5th blog post

For our final project I tried reaching The Humane League again to ask them about Humane Ed Presentation. That were they come into school and teach about factory farming and human and animal health and get feedback from the students. In my email I wrote: 

Hello, I'm not sure if you got my email but I'm going to send it to you again. My apologies for responding late but you said an volunteer opportunity was "If you have any connections at area grade schools or high schools, let us know; we are always trying to get into schools with our Humane Education Presentations." What does this mean or involve actually? I am asking because I attended Science Leadership Academy and many people here are vegetarian, and not to long a go in a history class was playing a move on how our food is produce and what they do to the animals. So, if you or any of your members of the Humane League would like to come and talk to our school that be grate. Just let me know. Have a blissful rest of the week. 


Leeann Nguyen. :]

It took Lydia until today to message me back on the topic. She was happy I followed up to make sure she got the email and responded with this email: 

Hi Leanne,

Thanks for following up with me! I did indeed have miss  your earlier email so I appreciate  your reaching out again.

Our Humane Ed presentations   focus on the ethical issues of factory farming and its impact on animals, the environment and human health.  They are free and virtually always get great feedback from students. You can learn a bit more from clicking on the link above.

The most important information we would need from you is the name and contact information of a particular teacher who would be interested in devoting his or her classroom time to one of our presentations. Appropriate teachers might be biology teachers, ethics teachers, social sciences teachers, or perhaps in your case, the history teacher who showed the movie you described. If you can provide a name of someone who would be receptive to the idea of a presentation, let  me know and I will follow up from there.  

If you need any more information or have other questions, contact me!

Thanks again,


I'm thrilled she had messaged me back on this matter but a little disappointed in myself that it was to close to the due date to make this an event for people. If I had more time I would have liked Lydia to come in and talk to students that are interested in the topic as well and go and volunteer at an event with her. I should have followed up with my first email sooner then I did. I know that their are a lot of organization out there that deal with animal cruelty that I could also contacted for example PSACA, WSPA, and FoA. I reflect on this and am glad I had the chance to be in contact with Lydia and for her to give me information on what their organization does to help prevent animal cruelty and I wouldn't change my topic, I would just have wished I could have done more. 

I Dont Like The Way You Talk By: Chris Fichera

“Why you talk black youngboul?” Nasir said.  

Nasir was the biggest bully in the 5th grade. I didn’t know what he meant so I responded with “Whatchu mean?”

 “I heard you talk like me mane. You talk hood.”

“Uhm Ok?” (But I didn’t understand what he was talking about).  “I do because I’m from the hood.”

          “Well you need to turn dat around cuz I’m da only white boul dat talk black up in here.”

“Yea whatever u say. I talk the way I talk and if you don’t like it we can walk to walk.”

“I was just saying cuz everybody in this jawn think and call you a ‘wanna be.’”


“Yep just thought you would like to know.”

From then I reacted thoughtfully and feelingly. I felt as though I wasn’t welcomed or wanted. I was pretty much the only kid that didn’t talk to anyone except for when I was doing my work and the teacher called upon me. I didn’t bother talking to anyone because the kids were all rude and whatnot. I already knew how I was and if I got into trouble with anyone it would not be pretty. So I sat aside from everybody. Then I come to find out no one really liked me in the first place. Consequently I reacted like I cared a little bit but not in front of Nasir’s face. While I was talking to him I acted like I didn’t really care but deep down inside I did. I should have just accepted it originally because I shouldn’t care what people would think. The voice is the power of me, and the power of me makes my internal identity wise. This is important because I’m different from the inside to the outer edge of me. I may act tough externally. But I have a sensibility side inside of me. Therefore, my internal identity is the voice and accent I hold. Even though people didn’t buy/accept my speech, it was just my identity. 


In the words of James Baldwin, “The price for this is the acceptance, and achievement, of one’s temporal identity.” He believes that identity is rated from acceptance and achievement. By rated I mean its settled between acceptance and achievement. Voice is the stability of acceptance. Back to my case I accepted my own act but no one else did. My vocals grew into me by the surroundings and areas I live in. I speak “black English” because of some of my brothers, the people I grew up with put together my voice.

 I really don’t care about how I talk anymore, unlike when I was in the 5th grade. This changed overtime by maturity levels. From starting off caring at a non-mature level to concerning-free at a matured level. I used to feel embarrassed until people started talking to me. Without this characteristic, I wouldn’t be the person I am now. So the way I speak defines who I am and who I am defines the way I speak. Now the way I look at it, as it’s the trait that makes me internally; it makes me feel good to know whom I am!

Taina Rosario Making Period 2

Love it is the most wanted feeling in the world. People have died for it, killed for it and done thing they will regret just to be acknowledged by it. Love is a powerful emotion. Within this emotion is an eruption of many other. While thinking of what I wanted to create I listened to my favorite type of music, R&B. 

Over the break I found an old coloring book that was based on Princesses. I then realized that the world places this idea into the mind of young girls that love is supposed to be like fairytales.

 I feel that the symbolism in my art work shows the true identity of love. Love can me cruel, but there can be bliss. The Prince and princess show the happiness in love and the ideal 50/50 division and share of the couples feelings. But in reality there is never a 50/50 split. 

