madeline descriptive essay

Madeline walls


Crash! My head jerks towards the unexpected sound. It was my best friend fighting with her ex over the couch looks of shock plastered to their faces. I follow their stares to the floor they had knock over the table which held my moms favorite candle. Panic fell over me as the shock faded from the two sitting in front of me. They jumped up and started a heat argument this made my face twitch and my heart kick into over time.

“Look what you did you idiot” screamed the boy. “Me? You’re the who slammed me into the side.” She hissed back. This argument continued for a while but all I could think about was that I had let my friend come over because she had promised me she wouldn’t fight with him, who was always at my house being my brother’s best friend. I couldn’t believe they had the nerve to use enough violence to knock the table over. I just started screaming at them my face hot. “ Are you kidding me how dare you two come into my house and disrespect my home? I trusted you two to be more mature you guys promised I cant…” But just then my moms walk out and I started shacking in fear. Her face was sad she looked at me and hung her head; I thought she was mad at them but truly she was disappointed in me. “Maddie you should over react like this you can’t let a candle ruin your whole day. You can always buy a new candle but you can never buy a new friend.”

When forced to examine natural human reaction you can see that some reactions are uncalled for and just make the situation worse. Instead of taking a moment to judge the situation people react without thinking which creates an unfair judgment on what to do this creates a lot of unfair conflict which will could later result in the end of a relationship or eve n worse the end of a life. I believe it’s important to learn from my mistakes and see what heated arguments can cause for me they have never done more then upset me for no reason but for other they can do a lot worse.

When I was younger my parents used to fight a lot but it was always over the little things and never about anything important. At one point it looked like it was going to end the marriage lucky for me it didn’t because they realized they were spending too much time on the little things and were ignoring the big things. I sadly developed these quick outbursts of emotions, which can easily kill a relationship and this scares me. For many marriages people never learn this lesson, which is why I believe that most marriages that end didn’t work out. In less you take time to see the whole picture and parts where you might be at flat you will never fix the problem and it will just become worse.

For example of when I have over reacted here was a time in my life. The room was black but wasn’t quiet the sounds of the music playing from the open laptop blared. I walked in using my small blue cell phone to light my way. Little did I know it didn’t light up well enough to help me avoid tripping because before I knew it smack! I hit the floor. The person on the couch jumped up as my head span mixing all the different shadows together I felt sick from fear. Angry grunting sounds of anger started from the couch the noises blended together. “Ouch.” Was the only moan that left my lips before the yelling started. “What are u doing it’s 3 in the morning?” the pounding of the voices footsteps heading towards the light switch echoed in my head. When the switch was flicked the light that flooded from the ceiling made the spinning worse colors joined the dancing shadows until the show became only color. I grew nauseous but that angry face staring back at me forced me to keep quiet. At the time I didn’t know this face well he had only come over a few times and was my older brothers friend so we never said more then hello to each other. The face was young way younger then the massive body that it was attached to he had to be over 6ft which made me more nerves but that face was so young and those eyes they held something the more I looked the less they looked like anger and the more they looked like something else. Looking up at the face I realized that fear was on face not anger it was compassion and sympathy that stared back at me. He walked over to me on his baby face grew a smile his hand reached out to mine less fear and spinning I took it and was lifted towards the air. “Are you okay what hurts you want me to get your mom.” he said. “ No I’m okay I just banged my head don’t get my mom I’ll be fine I’m just going to go back to sleep I think I can go back to sleep again.” I said no fear now. “How about you stay up for an hour that’s what my mom makes me do I don’t think you should sleep yet we can watch TV and get to know each other.”  He said with concern but kindness the kind of voice that can draw you in. So we did and laugh had great time and that was the beginning of a great friendship.

That night instead of waiting and to see or thinking of what would happen I immediately judged the situation and assumed the worse this cause unneeded stress and caused me to feel physically ill. Really I wasn’t hate he had felt towards me it was concern but I had prejudged who he was before even getting to know him. When I was trying to walk into the living room I saw him right away as a dangerous person he was my enemy. Thinking about it now my theory of who he was didn’t make sense why would a guest at your house be mad at you for getting hurt. 

When I was reflecting on this sense it showed that it could have also worked in the opposite way I could walk past a friendly looking lady who needs help with her bags. I could bring them into her house and she could kill me, it shows how easy it is to miss judge because you would never assume that the women would hurt you. It is important to think before your actions. Knowing that your first reaction may not always be right may also go to far. Constantly watching from the sideline and waiting to see can cause you to miss out on a lot in life. It is important to have healthy balance of caution and instinct when judging a moment. If doctors’ miss judge people die police officers miss judge they could die or innocent people could get lock behind bars for something they didn’t do while the guilty go free. You must think carefully about the decisions that you make. You never know what results they could have.

Chelsea's Language Autobiography

Living is something everyone does, and everyone lives on the same place, Earth, but why is it that we all live so different lives? What could be the independent variable in which we have complete control over, in this experiment of life? Language, the way people talk is key here, everyone starts the same on the same path, but from a early age, to early to really know what you are doing the way of speech puts you in a place. This place defines you and is the reason for where you stand in life, how life plays out and most importantly who is in your life to help mold it into what it becomes in the future. 

“Why you in my pocket, yo?”  My sister said with a raised tone in her voice. 

“What? Amber, what? What is that even suppose to mean?” my mom said getting kind of mad at this point in the conversation.  “Amber, your sister was just asking you a question, do not get all hyper and what is ‘why you in my pocket’ even suppose to mean? That doesn’t even sound nice.” Her voice was starting to sound concerned about the language my old sister was starting to use.  

This conversation with my sister followed a discussion of where her paycheck went. My sister, Amber had been complaining about how she was broke and had no money to go out nor to fill her pocket, even though the day before this she had gotten a thick pay check. To me this didn’t make sense and from hearing her complain multiple times it made me eager to confront her. When this simple question was asked by me her response was ‘Why you in my pocket’ which isn’t correct grammar or anything close to what my home family speaks like. This type of language reflects the friends that she surrounds herself with when she is out. This quote from her, plus her tone did not sound pleasant nor did it make me want to continue the conversation. It concerned us more and made both, my mother and I shake our heads with disappointment. Differences in language make people uncomfortable when it comes to conversations, mainly because they cannot understand the differences and the questioning factor of, is what I am saying going to be accepted by this person. Everyone no matter if they have a really strong and noticeable background everyone has different ways of talking with different people. When it comes to many different ways of speaking, that causes another challenge to arise. When to use certain languages and how to make sure it doesn’t slip in front of the wrong person. Which is what happened in this case. This phrases said by my sister probably would have been okay to say to her friends and she would of “won” the argument that she was in.  

“Today was the worst day ever, it sucked mom.” I said, as I walked in my front door and dropped my school bag to the ground. I tore my shoes off my feet and through them against the upstairs steps. Then took a deep breath and stared in the eyes of my mother with no energy. 

“Chelsea Ann, what kind of language is that?” my mom said ignoring the fact that I was in a not so good mood. 

“Mom, you don’t understand my day literary sucked, it was the worst” I said reassuring her that the language I had used was for a reason and was being used to describe the degree of how bad of a day it was. 

“I don’t care, I don’t want to hear that, it just isn’t a very nice word, you can use other words to describe your day. I don’t like that word, it just sounds fail.”

This is a normal conversation that happens with my mom. The content normally varies but the same things happen, I always get told about my use of words and how they do not sound nice. My mom works in a school and deals with little kids all day from the grades of K-3. So you can imagine her language being very PG rated. She is also quit proper when it comes to talking because she is use to kids picking up everything she says, so she is almost always formal. Another thing that really bothers me mother is the phrase “my bad.” It has just become one of her pet peeves, but I often use it because I have caught on to it from school and friends. 

“Oh, no not yet, my bad. I’ll do it when I’m done writing my English paper.” I said as I said on my computer at the dining room table, listening to music and checking my Facebook. 

“Chelsea, what is this my bad? You know I hate it, it sounds so ghetto.” She said in a tone that allowed me to know that she was appalled by my language.  

This situation above was not a serious issue with my mother so I said “my bad” like I normally would to anyone my age. Saying ‘I’m sorry’ is a lot more formal and I would use it after I did something wrong so naturally ‘my bad’ came out but to my mother’s ears it sounded ‘ghetto’ and trashy to say. 

