Benchmark Reflection

This project relates to the real world because when building a building you need to know all of the measurements. You have to make sure that all the math is right so that the building doesn't turn out with problems with the structure. Another way that I think this project relates back to the real world is if you want to do a job with building this is a good way to get a understanding of the math behind it. You have to know how to do proportions and measure properly. 

I think the most exciting part of this project was going outside and measuring the buildings. I thought that it was very hands on. I was able to get more of an understanding of what exactly we were supposed to be done. Standing next to the building you are measuring is way different than looking at it on google earth. I say that my least favorite part was some of the math a the drawing. I say this because at times the math could be a little tricky cause you wanted to make sure you got around the same numbers for each method. Also the drawing I say this because I want things to be perfect when it comes to drawing and we only had a short time do so. 

I learned how to measure buildings, I learned how to use different methods such as the mirror method and stick method. I also learned that through using google earth you can find the height of a building. To do that you move your mouse all the way to the top of the building and then you mine 16 from the height that is given. I learned that at times you may not get the same measurements as you did for one of the methods, but you just have to go back over your work and check for any mistakes that you may have made. 

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Benchmark Reflection

This project relates to the real world because people need to make a blueprint before they make a building. To do this you need to have some background knowledge in proportions. Proportions allow you to make scale drawings of bigger things that can help in many ways. With a scale drawing you could make numerous edits to something without having to worry about messing up on the real thing. This could save time and money depending on what the project is. Also since scale drawings are smaller you can share it with other people without having to make people go to a set location.

The most exciting part about this project was going outside and measuring the buildings. This was the most exciting part because we got to go outside and actually try to measure a building using different methods, which I thought was kinda cool because most people don’t get to say I measured a building today. However, the I didn’t like doing the proportions to try and get the height of the building because there were were many issues that occurred that made us have to go out and do our measurements again, which was a pain.

I learned that there are a few different ways to measure a building and that you need proportions to do so. For example there are 3 methods you could use to help find the height of a building: the mirror method, shadow method and the stick method. They all have their ups and downs but can be very helpful for making scale drawings. I also learned that google earth has tools that allow you to measure a building’s width and height. Before I just thought it was an application that people used to look at cool places they wanted to visit if they ever got out of the country, but now I see that it’s not just for that.


Lemony Babies: Teen Pregnancy

      My group’s project was on Teen Pregnancy for this project we needed to start a campaign. However we had to do so on a budget of $0 and also set it into action. The people in my group were Jeff, Michael, Helen, and Keyaira. Together we came up with plans and ideas on how to get the word out about teen pregnancy.


        I was the person who decided that we should do posters. While it was my idea we all chipped in and put up plans. For one of the posters it was my idea to use a baby doll rather then a real baby. I helped write out the words on one of our posters. It doesn’t seem as though I did a lot, but as a group we did so much more. There were some things that I came up with that we didn’t need. Like where to place the posters to get the best reaction. I suggested that we put some in the bathrooms for some kind of reaction. I’m not sure if that plan fell through if it was just decided to not be done. While working on this project Helen and Keyaira did an amazing job on posting the posters up everywhere.


       The only difficulty would have been communication. It was hard to stay in touch outside of class. I was very out of the loop at times and felt that even though it seemed ok I should have tried harder. I am proud of the results our project got even if they weren’t too serious. One of the reasons that it wasn’t taken too seriously could be the website we were using. We found it amusing, but it could have caused a loss of urgency that we wanted. The posters themselves could have done it. Over all, however, the project came out great.     

Benchmark Reflection

1. This project relates to the real world because some jobs have to measure buildings. In order to get the height of an unknown object you have to use different methods. They might not be the same methods used in this project but there are methods. Especially architects, they have to figure out the measurements of the building they want to re-do, knock down, and/or build on to. Also when building a new building measurements/ the ability to be able to measure things correctly is needed. 