The flowers represent the sincerity and thoughts that run through our minds naturally. It is the way of saying 'I'm sorry' while also meaning 'I thought of you'. 

The black and red heart in the background is the pain and suffering that is bled through every day from the unloved. 

The anime eyes are the millions upon millions of tears shed over love. The diamond ring represents what society tells us we have to do once we are in love. 

In the end every thing is layered over with a thin veil of black, which represents the ripped up notes, thrown away roses, and burnt photographs that are the cause of break-up when lies told you you were in pure and faithful love. 

I am not looking down on love, i am simply trying to help make it more realistic not a FAIRYTALE.
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Photo on 2011-01-11 at 18.02
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Photo on 2011-01-11 at 18.03 #2

Jared's Language Paper

 Jarred Luckey                                                                                                  1/4/11   Silver


After a very long night of fun, my cousins, Josh and Joel and I fell fast asleep while trying to stay up all night.


“Hey, wake up. Get up man.”

“Whaaat,” Josh replied in a dying voice.

“I said get up, me and your brother have been up for a while waiting on you. Why are you so tired anyway, we only stayed up until like 6 in the morning.”

“It’s actually your brother and I,” Said Joel in a joking manner. “You have to say it proper, replied Joel while smiling.”

“Oh my bad, didn’t mean to offend you.  Ard, Josh your brother and I have been up waiting for you to get out of your slumber for a while now. I would really appreciate it if you got up,” I said in a proper voice. “Was that proper enough, Joel?”

             “Oh yeah, that was chillin cous,” answered Joel in a joking manner. “YO JOSH, Get yo butt up now, you hear boy.” “I’m not gown tell ya no mow,” screamed Joel in his best southern enunciation. “Get up Now!” roared Joel while hitting Josh with a pillow.

“Oh My God, I’ll get up if you stop talking like that Joel,” Josh grumbled irritated.

“Is my southern accent getting to you boy, didn’t mean it, sometimes it just comes out, like a fart,” Joel said in a kidding manner.

“Oh would you stop already.” “You sound so stupid,” grumbled Josh. 

“Hahahah, I thought it was pretty funny, come on lets get going. I want to check out your area’s mall, haven’t been there yet,” I said.

“Wait, we have to go get Juan. I told him we would go get him,” said Josh.

“Ok, lets go,” replied Joel.

“Who is Juan,” I asked.

“A kid we met at our new school,” answered Josh.

While walking over, the three of us enjoyed some Laughs, talking about all the good times we had on our old block. Knock, knock, knock. The door opens.

“What sup dudes and other dude who I don’t know,” said Juan. 

“Sup,” Josh and Joel replied.

“Hey I’m Jarred, nice to meet you.”

“Hey, I’m Juan, if the twins didn’t already tell you.”  “Lets go out and rock this place.” “Where are we going exactly?” Asked Juan.

“To the mall,” answered Joel.

“Lets go to the Mall, yeah lets rock and roll dudes,” yelled Juan.

“If you haven’t noticed he’s a really hyper guy,” Joel whispered to me.

“Yeah I see DUDE,” I whispered back in a mimicking way. 

We start walking to the mall. All four of us, full of energy, ready to go hang out and seek out girls to talk too. While entering the mall, Juan began to talk again. 

“Oh yeah ladies, Juan has arrived; gentlemen lets get started shall we. Wow, aren’t you modest, I replied.  I try, answered Juan in a goofy way.

We all started laughing.

“Just kidding, Oh yeah I meant to ask you, where are you from, Jarred?” Asked Juan. 

“Philly,” I replied in a nonchalant way.

“Oh just like Josh and Joel, Philadelphia, the city of Brotherly love. Makes sense,” said Juan.

Why does it make sense, I asked.

I don’t know, because you have an accent, just like the twins. You all sound like city boys to me,” answered Juan.  

Just as he spoke those words, in the back of my mind the word accent rang and rang. I thought me, an accent, this guy talks so weird and he claims that we have an accents. Also I thought, I’m from Philadelphia, no one who speak with a Philadelphian dialect has an accent. I couldn’t believe what he was saying, I wasn’t angry, I was just really surprised of the fact that he said we had accents.  I guess me being so accustomed to the way I speak made me feel that I spoke a natural dialect. I thought that everyone who spoke normal, spoke like us (Philadelphians), and if you didn’t you were not normal and you had an accent. I never thought of myself as being the one who sounded different. But then again, when I thought of accent I thought of southerners and their twang.  My closed-minded thoughts of different dialects, kept me believing that “Philadelphia talk”, was the proper way to speak.  But I wasn’t going to change my diction just to fit in this area. The Great writer, Richard Rodriguez said, “ In public, my father and mother spoke a hesitant, accent, not always grammatical English. And they would have to strain their bodies tense to catch the sense of what was rapidly said by los gringos.” His parents changed the way they spoke in order to fit in with a group of people, and that just wasn’t me. I couldn’t image changing the way I speak, think and act because of some kid! My so-called accent was what made me, me, and I wasn’t about to give up my 14 years of “Philly talk”, erase my speech just so I feel more accepted. I thought about it and said to myself, your own dialect helps to express what you feel. It also helps to make you, who you are and I wasn’t about to change, who I was.