In one of the short stories we read in class in-titled Tongue Tied, The mother of the main character had cut her daughter’s frenum, which is the thin piece of skin under a tongue connecting it to the jaw. The daughter is the only one with this piece cut and she wonders about it a lot, when she brought it up to her mother, her mother’s response to doing it was, “I cut it so that you would not be tongue-tied. Your tongue would be able to move in any language. You’ll be able to speak languages that are completely different from one another. You’ll be able to pronounce anything. Your frenum looked too tight to do those things, so I cut it.” (Kingston, p.164) In the long run the daughter had a lot of problems with her speech and had a speech impediment, but the reason her mom did it was because in her mind she thought it would help her daughter. She did not want anything to hold her daughter back, which leads me to believe my mom has similar goals to the main character mom. 

My mother did not cut my tongue or do anything so drastic to come close to that mother, but my mother does want the best for me. My mother does want my life to be amazing and she does want all three of her children to shine. So when she gets upset over our language I guess it makes sense. The little habits we pick up while with our friends, over time it turns into bad habits that could break us when it comes to job/college interviews. I know my mother does not want that, she is always pushing us forward to type proper when on Myspace or Facebook and to talk proper and normal. When it has come to job interviews she has me run things and stresses the importance to me, I know she wants the best and means well. Sometimes she comes off strong and from difference sense in my life I can see her anger and degree of her being upset, but I shouldn’t take it to personal because she is only trying to better me and push me to be the best. I can see that now and what really made this clear to me was the movie we learned in class about the different ways of speaking throughout the country. The movie has really made it clear that different dialects are looked down upon and looked at as being stupid. Listening to the people talk and hearing what parents of people in the film told them, about because of their accent they always need to be one step ahead and they are stuck proving that they are just as capable. I know my mother does not want me to fall under this category and I guess now I will not argue with her about my speech, I will just aim to do better because I know it’s my future that’s in the hands of my teenage speech. 

Descriptive Essay

Loren Jenkins
English- Mr.Block
Scene 2

My dad is the chief in the house he is the one that usually cooks dinner. I always like to help my dad cook, but I never want to clean up after the mess that comes with cooking. My dad pet’s peeve is me helping cooking, but never wanting to cook. There is little time when I see him cooking and I may come in the kitchen to ask, “ Dad need some help? Can I help cook or anything?.” He replies : “ Are you going to help clean up the mess, and wash every single dish we have?” I looked at like he was crazy and said “NO! Well in les you help me clean them up too!”. “ Why do I have to clean up too?”, he asked me. “Because your cooking too so it’s only right to hello clean up to, right?”, I said. So finally he gave in and I help cook by cutting the vegetables up, and seasoning the shrimp. It smelled so good to the point where I need to cook them so that I can enjoy the smell of the fresh grilled shrimp and the steamed veggies. I was so happy that he finally let me cook. The funny thing is, I didn’t even have to clean none of the mess or clean the dishes. As the three of us enjoy full dish of seafood and veggies, and nice cool glass of a drink. It was relaxing, that became full and went to sleep right after eating. My dad cleaned the mess and the dishes up . But as soon as I woke uphe asked me, “Why didn’t you clean the dishes and clean up the mess”. I said ”Cuss I didn’t have to”.

Tenzin's Language Autobiography

Tenzin Ngawang

Iron Stream

Talking about myself is really not my thing but I’ll have to write something as my autobiography for my english project which is specifically for my language so here it goes.

Language from my perspective is a way of communicating in one specific community and that can be learned by foreigner. I have always been interested in learning different languages. I pick up languages quicker than everyone because it fascinates me the most. My favorite way to learn languages are to watch TV shows or look at how people speak it.

In my earlier years, I lived in a rural place in northern India with small amount of people. I went to tibetan school and took hindi classes. My family spoke tibetan at all times, my god grandpa would speak heavy tibetan with big tibetan words but I was little so I only knew couple of big words. When I visited my parents in south India during winter vacation, I’d blurt out big tibetan words and my mom would be in awe. I didn’t know a lot of different languages existed.

I remember this one time when I said “thamp tu” meaning like the stamp with blue ink. It was a really hot day like always and it had been a week since my arrival in south india. I was around 5 years old and my mom just got home from her shop. My grandma was working on some paperwork and I picked up a stamp that had our address on it.

“Mommy, how do you have our address on this thamp tu (stamp)” I asked curiously.

“awww my baby said “thamp tu”! I’ve to call your dad. He’s going to be so proud of you!” my mom replied in awe. I was pretty surprised to see her so proud of me. I overheard my mom talking to my grandma saying something about being happy that I got into the tibetan school in Dharamsala. Also that she sees the improvement in me already and that it’ll be good for my future etc. I wanted to learn more and more new words in tibetan when I went back to my school in the spring. All my teachers were pretty surprised at how well I was doing in every classes. Then during my 6th grade, I had to take hindi classes. I had the most strict teacher in my whole entire life. She’d hit us with broom if we failed our quizzes. In India, teachers were allowed to hit their students. The whole hitting part made me want to pass all the quizzes and it actually helped me a lot in learning hindi even though I speak it already. I learned hindi just by living in India of how people talk, for example, in a store, you’d want to ask can I get this? or how much it is? etc. Basically wherever you live, you’ll catch up with the language pretty quickly.

One day, I got home and my god grandpa told me that my dad fled to United States and I wondered how would he manage to speak english when he only had a 5th grade level of knowledge. He is a smart man but, he knew only few words in english back then. I later learned that he went to my uncle’s first and my uncle was like the eye to his body. He taught everything he needed to know.

I started learning the full english in 7th grade. Meaning I already learned alphabets and everything in 3rd or 4th grade but we were finally starting to learn meanings to passages and or paragraphs of english essays. During my 7th grade, I flew here, in US. I had to 4 months till I can join school because we arrived in may. In June, american students were suppose to have summer vacation and there was no point in going to school for a month. My siblings and I started watching TV shows to catch up with the language because my siblings were even worse with English because they hadn’t started learning english yet in India. Then during september when school started, I could easily understand what people were saying when they asked questions. I didn’t have a rough first day in middle school like every book I read said. I even made couple friends.

Language Autobiography

Nathan Giello

Did you ever notice that the way you speak changes with you current environment, I mean it happens all the time.  Like when I home with my mom or something I will enunciate my words more, and censor what say, but when I'm with my friends I’m a totally different person, I curse, use slang, and just have a different tone in my voice. Which leave me wondering which one am truly I? The version at home, or the version with my friends?

I was with friends the other day on south street, we went to Jims Steaks, and did some shopping We were walking down the street to sneaker store, and I saw a pair of sneakers in the window, and I turned to my friends and said “yo look at dees, they mad fresh.”, so later that night when I went online to show my mom the shoes I said “Look at these, I think they are really cool.” But then I laughed, I caught my self, I saw then my change in vernacular. It was amazing to see that I could do that, and not even recognize it. It’s kind of like art, the way you don’t really realize that you’re a good artist until some one says they like your doodle in your notebook.

So then after I realized this, I started to think back to previous conversations that I could remember to see if I was code switching, and it astonished me to find that I’ve been doing this since fourth grade, which is when I started to really begin to develop my vernacular, and I really started to create my self.  The thought of a 10 year old me sitting in the lunchroom, using new words to create my self without even knowing it.

I remember sitting in the lunch room at W.M.Meredith elementary school, which smelled like burnt cheese and Windex, talking to a large headed kid, and being looked at like I was insane, and going home and trying to figure out why he was looking at me like that, was it my cloths, my hair, or I smell funny? It was eating away at me, so the next day I asked him “ Why do you look at me like I’m insane when I talk to you?” he replied with a smirk “ Why you speak lyka white boy?”. That was it I sounded white, not that there is anything wrong with the way white people speak, but non-the less it was weird.  The next day I came into school speaking totally different.

I walked in the next day and started a conversation with the same kid:

“Yo Reef, whats up bro?”

“Sup new boy?”

“nuffin chillin, what bout u?”


“what the hell you laughin at?”

“You young boy, why you talkin like dat?”

“This how I normally talk, I just talked like a white person because….”


“I wanted to see if I could do it”

“Oh ight”

After that I got invited to do things with the kids at school, I had new friends, and eventually was one of the guys. That conversation had changed everything, I never again spoke the same way in the two parts of my life, there was a home langue, and a school langue. I still slipped up every once in a while, but never for long, actually most of the time I would be able to play it off. And the best part was that, this was just the beginning as I got older everything got smoother.

When I was in eighth grade I felt I would begin to reinvent myself for high school, I changed everything, the way I dressed, the way I acted, the way thought, and the way my speech got more intercut, I figured a way to use less brain power when switching langue, by slowly merging them into one. Yes they still had their differences, but the base of speech was the same. Conversations were so different, like the time I was on the way to a party with my friend, my mom gave us a ride:

“yo so did we have to wear dress cloths?”

