La Leyenda de los SAT’s (Student Assistant Teachers)

La Leyenda de los SAT’s (Student Assistant Teachers)

Erase una vez, señor Lehman y los profesores de SLA tenía una problema. Estaban cansados de enseñanza y clasificación el trabajo de muchos niños. El principio de SLA, señor Lehman celebró una reunión en la biblioteca a discutir los posibilidades que sería resolver la problema. Los profesores intentaron cortar el tamaño de clase pero entonces tendrían que extender el dia. Luego trataron de enviar a los niños a SLA beeber, pero nadie quiere ir allí. Lehman celebró unas reuniones por muchas semanas y semanas.

Un dia, despues mes de pensando sobre cómo resolver la problema, señor Lehman tenía una idea.  Él preguntó los profesores si teniendo un extra person a ayudar con enseñanza y clasificación. Los profesores eran muy emocionado a oír que sugerencia de Lehman. Lehman continuada. Él dije que porque de los recortes presupuestarios, SLA no puede permitirse profesores nuevos. Lehman sugirió que los estudiantes sería capaz de ayudar. Los profesores se rió de él. No creían que los niños serían lo suficientemente maduros para hacer esta tarea. Lehman convenció a los profesores que iba a funcionar. Él  preguntó el departamento de ciencias a crear un potion a hacer los estudiantes más responsable, más inteligente y mas comportarse. Señorita Echols, Dunda y Señor Sharief Fui a sus laboratorios para crearlo. Dos semanas más tarde, ellos trajeron la poción a Lehman. Este fue el comienzo de la creación del estudiante asistente de profesor.

Los profesores probaron la primera poción en la estudiantes más inteligente. Este año fue la primera clase de señor del SLA, se inició la tradición de sólo senors.Después este año, muchas personas debería voluntario estar un SAT. Mantener a los niños interesados, los profesores debería dar un crédito a los estudiantes. Muchos colegios gusta el programa SAT en SLA. La programa ayuda a las aplicaciones del estudiante senior destacan. Demuestra liderazgo, que esto es algo que agrada a las universidades.Esta es la leyenda de la estudiante asistente de profesora.  

Powtoon link here

Financial Education - Blog Post #3

Hello again! It’s Felix, back with my last blog post. This one is my Agent of Change post, and I’ll be telling you guys about what I actually did in the real world to help solve this problem of Financial Education.

As I just mentioned, my topic is Financial Education and Literacy in America, and how people don’t learn enough about money to be safe and successful in their lives. People are being sent out into the world with no training on how to pay taxes, manage debt, or make money. And even though it is more important for people to learn more about the necessities, such as using a credit card, it’s also important to know how to make money. Not nearly enough people know about or use stocks to their advantage. I went on a quest to change this.

A lot of lessons about Financial Literacy and Responsibility are being taught around the world, and they help, but they aren’t always accessible. Many schools don’t have a program properly suited to helping kids get out into the world with the proper tools and knowledge. I tried to make my own little dent on my little community.

As I said in my Second Blog Post, I was hoping to teach at least one lesson to a class of First Graders, Third Graders, and Eighth Graders, as well as a presentation to some Ninth Graders. I only succeeded on one of those counts; I taught my advisory, the Ninth Graders, but I couldn’t get the scheduling quite right for the students at my old school, ICS. In the end, I made a smaller impact than expected, but I still taught about 20 students some of the very basic skills they need to flourish financially.

However, this is only 20 students out of millions that aren’t being taught correctly. Even if I had gotten to my goal of about 100 students (the ones listed above), I still wouldn’t have made enough of an impact. The real threat is that education mandates WORLDWIDE are not giving our students a fighting chance. They would rather teach students about the Pythagorean Theorem, which only some of them will use, than about how to get a job, which all of them will need. Also, even if you’re the most qualified person in the world, you still need to know how to get and maintain a job, and how to manage the money you make.

These are some of the things I talked about in my presentation. The presentation that I showed (the slideshow that I used) is here, and some of the notes that I used are here (I used the section titled “8” for eighth grade, as the lessons were similar). I had the students talk in groups, and I taught them from the notes as well. At the end, I let them ask questions about things they weren’t sure about or wanted to learn more about.

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There should really be more of these lessons. Teachers should take just a couple of classes out of the year to teach their children about more important issues, and to teach them serious life skills. I am lucky to have attended two very good schools, have to very informed parents, and a very open family that I can talk to about financial issues. However some people don’t have this, and therefore are suffering because of it. Schools should teach more about Financial Education, and really a lot of other life skills as well.

I would like to acknowledge SLA and ICS, for being very helpful support systems when I needed help, and also for letting me teach there; my parents, for helping me through this long project and teaching me about Financial Issues; Miss Dunn, for letting me take an hour of her time to teach, and even more of her time for her to help me. She has helped me so much through this process. I couldn’t have asked for a better guide.

To see some more documentation, like a video of me talking to the students, and more photos, visit my documentation folder.

The Stigma of Mental Illness Blog #3

Hi. My name is Isabel Medlock and I am a freshman at SLA. Earlier this school year my English class started a project called You and the World. Everyone in my class chose an issue and researched that issue. I chose the stigma of mental illness, the negative way society views mental illness. After we chose an issue and researched it, we wrote two blog posts about it. Here is the link to blog #1. In this blog post I wrote about what the stigma of mental illness is and how people are affected by it. In blog #2 I wrote about the Mental Health Parity, discrimination those with mental health issues face, an interview I conducted with a mental health professional, and my opinion on the stigma of mental illness. This is my last blog post and it is the post for change which is the last part of the project.

There are several ways people are trying to raise awareness of the stigma of mental illness. There are some organizations and campaigns. Some examples of these types of campaigns are Stamp Out Stigma, Stand Up For Mental Health, and I Am Not Crazy.  Stamp Out Stigma is an organization that tries to reduce the stigma of mental illness and substance abuse by educating people and encouraging to them to discuss this issue. Stand Up For Mental Health teaches mental health consumers how to turn their problems into stand up comedy acts and perform them. I Am Not Crazy helps raise awareness of the stigma of mental illness by using social media and the internet. Also, every year on the first full week of October is Mental Health Awareness Week. During this week there are events that educate others about mental health and promote the education of mental illness. These events are designed to help end the stigma. These are all very good ways of changing society’s view on mental illness but I think more should be done. Even with all these organizations and events not that many people know the truth about mental illness or know about the stigma. I think children should be educated on this subject in school. If children were educated about mental illness they wouldn’t believe in the stereotypes surrounding mental illness and that would greatly reduce stigma.

photo 1.JPG      photo 2.JPG

Students on a website during my presentation.