 2. Going outside and measuring the buildings and calculating the math was the most exciting part of the project. It was the most exciting because we got to actually use the methods to our advantage in the real world. This unit connected with the real world. Most of the things done in geometry I can’t connect to the real world. The least exciting portion of the project was drawling. It was least exciting because I am not good at drawling and I didn’t want to mess up the blueprint. It was also the least exciting because there was a lot of detail to draw and some of the information wasn’t required until we had to draw the blueprint. 

3. I learned how to use the mirror method better and google earth. Also I learned how to do portions better and get the correct answer. This project helped me to realize how much geometry is used in the world. Geometry is needed for architecture, especially when blueprints are needed. Also contractors need to know how to do proportions off the top of their head instead of needing a piece of paper to write it down. Lastly, I learned how to use similar units to figure out how tall a building is. 

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Benchmark reflection

1) How does this project relate to the real world?
The only use I can think of for this is for building buildings. When making something so big, it is impossible to measure everything by hand. So because of the using math will be much simpler.

2)What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least exciting portion to this project and why?
The fun part was when everyone went outside to measure the building. The math and drawing part wasn't much fun for me.

3) What did you learn from completing this project?
I learned ways to calculate height using 3 different methods and that I will never be a architect.


Process Paper.

My group and I worked really well together. At first we were all nervous that we were going to bump heads and disagree on a lot of things, but to all of our surprise we never fought and we all had some really great ideas.  Since there was four of us we all had different strengths and different weaknesses. But it seemed where one was weak someone else was strong and vice versa. The project seemed to fall into place and come together really nicely.

Since Sean and Owen already had the interviews with the social workers, we didn't have to do that, but we had to make the blog. In the blog we all had different parts to make sure that all of the lots of information we had got across. We all came up with fun ways to present this information, one of the bigger ways was a QR code. So, what I did with that was made a QR code that would take whoever scanned it to our blog. I figured that people wouldn't just want to scan a sketchy QR code, so Dejah and I wrote "Free Money!" Just to grab peoples attention and then in very small print we wrote "Just kidding! But thanks for checking out our blog!"

Once we made the QR code and printed them out, Dejah, Owen and I posted them all over the school to make sure they would be seen. The copies we made were pretty big, but we figured that wouldn't be enough. We all made small copies and posted them all over as well. Then I went around and took pictures of a couple of posters that were posted and made a collage for the website. Since social networking is very popular and I'm constantly on Twitter so I also posted the link on Twitter. I noticed that a handful of my friends retweeted me, so I know they helped me get the world and they also clicked the link and read up on it as well.  When looking at the stats it said that eighteen people clicked on the link from Twitter!

I enjoyed this project because I was interested in the topic and getting word out. Also, because I had an amazing group to work with. Hopefully the QR codes did help get the word out and changed people's outlook on homeless people.

Q3 Benchmark Reflection

1) How does this project relate to the real world?

If I were to become a construction builder, I would I have to do this as a living, in order to do that I have to measure the length and width of the block to build a new building. 

2)What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least exciting portion to this project and why?

The least exciting part of this benchmark must be the amount of work we had to do. It seemed to drag on and on. The most exciting part of this benchmark is the going outside and measuring part.

3) What did you learn from completing this project?

That there is more to just measuring buildings with a measuring tape. It is a really long process that requires time and effort. I also learned the different methods to measuring the height of a building with different items and methods. 

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Q3 Benchmark Reflection


The main that this project relates to the real world is in the facet of construction and architecture. It is important to both know the correct measurement and the correct means of attaining them in the real world. This project makes students apply essential skills and contains very marketable information that can be used for various occupations in the world. Students are challenged to come up with ways to measure unknown heights of a building using their knowledge of proportions and angles. The reason that these skills are so useful is because it teaches students how to apply themselves and possibly develop new ways and shortcuts to figure undetermined lengths or heights.