“Naw I don’t think so dude”

“ Well the invitation didn’t say that you had to, so I would think not.”

“Oh ok, its cool.”

The conversations were just different, I wouldn’t have used “yo”, or “cool” with my mom in the car before, I but if I was just with friends I wouldn’t have used words like,  “have”, or “wear”, I wouldn’t have even said anything like that in the past. But that’s not the end of my evolving.

In late ninth to now, everything has just been different, I decided that the integrated langue wasn’t the best, so I went back to using two separate langue’s, but now I was able to switch them without thinking about it, I could be talking on the phone with a friend walking to my house, hang up when I open the door, and have a totally different persona. Like the other day I was talking to my friend Chris walking home, and stepping into the house still on the phone, and just automatically just changed the word:

“Yeah brov, she kept dickeatin so Ah hadda cut her loose”

“Yeah Ah gotchu, she always all up on you”

“Right? But what bout your shawty perediciment?”

“Ah don’t even f***in know brov, sometimes she all good then other time she jus make me wanna scream!”

“Ah I gotchu, but what bout da other gurl? Was goin on wit dat?”

“She really tryin to talk and she bad as shit, but I don’t even know what tuhdo”

“Ight Ah gotchu, (walking into the door) but like, what do you think your going to do?”

“You home?

“Yeah how did you know?”

“ Jus text brov, ard?”

“Yeah alright”

But that’s what I mean everything changes.  Through out the course of life your langue changes.  I am no longer wondering which version am truly I? The home version? Or the friends’ version? And I realize that they are both me, they are both sides of who I am, and who I always will be.

Language Auto :)

Loren Jenkins

English- Mr.Block


Essay: Language Autobiographic

I’m use to being called the little sweet girl since I was in elementary school.  I always was the one that was know for doing the right thing and paying attention is class when the rest wanted to act like fools.  But what they really didn’t know was that I was code switching. I’ve been code switching since I was little. I was quiet and paying attention in class at school, but when home I was just a regular talkative rugrat. For example when I’m home running around getting into a mess. While in school I know if I act up I will get in trouble at school and at home.  I’m generally nice to those that I meet, and tend to stay that way until you disrespect me.

I would never speak to my parents the way that I speak to my friends. When talking to my parents I speak politely and on a very comfortable level. I speak the way they can understand and not the use of a lot of slang because they wouldn’t understand most of it. As if I was with my friends just relaxing, or going out I would be more loud and wild talking. Using slang and silly phrases that I just made in my head. I would be on a comfort level where we both are understanding each other when we’re talking it doesn’t matter if it’s slang, regular, or something that one of us created.

There are types of friends that I do act different around. For example, my best friends I can kiss them on the cheek and sit on there lap. When in the process of all that we laugh and play around acting silly. They won’t judge me because they understand that this is who I am. Kissing them a little on the cheek when used in a form of greeting they don’t think that I’m hitting on them. For my casual friends people I see around and speak to a little I just don’t start saying things that I would to my best friends because they might feel insulted or uncomfortable. I can relate to this because I wouldn’t want someone that I don’t know coming up to me asking me about my personal life or kissing me on the cheek.  If someone actual did something like that I think that I would snap.

I remember when I was code switching in school because there was two types of friends I had. The one pair of friends I had was the one’s who was popular and knew everyone in the school. The second group of kids where the ones who really didn’t care if they stood out or not. I’m not the kind of person to judge on how many friends you have ,and if your one of the open stand out guys. When I was talking with my best friend who was kind of the unpopular group, one of my popular friends had the nerve to walk up to me and pull me away.  I turned around and ask “What was that for?”. Her reply was “ Because there is no need to talk to people who are not in your click especially people that aren’t popular as us”. I was so angry that I actually cursed this person out due to such rudeness and being immature. When I was with the popular kids I would be more controlling, being bossy, and acting tough. When I was with the kids who wasn’t know, as much I would act just like them. It wasn’t to fit in, but to show that I can multiple friends not judge on who they are.

I believe that everyone code switches even when we don’t do it ourselves. Code switching can be a really from the talking to your teacher to talking to someone on the street. It could go from talking to your cousin to you aunt. It’s form of natural talking that we do everyday. Some of us can control how we speak to different people, and keep in track how and when to code switch. Also, for those who do that they can try just being normal and watch how fast this can come naturally to you without speaking code switch. I somewhat think that maybe we naturally do this to help us stray away things that can harm us from things. Sometimes I think that or bodies can control our chemistry on who we won’t and don’t won’t to connect with each other.

For a long time I used to be the one who liked to observe before I decided who I wanted to be friends with. I learned from a lot of people that you have to watch out for those who you call your friend because they come and go. I learned that people will trade on you and would try to tale control over you. I was the type of person who loves to have fun and meet new people. But just because I know you and see you time-to-time doesn’t mean that we are friends. I mean I will still respect you and recognize you if you are doing the same for me.

I think that the point that I’m trying to make is that I code switch because that’s something that I do everyday. I do it because it comes to me naturally. I trained myself to be more careful on whom I choose to be my friends and who will not be my friends. You may see me as a person who is quite lonesome and afraid in the world. To me that’s crazy and so not true. I’m open, always smiling, and always being polite to everyone. I laugh and enjoy life just like everyone else. People ask me “How come you don’t never talk”. Then they’ll laugh like it’s a joke to them.  I’m the kind of person a nature human being that believes that I’m me. I make myself and no one makes me!

langue auto biography

Madeline walls



Society is in a constant struggle to fit in, but in our current society it is ever possible to truly belong to anything?  Once you feel like you are accepted someone makes you feel like acceptance is so far away. Whether on propose or not people have a way of treating people different or talking down to them if they sound or act differently. The struggle for acceptance deeply hurts many people. You can be told you’re dumb because you have a southern accent or that you are rude if you have a New York accent. The fact is so many cruel things can be said even by the ones you love not always to be vicious but simply because they have been thought to think this way.

Sometimes living in one place your whole life makes you blind to how it feels to sound different. I know I never realized how hard it was to be the one that sounded different. I didn’t realize how easy it was to get so lost in the words of what is supposed to be your own langue. This was all until I had to spend a few weeks in West Virginia.

 I looked like I could have lived there except for the way I tried to tip toe around the mud. My uncle knew me as the classic nervous city kid, which made him laugh and want me on the farm even more. He loved laughing at the way I would stay as far away from the animals I was feeding as possible. My face would true a bright pink whenever they move to close to me. Lets just say I wasn’t very good at farm life but to me it was all worth it if they would bring me into town so I could be around people in the afternoon. I had come use to seeing many people after living in a very busy community my whole life. So the slow loneliness of that farm with only cousins and animals to talk were not cutting it. 

Finally after two days of waiting they decided to take us all into town. I was so excited to go and see the friends that I had known since two years ago the last time I had come here. They had been emailing me every week since we meant and I couldn’t wait to see them. As we pulled up at the restaurant that I would meet them at I grew very excited. I could see Jessica with her long brown hair tied into a bun standing next Carrie whose short brown hair was bobbing back and fourth as she talked right outside the door. I got out of the car the and ran up to greet them we were all so excited we couldn’t talk for the first 5 minutes then Jess started asking me a million questions all at once her voice seemed to drag on for ever and had that weird kick to it that I had been hearing form my cousins for days. I started talking my words were fast they seemed to dance off my tongue after I finished I looked around to hear an answer and all I saw all I heard was laughing.

“Why do you sound like that”? Carrie giggled 

“Like what.” I stuttered sounding nervous.

“Like a you’re in a race it sounds so funny.” She said as she continued laughing. 

I was now really upset now for the rest of the day I had to listen to joke after about the way I sounded. The next day my aunt offered to take me down to see them again I refused to go I didn’t want to talk I spent the next week trying to talk just like my aunt just like my cousins they would never laugh at me ever again.

I realized now that changing to fit in was more work then it was worth I was only able to hold on to a week where I felt belonged before I had to come back to Philly and try to sound like I belonged there. I felt so rejected by both sides like I would never feel like I was normal again. 

This is a big problem for so many especially for many adults who can’t change how they sound as easily as young people. The inability to fit into this perfect mold that people feel they need to belong to feels like rejection. When people feel rejected they find it easier to reject others. I think this is because they find things to be black and white after that. That is why I think its so easy for it to continue on in a long cycle of sadness and rejection.

