The weather in español!!!!!

  Do I need my umbrella?

  When on vacation in a spanish speaking country, you have to know how to understand how to ask and tell the weather

* you have to understand how to tell what the weather weather ( Hace ... OR   tiempo ....) the weather today is 

* you have to know how to ask what the weather is like ( ¿ Qué timepo hace hoy ..... ) 

* you have to know the little words inside other words to remember them easily ( húmedo=humid ) 
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Watch a video here:

Meses y Fechas - Months and Dates

This table shows the months of the year in english and spanish

June junio

-Some of the months in spanish sound like the months in english.

-Most students misspell 5 months a lot: agosto, septiembre, octubre, noviembre, diciembre.

With the dates in spanish, the month and the day are switched.   (Christmas = 25/12, Valentine’s Day = 14/2)

REAL LIFE SITUATION:  You are taking a vacation to Mexico and you make a new friend who hardly speaks any English. When he asks when your birthday is, you would say (day y month)

VIDEO: Click here to view a video about months and dates.

Days of the week in Epañol

The days of the week in espanol have rules just as well as the months. There is no capital letter in the front unless its the first word in the sentence. 
Remember when writing them, to always put the accents over the right letters. The whole thing can be wrong if you forget. 
Lastly, on the spanish calendar the week doesn't start on Sunday. It starts on Monday. 
-When speaking you might also hear the following words:
1. "el día" which means day.
2. "la semana" which means week.
3. "hoy" which means today.

Go to the following link in order to quiz yourself and also to hear the pronunciation of the words:

The chart below shows the relationship to the day of the week in english and in espanol. 
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Watch a video here:

Conversations and Greetings in Español!


When meeting a Spanish speaking exchange student for the first time, it would be best to speak to them in their own language. These are the phrases that you need to know in order to do it:

Common greetings (Hola, buenos días, tardes, noches)
Conversation questions (How are you?, What's your name?, How old are you?, Where are you from?, When's your birthday?)
Ways to say goodbye (Hasta mañana, Hasta luego, Adios)
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Intro to video:

In this video, we will show a real life application of Español by demonstrating how to conduct a basic conversation with an exchange student. We will use phrases and words such as Hola, Cómo te llamas, and Cúantos años tienes tú.

Watch a video here:

¿y tú? ¿y usted? Which do I use?

In Español, you may not speak to everyone the same way. Much in the way we use different words for our elders, in the Spanish language, different words are used to show respect to different people. The words and phrases below are key when speaking to people.

When speaking to those who you wish to show respect, you use usted (ud.)
When speaking to friends or someone younger, you use tú.

Here are some examples of using tú versus usted.

President Obama: ¿Cómo estás?
You: ¡Muy bien, gracias! ¿Y usted?


A new exchange student: ¿Cómo te llamas?
You: Mi nombre es _____. ¿Y tú?

Think of which phrase (tú or usted) you would use for each person.

1. Your teacher 2. Your classmate 3. Your friend's mom

4. An elder man on the train         5. The cashier  6. Mr. Lehmann                   
Intro to video:

In this video we will present a real life application of Español by demonstrating the different instances in which you use the phrases y tú and y usted.
Watch a video here:

¡Hola, guapa!: lunes to domingo

Some other spanish words that are helpful to know are the days of the week or los días de la semana.
If you want to aks someone what day it is, you would say "¿Qué día es hoy?". 
If you want to hear how to pronounce the days of the week, click here.

In spanish, the days of the week are NOT capitalized!

Below is a chart that shows the days of the week in english and in spanish.
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Introduction to Video:

Here's a video showing Mia asking Jackie when the project was due.

Mesas y fechas (Myrna, Malwina, and Clio)

Meses y fechas
This lesson will help you learn how to say the months in order in Spanish, and teach you how to spell and pronounce them correctly.

Lesson 5

Los meses del Año

Part 1



Hoy es el   ----#---- de (mes)It’s the ----#----- of (month)

The months must NOT be capitalized!!

Part 2

Intro to Video
In this video you will watch a girl who is doing her homework as another person what the date is in spanish and what day it is, in Español.

Click here for a video of this real life situation.

Días de la semana

Días de la semana (Days of the Week)

This lesson will help you learn the days of the week in Spanish along with teaching you how to ask what day is it.

Lesson 4

Part 1



¿Qué día es hoy?What day is today?
Hoy esToday is

The days of the week en español are not capitalized !

Part 2

Intro to Video
In this video you will learn how to ask what day it is and how to reply to that question.
In this video you will watch a girl who is doing her homework as another person what the date is in spanish and what day it is, in Español.

Click here for a video of this real life situation.

¿Qué tiempo hace?

This will help you learn how to say the weather in Spanish by:
- Teaching you how to describe the weather (ex. hot,cold,warm,rainy,windy, cloudy,etc.)
- Teaching you how to say how many degrees the weather is
- How to ask the weather

Intro to Video
In this video we will be telling you the weather forecast in Spanish. We will describe the weather in many ways such as:
Asking the weather (Qué tiempo hace?)
- Hace calor
- Hace viento
- Hace sol
- Hace frío
- Hace fresco
- Está nublado (Mayormente or Parcialmente)
- Está nevando
- Está lloviendo
We will also include how many degrees the weather is along with the different forecasts of the weather.