I thought that the most exciting part of the process was figuring out the proportions and their missing variables to determine the missing height of the building. It could have gone either way and it was very rewarding to see that you had gotten a reasonable or correct answer from some of your methods. The least exciting part of this project was drawing the visual representation itself. The work for it was very tedious and didn’t really show much math other than the scale. I would have much rather done another building than draw out the entire block with artistic detail.

I learned many skills from completing this project. The two mains ones that I would like to discuss are the ability to use mirrors and poles to attempt to figure out unknown heights of objects. I believe that this is not only a fun activity, but also a useful one for future assignments. It’s helpful to have a way to determine the height of a building or wall of some sort by using easy means to do so. Secondly, setting up proportions for these methods and solving them is crucial. By doing this, one can find out if angles/sides/heights/lengths are proportional or not.



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"Protect yoself!" HIV/AIDS Process Paper.

The group I worked with for the the duration of this project focused on the epidemic of HIV/AIDS throughout Philadelphia. Raeven, Taylor, Jailsa, and I brainstormed many ideas to help broadcast this problem to those in our school, and those throughout the city. We immediately began breaking down the project in to portions where think we would be most productive. Raeven created a google doc form where people could anonymously answer questions on HIV/AIDs related inquiries, Taylor created the script for our video and acted in it, Jalisa edited said video, and I was charged with social networking and creating an ad. 

Since we save desserts for last, I’ll list a couple challenges that arrived during the creation of this project. One challenge was designing an ad that would quickly grasp the eye of a passerby, while still delivering a powerful message. Many different advertisements line the walls of SLA, telling all who read of upcoming events. I had to make sure that our ad could compete amongst the sea of ads. I decided to incorporate the most famous African-American AIDS awareness activist Magic Johnson on a poster, along with some clover statistics. Instead of posting them around the school, we will be handing them out. This insures that people must at least look at them firsthand, before doing whatever they please with them. 

Another challenge was gaining followers on Twitter. We felt twitter would be the best social network to set up on because of it’s popular promotion reputation. YOu can get a word out quickly, and follow other pages that support the same cause as you. What started off as a fun idea, turned sour quickly. We couldn’t manage to get followers outside of our group mates! We knew our page wouldn’t progress within our own circle, so we looked to other groups who created twitters for their problem. Once we “followed” them, promotions and constant tweeting got me to a staggering 12 followers. Yes, this is a challenge that we are still trying to solve. 

On the other hand, a success we managed to pull off was a smooth video. Our video consisted of an angel and a devil, whom represented good judgement and bad judgement. Taylor approached us with a thorough script which clearly depicted each person’s role, and of course what they were saying. We were even able to use the nurse’s office to help Jalisa complete her role as a nurse preparing an AIDS test. I believe this video will grab the viewer’s attention of the presence of HIV/AIDS, and also the importance of getting tested/treated for it as quickly as possible. 

All in all, this project was fairly simple, as long as you’re organized. We broke down roles from the beginning, which gave all of us the chance to think about how we could construct our individual parts. With more time came more ways to perfect our product, and also add more components to help broadcast what we needed to say to the public. Our objective was to inform others of the dire epidemic of HIV/AIDS, which we think we accomplished. 

My reflection

   This project relates to the real world in many ways. There are many calculations that we just take for granted when they were done by real people. There are people who work for google maps who have to make calculations like the ones we did every day. Another way that those techniques are used is to build buildings. Architects usually have a drawing of their building then scale it to have the measurements right. They kind of do the opposite of what we did. It’s a privilege that we know how to use techniques such as the stick method and mirror method now since we never know what we might end up doing in the future.​

The most exciting portion of this project was figuring out the height of my building. It’s because I think architecture is cool and since I could not measure it, I had to figure it out using the methods we learned. I think it was kind of exciting doing something like this, it will come in handy eventually. I think that the least exciting part of the project was the fact that I got many different results for my building height. It’s because I got two almost completely different results from my two calculations and I was confused. That confusion kind of took the excitement away.