 People start to try and change like the way the woman in American Tongues hired a speech coach to get rid of her Boston accent. This almost made me sad because she felt so rejected and mocked by her accent that she couldn’t just leave her natural accent alone. I think the current issue of unhappiness with accents can never change because not only are other people judging the person themselves can’t stop judging how they sound. I feel that this is said and think we should all just accept who we are.

Descriptive Essay

My dad had just gotten home and I was eager to kick the soccer ball outside with him.  It was my first year playing soccer on a team, and I refused to be the worst one there.  I was playing on a Fairmount team for kids ages 8-10.  I had only ever just kicked the soccer ball around, and was not very good.  I was in dire need of practice.  My neighbor was on my team, and her mom was the coach.  I could have practiced with her, if I asked.  They knew how to play soccer well, and could easily help me.  But nothing is better than getting to spend some quality time with your dearest dad by kicking the soccer ball around. 

We would stand three yards apart in the middle of the small street, and kick the ball back and forth to each other.   He would help me when I needed it, and teach me new tricks when we were getting bored. We would kick the soccer ball for half an hour and talk.  We would talk about what it was going to be like to play on a team, what position I may want to play, and what it was like when he was on a team as a boy.  It would be the perfect opportunity for us to bond.

My dad was always at his office working.  My mom was the one who picked me up from school, took me to violin lessons, and tried to keep me occupied when I was bored.  She was really good at tennis, but dreadful at soccer.  My sister was usually at home doing homework and talking with friends.  She was always “too busy” to play soccer with me, which was not much of a loss, since she was worse than my mom.   My dad was the only person in my family who knew how to play soccer.  But he was also only at home in the early morning, and three hours before my bedtime.

When my dad would plop his bag down by the brown wooden chair by our stairs, he would say hello to my mom, and go down stairs for a beer.  After a long day of work, a bottle of beer was his usual reward. Then he would come back up stairs and tell me the name of the beer, some of which had funny names. He would then head downstairs and plop onto the cream sofa in our living room.

            One day, when he came home after a long day of work, I had barely given him enough time to find the television remote to watch the news before I interrupted his relaxation.  “Dad can we kick the soccer ball around outside?” I asked eagerly, he looked up down at me, for I was still really short, and said “No.”  He explained to me that he had just gotten back from work, and needed some time to relax, and that we would practice after dinner. 

This was our daily routine.  I would ask, he would say “no,” and we would play after dinner. I would protest when he refused to play soccer with me. I would tell him that it would get too dark after dinner, and that all he was doing was kicking the soccer ball, so it wouldn’t take up much energy.  I would beg and whine, hoping he would give in.  I would tug on his arm, trying to press him up.  Then I would get so tired of whining that I would just give up, and sit at our table waiting for dinner.

I understood why he wanted to rest.  After my short day of school, I was exhausted and in no mood to do my homework that I would needed to be completed by the next day. While I had my short seven-hour school day, my dad was working from eight in the morning to six in the evening.  And his work was much more tiring and required more patience than math-baseball and dodge ball.  But I was his daughter, and I wanted to play soccer with my dad. His duty was to play with me and I expected him to reserve some time in his day to do so. But did have three hours to myself after school, while my dad had just gotten home from work, and I was already begging for him to give up more of his time.

When dinnertime ended, I would slip on my shoes, run to the cubby were my soccer ball was sitting, and run out the door, calling for my dad to hurry up.  My dad and I would start out kicking the soccer ball back and forth.  Then he would say we could only use our right feet.  Then he would switch it to the left.  We would switch to our toes, heels or knees.  My dad always came up with new challenges for me.  He said it was to keep me interested in the sport. 

Streetlights would turn on; he would say ten more passes each.  I would try and raise it from 10 to 50.  And as we were kicking the soccer ball back and forth, we would debate the number of passes we got each.  After I passed the soccer ball to him, he would scoop it up, and say, “that’s twenty,”- ten more than we agreed.

My dad works 10 hours a day, and has four hours at home.  Those four hours are his time to relax and whined down from his busy day.  All I wanted was a little bit of his time to play soccer, when I wanted to.  But despite his long and busy day, he did always leave some time for us to play soccer.  And although I did not think to care when I was in third grade, that time after dinner was something to value.

descriptive essay's Daniel Wirt

So when I was in wildwood a few years ago I bought this spray paint painting and this is what is looks like. I will start off by telling you the major parts in this. There is a circle that is about the diameter of the board. Inside the circle there is the USA flag that appears to be the sky. Also in the circle it the twin towers that show the reflection of the American flag on the two towers. The reflection isn’t precise it is more like a watery reflection where it is kind of distorted. Below there are several other building. There appears to be a straight line of buildings TOWARDS the bottom where underneath there is a body of water. The water fills the bottom portion of the circle and at the bottom of the circle the water becomes a waterfall and flows off the bottom of the circle. The water shows a nice white foam effect when flowing over the circle, which adds some realistic effect to it. Right under the row of buildings there is a foggy mist. Behind the twin towers you will notice a few smaller buildings that show distance effect because they and they are to the left. They also show the reflection of the flag in the background. Around the circle you will notice that there are white spots everywhere outside. The artist I believe was trying to make it appear as though the circle was in fact a planet. There is a dim red outer circle the surrounds the bigger circle/ planet to show the atmospheric effect. 

(My scenes, free write, and hot words got deleted, if you would like me to work on them again I can) 

It was the beginning of a hard day. It would be full of work, work, and more work. It started off with me waking up. I woke up with a bit of a headache and not wanting to do anything. My hair looked as if I had just got done a pillow fight. It was everywhere.  I walked into the well-lit room. The sun filling me with warmth and I thought maybe this wont be such a bad day after all. It was nearing the time I needed to leave for work. Hair fixed and ready for work I brought my bike outside and rode off. 

The breeze was wonderful; filling my lungs with fresh air was much needed. I arrived to the job that I had both hated and enjoyed at the same time. Angelo my boss greeted me just as he does everyday. The smell was the same. A smell that was full of pizza goodness. My boss is a very generous man and allows me to eat a slice before I get to work. So I take a slice and sit down. I taste the delicious pizza as it enters my mouth. It fills my taste buds with joy. When I got done drooling over the delicious pizza I grabbed the some pizza menus and walked to my destination. 

My job requires me to deliver menus to doors, so that hopefully the pizza shop will get more business. It is a very tedious job. Requiring me to go up and down  must go through. With 8$ an hour I get more money then most people in Philadelphia. Kind of pathetic if you ask me, but ill take it

Money in pocket, pizza box in my one hand, it was a pretty good day at work. I didn’t have any problems. The smell of the pizza was permeating up through my nose. The hills were brutal. Making my legs burn with intensity as I pedaled up the large slopes. Almost home, just 3 more blocks and then I can dig into this awesome pizza. My hair was being a pain so I flipped it out of my face. BAM! Was all I heard and a car was all I saw. I stumbled, hand in pain, leg scratched up. I had lost my balance when I flipped my hair and ran straight into a car. Pain was intense, shooting up my arm. I couldn’t move anything. Hurting, throbbing, pain like I never felt before. “Is it broken?” I asked myself. My bike was twisted and mangled just as my arm was. I fought through the pain to pick up my bike and move it out of the street. The pizza box was demolished but the pizza was still in tact. The pizza was good but my arm wasn’t.

 I called my mom told her I had crashed. Away she went to the spot of my tragic crash. My arm was still in excruciating pain. The cuts and scraps that lay all over my leg have no effect on me because the pain in my arm was so intense. My mom put my bike in the back and we drove those 3 blocks back to my house. I rested my arm on my other arm. 

No smell, no sound, nothing but pain. I walked into my house. Suddenly I thought that 16 dollars wasn’t worth this. I never broke a bone so I couldn’t tell if it was actually broken or not. I have a ton of homework to do and with this pain I’m not going to get anything done. A two page paper due in 2 days, a 10 page packet due in 2 days, and even more. I’m in pain and now I’m panicking about all the work that I now have to do with only one arm at my disposal. 

I started with math. I was hungry but there is no time for food right now. My stomach is growling; mad at me because I am denying it food. The frustration overwhelmed me and I was not very successful with the math. I didn’t even finish half of the packet. Now, more pressure lays on me. Demanding that I do more work with so much pain. It wasn’t going to be a fun next day. I went to sleep with a brace on my wrist so that my wrist wouldn’t move in my sleep

I woke to a mother that demanded my presence, however she wasn’t going to get it because my arm was in so much pain. It was un bearable. I couldn’t move at all, not a single part of my body without wanted to scream in pain. Such a pain should not be forced against someone, not anyone. Still I knew I had a ton of homework that I had to do

I got up and wobbled to the kitchen. I got out the cereal and a bowl to pour it in. I poured the cereal half way just as I usually do. Walked over to the refrigerator and got milk and continued to pour milk in there until the cereal rose. Just the way I like it. I grabbed a spoon and began eating the wonderful cinnamon toast crunch as I walked to the table. I wasn’t very successful with just one arm but I got one spoonful before I reached the table. I set the bowl down and enjoyed each and every bite. 