“Wow, city boys, really,” replied Joel. 

“You’re the one with the accent, and you talk weird,” said Josh.

“What, no way dude, I totally talk normal, replied Juan shockingly.

“You say dude, like every 5 seconds, now tell me that’s normal,” answered Joel while laughing. 

“Whatever, I’m not the one who can’t pronounce the “ing” part in my words.  I’m “trippin cous”,” Juan said, in a mocking tone.

“Laugh out loud, you’re pretty funny.” “He is right about that, I admit we don’t pronounce all of our words correctly.” “But at least we don’t start off every sentence with ‘Like’ or ‘Dude’.” “‘And like he totally wrecked Dude’,” I replied mocking Juan in a playful manner.”

“Whatever, man hey you don’t even know me,” answered Juan.

“Oh, I was just playing man,” I replied. 

“I know, I’m only kidding. Now lets go hunt some girls,” shouted Juan.

“Oh My Gosh, we are not hunting girls, we are just here to chill, I said.

“Hey speak for yourself,” replied Juan.

We all burst into a loud uproar of laughter while walking and enjoying ourselves in the mall. 

The Identity Behind Speech

Cornelia Zangerl

Silver Stream


The Identity Behind Speech 

“What rice want?” He snapped at me. 

“Pardon?” I asked. 

“What rice you want?” He asked a little louder. 

“Sticky.” I responded after a long pause. 

Besides the obvious facts like that he had Chinese characteristics and worked at a chinese store, you could tell he was from China. The way he spoke brought that out. He wasn’t a typical Asian-American but born and raised in China. Probably came to America as a teenager. He couldn’t have been older then 20. 

I got my food and left, pondering for a while. You could tell a lot by a persons speech. Walking home, I saw some guys standing at the corner. I don’t have a better way of describing them then ‘gangsters’. Oversized jeans closer to the ground then their bottom, boxers hanging out, nike high tops and dark hoodies. 

“Damn, tha jawn bad.” One of them announced, eyeing a woman that was now crossing the street.

“Yo, she hot.” One of the guys agreed with him.

“She ‘ard.” The third smirked. 

“You just salty cause you know you couldn’ land a chick like that.” The first guy teased. 

They were obviously from Philadelphia. Born and raised in the general area. The little bits I heard of the conversation indicated a clear understanding of Philadelphian slang.  Words such as ‘jawn’ and  ‘salty’  aren’t used anywhere else. And their accent sounded it too. Probably from North or West Philly. Not really surprising since I was in West but it was still fascinating how much the way they spoke gave away. It also made me think of who they were trying to be. They wanted to sound tough and chill. Class didn’t matter but they still managed to get across that they owned the place; Just by the tone in their voice. 

James Baldwin said that “A language comes into existence by means of brutal necessity, and the rules of the language are dictated by what the language must convey.”  He is stating that a language develops when it is needed, when people don’t have the ability to communicate with each other. This shows that with every language comes a history. A reason why it was created and a reflection of the people who speak it. An example would be ‘Black English’, which was pieced together by slaves who came to America from Africa and couldn’t speak to each other. Referring to this example, Baldwin also stated that “...And (he; African Americans) enters a limbo in which he will no longer be black, and in which he knows that he can never become white.” It means that with the language that a person speaks comes not only with a history but an identity. Language reveals a person, but also creates them. 

In the streets of London, England, the way one speaks gives away everything about them. The formality in their tone reflects their education which goes as far as signifying their wealth and the status of their family. Their accent shows the region they are from and their vocabulary gives of what they aspire to be or what they have become. 

The way I speak just as much reveals who I am. I speak a clear, proper English without too much of a specific accent. This makes sense considering I learned to speak the language in pre-school when I was two. I was taught standard textbook English. If you listen to me talk long enough though, I sometimes let German slip, that’s because I was born in Austria and it was my first language. Even odder, I switch between accents and slang when I speak fast. Since I live in Philadelphia, I’ve picked up some Philly slang but I also use Australian words and phrases, having lived there for a fair amount of time. If you heard me for long enough, you could probably guess my life story.

Speech is a dead giveaway when it comes to a person. It reflects your history and your current status as well as your emotions. The way you project your voice signifies how you feel in a situation. Your vocabulary shows who you are as a person. Your accent reflects your history. Though just simple words coming from a mouth, language is an identity. 

"Stewed Language"

Keanu Farrow

January 10th, 2011

English 10th:

“Stewed Language”


 My language describes whom I am as and individual. It shows people how I can manipulate myself to not only understand other dialects, but also use them to my advantage to either speak to someone of lower power and higher importance.

Coming from a family of inhabitants with an education level of an esteemed college student, it was very easy to learn the “gifted tongue” of a politician.

Possibly the best demonstration of this was when I was in my last year in junior-high. Back at Cook-Wissahickon, a newly formed student government was formed and in need of a senator, vice-president, and president. I rose to the situation ran for office. I used my intelligence to guide my speech and persuade the community into allowing me to become 8th grade president.

