Kim's Full Body

Like many of the other projects done in my senior art class, this was my first time ever drawling a full body. The process was actually kind of fun. Everyone in the class drew her body from a different angle.

Considering I haven't established my own unique style, I approach this drawling by putting down in a way I think depicts reality normally. Drawling big seemed to be something I am better at doing. Especially when working with charcoal, getting to work with a big space seemed to be better for a beginner in art. Even more, outlining Kim's body was pretty easy. Drawling her face and creating the visual of the material of her clothes however, was not that easy. Again I practice "pushing and pulling" in this process.

All in all, it was a great experience to have taken part in. Practicing with a real life model is definitely something I would consider doing again.
Kim Full Body
Kim Full Body

i dont have much to say now.

you would figure after doing good on a MATH test ,  getting to school early, catching up on all of your missing assignments  you would feel great about the day
but then i go to view my grades and they read

10- urban ecology
70- drama
who knows what - digvid
who knows what- 21st century economics

its official , i hate my life.


I can’t believe we have only two more months left until school is over. I can’t wait because I’ll finally be able to take a long break and won’t have to worry about waking up early in the morning and most of all we wont have to catch three things just to get to school every morning. I’m also excited for starting my new life in college.


What's Left

I have been wondering what is left to look for
I seem to be messing up in life
I'm not doing good in school
I seem to love to draw instead of listen to the teachers in school
I hardly eat breakfast
And just a bit for lunch
I don't know how to be respectful
And it seems to like I don't deserve any respect either
I keep messing up
And my grades aren't getting any better
So tell me everyone
What's left to life?

Time for a new computer

This morning, as I lazily ate my breakfast, my dad asked me what time I needed to leave in order to catch my bus.

"15 minuets before 9:50," I said. "So 9:35."

"9:50? I thought you said 9:15. I have a meeting at 10:00.  We're going to have to leave a lot sooner."

I headed upstairs, with a little more pep than I had before.  While I was brushing my teeth, I realized I hadn't printed out my ticket conformation.  With my toothbrush still in my mouth, I rushed downstairs and began loading Gmail on my dad's decade-old computer.  Once I pulled up the email, I asked my dad to print it; I haven't used Windows in four years.  He said he would, and I ran back up the stairs, doing my best to not make him late to his meeting. 

At 8:55, I returned, ready to get in the car.  There was only one problem: the computer had frozen and had to be restarted.  When it finally powered back up and printed the document at 9:10, I realized we were out of ink.  

"Let's just go, Dad.  It's fine. I don't really have anymore time to spend. "

He didn't reply and I sat in silence for another five minutes. When we pulled up to 30th St. Station, without a printed confirmation, I was able to show the attendant my handwritten number.  

Long story short: don't waste time fussing with an old computer; Megabus doesn't need printed confirmations anyway.    

SPANISH 1 25/03/11

¡Hola, muchachos!​

1) La prueba #4 será el lunes 28/03/11. Tienen que memorizar el vocabulario en Quizlet y los verbos de GOGO.

2) Answer the following questions and email to Remember to answer in the YO form since these questions are all in the tú form.
For B band, this email must be in my inbox by 9:20. For C band, this email must be in my inbox by 10:30.

  • ¿Qué prefieres - la clase de matemáticas o la clase de arte?
  • ¿Almuerzas con amigos o sol@?
  • ¿Entiendes todo en la clase de español?
  • ¿En qué clase duermes?
  • ¿Haces la tarea todos los días? (-GOGO)
  • ¿Qué traes a la clase de español? (-GOGO)
  • ¿Haces ejercicio después de las clases? (-GOGO)
  • ¿Vales de tu educación? (-GOGO)

TAREA: H, J, K in the conjugation packet

Before you leave the classroom, please pick up your trash and all your belongings and push your chairs in. ¡Gracias!

SPANISH 4 25/03/11 (D band only)

Vamos a empezar una nueva mini-unidad. Aquí está en Quizlet el vocabulario.

1) 10 minutos en "Learn."
2) 10 minutos en "Test."
3) 10 minutos en "Scatter."
4) Luego puedes intentar "SpaceRace."

Ahora se puede hacer "VoiceSpaceRace" y "VoiceScatter." Inténtalos a ver qué tal sales.

Tarea: 3 screenshots do 3 intentos en Scatter. ¡Tienen que ser MENOS de 1 minuto!

Siempre hay que "sign in" antes de empezar las prácticas en Quizlet.

I Don't Envy the Grading Aspect of Teaching

I'm a student teacher for freshman drama and I find it really rewarding. Being in the audience and watching magic happen on stage is just priceless to me. But when Mr. Kay actually asked me to grade there scenes it became slightly less fun. It was still fun and completely enjoyable but it's still hard to type in that 7 or 8 in the grade book for a kid you just adore. But you know deep down they didn't do their best or just completely half assed their scene. But I guess I have to put my personal feelings aside and think "It's just business" because I can't live with myself giving them the same grade as someone who worked hard for it vs. you who just went through the motions. It's a very fine line that seems hard not to cross sometimes. I'm very happy and willing to teach them what I know and help them grow; that's what I love about teaching. But the grading aspect I don't envy at all. 