The birds were chirping and the sky was blue. It was set out to be a beautiful day; that I of course could not enjoy. I was forced to suffer indoors and do homework.  The hours past and eventually I come to present. I sit here in pain TV in background. Still have a lot of math to do. Obviously not done this essay. 

Every time I even try to use my thumb for any reason a sharp pain travels up my arm. Making it impossible to type with that hand. Now I’m in a predicament, one hand to type, one hand to do everything, and still a lot of homework. Its now 8:26 and I still haven’t eaten dinner and I am not even half done my math. 

What a way to end my weekend. My eyes are heavy, my arm still hurts and I have school tomorrow. I am supposed to be getting x-rays tomorrow to make sure that it isn’t broken. Hopefully its not broken but I never broke a bone before. If its not broken I would hate to know what it feels like if it was broken. I probably wouldn’t be able to move my fingers at all. The smell of chicken is starting to fill my house. I sense that dinnertime is coming shortly. I’m starving, my stomach is growling and I think it is about time to eat some food. A good day at work gone wrong. A new experience in which I will learn from. Next time I wont flip my hair. 

Yasmeen's Language Auto

Yasmeen Brownlee's Language Autobiography

 Autobiography of my life

Well in my family I don’t have any other languages that I speak at home. I may hear an Islamic greeting from some of my relatives though I did really understand until now what it had meant. Because of my limited array of languages that I have spoken in my life, I will settled on moments of uncertainty of a language such as Spanish from a Spanish speaking country. Including some of my experiences in Italy and France. I grew up in life learning to speak English I didn’t really acquire much of a noticeable language change until the 2-4 grade I don’t quite remember what grade but there was a Spanish course at my elementary school that started early and ended early. All I really remember is watching muzzy without subtitles and being on the carpet singing and dancing along to interactive Spanish music. I also remember sitting in rows and columns facing the teacher at all times and the hand signals to go to the bathroom. That was what my Spanish was while I was younger. I feel as though when I was younger my teacher should have taken the advantage of teaching us more advanced Spanish because it would be easier for us to learn. Watching muzzy without the provided information of what was said was visual representation of Spanish in action, even though she used it to teach us.  It didn’t help because we ignore what’s being said and is not in the language that you fluently speak or even understand, because of that to some it became a silent cartoon, with self-righteous humor. When I was in 7th grade about to be in eighth grade. I took a Chinese class that I wasn’t very fond of near the end of the class. One of the things was that it was a classroom full of fifth graders and I was the oldest. My best friend was in the program but she was learning a different language. I learned a limited amount Chinese though most of the time I was at an art class for senior citizens. Which was amusing but we can get into that another time. All my life I have lived with people only spoke English now that I think about it I learned some Swahili when I was in pre-school though I don’t currently remember any of it. Through out my life I have many if not all Muslim relatives the greeting is As-Salamu Alaykum, and the response would be Alaykum As-Salam. I never really understood the actually meaning of the word I just remember it being either hello, or how are you? the response being hi, fine thank you. But I didn’t find out until recently that it had the same meaning of what I thought but it translated into something completely different. I was going to learn how to speak and write in Arabic but no one ever got around to it. 

The nerve wrecking decision is going to happen as soon as I step off of this bus. That’s fine I don't have to step off right? Wrong, 

I’m biting my nails a shivering with the nervous anticipation for the worst. I'd get pair with someone I didn't know well. It seemed everyone one was following the same code walk slowly to the area of the meeting and the crowd of native families one of which for be your temporary parents. I was hoping that I got paired with two of my best friends on the trip Katie Kozak and Zoe Stiles. Little did I know I wouldn't get exactly what I wanted, but isn't that what we find out about everyday of our lives? I took the opportunity of the awkward silence to scope out the people that could be my future foster family. My eyes were caught on the woman holding a dog.  I secretly wished that I went with them. The image of the lady who assigned the kids to there families is now blurry and completely obscured from my memory. I don't even remember put a person to the voice that called out the names of the families and students. We were each handed pamphlets of our families though I didn't know which person belonged to each name I anticipated watch the other get picked first so that I could see who they went with. Kerry, kale, Chelsea. A Wave of comfort washed over me but didn't linger as I felt the cold tremor and flutter of butterflies as I shivered at the sound of my name. My name I was called second shock hit me but not for long as I heard one of my best friends name Zoe stiles. Her name warmed the frozen shock but it didn't go away. Mariana Stuve another warm sensation, I knew them both, and closely at that. The name of our father I don't remember what it was but I remember what he looked like a short man with grey hair with a really dark tan? A t-shirt and khaki's. I was disappointment that I didn't get the family with the dog, yet the anticipation overrode that sense.

Descriptive essay Ruben Burenstein

“Lets go to the point of the island,” I said to my cousins while in North Carolina. “Okay” said my cousins Sam, Max, and Jake. We were really excited to go to the point, we had only been there once and it was really fun. They are all my cousins, and mean the world to me. My cousins are some of the most important people in my life; we influence each other so much. We love spending time together, and do it as much as possible. We started making our way to the point. We walked along the beach thinking how long it would take to get there. The beach had many shells on it, and the water was amazing. The water was so warm and calm that it was like we were in Florida. After the mile long walk to the point we got in the water.  I noticed another section of the beach that we had to swim to. “Lets go over there, the water is pretty shallow here” I said. We all walked through the surprisingly shallow water to the other section. As I look back at it now, we could walk through this water because it was low tide. We knew that we might spend a while there, and by the time we got back low tide could have gone away, and high tide or somewhere in between high and low tide could have came through.

As soon as we got there, Jake said “whoa! There’s an island across there, let’s go.” I noticed that the water in-between the island and us had a very strong current. I told my cousins, but they said we could do it anyway. The current pulled us so strongly that a bird on shore looked like it was on a treadmill. We had gotten pulled about 75 feet down from where we expected to end up because we couldn’t stand on some parts of the swim. While we were there we hung out and talked for a while. We laid down in the shallow water because it was so warm, and just talked about school and how our lives were.  Sam and Jake live in Florida, and we don’t get to spend a lot of time just talking. We always have to do something, and don’t just get time to talk about what’s going on. This was special because we almost never get to do it; there is always an agenda.

After about 45 minutes Jake and I decided to leave. We made it past the water with the strong current, and onto the other part of the beach that we had almost been able to walk to. It had gotten much windier since we started to walk to the point. The water that we could walk in before had turned to a churning jumble of strong waves. As we tried to get across we got hit over and over by the waves. We realized that we couldn’t move because of the current the wind caused. We had to go back to the extended part of the beach, and walk around on the pavement. The pavement was extremely hot, and we didn’t have any shoes on. Every step hurt, because it was burning hot and the little pieces of it made cuts on our feet as we walked. We finally found a place from the burning hot gravel onto the beach again. The sand felt very cool and relieving against our feet. 

At this point I realized that we should have understood that this would happen. We had seen the wind picking up earlier, and could have left then without having to struggle through the water and walk on burning hot gravel. If we had been responsible we would have done that, and made it back safely without anyone worrying, or any important people in our lives getting in possible danger. We walked for about 15 minutes before we started to realize how tired we were. We were dehydrated, exhausted, and starving. The only water around us was the beach, which we could not drink because of the salt. We continued to walk at a much slower pace because of our state. Finally we got to the beach in front of our house. 

The only problem was, when we got there we saw my parents talking to the beach patrol. Because we had been gone for so long my parents had asked the beach patrol to help them find us. Sam and Max had not left yet, so we didn’t know if they were okay. The beach patrol said that in this kind of weather, at this time of day, they had probably drowned. If we had communicated with my parents, saying “we will be back in 2 hours”, or said anything about when we would have been back it would have turned out much better. Without us saying when we would be back, they probably thought it was going to be about an hour like most of the other times we went to the point. We waited outside on the beach for them for about 20 minutes before heading back inside. For about 30 minutes we waited, becoming increasingly more upset by the minute. By minute 20 Jake and I had almost started crying because he thought he lost his brother and cousin, and I thought that I lost 2 of my cousins. This would have been the worst days of our lives by far; one of our cousins that was gone was the oldest cousin. All the other cousins looked up to him, we did whatever he told us. To loose someone that important to you is one of the worst things that I can imagine happening to a person. We need people in our life who influence us, and are always there for us. For me it is my cousins, but for others it is different. Finally, after those 30 dreadful minutes were up, we saw them. Coming up from the beach, having no idea why we were so happy to see them. 