For my agent of change piece I made a presentation to my advisory about the stigma of mental illness. In my presentation I explained what the stigma of mental illness is and why it is a problem. First I told them to go on a website and learn some things about mental illness and take some quizzes. Then I had each group read some stereotypes and discuss whether or not the stereotypes were true. At the end I showed a video from Bring Change 2 Mind. By doing this I helped raise awareness of the issue. Hopefully the people who viewed my presentation will want to learn more about mental illness and the stigma and maybe try to help reduce the stigma.  I enjoyed doing this project and learning about the stigma of mental illness. I think it’s a very important issue that needs to be talked about more, especially in schools. One thing I learned about myself and others is that when we are ignorant about something it often leads us to believe in stereotypes. The reason there is so much stigma surrounding mental illness is because people don’t learn about it.

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My presentation.

All the pictures above are from my presentation. In the first two pictures students are on a website, learning about mental illness. In the third picture students are discussing common stereotypes about mental illness. In the fourth picture I am explaining what the stigma of mental illness is.

I think I could have done a better job with my agent of change piece. I don’t think I’ve done enough. There are still so many people who don’t really understand mental illness and the stigma surrounding. I wish I had done something that would inform more people about this problem. There is still so much left to do to change people’s view on mental illness. People need to be educated about mental health. We need to change the laws that discriminate against those with mental health problems. We need to make people with mental health problems feel accepted instead of ashamed.

I would like to thank Ms. Dunn for all her help and advice. I would also like to thank all the people who helped proofread my blog posts.  I have enjoyed doing this project and I have really enjoyed learning about the stigma of mental illness. I hope that in the future it will no longer be a problem.

Thanks for reading my post! :-)

Links to my presentation:

Advisory Presentation Slide Deck

Advisory Activities

La Cohete Mascota

Había una vez un niño que no hablaba con nadie en su clase. El no era fuerte y no gustaba jugar deportes. La actividad que el gustaba mas fue leyendo libros. Cuando el estaba leyendo nadie podía hablar con el. La mama de el siempre fue muy frustrado con él cuando era leyendo porque el nunca presto atención a ella. Los niños en la escuela no gustaba el niño porque él fue diferente y por eso el fue la chistosa de la clase. El nino, Chris siempre fue muy triste porque los niños eran muy malo a el.

Un dia después de un dia muy difícil en la escuela Chris fue a la rio muy cerca de su casa. El fue muy cansado y triste y cuando tenia estos sentimientos el fue a este lugar para leer en paz. Este dia fue muy diferente. Había algo diferente en la aire y el río. Chris abrió el libro que el casi termino. Cinco minutos después Chris terminó la libro. El empezó a tirar rocas en el río. Cuando el empezó a ir a casa el escucho algo en los bosques. El con miedo empezó a caminar al bosque. Cuando el fue al bosque había algo en el piso con mucho fuego.

Había un cohete en el piso. El cohete había gritando y gritando y gritando. Chris corrió hasta el cohete y preguntaba que paso? El cohete dijo que no sabía que paso pero que estaba volando un minuto y el próximo él estaba en el piso.

Cuando el cohete finalmente levantó el empezó a hablar con Chris. Chris preguntaba de donde era? Cohete respondió con deciendo que el vive en espacio. Ellos empezó a hablar en sus vidas. Cohete dijo que él estaba volando porque necesitaba un pausa de los otros cohetes. Describió como los otros cohetes fueron muy malo a el. Explicó que el gustaba reparar otros cohetes pero por eso los otros cohete no gustaban el. Chris explicó su cuento a cohete. Ellos empezó a hablar a qué malo esos personas fueron. Cohete dijo un secreto a Chris que nunco dijo a nadie. Tengo la habilidad a cambiar cosas en personas mentes. Cuando Chris escuchó esto él tenía un plan.

Ellos fueron a escuela juntos el próximo mañana pero antes de irse en la clase Chris pregunto a cohete si podia cambiar los mentes de los estudiantes en su clase. Cuando cohete preguntaba qué quería los mentes decir Chris dijo que todos gustaban los libros. Cohete podía ver que Chris fue muy inteligente y por eso dijo que si pero solo si cuando el es mas mejor y hace algo muy increíble en algún parte hay algo para recordar a mi.

Después que cohete cambio los mentes del estudiantes ellos fueron más bienvenida a Chris. Entonces veinte años luego cuando Chris abrió una escuela el recordaba cohete y el mascota fue un cohete.

Final YATW Blog Post! The Change


       There again people that will be looking at my blog. This is my last and final blog of the year. Cheers to all the information I have included in my blogs that you guys have liked. This is my agent of change project that I will be showing images of cats and the cat food that I have put out for the animals, to show that I have done something for the stray cat world in a way. The first section will be showing the first night that I put out food and the day after, to show what happened to the food. The second section will show the second time that I put out food for the stray cats the night and the day after to see results.

This is my first section showing images from the first night and the day after.

                             1st Night and Day after

                                  That Night


These are images from that night before cats came out to eat. The food wasn't disturbed until i chopped it up. It was late that night so I decided to go to bed and wait until the morning to get the results. So, that's what I did. The next images show the day after with a brief description.


                                       The Next Day


This is how much food was leftover from the night before. The stray cats had an appetite to fill their stomachs but not a appetite to get through the full cans of cat food. Also, I wasn't able to capture images of the cats as they ate because I guess they come out late at night, at least I have gotten documentary of the food that was ate.  The next documentary section is about the second time I went out at night with a little better information.



    2nd Night and Day after

These are images from the night and day after from what happened to the food that I had set out for the stray cats.

                                        That Night


These are images from the second night. I wasn't able document the stray cats because they come out really late. That was a real bummer but the next day I was able to find amazing documented information of the food that was leftover from that night. In the next image section the images are showing how much food was eaten from the plate, which was a lot better than last two weeks ago and I guess the stray cats liked this food better.

                                      The Day after

These are images of the day after, to me SHOCKING! Results, because from last time the results had a big gap in food differences and I was overwhelmed by the fact that all though cats didn't come out right away to eat but, it looks like to me that the animals came out for an after memorial day feast. I really like what I got this time,  but still a little upset that I didn't get any pictures of the stray cats I still got documented evidence to show that there are stray cats behind the gate as seen in the left photo.

I would like to thank everyone who have read all of my blog posts up to now and I thank you for the support and the caring that you as a person. I hope that some people that read my blog posts, that it would inspire some people to try and make a change like I did. I am one boy in a huge world with lots of lost and stray animals. We need to make a change and get these living beings off of the streets. I am sure that if someone like you or me was on the streets and had no food, or not even a home to go to, we would want someone to give a helping hand and help. I know I would. Like I said we can make a change.

Note: If you didn't read my other blogs the links are here.

Blog Post #1

Blog Post #2

Negative Space

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Screenshot 2014-05-30 at 11.20.15 AM
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Screenshot 2014-05-30 at 11.18.03 AM
1. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it).

Negative space can be defined by the space surrounding an object. Where you would have the positive space as the subject of a drawing or photograph, to find the negative space, you would reverse the image, so the emphasis isn’t on the subject anymore. Usually, negative space is white and positive space is black, because it’s more prominent. Negative space defines the positive space, they are interrelated.    