According to James Baldwin, “Language reveals the speaker.” In my 16 years of life my language has revealed that I was the type of child who had no reference of “casual speech” or in this case having no recall of making the way I spoke to the audience in a more casual way whilst using slang or “Anglicism”, words distorted by the English language.

As stated before, I came from a family who spoke the tongue of highly educated citizen, but when growing up my language hindered the process of making friends.

I once lived in one of the “un-safe” parts of Philadelphia known as Brickyard located just a bit further from Germantown. The inhabitants spoke a somewhat distorted version of English known as “Ghetto talk” by many other people. Slang was a big influence in all types of speech, as Philadelphia needs its own dictionary to understand the way its settlers communicate with each other.  I was put into the environment surrounded by people who talked very different compared to me. In any conversation it would either be repeated due to the fact that barely anybody understood my vocabulary since I spoke with such big words. 

Referenced by James Baldwin, “People evolve a language in order to describe and thus control their circumstances, or in order not to be submerged by a reality that they cannot articulate.” Learning slang to communicate with others is somewhat an evolution in the way I speak. I manipulated my situation as a highly educated child in a bad neighborhood to speak the language of the other citizens in Brickyard.


There were times in my life where my language was put to the test and day by day; Anglicism was made a priority to get by. In the short story “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”, the author Giona Anzadúa said, her language “Chicano Spanish is a border tongue which developed naturally.” I remember my family moving from different neighborhoods, to different cities, and eventually to a different state.

Virginia Beach, Virginia was my latest move back in June of 2004.  Back then I had mastered the “slang” vocabulary of Philadelphia and could manipulate myself to achieve power in conversations. When I relocated to Virginia, everything made a complete 180. I remember trying to talk to one of my newly made friends in Virginia. I asked him for some water, but in the Philadelphian accent I said the term “wood-er” to which raised eyebrows towards me. I never really fit in when conversing with the people of Virginia at first. To do so I had to learn their dialect as well as keeping up with my own “home-bred” language. I started hanging around children and adults who spoke a diluted version of “Cajun-country” a form of country speech that also has roots tie in from Louisiana. After about 4 months living in Virginia, I had mastered the tongue spoken in the state.

My language is really how it defines me as an individual. It shows me how I can literally alter the way I talk to gain not only friends, but power in almost everything. My language started out as one specific thing as simply one language. Throughout the course of my 16 years of life languages from all over the country have mixed in with mine and distorted my native tongue to create a “stewed-version’ of my language. To this day, my language represents who I am, and over the course of the future, I will have new languages mix into my language, manipulating my tongue and altering the way I can converse with the community.

Q2 Art Benchmark

    During the 2and quarter of art was the most challenging of the two semesters so far. In

the first quarter I had a clear objection and executed it well. But in going into this quarter I

had no idea what to do or where to begin. I started off with the journal to pinpoint my ideas

For my senior piece but had a string of uncertainties and unclear thoughts. In establishing I

had no idea I thought I do a complex of variations of art and see where that would take me.

With camera in hand I began taking picture after picture to find some inspiration. In taking

photos I found it and learned some Photoshop tutorials to help enhance my artwork. After

several tutorials and directions later I transformed the photos to the best of its pixels. Then

from there I transformed a photo into canvas to use model paint to enhance the texture.

This quarter I had no idea what to do in not knowing that I knew exactly what to do and

made variations of art that took me to a whole new height.

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Saftey in Schools: Final Blog Post

The Problem In School Safety


On December 17, 2008 the School District of Philadelphia adopted a new bullying policy in order to increase the safety of Philadelphia schools. The school district stated the following on their website:


Resolved, that the School Reform Commission hereby adopts the attached primary Policy on Bullying and its prevention/intervention in order to ensure compliance with HB 1067 (PA), amending "Article XIII-A Safe Schools" in the Pennsylvania School Code of 1949, that requires each school entity to adopt a policy relating to bullying.


The newly adopted policy covered just about every piece of bullying, to make sure their procures were up to date with all the rules and regulations given by the state. From defining the act as:


Bullying is characterized by the following three (3) criteria:

  • It is aggressive behavior or intentional harm doing.
  • It is carried out repeatedly over time.
  • It occurs within an interpersonal relationship where there is an imbalance of power (e.g. one person is physically larger, stronger, mentally quicker or socially more powerful).


To laying out the coarse of action if a student were ever involved in bullying. So the issue is not that the system is non-existent but the fact that most kids don’t even know that this is around. Many of the problems that are district has faced in the past couple of months could have been handled better if the schools allowed the students to know of these guidelines. Instead of making the student feel as though nothing could be done, they would have known there were many outlets in order to keep them safe.


How to solve the Problem




Many schools don’t even mention the act of bullying or violence until something drastic happens. Like the incident that happened at South Philly High that made international headlines. Things like this would not have to happen if we were to crack down on the safety in our schools.