Descriptive Essay

As we begun to get out of the car I looked at the surrounding area. It didn’t look like anything special. It just looked like another Hospital. Large windows, multiple floors and it’s name of the side.  Nothing stood out, besides the name, “Nazareth Hospital.”  My Dad cracked a joke.

“Tell them were looking for Jesus.”

I chuckled.

      My Grandmother was in the hospital 3 months prior to now due to a urine block. This time she was in the hospital for a broken shoulder. As we walked into the building, I got a whiff of that hospital smell. That dank, old wood, and medicine smell. The interior of the hospital was a combination of Wood and Marble.  The Marble was white with speckles of black and it covered the floor. The wood covered the walls and it had a 70s retro feel to it.  

           As we navigated our way to her room we found out she was sharing a room with someone else. The room was dark with just some sunlight coming it.  Their family was in the room as well.  We moved to the far right of the room where my grandmother was. She was happy to see us and had a plate of untouched food next to her that was from earlier this afternoon. She doesn’t eat often. The room was white with medical equipment surrounding the beds each patient was laying on and a curtain dividing the room into two parts.  We talked about how we were and how she felt. Understanding her was hard. She suffered a stroke 9 years ago, which paralyzed the left side of her body. When she spoke it was a soft mumble and Apraxia of speech due to her stroke. I just sat and smiled and shook my head up and down as if I knew what she was saying and that I agreed.

       My mom gave her a drink of water, several minutes later my grandmother got sick, which resulted in me almost getting sick. I felt noxious and wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. For the rest of our visit I spent most of my time waiting in the bathroom.

            Time flew by and within 10 minutes we had to leave. The nurse came in to check her out and replace her uneaten lunch with fresh food.  As we step outside of the room, my eyes had to readjust to the light from the hallways. I begun to hear, “beep, beep, beep” over and over again due to the various heart rate monitors dispersed throughout the floor we were on.  We pressed the elevator button and waited for it to come to our floor. When it arrived and opened up, it had a metal interior and smelled like the hospital entrance.

              When we finally arrived to our floor, I attempted to get out as quickly as I could. I don’t necessarily have a problem with hospitals, but I get sick around old people who are hospitalized. I navigated my way through the hospital as quickly as I could, till I was right outside of the hospital. I stood there breathing in and out air, till my parents came. We then walked over to the parking lot where the car was. The sickening feeling went away and I was ready to get out of there.  We got into the car and begun to pull out of the parking lot. That was the last time I had to visit Nazareth.

              She’s out of the hospital now and facing 2 options. Staying at home with her husband or going to a retirement home. She can’t make a decision, on one hand she could be in a safe environment, but she doesn’t want to live her life knowing that she is incapable of taking care of herself. Her husband has already been taking care of her for the past 10 years and so has my Aunt. Her only independence is being capable of living at home and not in a retirement home.

               Her fear is being institutionalized and feeling that she can’t do anything for herself. She wants to feel independent and capable of making decisions for herself. The problem is, she hasn’t made decisions for herself in 10 years, since her stroke, it left her incapable of taking care of herself.

              She made a decision. She decided she’ll live at a retirement home or how it was refereed as, “assisted living.” It’s a large step for someone of her age, her liberation of independence and her own private home, but from it comes good. My Aunt and her husband won’t have to sacrifice their lives to take care of her any longer. From this, they gained some independence that they didn’t have for years.  It’s like America, actually. They liberated their independence from Britain and gained their own.

            I think she should do it. After so many years of taking care of herself, then having family take care of her, it’s the best option for her. While, she may not like it at first, she’ll grow to like it. She’ll almost everything will be the same. She’ll have someone taking care of her and a relative visiting her. It won’t be different at all from what she’s been doing for the past 10 years, except she’ll live there.  It’s a step in the right direction for everyone.

sammy's language autobiography

Sammy. Zeisloft

12. 13. 10

Iron stream

            Everyone has a different way of speaking. Whether it’s the way that they pronounce words, a certain rhythm in which they speak, or the amount of slang terms they put into one sentence. Each person creates in their mind their own individual sort of linguistics; and from one persons mind, to the ears of another, through a call to your friend, or an email to a pen pal across the world; language spreads like wild fire from one friend to another or from one man, unto an entire nation. Although it goes without saying that even in a world of such high population and different ethnic groups, language is probably the most diverse thing that can both define a person and set them apart from a group of people. Language can also bring people together…or people can come together and create their own language.

            My friends and I have developed our own language over the years, a code per say, which any outsider attempting to listen into our conversation would be baffled by. We speak in foreign tongues I suppose but nothing like a dialect you would learn about in an English class or read about in a textbook. We speak in codes of serious tones, which throw off the passer bys as our lungs boil up with a comical explosion, which soon erupts through our lips as outbursts of laughter. We speak of funny or outrageous things in more quiet, serious, monotone voices, which then spark the reaction of laughter to those around us. I guess you could say that by our lack of expression or any obvious intentions to appear as comical stand bys, we’ve already planned out the reaction of our crowd, the ones that stand around us. It may seem like we aren’t trying to be funny, but we know that we can count on your laughter as the fuel for our next sentence that we spit from top of our minds, off the top of our heads.

            Amanda sat slouching in an upward position against the table in the café. She had an expression on her face that screamed more negative drama. I quickly signed in with my school I.D and went to see what was wrong. She saw me approaching and got a slight shift in her facial expression, but she was a terrible actress, because I saw right through her sad attempt to paste a smile on top of her tear stained face. I put my schoolbag down on the floor and immediately gave her a hug. “What’s wrong baybay?” I asked in a light tone. “Nothing” she said in a groan. She pulled away from the hug, I cupped her face in my hands “You a terrible liar dumby, I’ll ask again, what’s wrong?” Dumby was a name we would call each other, which later defined itself as a term of friendship or endearment. “Nothing stupid, you so dumb I was only lookin sad to get a hug from your pretty face”. I stared at her for a minute, and she stared right back with those big brown puppy dog eyes. She was beginning to lighten up and then we both burst into laughter.

There was something about our secret little language that always made one another feel better some how, like we felt understood or maybe it was just the fact that we had each other to laugh with when times like these got us down, but either way, our little system we had, was fail proof. “ I love you dumb dumb” I said to her and I wrapped my arms around her like a blanket of comfort, because although I had gotten a smile from her, I knew her problems weren’t solved. “ I love you too baby” she said in her normal calm tone. We sat there in our warm embrace as she told me of the things she was going though, like stupid arguments with her boyfriend and other teen queen dramatics that everyone had gone through, was going through or would eventually have to face in the mere future. When the bell finally rang and the school officer yelled that it was time for first period, we picked up our bags and went to our first classes. Our conversation hadn't been over yet but I guess you could say that we momentarily paused it due to the inconvenience of our separate classes. We went our different ways but our special little language seemed to keep us close no matter the distance.

People everyday stray from what we may call “proper English” whether they mean to or not. For some reason we feel that saying things in our own individual tongues will make our voices more different or heard; and it does, to certain people on the outside looking in. But to those who speak your tongues, it seems like nothing out of the ordinary, or possibly, it makes you feel all the more extraordinary knowing that you and a group of people share something that others may not know or understand. Language is not defined by the accent you have or the way you roll your tongue on certain letters, its something deeper and more complex, its about being able to speak differently to the people around you, and have them completely understand what you mean. 

Language Autobiography

Language Autobiography

            I was born in Philadelphia.  I was raised right in the center of the city, only a few blocks away from downtown, and right around the corner from all the museums.  I have gone to three different schools, all located in the city and within walking distances from my house.  It’s a city I feel comfortable in.  I am a true native Philadelphian.  But I do not speak like most other Philadelphians.  In my family, I was taught to speak our most proper English, with our best grammar.  I don’t speak in slang, and I try to pronounce my words.  To my family and me, I sound perfectly normal.  To my family in Scotland, I sound very American.  But to my friends in Philadelphia, sometimes I sound British.  I grew up with a Philadelphian-scotch accent, always begin too British or too American for either sides of my friends and family.