2. Explain how you found negative space in 1. Your Cutout?, 2. In your stool drawing?

I cut out the image of the owl, which was the subject of the first side of the paper and glued it against the background. The background would become the negative space, because the owl was the subject. To emphasise the negative space in the second drawing, I simply reversed the colors of the negative and positive space, so that the color behind the owl in the first drawing became the color of the owl in the second drawing. I found the negative space in the stool drawing, by drawing the lamp, and instead of coloring the subject of the drawing black, I colored the background black. I found the negative space by locating the space around the outline of the lamp.

3. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?

Negative space helps both the artist and the audience. It helps the audience view a part of the picture which isn’t normally focused on. And it helps the artist bring attention to this part of their drawing. It’s very important to be able to focus on the drawing as a whole. In this way, by using colors which create emphasis, you can frame the positive or negative space. If an artist is able to view the negative space, they can make decisions about how to keep the negative space proportionate to the positive space, to create balance.

4. How is negative space useful in creating art?

When you create art, you can control what the audience focuses on. If an artist wants to make certain aspects of the drawing pop and refrain from being too distracting, they can do that. In creating art, you can start the drawing by creating the space around the drawing, the negative space, rather than drawing from the positive space first.

Willie Willson's Capstone

Kay/Hirschfield Advisory

Class of 2014

During my sophomore year of high school, I suffered from a very bad concussion.  This led me to missing 7 months of school, going to countless doctors appointments, and finally completely recovering about 10 months after I first got the concussion.  During this time, I realized that a lot of the education related to concussions was either wrong, or incomplete.  Another issue was that these uneducated people were usually in the occupations of nurses, coaches, or the peers of the concussed.  I went out to rectify this situation, and made a website aimed at the audience of the concussed.  I wanted to pass on my knowledge of dealing with the symptoms of a concussion, and the people who don’t understand much about concussions.  This website is supposed to help all of the people who aren’t sure on how to continue with their concussion recovery, and show them how to proceed with the situation.


"League of Denial: The NFL’s Concussion Crisis." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2014.

This is a frontline documentary about concussions in football, “The Concussion Crisis”.  It highlights some of the key points about concussions, the risks of repeat injuries, and the lack of concern and education regarding them.

"Concussion." Definition. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2014.

This website gives a summary of what a concussion is, what the symptoms are, and has a detailed index of additional information about concussions.  This information will be useful as a general summary of concussions, and can be used to refer to in certain cases.  Even though I’m trying to keep this project as universal as possible, some information is necessary to get an understanding of the subject.

"Concussion - WebMD: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention."WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2014.

This is a webmd entrance about concussions, it gives a collection of general information about concussions.  This gives another view at concussions and their symptoms.  Since the information regarding concussions varies so much, it is important to have multiple sources to cross reference them.

"Concussion - Symptoms ." Concussion. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2014.

This is a website which has a very detailed list of the symptoms that people experience when they have a concussion.  It is very thorough and readable, and allows for another site to compare symptoms with.  The symptoms of a concussion are one part of it that will always remain the same, so I needed to have a complete list of the symptoms.

"Concussion Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - What Is the Treatment for Concussion? - MedicineNet." MedicineNet. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2014.

This source tells some of the treatment for concussions and includes information about concussion prevention and the risk of future concussions.  This is necessary because part of my project is how to prevent future concussions from happening, and this is a valuable source for that information.

Dr. Ginsburg, K. (2014, May 26). Telephone interview.

This is an interview with a pediatrician Dr. Ginsburg.  He offered some up to date medical information which gives me a useful source for backup knowledge, as well as an extra perspective as an on the scene doctor with real life experience.

"Post-concussion Syndrome." Definition. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Dec. 2013. <>.

One of the most challenging parts of recovering from a concussion is suffering from post concussion syndrome.  This source on post concussion syndrome will help me define it in my project, which will be incredibly useful.

"How to Know If You Really Have a Concussion." N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2014.

This source shows the reader how to tell if they have a concussion or not, it gives an interesting view at a problem which usually has to be diagnosed by an outside source.  One of the sections of my website is on how to identify concussions, so this source will be useful.

"Concussion Facts | Sports Concussion Institute." Concussion Facts | Sports Concussion Institute. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2014


This source is about concussions in sports, which is where most concussions occur today.  It has some pertinent information that has to be accounted for in any piece of work about concussions.

Ramirez, Ph.D. Ainissa G. "Why Don't Woodpeckers Get Concussions?" The Huffington Post., 25 Nov. 2013. Web. 29 Jan. 2014.

This is a post about why some animals who experience large amounts of blunt force trauma to the head don’t get concussions, which can help say why humans do get them.

Kenny Le Capstone

Kenny Le

In-school Mentor:
Mr. Miles

Topic Summary:
My goal was to learn and explore what I can learn throughout the year using Processing for coding.

For my year-round senior project, I decided to make my capstone be a computer-based project. I created a code from the help of Mr. Miles, Seamus Kirby, and other online sources that turns select images into ASCII text into .txt files. I also created a code that runs those .txt files into an animation. I am going into college with computer science as my intended major, so I decided that this would be a great senior project. The final product is a code that intends to run like a video I have watched online at youtube. 

The two programs:

Annotated bibliography

"Love the Programmer (ASCII Art) Animation." YouTube. YouTube, 27 Jan. 2012. Web. 31 Jan. 2014. <>.

This is a youtube video for my main source of inspiration and ideas. Mr. Miles and I found many ideas on how to make a video of the same thing shown in the video. I can either record someone dancing or moving and turn it into ASCII art, or I can find a video of real dancers on youtube and write a code to make an ASCII animation. This is useful, because it shows me what I need to do before my deadlines and the ideas it gives me.

"Examples. Short, Prototypical Programs Exploring the Basics of Programming with Processing." Examples N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2014. <>.

This website shows examples from the program Processing. It is very useful because I found two codes that helped me with my capstone. It has examples of an ASCII art video capture, where it captures anything from the webcam and turns it into text. It also has an example where I can take the video that I am using and break it into frames. I did a trial test and my video was approximately 7500 frames/single images. This can be my backup to screenshot every frame, but that is not my plan because it would take too long. This will be one of the most useful sources I have.

"Adobe Community: FAQ: A Glossary of Video Terms." Premiere Pro Discussions. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2014. <>.

I am testing around with Adobe premiere to extract my video frame by frame. This website is a FAQ glossary of what I need to know in Adobe premiere. There are tutorials on how to cut up a video, edit, or add anything I want to the video. This will prove useful when I am finalizing my edits and video for my code. I am trying to get another video editing software that might be easier for me to use than Adobe Premiere. This is useful if I were to continue using Adobe premiere to edit my future videos or cut out anything else.

" - ASCII ART." - ASCII ART. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2014. <>.

This website introduces me to the characters of ASCII art. There are some text and letters that I can’t use to create my ascii art. There are also some types of fonts that do not adjust together so they won’t fit. This source allows me to research what kind of fonts or texts I can use for my project. There are also designs and ASCII art examples that might come in handy if I wanted to add an image of an object to my code. This is pretty much everything I want to know about ASCII art.