Link to the Policy: http://webgui.phila.k12.pa.us/offices/s/safety/bullying-prevention/bullying-policy3





The future of school safety


If we were to enforce the policies of anit-bullying then the numbers would decrease. Now, that these rules we’re being enforced, and setting up a no tolerance bullying system the safety of our students would take a turn for the better. If students began to understand the effect of what they have done then that would understand the seriousness of the issue, resulting in the drop of bullying.


If things were to stay the same, then the situation would have to choice but to get worse. Students would continue to act the way they do now, and the safety of our schools would never get better. If we continue to let these bullies think that what they are doing are ok, then students will no longer feel safe. It will not only hurt the schools but the future of the students. We have no choice but to enforce these rules, until kids understand.

Lobbying Assignment #5 - Finalize

Lobbying Assignment #5 - Finalize 

For my final lobbying assignment I took the time to attempt at establishing communication between State Rep Ronald Waters and myself. I received the same response as before to where my request was being processed and because if the extensive amounts of emails to Mr. Waters delay was to be expected and it would take time from his office to reply on the emails. My first attempt was within either Lobbying assignment #3 or #4. Hopefully this attempt will close a line of communication between Mr. Waters and myself. 

Within the following two days time span of me sending an email to Rep. Waters communication directly with Mr. Waters office in Harrisburg and Philadelphia was also attempted. 

A message was left with one of his telephone office officials and other means of communication is underway. 

My progress will be updated on establishing a clear line of communication. 

After trying to establish a clear line of communication to someone in the Philadelphia field office of State Rep. Waters little to no progress has been made on their part. I called multiple times and due to high volumes of phone calls and emails I was placed on a list of those who will be contacted In the order at which they where received.

IN my first email i restated my objective and its purpose and once i called his office i stated briefly what my objective and purpose was again. I sent two emails and called his office twice with messages that followed after my failing attempts. 

If the office of State Rep. Ronald Waters attempts to contact me I will comply with my elegant contentions and discuses my lobbying issue in hope for change.  

David A. Buckholtz

Lobbying Assignment #5 - Finalize and Extend

​For this last post I came up with an outline for a letter to the editors of The Philadelphia Metro and The Notebook.

Topic: Standardized Curriculum in Philadelphia High Schools  

Main Point: 
The point of this blog post it to have people become aware of the injustices being done to students and teachers at Philadelphia Renaissance Schools ( and schools around the country) Standardized testing is not the one and only way to measure intelligence. Different students come from different backgrounds and have multiple intelligences, so why should they all be given the same test to measure those intelligences? Strictly Test Preparatory Curriculum's strip teachers of the right to be creative in the classroom and build their own lessons. My mission is to prove to the School District of Philadelphia that there is another way and convince them to try it.

I will complete this letter and email or mail it to the two newspapers mentioned above.

Blog Post 5

Sending out emails to me is not effective. I would have to send out hundreds of emails to people who would not have the time to personally message me back in time to finish this project or not knowing if the person that replies to it is actually the person written to. Instead I would like to create a 30 second PSA or commercial with people from all ages and race groups that have been convicted served their time but cannot vote to say "I made a mistake but Ive changed" with a quick profile of the person running by on the screen with their age, race, what they did and how long ago. 

After making this video I would then:

  • Publish on a public blogging site.
  • Share the link with a News Station.
  • Publish on SLA's blogging site.
  • Send the link to the Washington Post
  • Send the link to the congressman who introduced the law.


Although I hope to still do this video, it was very hard to find people that would actually be comfortable talking about that they did, especially those who are able or not able to vote today. Instead I took their stories and anonymously wrote a word document that expressed how they felt about the bill and the fact they were not allowed to vote. There were two people who I interviewed and both stories were completely different. Attached is the google doc link.

Blog Post 5

Sending out emails to me is not effective. I would have to send out hundreds of emails to people who would not have the time to personally message me back in time to finish this project or not knowing if the person that replies to it is actually the person written to. Instead I would like to create a 30 second PSA or commercial with people from all ages and race groups that have been convicted served their time but cannot vote to say "I made a mistake but Ive changed" with a quick profile of the person running by on the screen with their age, race, what they did and how long ago. 

After making this video I would then:

  • Publish on a public blogging site.
  • Share the link with a News Station.
  • Publish on SLA's blogging site.
  • Send the link to the Washington Post
  • Send the link to the congressman who introduced the law.


Although I hope to still do this video, it was very hard to find people that would actually be comfortable talking about that they did, especially those who are able or not able to vote today. Instead I took their stories and anonymously wrote a word document that expressed how they felt about the bill and the fact they were not allowed to vote. There were two people who I interviewed and both stories were completely different. Attached is the google doc link.

Blog Post #5:

Sending out emails to me is not effective. I would have to send out hundreds of emails to people who would not have the time to personally message me back in time to finish this project or not knowing if the person that replies to it is actually the person written to. Instead I would like to create a 30 second PSA or commercial with people from all ages and race groups that have been convicted served their time but cannot vote to say "I made a mistake but Ive changed" with a quick profile of the person running by on the screen with their age, race, what they did and how long ago. 

After making this video I would then:

  • Publish on a public blogging site.
  • Share the link with a News Station.
  • Publish on SLA's blogging site.
  • Send the link to the Washington Post
  • Send the link to the congressman who introduced the law.


