Imani, Sophie, and Yasmeen's NHD Q3bm

My group and I created a documentary on the reaction and reform of animal abuse and how it was presented to the public throughout the years. 

This is the link to our google doc which contains all of our annotations, the citations in MLA format, and our process paper. Click here to view it.

Below is our documentary.

Keiasha Lumpkins: Black Panther Party:Who Were they For real?

To view my process paper, annotated bibliography and title page ​Click here

This topic that I chose focuses on the movement of the Black Panther Party that was started in Oakland, California by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seal. This was a movement to stop the police brutality in California against African-American. It eventually spread across the the country and eventually across the world. 


Thank you too

Dwele for the instrumentals

The Black Panther Party 

Bobby Seal 




And all the other youtube post

Cheyenne Pagan Spies: The Cold War NHD Q3

Please click here to enjoy the Spies:The Cold War website that includes: the title page, the bibliography and a fascinating journey through the Cold War. 

The reason I chose this topic is because during the time of choosing the topic we were covering the topic of the Cold War and what was defined as war in class. The topic stuck with me and as I starte doing research I found out there was a lot of things people didn't know or realize about the Cold War, I being one of those people. I thought the representation of spies in Hollywood deserved to be corrected when in fact the actual lives of spies revolved much more about gossip. To begin my research I began searching information about the Cold War, to briefly understand the topic before I started mashing that in with spies, and then, of course, started researching the most famous spies and even autobiographies. I chose a website because I felt as though it could create many more opportunities to present the topic of spies. A webpage aloud the freedom to put different types of media and information in a collective space that was available to everyone. To create this webpage I used a popular website creator, Weebly, and kept the thought "If it interacts like a pamphlet than it's not good enough." in my head. I wanted to really use a lot of the tools the internet has to offer and make the presentation different and unique each time while still being informative. I didn't want the viewer to get bored with the same time type of presentation. I think the best way to describe how my project relates to the NHD topic is to basically summarize, similar to how I did in my actual project. War was viewed as combat, a battle, some type of event where weapons are used or people get. The revolution of war began with spies, it was completely different than how war had been conducted in the past, especially if we look at World War II which ended right around the time that the Cold War began. In reaction the the Soviets we reformed our war tactics to benefit the national security. 

Save Our Species: Cyndi Lynn Sheridan & Shamarlon Yates

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​For this project, we focused on the Endangered Species Act and how it related to the theme "Reform and Reaction." We choose this topic in order to bring light to an issue that is relatively unknown to most people in the United States. It is crucial that the public becomes aware on this crisis because without their help, the extinction of species can not be prevented.

Here is a link of our website that includes: the Title Page, Process Paper, and the Annotated Bibliography.

Ronald, Alysha, and Rugei Q3 Benchmark

To view Ronald, Alysha, and Rugei's Title Page, Process Paper, and Annotated Bibliography, please click here.

For this project, we compared Child Labor, Slavery, and the Black Panthers in the form of a documentary. We stated information about each topic and explained how they changed the world, for better or worse.

Malik Tlili, Symone Smith NHD Presentation

​Our final Product revolves around the Declaration of Independence. The events taking place during this time period involving the separation from Britain were Revolutionary. Therefore we chose this topic to Connect to the NHD theme. The Declaration also needed many revisions and alterations. This Leads to the theme of reformation. Symone and I found these reformations interesting for there must be reasons behing the revisions. We therefore Created this site containing the Analysis of these revisions as well as other key information pertaining the Declaration. 

Click here to view the website. The annotated bibliography, process paper and title page can be found in the "More tab"
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The Universal Box: Television in America, J.Pullins

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Click above to watch the documentary in full.

The topic in which I chose to explore with my National History Day project was both the American television industry, and television itself. I chose this topic as it is one that both excites and interests me immensely. Also, I believe that since its inception to now, television, like no other invention, as went from simply a social fad enjoyed by the rich to an essential and necessary part of life, capable of providing vital facets in daily life. Since its invention and rise to popularity, television has paralleled the trajectory of American history itself.

With the the sources and tools available, I believed that the greatest way of presenting this to an audience was using a documentary. I believe that not only will it allow me to utilize my sources, but also providing an interesting parallel to television itself, as the art form of documentaries, just like television, is a visual medium. The greatest challenge was creating a piece that not only did justice to the original work, but was also not a mere republication of the original work either. It was very important to me that this documentary was a cinematic adaption of the original paper, and not simply the original paper in visual form.

If you would like to see my process paper in full, as well as my annotated bibliography, click here.

Sierra Dinvil - USHQ3BM

For this quarter in History, we have been expanding on the NHD papers that we worked on the previous quarter. This was done by creating performances, documentaries, and websites. I chose to do a documentary to display my ideas. Here is the link to my project.

MMiddlebrooks & MPyfrom NHD-Performance Piece

To view our title page, process paper and annotated bibliography, click here.

Here is a little snippet to see the whole play, click here.  


Scene 1: Patient, Doctor Confidentiality



By law, I am forbidden to disclose a patient's medical information without warrant or court order. But as a psychologist you must imagine that I hear some of the craziest stories.