"Reference. The Processing Language Was Designed to Facilitate the Creation of Sophisticated Visual Structures." Language Reference (API) Processing 2+. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. <>.

This is a website I use in Senior Computer Science every class, because it references me to every code I need to use for my class assignments. It is also very useful, because I am using Processing to do my ASCII art program code. It gives me examples of what I can do and also tutorials on what I need to do. This will be my main source of information for my capstone.

"How to Extract Image Frames from a Video File." Digital Inspiration. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2014. <>.

This website gave me useful sources on how to extract an image frame by frame. It also gave me directions on how to extract an image frame from the video. It gave me links to sources/programs that I can use to get around 7000 images from a video if I needed too. This is a very useful how-to website that gives me step-by-step instructions or other sources to extract images.

"Color Palette and the 56 Excel ColorIndex Colors." Color Palette and the 56 Excel ColorIndex Colors. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2014. <>.

This website shows all of the color codes that I can use for my code. It is pretty much an overall color reference for almost all types of coding. I remember using this website for HTML colors. I can now use it for my code in processing for the color codes. This will be useful for color codings in my code to display colorful text instead of just black, white, or gray.

"Color Palette and the 56 Excel ColorIndex Colors." Color Palette and the 56 Excel ColorIndex Colors. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2014. <>.

This website is open processing, which is the program I use, but other users upload it to this website to share with other. This is an image to ascii art generator like thing. I can hopefully use this as a base code for my ascii art generator. So far, I did use it but it's not as detailed as I want mines to be. If I were to use this, I would make it more detailed than it currently is. This might prove to be useful later as a backup to my code or even a start-up for my future code.

N.p., n.d. Web. <>.

This source is from canvas on SLA for my computer science engineering course. It documents what I learned from class from the beginning of the year because class lectures were uploaded to canvas. It gives me information on method, loops, etc. It is pretty much class lectures that provide me with detailed information with Processing, which I am using for my capstone.

N.p., n.d. Web. <>.

This website is useful in helping me edit the video for my capstone. There are moments and scenes where I want to speed it up and make the dancers flow. This will be useful in a lot of the editing for the video that I am making. Making a scene speed up or slow will help me create a good video.

Byshera Moore-Williams Capstone

My mentors were Mr.Block and Shavon Norris. I chose them because they both helped me with my first play. My capstone is a play but in book form. For the whole year I wrote a play. Every four to five scenes I would have a phone conference with Shavon and we would go over what edits were needed. I did this until the end of last month. Then I start working on my website. The process was long  but well worth it. I have learned that writing something that has a set timeline really does take a lot of the enjoyment out of writing for me. However I am happy with what I have and  I would not change what I did.
​My capstone is here. As a writer I don't want to risk my work being stolen or used with out my knowledge. 
 Bibliography ​

"English Tongue Twisters." Übersetzung. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2014.

One of my characters, Sam, has a stutter. This site is filled with tongue twisters. I use them in the pay so that he can practice saying complicated sentences over and over again. So this site is really for character development.

"Types of Stuttering." - Speech Language Disorders. University of Rochester, 19 Oct. 2010. Web. 28 Jan. 2014.

One of my characters, Sam, has a stutter. There are many different kinds and reasons for someone to have them. I wanted to make sure that the one that picked and the way that I wanted to faze it out was correct. So that is my I used this site.

"Alzheimer's Disease Fact Sheet." Alzheimer's Disease Fact Sheet. National Institute on Aging, Sept. 2012. Web. 28 Jan. 2014.

Lidy, Sam’s mom, gets alzheimer's. I wanted to make sure that I represent it correctly in my play. Because of this I researched how it happens and what it looks like in people. I wanted everything for feel very real.

"Philadelphia Young Playwrights." Philadelphia Young Playwrights. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2014.

I worked with Philly Young Playwrights. I wrote a play sophomore year and worked on it off and on for two years. I had my play produced and got to work to actors and my now mentor Shavon. This is the reason that I am continuing with writing plays and why I picked my capstone.

Shange, Ntozake. For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide, When the Rainbow Is Enuf: A Choreopoem. New York: Scribner Poetry, 1997. Print.

This is a play that has both been made and produced and was written into a book. This is a great example of what I am doing. Because I am writing it into a book but also putting it into a live play. It is also a great example of a play that focus on few characters.  

Myers, Walter Dean. Monster. Comp. Christopher Myers. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 2004. Print.

This is a play that has both been made and produced and was written into a book. This is a great example of what I am doing. Because I am writing it into a book but also putting it into a live play. It is also a great example of a play that focus on one character and it has a lot of things happen both around and to him.  

Interview with Mindy Early, Philadelphia Young Playwrights, Philadelphia, PA. 29 Jan. 2014.

Mindy is my contact at philadelphia young playwrights that is helping get a space so that I can hold the play in a space for a small number of people. She is a source because I have to be in contact with her for the next few months. She also helped me with my first play as far are casting and space.

Carnoy, David. "Self-publishing a Book: 25 Things You Need to Know." Fully Equipped. CNet, 13 June 2012. Web. 30 Jan. 2014.

Dorf, Jonathan. "Playwriting 101." How to Write a Play. Playwriting 101, 2014. Web. 31 Jan. 2014.

This is a website written by a playwright and screenwriter. It gives you different elements that you need for a play or screenplay. I used this because I wanted something that would explain the things that I learn in tenth grade. Mr.Block want over a lot of those things and the site does a good job of organizing and explaining the same things.

" - Working to Reform Marijuana Laws." FEDERAL Laws & Penalties. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2014.

My main character gets arrested with drugs. Because of this I wanted to look up how long he should be in jail for a first time offences. Again something that I wanted to make the play as real as possible. It is a good site because it breaks everything down in graphs so that you know what happens for first offenders and so on.

La Leyenda de Los Ríos de Schuylkill y Delaware

Érase una vez… Allí un pueblo antes de la ciudad de Filadelfia.  Era un pequeño pueblo.  El pueblo era en un plano y exuberante. Muchas personas. Ellos eran tranquilos y aislado. Ellos eran independiente desde otros grupos. Sin embargo, su independencia hizo su grupo sobre seguros. Ellos tienen un difícil tiempo con la comida y agua para ellos mismos. Era un largo camino para las personas quién obtuvieron el agua. No cazaban porque los otros grupos robaban los animales para ellos mismos. Los líderes eran enojados y desesperados. No pudieran encontrar una manera detener los otros grupos.  A ese ritmo, el grupo morirían.