Although I hope to still do this video, it was very hard to find people that would actually be comfortable talking about that they did, especially those who are able or not able to vote today. Instead I took their stories and anonymously wrote a word document that expressed how they felt about the bill and the fact they were not allowed to vote. There were two people who I interviewed and both stories were completely different. Attached is the google doc link.

Blog Post #5:

Sending out emails to me is not effective. I would have to send out hundreds of emails to people who would not have the time to personally message me back in time to finish this project or not knowing if the person that replies to it is actually the person written to. Instead I would like to create a 30 second PSA or commercial with people from all ages and race groups that have been convicted served their time but cannot vote to say "I made a mistake but Ive changed" with a quick profile of the person running by on the screen with their age, race, what they did and how long ago. 

After making this video I would then:

  • Publish on a public blogging site.
  • Share the link with a News Station.
  • Publish on SLA's blogging site.
  • Send the link to the Washington Post
  • Send the link to the congressman who introduced the law.


Although I hope to still do this video, it was very hard to find people that would actually be comfortable talking about that they did, especially those who are able or not able to vote today. Instead I took their stories and anonymously wrote a word document that expressed how they felt about the bill and the fact they were not allowed to vote. There were two people who I interviewed and both stories were completely different. Attached is the google doc link.

statement 2

AJ Carter


Art statement 2

            For this project I selected to do superhero symbols. At first I didn’t know which one I wanted to do for my project. I tried doing superman that didn’t work out so well, I tried doing the Flash symbol and that was even worse. So generally I was have bad progress at first. So I thought why not try Batman’s because I used to do it a lot when I was a kid.

            At first I thought why not go bigger by making a poster of Batman himself. That didn’t quiet work out like I had planned. The hero was not all to good so I decided against it. After that I went back to just doing the symbol. So to practice I Just did rows and rows of Batman symbols. Then I finally shot for the big one, which turned out pretty good.

            I think for the next marking period ill try doing the actual hero. Since the period is so long I can work on how to make him. Pick up some ideas on the way on how to make it better. Practice a lot, and maybe a little copying practice so I can see how others draw him. That way the final project looks great.

Photo on 2010-12-16 at 13.02 #2
Photo on 2010-12-16 at 13.02 #2
Photo on 2011-01-04 at 08.41
Photo on 2011-01-04 at 08.41
Photo on 2011-01-04 at 09.24
Photo on 2011-01-04 at 09.24
Photo on 2011-01-05 at 10.07
Photo on 2011-01-05 at 10.07
Photo on 2011-01-05 at 10.07 #3
Photo on 2011-01-05 at 10.07 #3
Photo on 2010-12-16 at 13.02
Photo on 2010-12-16 at 13.02

Yadi Angeles Q2: Personalized December

    I've always loved art, and I spend a lot of my life working on drawings and paintings. But this quarter, a lot of holidays and special occasions for someone special to me were coming up. So I decided to make them a present instead of buying one, and to make something different from the field I'm most used to.     I usually pick themes of emotions that are most dominant in my life. I take my time when it comes to my work, partly because I want it to be done right, but mostly because my motivation is just the satisfaction of seeing my drawing skills become more refined as time passes. This quarter I have found that when I have a more common goal of someone else's happiness as opposed to just a "good" grade, I am better motivated to take on creative projects and to spend every free minute I have to work on it.     My first piece is a bracelet with a personalized charm. It is based on the person it was made for. He has a signature of himself as a little cartoon that he likes to sign his drawings with. So I took a copy of that signature and made it from metal from a can. I had decided on a can because I wanted it to be more permanent than paper or foam. When I first thought of a charm, my mind automatically went to metal, and the next thought was that my resources could easily get me a can and scissors that could cut through metal. I used a cloth to cover the back of it so that it won't cut through the skin, and that became a birthday present.

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My second piece was for the same person who happens to love video games and specifically Mario games.  So I made a personalized question block from cardboard paper using pictures from the internet and images from playing the game myself. I also cut out items that are usually found when a question block is hit: a star, a green/red mushroom, a feather, and a fire flower. After painting all of these items, I made it a little more personal inside the box, painting it my own way and making a story and picture. After glueing everything together, and putting all of the items inside the box, I added in chocolate coins. There were mess ups, and my biggest challenge was the time limit and the time the paint wanted to dry. But everything was finished the way my mind wanted it, and bringing joy to the person all of this was meant for brought a more accomplished and happy feeling inside me than any of my other work could have ever done.


Contrapublicidades De Espaol : )

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En mi opinión yo creo que la marqua Nike se enfoca mas hacia los jóvenes. Muchas de las publicidades que tienen contienen a atletas famosos. Con esto tratan de vender sus productos  hacia una audiencia joven. La marqua también se trata de enfocar en vivir una vida siendo diferente a los demás y una vida esforzándose a tener mejor vidas usando productos de Nike. En algunos de sus publicidades me di cuenta que la marca se olvida de enfocarse en su marca y sus logos puestos y bien representados para atraer la atención mas.