I learned many things after completing this project. I learned about different ways that we can determine a building height. I learned about the mirror method and the stick method. I also learned about how we can verify that we got right answers from our calculations. I learned about the picture method and google earth. I learned that you can  look at a building on google earth and the mouth cursor will tell you the elevation and eye altitude. I also learned that the height of the building is the elevation minus the eye altitude. I learned to respect all the buildings I see and all the jobs related to math because of the hard work they do. I learned to not take anything for granted in the world like for example google maps.

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2013-03-21 09.16.45

Quarter 3 Benchmark Reflection

This project relates to the real world because buildings have to be measured, and there is more to getting the height of a building than it seems. In designing buildings, cities, and blocks it is important to be able to measure buildings and they aren't just something you can tape measure. Because they are so big, measuring them is much more involved. The project relates to the real world in that it is eye opening because getting the vital height of a building is harder than it looks. 

I can't say I found any portion of this project exciting. I didn't think it was an exciting project, but that doesn't mean it wasn't interesting. In general measuring buildings isn't very exciting and to me this project wasn't a rule breaker. The least exciting part of the project was the Google Map Log. I found this very uninteresting and underwhelming as it seemed pointless and boring and wouldn't let you input height measurements.

From completing this project I learned that measuring buildings is much harder than it looks without the use of trigonometry. I learned that it is also difficult to take a picture of large buildings from the front. I also learned that drawing 54 windows to scale is very time consuming and takes much more time than you would think. But most importantly I learned the significance of being able to measure buildings, especially with congruency and similarity applications. 

Picture Comparison
Picture Comparison

BM Reflection

- How does this project relate to the real world?

This project relates to the real world via engineering. When you design a building you need to figure out the proper proportion for the height. Using the mirror, stick and shadow methods can help you find the proportion. Thus this project taught us that when dealing with buildings you need to know math like proportions and other mathy stuff like measuring and multiplication. And it also relates to the real world by telling us NOT to use the mirror method in engineering or construction or any other chosen field. And so that's how the project relates to the real world using math.

-       What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least exciting portion to this project and why?

The most exiting portion was Jian measuring the building and braking the tape measure, causing us to fix it and seeing him try to wind it up while walking down the street. The expression on his face when he realized he could have jammed it back in was priceless. Not kidding. The least exiting portion of this project was doing the calculations. I swear I thought I was making a mistake every step of the solving, I ended up checking Wolfram Alpha and seeing that I was right all along. Then I struggled getting the verifications to make sense. But I did it all and it was as right as I could possibly get it.

-       What did you learn from completing this project?

What I learned from completing this project was that the mirror method is horrible and the best way to measure a building would be to go to the top and drop a tape measure. Not kidding. At all. Technology is awesome. I think that the Mirror method is extremely unreliable. The measurements were way off the verification. I think that if we were to use some other method, like stick or something else it would be way more reliable. I also learned about how I learned about how you shouldn't pull a tape measure all the way out, see above to learn more.

I don't have access to the blueprint.

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-    How does this project relate to the real world?

Geometry has a lot of say in the appearance of our city. This project has a lot to do with the architecture and design of both buildings and city blocks. It taught me how the height of buildings can be found only through triangles. Having the capability to measure distances with ease is a very useful skill. The architecture aspect is more about proportions and making sure that everything is to scale and precise. It is actually much harder than it sounds. I had to measure and re-measure my building to double check my results. I think that from now on I will always make sure to verify my results in every way possible.

-       What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least exciting portion to this project and why?

There were many elements of this project that I were nice to work on. I enjoyed making the draft of my building. I tended to prefer the manual measuring because is was easier to base the estimates off of an already known object. For me it was challenging finding known measurements because my building is currently under construction and many crucial aspects were inaccessible to me. It was a bit difficult finding ways to deal with compromising and finding new strategies but in the end I was able to estimate the height in many different and I discovered tools that I didn’t originally know were available to me. I also enjoyed drawing the building which allowed me to put my knowledge of the Franklin Institutes structure on paper

-     What did you learn from completing this project?