Un día, las personas del pueblo decidieron orar a los dioses para un regalo. Un regalo eso protegería su grupo desde otros grupos y dar la comida y la agua necesario vivir. Ellos fueron a el centro del pueblo. Juntos, gritaron la oración y esperaron. Y esperaron. Y… esperaron. El grupo gritaron la oración otra vez. Ellos mendigaron los dioses ahorrar ellos. Sin embargo, ellos tuvieron un poco visitantes no deseados. Un otro grupo espiaban en su grupo. Ellos veían el ritual. Ellos creaban un plan atacar el grupo. Ellos tuvieron los armas y ellos estaban listos atacar. Entonces, ellos comenzaron gritar y corrieron a la enemigos. El grupo asustaban de los gritos. Ellos mendigaron duro para salvarse. Su enemigos estaban cerrando en su pueblo. Ellos estaban orando lo mejor que podrían. Entonces, un miembro del grupo enemigo apuñaló su propio miembro. 

El mundo se ralentizó. La masacre había comenzado. Las personas murieron izquierda y derecho. Los enemigos trabajaron su camino a los jefes. Parecía como si ese fue el final.

Cuando de repente, había una luz cegadora. Todo el mundo se pararon y miraron a el cielo. Desde el cielo, allí había tres personas, una mujer y dos hombres. Ellos eran cegadora, pero muy hermosa. El grupo eran aturdían, pero bendecían también. El grupo eran Ellos flotaron a el suelo. Se pararon una pulgada antes el suelo. Con un movimiento de su manos, ellos lanzaron los enemigos lejos desde el pueblo. Entonces, los dioses levantaron sus manos. El suelo comenzó sacudir. De repente, el suelo agrietado abierto en dos lados del pueblo. Agua comenzó subiendo. Llenó las grietas grandes. Pronto, dos ríos formaron. Estos ríos separado los enemigos desde el pueblo. El grupo alabaron los dioses como ellos flotaron en el cielo. Los enemigos estaban atrapados en el otro lado. Ellos no podían atacar. El grupo fueron salvaran y han sido bendecidos con agua. Ellos decidieron llamar después los nombres de sus jefes, Schuylkill y Delaware.

Gabby Santaniello Capstone

My capstone is a collection of photos I've taken over the last school year. My goal was to create a portfolio of work that I'd be comfortable showing as an example for the type of work that I am capable of doing. I focused on different themes for this, putting the photos in sets that go together for a certain collection. I think in doing this I've found that I've unconsciously developed a style of photography that works for me. I've learned about different shooting and editing techniques, and mostly how to properly use a camera to produce the image that I want. 

​Portfolio Website: LINK


Photographers that Inspired me :

Lynn Johnson

David Bailey

Vivian Maier

Harry Benson 

Antonio Reveron Capstone

For my capstone, I made a game with my own artwork. In a way, I work with Jovan, but that for his capstone. The characters I animated would make a special appearance in his comic book series. When I was stuck with the game progress, I went to Mr. Miles to seek assistance sine he is the Computer Science teacher. His advice brought me back on track with a game instead of art collection. I created the game using the program, Scratch. I won't lie, it took me a bit to back in touch with Scratch. I haven't used it since freshman year. The artwork was done in Sketchbook Express, which was really handy. Harder to draw out on screen than it is by hand. Still made decent artwork. The problem, however, it was so much animation, I couldn't finish drawing my characters' movements. So I change the game to a simple one, Stick Fighter. A game of the easiest artwork put together. Here's the link. The program runs smooth and instructions are listed in the game. Click on the image below to see a gallery of my work.
Capstone Pictures

Sean Force Capstone

Topic/Focus: Computer Science in the terms of the language of Scratch

I am interested in going into field of Computer Science in my life.  Which specific aspects of it as of right now I’m not sure whether it might be more web engineering focused, more aimed towards game/application development, or maybe through my life experiences it may even shift more towards teaching it in a school setting.  During my freshmen and sophomore years I had already worked a decent amount with Scratch both learning and mentoring in the subject in order to learn more about it.  And I would like to continue doing that to learn more about programming for later in life.

Product: Teaching a mini-course over at SLAB to a few of the freshmen

The project that I had envisioned doing was one where I create an intro mini course that I then teach to the a few freshmen over at SLAB.  At the beginning of the course I would have them fill out a quick survey on the first day to see how they feel about their knowledge on the subject before anything happens and then they would fill out the survey again at the end of the course to see how they feel about their knowledge at the end and I would try to gage my job based on that.  During the course of the time there I would like to shape it much like the way that the people taught me scratch shaped it wherein we spent a few days learning scratch and then made some projects on it.

A link to my lesson plans can be found here.

A link to the gallery where their projects were posted can be found here.

In the interest of not making my post take up the whole page my bibliography can be found here.

La Campana de Libertad

En el año (1751), la Asamblea de Pensilvania ordenó la campana en conmemoración a el quincuagésimo aniversario de William Penn. En el 8 de julio 1776 un carillón hizo sonar en la ciudad de Filadelfia para convocar a las personas a oír Coronel John Nixon leer la Declaración de la Independencia. La campana es un símbolo de libertad e igualdad, dos principios que pertenecen a la fundación de los Estados Unidos. Entonces, ¿Cuando se quebró la campana de la libertad? y ¿Que agrietada está la Campana de la Libertad? No hay una razón o fecha específica, sólo hay teorías. Una teoría es que en un cumplaño de George Washington en 1846 la campana hizo un sonido por última vez. Otra teoría es que la pieza fue mal hecha y la campanilla era demasiado frágil y quebradiza. Otras teorías son ridículas, pero esto es un cuento que parece legítimo.

Esto es un cuento inventado de cómo la Campana de Libertad tiene su rajar. El año es (1833) en la ciudad de Filadelfia, Pensilvania. Un hombre por el nombre de Joseph Johnson está en el torre donde se almacena la Campana de Libertad. B.M. Atherton, el alcalde de Filadelfia en el tiempo está a punto dar un discurso enfrente todo la ciudad. Sr. Johnson tiene el trabajo de tocar la Campana de Libertad, para llamar la atención de las personas. Sr. Johnson no tiene un mazo, entonces se decide a tocar la campana utilizando una palanca. El sonido de la campana después de ser golpeado por la palanca suena muy desagradable. También a consecuencia, una pequena pieza se rompió. Sr. Johnson inmediatamente después de dañar la campana fui a encontrar otra cosa para golpear la campana.

Juan & Octavius Podcast #2

Podcast #2 for Stats
Juan and myself, came together again to discuss, Chapters 5-7. Theses few chapters confused us a bit, and we didn't really have much to speak on. We went based on what we could interpret. We found it hard understanding what semi-attached figures are specifically.

Jermel Langley Capstone

1. Jermel Langley

2.Rashuan Williams


3.My Capstone is organizing, managing, and mentoring students in the non-profit organization phresh prospective.

4.For around two year I have been working with Phresh Perspectives(Phresh Philadelphia). By the end of last year I was award Co-Vice President along side with Abou Hinson. I decided to turn this program into my capstone project. First, it was going to be a engineering project that we were working on in the program. Then, it got changed into me just being a mentor inside of the program and how it affected the student that participated, but I felt as though this wasn’t enough to produce a year of work. It took a little thinking and changing around but eventually I came up with my idea.