Yo escogí hacer mi contrapublicidad en  la marca  Nike porque hay mucho gente que conozco que se sienten influidos  por la marca y lo que ofrece. En la contrapublicidad no se vende un producto si no una marca,Nike. La compañía se trata de enfocar en ofrecer productos originales y frescos. Esto ase que cada dia se haga mas popular la marca. La marca es vista mucho en SLA. No solo los que son atletas y asen un cierto deporte. Hay muchos que usan esta marca. Tienen tennis,ropa,accesorios y cosas variadas.

En la contrapublicidad que escogí se están enfocando en acerté mas fuerte. Tiene a la modelo posando un poco sudada, como si hubiera acabado de hacer ejercicio. Algo que apunta a que la modelo estaba asiendo ejercicio es su ropa. Tiene ropa que normalmente se usa para hacer deporte o ejercicio. También dice la publicidad “Hazte Fuerte”. Algo que atrae a los jóvenes a hacer deporte con ropa Nike. Algo que yo incluí que no estaba es que cambia la modelo. En el  que yo hice si esta asiendo algo. Ella esta corriendo y se ve que se esta esforzando. También la ISE resaltar porque la puse a ella en color en una foto que es Blanca y negra. No solo eso si no cambia las palabras y puse “Asta Mucho Mas Fuerte.” En algo también que me enfoco es en dejar la palabra Nika ser mas vista para la audiencia.


La marca converse es reconocida por ser una marca que a durado mucho tiempo en uso por gente de todas las edades. Converse por los años se han convertido en una marca muy reconocida entre gente de varias edades. En mi opinión lo que converse trata de enseñar en sus publicidades es tener tu propio estilo y ser diferente. Solo ay esto en ciertas marcas que se enfocan en darle a la gente.

Converse llego a mi mente cuando me di cuente que muchos estudiantes y muchos de mis amigos en la escuela usan esta marca. No solo los tenis si no también la marca de ropa y los bolsos. Para mi esta compañía se enfoca en dejar un impacto a sus compradores, el impacto de que no tienes que caer en un moldo que la sociedad te asa caer en. En mi opinión converse es una de las pocas marcas que ase esto. Ellos tratan de crear ropa,zapatos, y accesorios para todo tipo de estilos. Lo que me gusta también mucho de sus publicidades es que dejan que modelos actúen espontáneamente para dar un visión mas natural. 

La publicidad que yo escogí de converse fue una muy simple. En la publicidad el modelo solo esta sentado, Vestía con ropa formal y con los tenis converse puestos. Le publicidad dice “Shy? Let your style talk for you.”. En mi opinión lo primero que ase que esta publicidad no llame la atención es que esta en todo blanco y negro. Este efecto solo va a servir en ciertas fotos y esta no fue una de ellas. En la publicidad que yo ise me decidí enfocar mas en los tenis. Las 4 fotos que tiene están en color para poder capturar en ojo de los clientes. Si Deje que el slogan de la publicidad original. En el mio en vez de tomar el signo de converse solo decidi ponerle el nombre de converse.

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Franky's project

I choose this add because I found it amazing at the fact that an advertisement for a mopping company put up a sign for caution to attract the attention of the people walking by or for instance reading a magazine.  This product is called     “Pine-Sol”. The company called “Clorox Company Products” produces it. I believe that this company values only to noticed in this modern world.

I think that this add might target the kids at SLA because if there is a kid who is interested in or works as a janitor for a part time job in or somewhere else after school, he might be interested in good cleaning methods or a good product to use in order for him to do good. Some lifestyles, opinions and values represented in the ad are the vale of a clean environment and home. A crucial information not represented in the ad is that  it represents a caution sign instead of an attention drawer.

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Contrapublucidades de Marina Stuart

Yo escojé este anuncio porque es un poco chiflado porque es fácil a buscar y pienso un contrapublicidad.  La empresa es Orbit y ellos hacen chicle.  Es producido es un Nuevo paquete de chicle.  El paquete estuvo nuevo y necesitaba un anuncio porque este tiene un diseño nuevo .   Las valores de la empresa  son dinero y como costas mira.  Las gustan costas bonitas y de los colores vivos. Ellos piensan que todos los clientes tienen los mismo valores.
Personas en SLA están muy sensible a este anuncio porque nosotros nos gustamos chicle.  Un ejemplo es cuando uno personas abren una paquete de chicle todos preguntar por un pedazo.  Una costa extraña sobre el anuncio es cuando ellos muestran el nuevo paquete una mujer desnudo es manteniendo.   No comprende porque pero es muy extraño y hace me piensa eso la empresa piensan que todos personas quieren mujeres desnudo! Información que es no en el anuncio es el dinero gasto y por que un mujer desnudo es en este!
    En mi contrapublucidad ella dice “compra obrit porque...una mujer desnudo esta! (y porque gastamos mucho dinero). Los ingenies estuve mismo por el original, solamente los palabras cambia.  El original anuncio dice “Una mujer necesita mostré tu cuerpo por una impacto en todas personas.  En SLA todas poden un impacto por ser inteligente, pensar rápidamente, o otras. Nada porque que personas perecen.  En mi opinión personas debería juzgar a alguien por algo por nos acciones. Mi contrapublucidad es por otras espesas y mostré como estúpido este anuncio es. Si eficaz seria bueno pero necesitó obtenía mi opinión en el mundo.