I learned a lot about the techniques of measuring a building that has cut outs and different heights.  I found the measuring by using triangles very useful, particularly the mirror method. This helped me understand how geometry and shapes are involved in designing of cities or structures and in our daily life. I learned a lot about compromising and finding new ways to reach a certain goal. Sometimes I reached complications, but as I went along I found them much easier to deal with. I learned ho important precision is in my life as well. I guess I never really paid attention to the thought put into each individual building.

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Petty Refection

How does this project relate to the real world?

This project does relate to the real world. I think at any where at anytime you can be put in a place where you need to find the height of something. You might not get the real height but you will be close. I find this project will come in handy when you have to move houses, or home remodel. You measure a lot of things when this is happening, and something a way to tall for you to get something a masure with.   

What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least exciting portion to this project and why?

I think that the most exciting part of this project was getting to go outside. I really need in a school day to go outside, and get some air. This was really nice for the class, another was that you gave us help outside of school. One thing was it I think we needed a little more time, just for the drawing. Also it was a little cold.  

What did you learn from completing this project?

I learned how to use the method we learned better, this was the biggest thing for me. Also I learned how to cross multiply much better. I am really bad at fractions and I have gotten better.   

Brycen's Q3 Benchmark Reflection

This project relates to the real world in architects as they design and create the buildings. We have used similar methods of finding measurements in buildings that architects uses. We have created a scale version of our buildings to get a better accuracy in determining the measurements of the buildings we were assigned to just like architects do when they need to make a blueprint of a building. 

The most exciting part of this project for me, was drawing the scale model of our block, because I have already had the measurements for the building, so It was much easier for me to create my scale building. The least exciting part of the project, was when we were measuring our buildings, because it was really cold outside and I didn't get enough time to get my measurements so I had to take time after school to finish it.

I learned how to measure buildings using the several methods such as the stick method. It was really interesting to learn how to accurately measure buildings without the need of having a bunch of tools. I have also learned that you have to be very precise when you are using any of the methods, as I got a measurement of 10 feet using the mirror method when the building was actually around 30 feet.
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Math BM Reflection

  1. This project relates to the real world when it comes to architecture if you want to become an architect and build buildings you have to know perimeter and area. If you want to become a carpenter and have to patch up a ceiling you have to know the perimeter and area of the whole. Or if you want to redesign the outside of the house and you want to take away some windows or add windows you need to know the are and perimeter of the space where your doing that work.
  2. I would have to say the most exciting part of this project was going outside because it’s always good to go outside to get fresh air instead of staying in a stuffy room the whole time. I also like being able to draw the picture of our buildings. It was fun because I was able to express myself in the drawings and showoff my wonderful artistic talent, as you can see in the picture above.

3. I learned how to figure out the height of the building besides just measuring it the regular way. there are numerous ways to measure the height of a building. You could use the mirror method which is placing a mirror on the ground in front of the building and looking into the mirror until u see the top of the building. Then you measure how many feet you are away from the building and how many feet the building is away from the building. Then you solve a proportion with the information you have. Another method I learned is the picture method which is when you use someone or something and see how many of them does it take to get the height of the building. You measure that that someone or something and multiply the height by how many of them get it takes to get the height of the building.

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Reaction Jordan Meriwether

This relates to the real world through how architect work when building a building. They do the exact thing we did except the opposite direction. They first have a drawing of the build and how they want to scale it, then they build the building. They make it to the scale the predicted. Also if someone wants to add a new window to  wall then they have to find the area of a wall and the window and subtract them to find  how much space it takes up. My  grand father once worked in this type of business which is how I know about it so well.