(Stops pacing and talks to the audience)

I mean just last week there was this guy... Wait


If I go off on a tangent, I'll never come back. What you are about to bare witness to is a subject matter that has troubled our great nation for a great deal of time. She has been hurting, confused. I tell you all this because we are all share a common love for this great nation and if she is troubled, so are we. I only ask you to listen and observe. And if by chance you happen to be stuck by what you see, then join me. Join in the battle for awareness. This story can be hidden no longer.

Here is our video preview:

"Drive" Film Review

           The movie Drive, starring Ryan Gosling (Driver) and directed by Nicolas Winding Refn, is about a Hollywood stuntman who finds himself in a troubled situation when he tries to help his neighbor’s husband collect some money to pay off dues.

            This was a very interesting movie. I can’t say that I enjoyed the characters, but the camera angles, soundtrack, and use of lighting were absolutely amazing. The use of camera angles is what truly set the tone of this movie. Throughout the film, I noticed that many of the scenes were shot from an upward angle to give Ryan Gosling (Driver) an intimidating feel, and make him a bit of a scary character. A perfect example of this is when Ryan Gosling is walking towards the dressing room with the hammer in his hand, and because this scene was shot in an upward angle, it made him seem very intimidating. Another scene that shows a great example as to why the camera angles were such a key element in this film is when Ryan Gosling enters his apartment for the first time. The camera angle that the director used for this scene allowed for Ryan Gosling’s shadow to block out the light shining through the window and create a perfect outline of himself, which for me, introduced Ryan Gosling’s character; a very mysterious, and creepy person.

            The next most important element was the soundtrack. The entire film was very dark and mysterious, and the songs that the director used did not match the tone of the movie very well because they were more on the “cheerful” side and outgoing, which made the movie even more eerie than it already was. The soundtrack also really added to Ryan Gosling’s character, and made him more threatening, and even scary at times.

            The third most important element was the lighting. Most of the film consisted of scenes that were very dim (disregarding that we watched it on the projector), which also really set the tone of the movie along with the camera angles and soundtrack. The little amount of lighting that was used consistently throughout the film added to the mysterious, and threatening side of Ryan Gosling’s character as well. However, the lighting had the most effectiveness during the elevator scene, when it was dimmed down, to focus in on the kiss between Driver and Irene. The use of lighting during this particular scene showed the importance of it, and that it was not only a turning point in the story, but also a huge turning point for Driver as well.

            There were many amazing scenes in this film, all of which were amazing because of the camera angles, soundtrack, and lighting. As I said before, one of the most important scenes in this film was the elevator scene when Driver kissed Irene for the first and last time. The way the lighting was used in this scene made it one of the most important because it added to the fact that that specific moment in the film was a game changer. Another important scene in this film was when Driver was walking towards the dressing room with the hammer in his hand. The camera angles used in this scene are what made it stand out because it made Driver seem very threatening, and someone that is not to be messed with. The scene that took place right after Driver was walking towards the dressing room is when Driver is on the phone with Nino standing over his henchman. For this particular scene, the camera was low to the ground facing up at Driver’s face with his hand gripped tightly around the hammer, which showed the side of Driver that he was trying to hide from Irene.

            Finally, the most important part of the movie for me was the beginning sequence. This is because all of the scenes that made up the intro of the movie were shot within the car, and made me understand the complexity of the storyline of the movie, and the style and flow of the movie as well. Also, the very little dialogue that Driver had in the beginning of the film made me develop an understanding of his character.

            I would have to say that he most compelling as well as most important storyline of Drive had to be the feelings between Driver and Irene because it developed and set up the start for the second storyline. If Driver and Irene didn’t develop a relationship, there would not have been another storyline within the film.

            It was excellent how the two storylines were woven together, however, the storyline between Driver and Irene was frustrating for me at times because there wasn’t much dialogue exchanged between them, which made it hard for me to connect to that part of the film.

            When it comes to the thematic elements, Drive was an amazing film, a work of art. However, I’m not sure whether or not I liked the characters of the film, especially Driver, because he didn’t have much dialogue, and not much of a personality to me as well. Although the lack of dialogue that Driver had made me very curious as to whom he was, and his background, it was still annoying for me at times. Overall, Driver was an excellent film, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is very much into watching movies, and focusing on the thematic elements.

Winston Wright & Ryan Harris - "The Space Race"

For the 3rd quarter benchmark, we chose to make a documentary on the Space Race of the 1960s and the reformation ,revolution, and reaction of the American people during this time in history. Regarding the literal scientific evolution of humanity, the Space Race was vital in propelling humanity into the future. In being a sci-fi fan/aspiring scientist myself, I would constantly here the scientific community talk about the good ole’ days of the 1960s when everyone cared about space. During the decade, the American people were immersed in a national consciousness regarding beating the USSR to space. It was very easy to see how the Space Race changed the United States. It gave the citizens of the U.S things to dream about, and offered new insight on how science and mathematics can be looked at upon as a positive in schools. We did not include this in our documentary, but the mass production of personal computers really did diminish the love for search and discovery in the United States. Most scientist agree that after the cancellation of the Apollo missions ,and the progression of American life after 1970 came the true end of science in space.