Orbit Commericial

Yo escojé este anuncio porque a mi no me gustan los hermanos de Jonas, o Disney channel.  El producto es una película se llama Camp Rock 2 y es sobre un campo donde los niños tocan música.  La empresa es Disney, una empresa muy rica que tiene mucho control en el mundo.  Este anuncio es para niños a quienes le gustan o miran disney.  Unas estudiantes miran eso o le gustan los hermano Jones, entonces a ellos le gustan Camp Rock.  El información no representada en este anuncio es cuantos dólares se pagan los actores.  

En mi contrapublucidad yo mostré que mucho es una mentira y como los actores fueron pagado demasiado y no estoy de acuerdo con los mensajes de Disney Channel.  También yo puse el signo de “no” en las caras de los hermanos Jonas y Demi Lavado. En el orginal, los valores eran sobre actors quienes están pagado demasiado.  Pero los valores de SLA son sobre lo que tú haces por su comunidad.  A mi no me gusta los actores de Disney o personas similares.   No se si mi contrapublicidad será efectivo pero yo quiero que otros vean mis opiniones.

new and improved camp rock


Jaccar Garcia

           Para mi dos anuncios yo elegí el Chunky Chips Ahoy y el McCafé de Mcdonalds. Yo elegí el anuncio de McCafé porque yo siempre atenido la curiosidad de porque la gente dejan su rico café de la casa para comprar café de afuera cuando asta le sale mas caro. Me capto la atención del anuncio Chunky Chips Ahoy que dice que esta para comérsela y en el comercial la galletita tiene ojos y boca y no me simpatizo. La compañía de los dos anuncios quieren que los consumidores valoren sus producto.

Teniendo Mini packs, Big and Soft, chewy, y muchos mas entra el Chunky Chips Ahoy. Chips Ahoy es una compañía que produce chocolate chip cookies des del 1963. Mi primer anuncio elegido fue de Chips Ahoy. El Chunky “la locura de chocolate”. Según sus anunciantes dicen que esta para comérsela.

Mejor seria evitarlo. Chunky Chips Ahoy daña la salud en cuanto dañando la denta dura, causando diabetes, contaminando la sangre, y no informa cuanto calorías contiene cada chip en el anuncio. El anuncio no informa de el daño que puede causar a cada persona que falla a comprar cada caja de Chips Ahoy. Los productores solamente llegan a conocer que el producto es para su beneficio. Y además la gente no piensa en su salud y lo ven como una vida rápida.

La forma que los consumidores garran la atención de los estudiantes de SLA es por la publicidad en cuanto ello hacen un comercial por la tele y agarran la atención de mucho niños alrededor del mundo incluyendo los estudiantes de SLA. También por el Internet que los estudiantes de SLA gastan casi 13-15 horas de su vidas entre el Internet. En cuanto los valores de SLA también entran en el conflicto con el anuncio original en que SLA lucha por la buena alimentación de los estudiantes.  SLA trata de darle comida saludable a los estudiantes como Low fat milk, o chips al horno, frutas, y vegetales.

Eligiendo McCafé de Mcdonalds como mi segundo anuncio viene un tema increíble. Mcdonalds es  la mayor cadena de restaurantes que vende comida rápida. Mcdonalds comenzó en el año 1940 en California vendiéndole a mas de 58 millones de personas diario. Eligiendo un anuncio de Mcdonalds del McCafé ay mas de lo que se ves.

El anuncio nos muestra como leyeron las mentes del publico y le alegraron el día con McCafé hot chocolate … “ Y cuando quiero que mi alegría sea aun mas intensa, nada me hace sentir mejor que el espresso en mi McCafé hot Mocha”.  ¿Como es que un McCafé puede traerle tanta alegría a una persona? Yo veo la comida rápida de los restaurantes por ser insaludable y especialmente de Mcdonalds.  El anuncio enseña como McCafé esta lleno de chocolate, leche caliente, crema batida y mas chocolate. McCafé no debe de ser aparte del día diario, si no algo que se hace de ves en cuando por es sabor no por la vida rápida.

El anuncio no enseña lo que puede suceder si eres una persona no alegre y te sientes bien con un McCafé. Si no te sientes bien la semana entera, ¿Vas a beberte un McCafé 3 veces al día para sentirte alegre por que eso es lo que dice el anuncio? Lo mejor es un café de la casa que no tiene nada dañino.  Los productores quieren que le compre su producto y que hagan a uno creer que la comida rápida lleva la vida mas simple.

Los comerciantes agarran la atención de los niños con lo que ofrecen por el dinero de la persona. Como sabemos todo los “Happy meals “ tienen juguetes que le agarran la atención a niños alrededor del mundo. Pero en SLA se busca la vida rápida mucho. Cada estudiante anda rápido queriendo terminar su día de escuela. En la mañana muchos de los estudiantes de SLA le gustan comprar café y un sándwich de desayuno. Si abría un Mcdonalds mas cerca de SLA lo estudiantes y maestros comprarían café y comida todos los días.

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