to come with a instruction manual. Or at least being me. There are so much traditions that Polish people unlike a lot of Americans that I see in the US. I had to dress up for a freaking breakfast. I wore a really nice long sleeve shirt with black jeans and dress shoes to a 9am breakfast. We prayed for about 10 minutes before sharing piece of a holy egg. Then we brought out a lot of traditional food like tartar (Grinded up raw meat with a lot of spices in it), lots of holy egg, lots of holy bread and FISH. I strongly dislike fish. I personally follow the traditions as lightly as possible (parental conditions permitting). Then I have to dress up the same way for dinner. Mind you it is hot as balls with jeans on at this point. It was not comfortable what so ever. I could not relax much as there was always something to do around the house... I could not have a social life because it was not allowed.... Its definitely a sacrifice I have to make however in the end the family cohesiveness is worth it. I live a strange life sometimes. Traditions make me go pray on Halloween night instead of trick or treat. Make me eat weird Polish food that I dont even have an appetite for on Christmas and Thanksgiving. However they also allow me to have a great time, particularly around New Years Eve. Ups and downs. 

Spring Break

The ultimate sign of a good spring break: no wasted days. I was all over the east coast this past week, doing everything from partying at Penn to visiting family in NY to going to the beach with friends. This was by far the best spring break I've had throughout my time in high school. That was, until, I realized we still had stories due during that time. I honestly had no time to post stories during the week, and I know my grade may suffer for it, but it was worth it.