It was exciting to leave the classroom for math, and also do this in a real situation. At my old school we never left the school for anything It  was like a prison for us. So I was shocked that we actually could leave the school and work. Also I am not used to going on to google maps, let alone suggest things to them. Normally I never even use maps because I know where to go in philly so that was something new to try. This has been an interesting and new type of experience to me.

What I learned from completing this project is how to measure building with just a mirror and a  measuring stick. I was also surprised at how simple it was just to do it. This will be a skill I can use maybe in a future career. I also learned how to work with people who may not be as productive as myself, that will be a special skill for future projects. I also learned that even if you are wrong you can fix your mistakes to make everything workout.

Benchmark Reflection Zoe

How does this project relate to the real world?

This project relates to the real world with architecture and engineering. When you can't measure something directly, you can use triangle similarity to give you accurate measurements. This is very crucial to helping measure buildings or walls to help construct things for houses or other buildings. Also if you have an unknown measurement you can use triangle similarity to give you exact calculations. This can help us with when we might want to build a house in the future or when we want to have just basic measurements of our room. It is in general just an easy way to get a good understanding of triangles in everyday life, like buildings and relations. 

- What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least
exciting portion to this project and why?

The most exciting part of this project was going out and measuring the building sides. It was exciting being able to make accurate calculations based upon triangle similarity. Before this project, I had no clue that you could measure buildings accurately by using triangles. I think it was also a challenge for our group to measure each of the sides due to construction and the playground, but it was an interesting challenge. The least exciting portion of this project was making the changes. I felt this way because we already had to know the area and perimeter measurements so I feel it didn't really add on to the project and that it was just more work to do, because our main focus was on the scaling of the building and all of our other calculations.

What did you learn from completing this project?

I learned a lot from completing this project. The main thing I learned about was how I can use triangle similarity to measure buildings. And even though my group only used the mirror method, it's very interesting that you can use multiple methods and still get around the same answer. I also learned to manage my time better. I wasn't fully aware of the due date which made the last couple of days really rushed with work and I had a lot of work to do. Also it's very important to communicate well with your group members or else you won't get the task done. 

Benchmark Reflection

How does this project relate to the real world?

This project relates to the real world by teaching us skills than will be helpful in the real world. For example it teaches us how to map an area to scale. This skill will be very useful in the real world because it can help us find the size of a building or street by using a scaled map. It can also be useful when your making a scaled map for your job. Another skill that was taught was how to measure tall buildings. These can be very useful as measurements are important in every day life. That is how this project can help in everyday life.

What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least exciting portion to this project and why?

The most exciting portion of this project was when we went outside to find the measurements. I felt that it was really great that we got hands on experience with finding the height of the buildings. I doubt I would have learned about how to measure using the mirror method if we didn’t actual measure something that would be impossible to measure otherwise. The least exciting part was Google map maker. I think I might have placed my building on top of another and it was to tell where my street was due to the bad camera angles. I also could see the top of my building on street view.

What did you learn from completing this project

I learned how to use the mirror and stick method on a building and why the shadow method isn’t the best tool to use. I also learned more about the stick method which I didn’t know much about at first. I learned how to use Google Map maker thought I hope I won’t have to use it again. I learned how estimates are not alway right and how it is always important to verify your measurement because most of the time it is not right. For example my first measurement was 40 feet off from my verification. That is what I learned from this project.

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Quarter 3 Benchmark Anna Sugrue

How does this project relate to the real world?

       -The skills we learned in this project can be applied to a variety of different situations and professions. If I ever wanted to know the height of something, I can make quick approximate calculations with a mirror and a tape measure. If I wanted to go into a career in architecture, city planning, civil engineering, construction, interior design, etc, the knowledge of triangles is essential. Triangles are the basis of construction and design everywhere, from the pyramids to pie slices. Knowing how to measure triangles will give anyone an upper hand in the “real world”.

What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least exciting portion to this project and why?