            I am not sure if it comes out when I am excited, angry, or what; but on rare occasions it can be very noticeable.  On one occasion, it was so obvious that my friend began to yell at me.  “Why are you talking like that?” my friend exclaimed at me.  “What are yeh talkin’ about?  I’m talkin’ normal.” I questioned her in confusion.  “You are talking with a British accent!  Why are you talking that way?” she said frustrated.  At this point I had become increasingly puzzled.  I’ve heard people say my dad talked with a Scottish accent, and I’ve heard my sister talk with a really lousy Scottish accent, but never me talk with a Scottish accent.  “I think yeh’ve gone mad” I told her doubtingly.  “Why are you talking like you are British?” she asked my impatiently.  “I’m speakin’ the same way I always talk.  This is shtupid.”  I replied, trying to listen closely to my own voice.  As I said stupid, I began to hear it.  It was as if I was mimicking my Scottish cousin, if she had a more Americanized accent.  I had no idea where it came from or why.  I began to get worked up about something and it just slipped out.  The more I got “my knickers in a twist” over it, the stronger it became, and I had not the slightest clue why.

            On rare occasions, you could easily tell that my dad was from Scotland, and if you had a good ear, which part.  The r’s are more pronounced, the words are spoken faster, and words like you and speaking and said like yeh and speakin’.  This could have been the source of my selective accent.  Even though I was raised in a community where American was the accent, my dad had a greater influence on my speech.  It is often said that kids learn the most from their parent’s behaviour and language.  When my dad was in a familiar environment he resorted back to his natural language.  I suspect this the reason why I occasionally spoke with a different accent. 

            Although I speak with a slight Scottish accent on some occasions, my more dominant accent is no dubitably American.  Every year, my family and I take a plane all the way to Scotland.  In Scotland we see my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandmother, and friends; all of them of finding me sounding too American.  “You should come stay with us for a year.  Get a real authentic Scottish accent!” My auntie would exclaim to my sister and I.  “I wish!” we would both wishfully reply.  “You could pass off as one of the girls in the village with your appearance, all you would have to do is get rid of that accent.  If you lived here you could get a strong quite fast.” My grandma would tell me every time I bumped into her in the hallway.  I am never sure whether she is genuine or just wants us to move so she could be closer to us.  My family in Scotland, I couldn’t sound any more American, yet my friends at home criticize me for sounding a bit British.

            For the most part, having a American-scotch accent has not been a bother.  Most people that I converse with do not even notice the Scottish part of my speech.  On those rare occasions that it becomes noticeable, most people shrug it off as if I was speaking the same way as them.  There are very few occasions where people find my accent fictitious.  My friend confronting me on the way I speak was an example of how she thought that I was choosing to speak that way.  Which is not the cause of accents.  A person and their environment determine accents, not whether they decide to be British for a day and then American the next.

            While most of the time I get off as just sounding American, there are those rare occasions where I am both American and British sounding.  Due to my family, my background, and surroundings, I have adapted my own variations of both accents.  My accent has taught me that people do not choose the way they speak, it is something that happens due to their environments. 

An (in) Formal Essay By Vincent Russell

(in)Formal essay
By Vincent Russell

People think of formal language as somewhat robotic in a way that everything has to be pronounced correctly, every syllable and every word. Most people don’t like to put forth the effort into something that is not your own way of communicating, your own way of describing the place around you, your own way to explain your morals and values.  A way that is your own in every syllable and word uttered from your mouth. There is most times a middle ground for people to want to communicate in the in the most effective way possible. I use that middle ground a lot. For example, when I type its really formal and structured sentences, like this. But when I speak, the words that make it’s way out is less formal…
     Matt and I were sitting next to each other on the subway. It was pretty quiet.  We had just finished school and around Ellsworth and Federal a man started to talk to people. Over hearing him he said;
    “Hey, escue meh, “, looking concerned “If yo boy was to go out some where, you wanna know right?”
“Yeah, sure.’” Some women said.
    After a minute or two with her he turned around and asked us “You know what I mean?” Matt and I both said “Yeah”. We were kind of nervous since a random guy was talking to us, but we answered him anyway.
“Say this was yo girl right here”, pointing to me, “No homo, but say this was yo girl”.
    I looked confused and offend at Matt and he looked back just confused.
    “Yeah?” we both said.
    “You want to know where she going if she go out somewhere, right? I mean that’s all I’m asking and she go make a big deal of it.” “Yeah that’s normal” I said, “You should want to know.” “Yeah” said Matt.
    “See ya’ll know what I mean. That’s all I want. Thanks, guys. I appreciate it”
    “No problem.” Said Matt. The man got off the next stop. Matt and I were semi-relieved because that was kind of awkward. But we laughed it off.
    “Well, that was weird” I said.
“Yeah, haha, what was that?” said Matt.
    “A guy who needs advice, I guess” I said. Once our stop came we got off causally and walked home.
    Some people such as a random man in the subway tend not to speak so informal on account people might judge them. Not saying I judge people but that’s what I seem to notice. I talk the way I talk because it’s a way to communicate things easier and it’s the way I was brought up. When I’m relaxed I talk slightly different but not by much. But when I’m mad I speak really formal sometimes. I try to hold it back but it doesn’t always work. It gives me a good feeling when I can express myself in a sophisticated manner and actually understand what I say. Most of the time I talk normal. Normal for me is no slang but more of an informal and not so up-tight speech.
    Anytime you’re not at job interview or talking to the president informal speech is most apparent because you’re not trying to impress someone that has power over you. When I’m with my friends I don’t really care how I sound it’s who I am.  
One day about four months ago, Catherine, Ruben, Heather and I were in our B2 band class, Engineering. Mr. VK told us to brainstorm on ideas to pressurize oil. My table group, Ruben, Heather, Catherine and I, conferred with each other.
“Hey, I have an idea.” I said, “ what if we use soda?”
“Like, clear soda?”, suggested Heather.
“Yeah, that’ll work” said Ruben. “But how are we going to get it under pressure?”
“We could use Alka-Seltzer tablets.” I said.
“Oh, hey did you guys know that birds don’t have a digestive system!?” exclaimed Catherine.
“What?!” said Ruben, and I.
“Yeah, they can’t burp because it just goes right through them, so they explode.” said Catherine, explaining her point more.
“Oh, that’s cool…” said Heather.
“Did you know that sharks can explode?” said Ruben.
“What!? Really?” asked Catherine.
“Yeah, they can explode” said Ruben.
“I don’t believe you!” protested Catherine.
“Its true. Ask VK,” said Ruben.
“Yeah, he’s right”, I said.
Motioning for Mr.Vk to come by the table. Mr. VK walked up and asked, ”What’s up?”
“Okay” said Catherine, “So, I have a serious question for you. I’m not stupid,
“Okay?”, said Mr. VK.
“Do sharks explode?” asked Catherine.
“Um, Yes. Okay, so sharks martyr them selves for the good of the pack that there traveling with.”
“Really? Wow Ruben you were right,” said Catherine.
...Three months later we all were in the same class and Mr. VK came by.
"Hey" he said," You know… It’s great when you are playing a practical joke on someone and then, the time comes when you tell them it’s a joke but you forget…Sharks don’t really explode"
"What!?" screamed Catherine, "No, no, no, no, no. Your lying I saw it on Batman!"
"What? I was lying, Ruben said go along with it".
"NO!!!!”, exclaimed Catherine.
My friend’s all talk in-between informal and formal. The middle ground, that’s easy to convey feelings and it’s formal enough to understand them, a language that is structured “correctly” but has a lot of me in it. That’s all you need sometimes something that is yours and you can own and change it anyway you what because… it yours.

Confessions of a Jailbird

Everyone gets a thrill out of something, for some its running, for others its school, for me it’s doing things I’m not supposed too. Ever since I was in kinder garden I had a soft spot for being bad, for getting into as much trouble as I possibly could. I liked the feeling of being the most bad, I changed my language with each bad girl move I made having everyone gossip about how “out of control” I was. I was the first too kiss, the first to smoke, and the first to get arrested.  

It was Memorial Day weekend, my last few weeks at Germantown Friends School, the long weekend was perfect, I had a week of exams coming up and I just wanted a break. On Saturday afternoon my mom and I decided to go to the mall.  She went with her friend from out of the country, so while my mom was showing her all the stores that I hated, I asked to go to another store, and walk around for a little, she agreed and we made our separate ways. Leaving my mom was the biggest mistake of my life, I had a problem, I was a kleptomaniac, I couldn’t walk into a store without stealing something, I got away with jewelry, makeup and even shoes. The first store I went into was Saks 5th avenue, I took a look around found some things I liked, and snatched them. The adrenaline I had when walking out a store without the alarm going off, made me feel like the greatest person alive. The next store on my hit list was Neiman Marcus, little did I know it would be the last of my shop lifting days. I was feeling lucky and went straight to the shoe department. I found the pair I wanted I slipped them on my feet and walked out the store, no alarm no nothing, until out of no where two men and one woman ran at me, they took me into the back of the mall. I didn’t know what was going to happen

            “I swear I didn’t mean to take them, I swear” I said behind all the tears

“Please whatever you do don’t arrest me, I’ll never do it again” I screamed behind tears as I dug my nails as hard into my skin as I possibly could, thinking it would take the pain away, at that moment I wished I could have taken it all back, and just be with my mom. I knew she was worrying they took my phone from me, they took everything.