Click here to view our title page, process paper, and annotated bibliography:

3rd Quarter NHD Benchmark

For 3rd Quarter benchmark i decided to make a website. My NHD topic was AVIATION REVOLUTION.
I decided to choose this topic because i wanted to work for revolution of anything so i decided to pick revolution of aviation. The history of airplanes has many revolutionary stages and it passes from many modified forms and todays aircraft has improved a lot that if it is compared with its history, it is unbelievable to learn that how much importance it has got now and how much important it has become for our lives. 

Link to google doc: 

Link to Website: 

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Morgan Marant "A Flapping Revolution"

The topic for my paper is the revolution of women’s fashion and rights in the 1920’s. I’ve always had a love for fashion and when I went looking for a topic, I knew that I wanted fashion to be apart of my project. The NHD topic for 2012 was Revolution, Reaction and Reform and there was a definite time period in American history where fashion was revolutionized; the 1920’s. Women began to revolt against their typical roles in society and they began cutting their hair and wearing make up. I also noticed that in correlation with that time period began a period of revolt by women for women’s rights. I began to compare the two revolts and I cam up with my own theory that they were very closely related and that women’s fashions inspired the women’s rights movement.

My Google Doc

History of Wall Street Q3 BM

Link to product: Our Weebly Site

Our Google Doc: here

Created by Danny Wirt and Alex Johnson. 

         The recent events that have occurred on Wall Street have sparked an interest in Alex and I. Both Alex and I were fascinated around the entire idea and so we decided to take up the challenge of looking back and investigating the history of Wall Streets protests. The ideas behind the protests, the reasons that they happened, the reasons why Wall Street was such a hot destination for protestors were all things that caught our attention and our eagerness for learning. Since the theme of this years National History Day was revolution, reaction, and reform, we felt as though using Wall Street was the perfect topic to use for the theme. Through the long history of Wall Street, there have been many revolutions, which has resulted in reaction and thus reform.

         After finding our topic, we both branched out and studied a lot about Wall Street. We studied the history of it, we studied documents, and compared past protests to later ones. We watched videos and documentaries on Wall Street. We really wanted to make sure that we fully understood the diversity and complexity of Wall Street. We found that Wall Street is more then just a place where people go to trade stock.

         After we finished researching as much as we could we decided to meet together and share our ideas together. We used our collaborative research to create a published piece of work. After much thought we decided that a website would be most effective at displaying what we have learned. We split up the tabs in the website according to the century that the protests occurred. We decided to include a timeline page with a very useful map that we found. It allows the viewer to go to different locations where protesters occurred and read a little bit about them and also see the year that they occurred. It was a nice useful and interactive feature for the viewer.

         Revolution, a radical and pervasive change in society and the social structure, especially one made suddenly and often accompanied by violence. Reaction, action in response to some influence, event, etc. Reform, to change to a better state, form, etc.; improve by alteration, substitution, abolition, etc. These three terms are simply the way Wall Street works. Perhaps something happens and the people want change. This creates a revolution, in which a reaction is only inevitable, and thus when the reaction gets noticed there is reform, a change. Wall Street is a place where stock is traded, money is gained, and is essentially, a spotlight for the United States.      

Q3 NHD Benchmark

By: Amanda Millatt, Natalee Schiavoni, Jessica Hinton

Click Here

Our documentary is about Child Labor during the 1900s. In the documentary, we discuss how it had an effect on children, and how it effected the government/economy. Child Labor took place for many years, and in some countries still continues to go on today.

Stephen Holts and Ruben Burenstein - "Peanut Butter and Assembly Lines"

We chose to make a documentary about the Model T because we believe that the assembly line “modelled” mass production today. We don’t think we would live in the society we do had it not been for Henry Ford’s revolutionary tweak on an older production method. We tried to imagine a world without the assembly line as Ford designed it, and we agreed that it wasn’t a very happy place. We imagined a time where no one had what they needed because they people that were in charge of making those things were behind due to making everything the “old fashioned way”. A world without mass production isn’t a very American one.


Click here to see our title page, process paper, and our annotative bibliography!

A Name to Change the World

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So When i first started working on this project I tried to think of a topic that would be beneficial for me to research and something that would be a topic that most people would not want to dabble with. So I start thinking of really grey area and sensitive topics that aren't really talked highlighted in schools. After a while I decided on doing a paper on religion. It was a topic that I was recently getting interested in and wanted to do some deep digging into and so I figured why not kill two birds with one stone. All the research that I wanted to do could be done in depth for a school project and so i began my research... Continue Here

BPerrin NHD

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My topic for National History Day is The Evolution of Music. Over time music has changed and adapted to people based on the area they were living in. The time period that I decided to focus on was The Harlem Renaissance when jazz was starting to get noticed more. I will also be discussing music before this time period and music today so that I can compare and contrast.

The Evolution Of Music

Msanders Mmarzouk NHD

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Our group did a website on the atomic bomb and how it affected three major countries and what was their effect. We believe that this website represented our best work and we are proud of it. The process paper and citations is on the website.