Managing, Mentoring, and participating in an organization seemed more like a year long project. Seeing all the effects, progress, and challenges that I would have to overcome to be an efficient Co-Vice President. This would be a good result of a year long project.

These are our weekly meetings at OIC of america. Where we came together to talk about conflicts of the world and tried to come up with ideas for solutions. The special part about our program is that we let everyone explore what they are interested in. Some people like writing so we started them up on writing articles, some people like building so we helped them brainstorm ideas for engineering solutions. The students helps us by being a positive influence in the world, while we help them explore there interests for there future. 
Our Climate change event where we walked around in mix clothing looking confused about the weather being hot and cold at the same time. During the event we interview people about climate change and seen how much do they know. 
I’ve been in the Urban Youth program, formally known as The Urban Youth Racing School, for years now. I am also in a naval engineering program, where I help to build navy engines with actual navy officers. Through my participation in these programs, I know that technology exists that can completely provide energy for cars and other vehicles, without using gasoline, so companies and governments should look into that.

If we can find a way to make electrically powered engines run faster and more efficiently, we as a society can charge our cars opposed to fueling them through gasoline. We can place charging centers in parking spaces at supermarkets, powered by the environmental activity that takes place regardless of whether or not we capture that untapped free flowing energy. Our cars already have multiple computers in them, so we’re moving in the direction of using more chargeable technology anyway. Why not integrate this kind of technology completely?

75% of the planet is water, and this, too, can be used to create clean energy. There are already environmental specialists that are using hydro compressors to channel saltwater into machines that remove the salt from the water, allowing for it to be drinkable. In 20 years, 20% of the population will not have access to drinkable water, even though 40% of people live near coasts.

Through reverse osmosis, and the technology that allows us to purify water, we can create energy that can be used for businesses, schools, and municipalities, and give people drinking water. Underwater windmills could also feed cities energy as well, but if money from governments, foundations, and more organizations is not supportive of these kinds of initiatives, we’ll never see these technologies in our cities.

Annotated Bibliography

Bracy, Roger. Personal Interview. 31 january 2014.

Phresh has helped roger learn business and open his mind to conflicts of the world. In the near future he will be teaching business classes to the urban community. Overall he learned that collaboration  could help become a leader in his society.

Roberto. Personal Interview. 31 january 2014

Through engineering and sustainability. He is trying to be able to build an eco-friendly energy source. Engineering is his future career in college and he felt like the program his help him narrow down his choice within engineering.

Meek, Nadir. Personal Interview. 31 january 2014.

Sidney. Personal Interview. 31 january 2014

Sidney would love to be a chef  in the near future. She love cooking and phresh is opening her mind to different foods within other cultures. So she wouldn’t be stuck making only one kind of food.

Hunt, Katherine. Personal Interview. 31 january 2014

V. , Taylor. Personal Interview. 31 january 2014

Soledad. Personal Interview. 31 january 2014

Sole is a poet. She loves writing and talking with people. When she

Stephanie. Personal Interview. 31 january 2014

I spoke to her and Also had her fill out a survey. She said that the program helped her recognize her love for writing and people. This helps me know that the program is influencing her in a positive way. Also the program help her from being a judgmental person.

"Future Leaders Advancing Self Help." . FLASH. Web. 31 Jan 2014. <>.

This is a description of being a FLASH member of OIC of america. Showing all the different position and what their jobs look like. Also tell you if you was to join then there are things you are swearing to do and take part in. I was apart of this program during sophomore year  all the way until now.

Williams, Rashuan . "Senior Project Planning Form." . Phresh SLA. Web. 31 Jan 2014. <>.

Rashaun has created a bio, explaining every different program and connection we have on this document. Showing our connection to E&S, Masterman, and other high schools that has our program running inside it. Still SLA is the originals and the headquarters of the program overall.

Williams, Rashuan. "AFTER SCHOOL PROJECT PLANNING FORM." . N.p.. Web. 31 Jan 2014.

The Composting project that is going on inside of masterman. This is just the prototype for the SLA composting program that's supposed to  happen inside of SLA. They already have the space and student. They will be building as soon as the weather break and it’s warmer.

Michael Hall's Capstone

I had always been interest in the environment and especially the different ecosystems that the world has. I was later more intrigued when I learned that scientist had created different ecosystems in different places. This meant that you can have a desert ecosystem in a dome, where it was too cold for anything that lives in a desert to live. It was very interesting to see where my capstone ended considering where it began in my head. At the very start of this capstone process, my capstone idea was to create a seven feet tall ecosystem set-up that would be in SLA for the rest of the years. It did not hit me that it would cost nearly $2,000 and that I simply did have the time and or space to house the supplies. I then began to think of alternative ways to produce my capstone.  A way that was cheaper and that anyone could do. I went to my capstone mentor, Ms.Dunda, and she asked our capstone group what they thought. Eventually I was given the idea to make my ecosystem set-up a kit that anyone could make. 

I created a couple of mock ecosystems and learned what worked best and what really did not. Through this experience I gained valuable like skills, like time management and collaboration. Without the constant advice and help form my mentor and capstone group, I feel as though I would not be here with such a concrete final product. I hope that by making this kit, it will intrigue future generations to think about earth’s ecosystem and help protect them. 

photo 3
photo 3

The picture above displays my kit. 

Annotated Bibliography. 


Citation - 

Nelson, P.. N.p.. Web. 27 Jan 2014. <>.

This website mainly inspired me to do my capstone idea. The website’s information about aquaponics. It tell the viewer how aquaponics are used and give examples of some systems. The website also allows the viewer to buy some supplies to build their own aquaponic system. The Nelson Pade website also gives chances for the viewer to sign up for classes in aquaponics. The website taught me that depending on the size of the system, depends on what kind of plants and fish you should use. 


Citation - 

. N.p.. Web. 27 Jan 2014. <>.

This website brought the homestyle feeling to my capstone. The most helpful thing about this website is it’s information on the different fish you use in a aquaponics. This information is useful because until now, I thought that any fish could be used but with the website’s specific information about each fish and what each needs, I now know what type of fish I need to invest time into. Lastly, the design tab on the websites is very useful. The website explains the different designs for a aquaponic set up. With this information I would recommend this website for anyone wanting to find more information on aquaponics and or start their own. 


Citation - 

Leineriza, L.. N.p.. Web. 27 Jan 2014. <>.

The information that the website contains is useful for understanding the different types of soil. The description of the soil is not as detailed as it could be but if a person wanted to just get a general idea of what each type of soil was then the website is a good source. The website could have also included diagrams and pictures to show how the different types of soil look. From a scale from 1 to 10, I would rate this website a 6 because it’s information is not as informative as it could be but still is useful. The design of the website is simple and that was refreshing because it wa not difficult to find certain information. 


Citation - 

Davis, M.. N.p.. Web. 27 Jan 2014. 