Proyecto de Nathan 



I've figured out that I can actually accomplish the math benchmark. I don't have to run away to an undisclosed island in the ocean now o happy days........... I really do need to find my pills in all seriousness though.

Prom Disaster.

Prom is a stressful thing, the more you think about the things that you don't have in order, the more the stress piles on. I don't have a dress, many in mind, but none that I have actually went to go get fitted in. One dress its  a Chiffon Grecian Dress in Ice Pink. it looks really nice and I really have my mind set on that one.

Other than not having a prom dress, I don't have a date either. I swear at this point , I will take ANYBODY, who is tall, brown skin, and has a nice smile, oh and he has to have a nice award winning personality and all that. But that is hectic, I'm still waiting for Mr. MIles to update my math grade because my mom is waiting on that to start getting things together. Prom is May 20th, its damn near April now, I hate doing anything last minute.

 On top of not having a dress, or a date, i have no type of transportation. I really despise my mom for her "cheap" ways.  I hope she plan to spend well into the hundreds for my prom because I want to be nice. I wanna get picked up in a nice car and get seen off by family and friends and just have a wonderful night.  I be damned If I get dropped of in the dirty ass soccer mom van she keep joking with smh.

 All in all, I feel like getting prom together is going to be a disaster. i don't even have after prom plans. fml


For the past month I've just been drained of energy. I don't know why. It sucks. I'll be sitting in school feeling fine and then all of a sudden a powerful force of sleep overcomes me. I know it's not from my sleeping habits, since everyday I come home and go to bed at 7 or 8.  I've actually been getting the greatest sleep of my life but yet I get hit with drowsiness in the middle of the day. First, my body feels physically exhausted and all I want to do is sleep and sometimes I doze off in class; which I hate doing because it's so disrespectful, but I really can't stay awake. Now, if don't go to sleep and be disrespectful in class I become very irritable and I get annoyed at everything, so either way I'm a bitch by either sleeping in class or being irritable if I stay awake. I hate it. It's frustrating not to know why I get so tired like this too. I hope it stops.

Thursday Splendor

So today I'm feeling really good for some reason.
 This is a pleasant change from the depression I had sunk in all week. I'm smiling more and laughing and actually living life without stress, or just not thinking about the things that stress me out.  All week I have been debating on letting somebody go out of my life, who just cause me extra stress at times, or keep stringing them along, just to blatantly cut them off the day I go to college. Right now I think If i let go, It will blow up in my face before I get to college, but if I wait, it can be over and done with.
 I could always make up a lie as to why I was letting them lose, but I really don't feel like all the extra drama. Ho could you tell someone to leave you alone because they cause you too much stress and your tired of them? There is no nice way to say that.  but to a person who tells you the they can't live without you, I don't want any foul repercussions to leave anybody in a bad mood.

 Well anyway, I go a 94 on my math benchmark, Mr. Miles said, It was the best that he has graded so far. That made me smile  alot.  SO today is going good like I said before, I don't even mind that I have to file papers for Ms. Diane to make up for Saturday detention.


I am having some slight difficulty with this last portion of the English benchmark.  I tried to set up a new twitter account but I could not get the "create an account" page to load.  So then I went online and researched some twitter-like sites that I could possibly use in school.  I ended up finding this site called "GupShup" which is basically the same thing as Twitter, but it is based in India.  My only issue is going to be finding people to follow me on the website.

So if you could, please follow me on GupShup and join the group "forgetmeforget".

I am an anonymous user, by the way.

Click Here!

Frantic Evening

Well yesterday I realized during school that it was my fathers birthday. Afterschool before work I had to scramble to get him something nice for his birthday. Bought him some cheap little trinkets and then it was time for me to get to work. Work is the same as usual, boring and tedious as usual. Its a weird combination really... After work I have to do errands for my mom, picking up some lady all the way in New Jersey and then coming back home with her and a hour later dropping her off again back at her house. My whole evening was gone, it was around 11pm and I just had to wash up and get cozy in bed. Then I realized I had so much homework to do, however it was just not possible to do when you can barely keep your eyes open.


I went to starbucks, and I ordered my grande vanilla rooibos tea latte. Then I saw the cashier slowly tell the barista my order and he was using his hands a lot. The barista responded with a grunt and began to make my drink. While my drink was being made, I was brimming with excitement because I was going to thank the barista in sign language. I have never been more impatient for tea in my entire life. So, I did it, and when she saw it she got all excited too and said thank you back in sign language. It isn't anything big, you just touch your lips with the  tips of your fingers and gesture forward. But it made me feel good that I knew how to communicate with her.

Wednesday Night...

​Even though it was raining off & on today was a good day.

I wish I had that song by Ice Cube play in my background of life because it was a really good day. It started of shakey due to the fact of me running late and not being able to get coffee but, then Jeremy totally got me some.

I moved from a D to a C in STATS which is epic 10 more points till I'm a B. After school I hung out with Dyamond (best friend) did some bonding then a basketball with her mom. It was pretty hoob like grannies go in when there grandson is playing.

IMHOMTEP people go hard like the stadium was roaring I couldn't handle it shit gets real.