       -The most exciting portion of this project was the in class time we got to go explore our block independently. Going out into the world and applying the knowledge we had learned on paper in a class environment to a large scale real life environment was exciting and invigorating. The least exciting portion of this project was the written portions of the final project. The final calculations did not come out cleanly and were frustrating to evaluate. The stick method was especially frustrating. I also had no idea how to structure my letter to the Neighborhood Association and was a little lost as to how to put together our final written report.

What did you learn from completing this project?

       -From completing this project, I learned about triangles and their application in real life situations. From measuring my building, I learned about the approximate heights of buildings around the city and how these buildings could be improved to increase the attractiveness of the area. I also learned 5+ handy new ways to measure to find an approximate height of any tall object (including the purchasing of a measuring app!). I also learned how to navigate the residential areas around SLA better than I did before. I found a new shortcut to get to the Franklin Institute, and a place where they apparently sell great hoagies.

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An Ode: No Longer Waiting for Superman

Ode: No Longer Waiting for Superman
When studying for numerous exams, 
you thought of your future.
The endless days and nights that you would stay up to make the world shine bright.
You gave it your all when it came to certification, 
smile wide and professionally worn,
gave you that honor. 
The Praxis shot you down many times, 
to make sure you were worthy to care and safeguard my future.
You were worthy.
You beat the odds and went out your way.
Paid for dry-erase markers and construction paper,
so your children could see a better day. 
The day when they could stand among others and hold their ground,
due to your arithmetic and phonics knowledge you provided their way. 
This is my thanks to you,
as the child that looks up to you everyday.
You inspire my choice of words,
influence the paths I choose. 
Thank you dear superman of mine,
for that is you. 


How does this project relate to the real world?

This project relates to the world because it has to do with shapes, measuring, and observations.

What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least exciting portion to this project and why?

I think that the most exciting part of the project was when the groups went outside to actually observe and measure the buildings.

What did you learn from completing this project?

I learned how to measure things from a different perspective and measure objects that I cant reach by using mirrors and other figures.

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I didn’t think I was going to be looking forward to any part of this project. After we got started using the methods to measure it kicked in, that the project wasn’t all “math”. Instead, it was trial and error, it was similar to life. I got to explain to people who questioned me about my measurements, and that was the most exciting part of this project for me. I got to prove to myself (and other people) over and over again that I learned how to use different methods to measure building heights. Also the actual act of using the methods was kind of exciting. I never used the mirror method before so going outside and finding the height our buildings was cool.
 From this project I learned to work with people who are just as controlling as I am. In that process I learned to be patient not only with others but myself. I can be very inpatient mainly when I comes to math because I want to get it done and over with. Mathematically, I learned more about proportions. I obviously learned how to use the mirror method quiet well since majority of our project was using it. Learning to use Google Maps was fun too. I never knew how to use street view or measure blocks using Google.  
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Symone's Q3 Geometry BM Reflection

This project relates to the real world because people do this everyday. For example, regular people like the owners of the home do things like meausre dimensions of their doors and windows to figure out ways to improve their home. Someone may want to replace wooden doors with fiber glass or vice versa and they'll need measurements in order to do that. Also, there are people who do that as a profession. There are people how have more efficient ways of measuring a building, but they probably do take estimations using methods we did for the benchmark. 
To me, the most exciting part of the project was doing the manual mirror method. I like figuring things out using ratio and proportions. It was also fun going outside and doing the actual measurements to figure out what the answers were rather than having measurements handed to us. I find it exciting to work on problems on my own and being able to figure if it makes sense or not even though it causes a little bit of aggrivation. It was also exciting working in my group because everybody was doing their parts of the project. 
What I learned from this project is how difficult t is to get exact measurements for buildings. My class only did an estimation, but it just goes to show how hard it would be manually measuring for exact measurements of buildings. Imagine measuring buildings even bigger than what we measured! What I also learned was how to be efficient with my time. In order to do this project, you'd have to have calculations already done in order to move on to the next task and be able to start figuring out how you'll explain your process.