This wiki on how to create a worm compost bucket is useful. Even though the instruction are not for creating a aquaponics system with worms but the information that is in the wiki can be used in a aquaponic set up. The information on the website is useful for knowing what kind of environment is needed in order for worms to grow. The design of the website is a simple scroll flow and its information  is simple for anyone to understand. What I like best about the website is that the author gives reason behind many of the things that are explained in the directions. To me that is something that some websites miss and that makes them less informative. 


Citation - 

Bernstein, Sylvia. n. page. < system/>.

This webpage was extremely useful in understanding the flow of a aquaponic set up. It has a diagram that clearly shows how each component of the set up and how it feeds into another component. The information in the articles is very useful because it gives the factor about why aquaponic gardening is much better than the regular method of gardening. Even though some of the reasons are very environmentally impactful , some of the reasons are more for comfort. for example since aquaponic gardening is done at waist level, there is no bending down. As for design, the information is mostly just in one big paragraph s it is not really organized well but is good for a general read about aquaponics. 


Citation - 

Diver, Steve. Aquaponics-Integration of hydroponics with aquaculture. Attra, 2000.

This publication offers the reader an insight on aquaponics and the history behind the actual aquaponic. Even though the publication does contain information on aquaponics and how it works, the publication focuses more on sharing stories about aquaponic set up that have already been done. this gives the reader a feeling that expresses aquaponics is not a myth but an actual process that has been done. the publications hold some information about the types of plants and fish used in an aquaponic but does not go in depth about how each specific plant and fish work in an aquaponic system. 


Citation - 

Jones, Scott. "Evolution of aquaponics." Aquaponics J 6 (2002): 14-17.

This publication is very organized with its information and i very detailed. This publication focuses less on the actual construction of an aquaponic but more on the history and the cost of the aquaponics. The history of aquaponics section is very informative when it talks about how aquaponics got started and its implications on the rest of the world. The publication also does an average job at relating the information back to present day. As for the cost section, the publication does not give exact numbers but does display a diagram that represents what the person would be spending their own money on and what will the person get out of the aquaponics set up. In a nutshell, the publication is good for information about the history about aquaponics but not good for information about specific aquaponic set ups. 


Citation - 

Wolford, Ron, and Greg Stack, eds. "Worm Facts." . urbanex. Web. 28 Jan 2014. <>.

The website is very informative about facts that include worms. Even though the facts are very useful there are many things about the website that could help improve it. One thing is that the information could be organized and grouped so that it just appears to be more organized. Also, including the anatomy of the worm would help the website a lot. Just having some facts about worms can not really be that useful. As a whole I rate this website a 4 out of 10 because the information on the site is useful but not presented well. If a person is just looking for some random facts about worms,then this website is very useful and could be a big help. 


Citation - 

Perlman, Howard. "The Water Cycle." ga.water.usgs. N.p., 05 11 2013. Web. 28 Jan 2014. <>.

The main thing I can say about this source is that it has a great diagram that illustrates the water cycle to its fullest. The information is portrayed on the diagram and with the diagram make it very easy to understand the water cycle. The other thing about the website is that the diagram that shows earth’s water and how it is distribution. The website is useful when a person wants to understand the water cycle but that is simple it. The information on the website is useful for understanding how water travels through a system but not specifically in the aquaponic set up. The information on the site can be implemented and used in a aquaponic set up.  


Citation - 

. N.p.. Web. 28 Jan 2014. <>.

The websites information is useful and simple for any to know what kind of plants and fish go in to a aquaponic system. That is the only information that is on the specific page of the website. The design is not so pretty but it is organized and that is something that some websites lack. Even though the information on each fish and plant is not as detailed as it could be, 

Q4 benchmark Storytelling Joseph Tartaglia: Interplanetary Travle

  • What did you set out to do?
What my original plan was to make a very visually stimulating video based off the hit song "good times" by chic. and it turned out being partway that, i wanted a story type of feel to it, so what i did was rapped a story over the good times beat, than introducing the conflict of the alien, i was making this thinking that a lot of people would enjoy it and i believe they would

  • How does your work incorporate the art of storytelling?

They way it shows storytelling is because the conflict of the story comes from two people that are from different places and have different experiences they argue at first but it turns out the way you look at it is that although you are from somewhere else, you can find something in common, and the way it came to a similarity is that they are both not from earth, and that is the conclusion of the story as told

  • What do you hope your audience gains from your work?
I hope that they enjoy the video as well as the point i am trying to make in it and that is every body should get along, no matter the differences. and i want them to understand that the first time watching and not have to watch it three times to get the point

  • What did you gain from doing this work.
I gained experience with music, video editing, writing, song writings, my speech developing from rapping as well.

Video Link:

Final Podcast - Dakota, Ayoola, Maleena and Vannary

Vannary was not present for this final podcast. 

For our final podcast, we talked about our feelings about the book and how it could've been better. We talked about misleading graphs and what we noticed. We talked more about the book and the conclusion, if it answered our questions or not. The process of getting the podcasts together has been a long hull because we had a lot of times when the group members weren't there but we wanted to make sure that everybody was able to contribute to the podcast. It was fun doing the podcasts with each other to make sure we had enough time to talk - we laughed a lot but it was still worth it. 
Here is the link to the first podcast.
Here is the link to the final podcast


1. Negative space is around the drawing to what is soothing to what you see. It helps you  see whats positive space.
2. In mine I have an owl and a bat. The negative space is black and i glued green over it onto black. In black you see an owl and green a bat. Because green is positive shows up and pops out. 
3. Its beneficial to add negative space in a drawing because it pops a lot more.
4. When using negative space you can make two  drawings in one image, its used to make things pop

Second Podcast Brent, Helen and Raeven

All group members were present during this discussion.

What your club discussed/How you discussed it: We sat down and discussed chapters 4-7. We spoke about several examples from the book and tried to relate them to real life examples that we see everyday.
Any points of conflict/disagreement in discussion: We all agreed on everything.
Questions that came up as a result of the discussion: No questions.
Podcast #2

Keith Moody's Capstone


Throughout the year many students need school supplies, there are many times in school where the person does not have a proper writing utensil or something to write on. With this project I was able to help students come prepared for the next class. I thought to myself, well why stop there. So I began fundraising to help finish off the payments of Liverpool. Liverpool was an wonderful experience for  a lot of people, I am glad to now be a part of it by putting money towards. After making prices and having a set profit, I began selling the items that were most used throughout our school.   


These are the items that were picked out from staples.

Successful Telemarketing 

Stone, B., & Wyman, J. (1992). Successful Telemarketing. Lincolnwood, Ill., USA: NTC Business Books.

The source explains successful telemarketing and how to be successful with selling things. Also shows how to sell things. In the book it has many different way that a person could make over 90% of profit by using a technique. For telemarketing the idea of producing a substantial amount of money iso need because it insures the most valuable profit for what the person is marketing.


"Staples." Staples. Staples, ic. Web. 31 Jan 2014. <>.