Click here for a video of this situation.

Courtesy Phrases

Frases de Cortesía (Courtesy Phrases)

Lesson 3
This lesson will help you learn how to be polite to others when speaking in Spanish.
It will help you learn how to thank someone, reply to someone, excuse yourself, and say please.

Part 1



¡Muchas gracias!
¡Muy amable gracias!
Thank you!
Thank you very much!
That’s kind of you, thank you!
De nada/ por nadaYou’re welcome
¡Disculpe!Excuse me! ( to get an atencion)
¡Perdon!Excuse me! (sorry)
¡Con Permiso!Excuse me!
Por favorPlease
No hay de qué.You’re welcome. (no problem)

Part 2
Excuse me phrases:

Intro to Video
In this video we will be teaching you how to use courtesy phrases. This video shows two strangers who bump into each other. The first person drops their wallet, and the second person calls out to the first person as they need to return it. The first person thanks the second person, who replies in saying your welcome. All of this will be said in Español.

Click here for a video of this situation. 

El Alfabeto

El Alfabeto

Lesson 1
This will help you learn the Spanish alphabet by:
- Helping you learn the pronunciation of each letter, both visually aurally.

Part 1

Part 2
I(ee) :)


W(doble veh)
Y(y/ee griega)

Intro to Video
In this video you will learn about a real life situation in which a family is going to move to Guatemala for a couple months, and they have to teach their young child the Spanish alphabet so they can go to school there and communicate with the other children.  

Click here for a video of this situation. 

Hola guapa!: El Tiempo (The Weather)

An important lesson to learn in spanish is the weather. ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?: What's the weather today? You need to know how to spell/pronounce the weather in order to fully understand it.

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​Introduction to Video

Our video will show a girl trying to decide whether or not to get her jacket so she asks her friend what the whether is like.


We are teaching the weather in español. What you need to know is......

- What is the temperature like? (¿Qué tiempo hace?)
- It's very cold (Hace frío)
- It's very hot (Hace calor)
- It's very sunny (Hace sol)
- It's very windy (Hace viento)
- It's mostly/partly cloudy (Está mayormente/parcialmente nebulous)
- It's humid (Está húmedo)
- It's raining (Está lloviendo)
- It's snowing (Está nevando)

Late For Class

We are teaching how to ask and tell time in español. What you need to know is...

- How to ask time (¿Qué hora es?, ¿Qué hora son, ¿Qué hora tiene?)
- How to tell time ( Es la: 1 , Son las...2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11)
- 12:00 A.M. (Es la medianoche)
- 12:00 P.M. (Es el mediodia)
- :15 (y cuarto)
- :30 (y media)
- :45 (menos cuarto)
- :55 (menos cinco)

Don't be late! How to ask the time in Spanish.

This table and video give a good introduction to telling time in spanish. We also made a funny skit for your to enjoy. Vámenos! Learn!

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This is a video on how to ask the time!!!!
Here is video of a girl running late to class, and how she asked for the time.

Courtesy Phrases!

-Don't know how to say your pleases and thank yous in spanish? Than this is the blog post for you!

 -What you need to know about courtesy phrases are the basic word phases, and I can teach you!

*Before You Start you need to know that Spanish has three different words for the phrase "excuse       me".

  Disculpe- said to get someones attention
  Perdon- said when you bump into someone  
  Con Permiso- said to excuse yourself from a rude gesture (pass gass, burp, etc.)
  Gracias- thank you
  Por Favor- please
  y usted- and you (formal)
  igualmente- likewise 

Also you should check out this awesome movie at It's about using the word disculpe to get someones attention.
if you need to sign in you can use the username an password below
Username: Ameer
This is a video about conversation using courtesy phrases to catch up with an old freind.

¡Es Mejor Ser Amable!

We are teaching the courtesy phrases like thanks, excuse me, and please. What you need to know is ......

- How to say sorry (¡Perdon¡)
- How to say excuse me (¡Con Permiso!)
- How to say attention (¡Disculpe!)
- How to say thank you (Gracis, ¡Muchas Gracis!, My amble gracis)
- How to say your welcome (De nada, Por nada, No hay de qué)

Tú vs. Ud.? Don't Disrespect!

When talking to a teacher, you are polite and respectful. When you are talking to a friend or peer you are more causal with your language. This lesson is all about how to use the correct formal language when speaking to someone with respect, and how to speak more casually to a friend.
Click here to study your vocabulary!

Here's a video showing you how to respectfully talk to a teacher.
Notice how the student is being very polite and using formal language.
The student and teacher are having a basic conversation.

Click here for the video!

Don't Be a Stranger! Learn basic conversation questions and responses!

Learn to start a conversation, and gain amigos! By learning these few phrases, you will be able to start AND continue a conversation in spanish! 

Click here to learn phrases and vocabulary!

Here is a video showing you how to put what you learned into action!

*A student just transferred to SLA, and you want to be able to make friends with her.
*Using the phrases you have just learned, you approach her and strike up a conversation

Click here to view the video.