Staples offer school supplies that are discounted. These supplies could be used to at low prices. There are a variety of different items and materials that students use to help them achieve in school. The more supplies that are discounted, the more supplies are able to be bought at once. Staples normally sell items more than one at a time because multiple items are on sale.

Effective Fundraising for nonprofits 

Bray, I. M. (2005). Effective Fundraising for Nonprofits : Real-world Strategies That Work. Berkeley, CA: NOLO.

This tells people how to effectively fundraise. Fundraising is normally to help other organizations and not oneself this is because Fundraising is a non- profit organization. It talks about bringing in new supporters and how to keep givers giving.

Book Keeping

"Bookkeeping for beginners." Bookkeeping for Beginners. N.p., 25 May 2011. Web. 31 Jan 2014. <>.

This website shows how to keep note of financial transactions. This also to help with financial growth and other transaction regardless of materials. This is not only business that this takes into, you can keep track of how much of something you have.

Educational Supplies stores

"CBS." Philadelphia.cbslocal. CBS Philly, 21 Sept 2010. Web. 31 Jan 2014. <>.

This gives an idea on what to sell inside of a store a a school. Although the things at this store, most likely I will not be seling. I am only selling school supplies.


Leyendo de Fort Miflin

En Fort Mill, dicen los fantasma’s de Elizabeth Howl, y su hermana Mary Howl lo persiguen. Elizabeth Howl frecuenta la oficina. Ella la gente.Su apodo es “The WHite Sisters”. Fort Miflin se frecuenta mucho fantasmas, los niños, y los soldados muertes.

La historía de Fort Mill es medio. Por que los personas no frecuenta el lugar porque piensan las fantasmas.

Un día, un mujer Elizabeth Howl caminaba en el bosque cerca de Fort Mifilin. Ella era sonambulismo. Oyó los voces que dijo su hermana fue en Fort Miflin. Su hermana Mary había estado desparecida para dos meses. Un mujer Elizabeth, sabía su marido John habían asesinado, y él escondido el cuerpo. Entonces, Elizabeth oyó el voce de su hermana una noche que dijo Mary fue en el bosque. Elizabeth fue al bosque y no volvió durante tres días.

El marido de Elizabeth pensó Elizabeth lo había abandonado.Él sentía solo y loco. Despues de trés días, Elizabeth volvió. Elizabeth parecía feliz pero extraño. Ella le dijo la voz de su hermana llevándola al bosque. Ella dijo su hermana estaba vida y feliz. Su marido de Elizabeth no dice nada, para leyendo dice que la mató su hermana.

Todo el día, ella no comía y sólo observado se sentó en la silla. Anoche, Elizabeth estaba sentado en al silla. Su marido le volvió la espalda y cuando miró la silla se había ido. Las personas de pueblo y viajeros ortaron ver dos chicas para Fort Mifflin desparacen en la noche.Su marido Elizabeth se volvió loco y fue encontrado mutilado fuera de sus meses de casa después de la desapariciónde Elizabeth.Nunca se encontraron los cuerpos de Elizabeth y Mary.

Global Poverty Part Three

Hello everyone!

This is my third and final blog post for my You and the World (YATW) project. Just a quick summary, if you haven’t read my previous posts. In my first post I introduced my issue of global poverty. I wanted to focus on a specific topic in my first blog post concerning global poverty which was global hunger and its effects on children and adults today. The UN Millenium goals were introduced, one of the goals being to decrease global hunger and poverty by half by 2015. An organization called Heifer International was also introduced in my first blog. They believe in something called the 12 cornerstones, which they accomplish by giving families in need heifers. In my second post I talked about my trip to Ecuador, and how I helped the families in need there, and what I experienced throughout this trip. In this post I am going to talk about my class presentation, an interview I had with someone who works in the Heifer International Organization, and how you can help.

My experience in Ecuador was one I will never forget. The joy and laughter when kids were given toys. The tears that rushed out of the eyes of the parents as they saw their children so excited and energetic for the first time in a long time. Words cannot describe the things I saw, but I wanted to share what I’ve done, I wanted people to see what I saw and become aware of this issue. I created a slideshow with pictures from my trip, and tried my best to describe each and every one of them to my audience. My goal was to inform people of the world we live in now, and that everyone can do something to make it better. I explained to my audience the purpose of my trip, which was give toys, food, and clothes to the families in need from 6 towns that were high up in the mountains. We drove trucks filled with all the items, and it took the entire day, from 7 A.M. to 5 P.M. to go to each town. My family does this every year around Christmas, and I was lucky enough to join them this year. I wanted everyone to know that while everyone might celebrate Christmas differently, my family and I wanted to give families we visited, a holiday experience that they might not have had before. My presentation goal was to not only inform people of what I did, but to encourage everyone that little things like what I did in Ecuador, can be a huge impact on someone or something else.

Click here for my presentation video, and to see my slideshow, click here.

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Here I am giving my YATW


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Here is another picture of my

YATW presentation.

I became very interested in the Heifer International Organization and wanted to learn a little more about their work. I wrote an email to Donna Kilpatrick, the Livestock Manager of the organization, and asked her a few questions, which she answered with great detail. Currently there are 2.8 billion people who live with an income of less than two dollars per day. Heifer International has helped 20.7 million families, this brings 94.5 million men, women, and children they have helped thus far. Now, if one little organization can help this amount of people, imagine hundreds, even thousands of these organizations, poverty would be decreased greatly. Heifer International also has an educational program where people can visit their farm, and learn about what they do to help decrease poverty, and how they do it. They want to teach people about what it’s like to live in poverty and encourage them to take action. I personally went to their farm three years ago, where I spent three days in their educational program. I was given a tour and was able to experience the lower class lifestyles that so many people live in today. I recommend paying Heifer International a visit because it is an experience like no other. If you’d like to know more about my interview with Donna, please click here.

By now, I hope you’re asking yourself, What can I do? Well, if you are, then that is a great question. There are so many things you can do, such as, start an organization, organize a fundraiser, travel to a poor town and help the them build things that are needed. There are hundreds of things that can be done! There are people who need your help, whether it’s little help, or huge help, because remember, every little step, is one step closer in decreasing poverty. We want to help the UN get to their goal to decrease poverty by half between 1990 and 2015 with people who get an income of less than one dollar per day. Why help? Well approximately 2.6 million children die each year because of hunger-related causes. 2.6 million children who can’t grow up and accomplish their dreams. 2.6 million children who can’t experience the world like you and me. 2.6 million children who can’t laugh and play, and live life to its finest. In 2008, 9 million children died before their fifth birthday because of hunger and malnourishment. We’re losing our next generation because we can’t fill their stomachs. Our next leaders, doctors, scientists, they're dying. Parents are suffering and working hard everyday to provide for their family. Some die because of too much hard work, and some suffer seeing their children suffer. Is that convincing?  

Thank you, for reading, and I would like to thank Donna Kilpatrick for taking a little of her time to allow me to interview her, Ms. Dunn for guiding me through this entire process, and DuBois for taking pictures during my presentation.