“Stop crying, it’s not worth anything, you’re not getting out of this” the tall man looked mad. I wanted to change his mind so bad, just let me free. He looked me in the eye, and let out a sly smile, not in a mean way just in a “I feel bad for her” kind of way.  I felt alone, it was honestly the first time I felt as though no one was there for me, my father didn’t know what was happening and neither did my mother, nor did my friends, only I did and the scary men that watched me.

“You’ll be in the cell for six to eight hours” The cop had a rather horse voice, it didn’t make me feel comfortable, but then again I had no merit to feel comfortable I didn’t deserve any comfort, I was going to jail not candy land.  In the back of the cop car I tried to slide the handcuffs off my arm but it didn’t work. When I got to the jail cell they put me in a room, one wooden bench and a bottle of water… nothing else.


“Shut up, stop crying” the cops laughed at me, as if it were some sort of joke, as if I were a clown or something

“It’s your own fault you’re in here”

I couldn’t speak , my voice was clogged my head was throbbing considering I had been crying for 4 straight hours, it was too much I couldn’t handle it.  All I wanted was my mom, I wanted her hugs and her love, I couldn’t wait for it, I wanted my cell phone I wanted a large piece of greasy pizza, I wanted to be with my friends laughing talking in my most annoying Miley Cyrus voice.  But I was in jail that’s where I was, I was stuck no way of getting out, at least not for another 5 hours.

“All I want is my mommy that’s all I want” I kept repeating to myself quietly, I didn’t want to look crazy by talking to myself but I couldn’t help it the words just kept spitting out, I could barley understand what I was saying to myself behind all the tears.

“Taylor, your mothers here, you’re free too go” The cop didn’t have any emotion in his voice, this was the scariest moment for me, having to see my mother, when she saw me she ran up and hugged me, she didn’t look angry or mad she looked sad, I had broken her heart. In the car it was quiet, I tried to let out a laugh but it didn’t work.

“I’m really hungry can we go to McDonalds” I said, I couldn’t cry anymore my voice was just sad, empty to say the least.

“No, I have to drive you too your father immediately” My mother said, her voice sounded as if she was about to cry.

“I tried to hide it from him, but there was no way I could” She said to me after a long awkward silence. That night my dad was staying at the Ronald McDonald house, doing an overnight volunteer shift.  When I got there my dad came out to let us in.

“Did they put you in handcuffs” The first thing he said to me, I looked at him solemnly and nodded my head yes, his voice wasn’t angry either much like my mothers he sounded really sad. He hugged me tight, and sent me up to his room, he brought me cake and cereal and put the t.v on and told me to wait there. While in there I checked my phone, I had about 30 missed calls. Both my parents made me promise not tell a soul, it was something they wanted kept as a deep secret.

This changed me forever, it changed the way I acted and who I was, which resulted in a change of language, the way I spoke and acted like the nothing ever mattered changed, I started too care, I dropped the bad girl language and moved on too a more mature settled language, never would I want to relive 

English Essay ( Languages by Keiasha Lumpkins)

English Essay ( Languages by Keiasha Lumpkins)

When you are from where I am from, you have a choice to be with a certain group of kids. Sometimes when you aren’t in that group, you tend to catch on regardless. I never understood this “belonging to a certain group”. With me, I don’t consider myself belonging to a certain group. I just think that I am automatically put in that group because of where I am from and what I am attached to.

A lot of times when I am with my friends, there are things that they expect you to do and not to do. One time my friends and I were hanging out in from of my house. We all were laughing and joking around. Something I said shocked my friend. We were sitting in front of my house, he said, “Yo its cold outside, I be freezing my but off out here like WTF!” Then added on, “I know it really is cold out here.” After I said that all my friends laughed. They said that I sound like a “white girl”. I didn’t take offense when he said that, but when I think about it, how can you sound like a “white girl”.  I was wondering how is that possible to sound like someone I’m not. I didn’t think anything of it. A lot of times when I talk to my friends I say words and phrases that they aren’t used to me saying. They always say that I talk like this because I go to a school where you have to talk a certain way. It always amuses me when my friends make fun of the way I talk. Yes, sometimes I would use the slang that my friends use, but it comes natural at times when I talk differently around them. When you are expected to talk a certain way you or do certain things other people get surprised when it turns out different. They catch the right instead of the wrong way to speak. Only time this is opposite is when I am at home and my mom hears me speaking like the way I would talk to my friend.

It’s opposite when you’re home. My mom just got me these new boots. “These jawns is nice mom”. My mom looked at me and said, “jawn? You are not outside with one of your friends you don’t talk like that in my house.” After the fact I was thinking that how what I said was wrong? Then when I thought about it my mom was right. We shouldn’t talk like that to adults because when you get out in the real world, talking like that cant gets you a job. Its as if parents, or older people in general held high standards then younger people. Older people tend to not like it when younger people talk in slang or from where I am from “ghetto.” Just like when Maxime Hong Kingston said, “her mom didn’t like it that she sounded right, and said all the words right. It seems like a lot of times our parents don’t want us to speak if they don’t speak that way. These two scenes are connected because there is a lot of irony here. When you speak proper with your friends, its as though you are speaking wrong. A lot of times when I speak with my friends I don’t talk the way I would with my as I do my mom. When I talk to my mom pronounce all my words. When you are with your friends and you say proper things, its as though I said something wrong. It gets really confusing at times.

            These two scenes connect because a lot of times you have to remember when and how you talk to your friends. The same thing goes for adults/parents. The world of language is different through people eyes. Some people don’t realize language but when you think about it, language is notice everyday, when you don’t notice.

Rebellion: The change of language, living, and you

Deciphering fact from fiction is one thing that kids don't or maybe won't fully understand; then trying to figure out the reasoning behind the moral that your parents teach you is another. Growing up, your parents or guardians instilled certain lessons of language or morals in your mind, but what happens when their plans seem to back fire and you follow another instinct; rebellion. What happens when you defy the morals and language that you were taught to think was correct? Well, I'll tell you because I can describe it to you first hand from the eyes of my own to the minds and thought of my parents in shock. 

So it was about a few months ago, six months ago. One of my best friends is a vegetarian. See at first I found this to be a real stupid, I always judged him because he was a vegetarian, I even forgot a lot of times. I was not a real considerate person towards his beliefs and how he felt about his choice to not eat meat. Till one day he when he came to me and asked me about something we’ve talked about before. 

 “Me, A vegetarian?” I had said with a astonished gasp 

“Yeah you, I bet you wouldn’t even last one day or even one hour in my shoes.” He said in his provocation voice

So once I got off the phone I took a few minutes to think to myself. ‘Since I’m a vegetarian mines well tell my family’ I said to myself. That night I went to the dinner table with more on my plate then an actual plate would be able to hold. My family dinner starts off like it usually does everybody gathers at the table and then they say their grace and we all eat. When I had got to the eating part my family had noticed that I did not take any of the roast beef that my dad had made, this made them curious. 

“You forgot something”, my dad said 

“No I didn’t, I need to talk to you guys.” I said as if the whole world was looking straight at me in a shirt that said I’m different

“Go ahead, we’re listening” My mom says in an accepting and considerate way

“So I’ve done some long and hard thinking, and I believe I’m ready to say that I want to be a vegetarian. Yeah I know it’s a big change, but I’m ready for the challenge.” I said this with power, pride, and confidence. 

My family stopped, not any type of stop but one of those what just happened stop. The moment of silence was so essential that the whole world had gotten silent. Vegetarian what? Every ones faces replied in their silence. Everyone just stared then they continued to eat. They were silent as a library. After a few minutes I had got the idea, so I put my utensils down on my plate and I stepped away from the table. I’m your typical teenager, something bad happens I leave and totally flip out to someone who understood me but doesn’t like or can’t talk. So I went upstairs and told my dog what just happened and went through everything that was bothering me at the time and moment. Pacing back and forth in my room burning holes into my ‘emotions and feelings’ so that I could calm down. After about twenty to thirty minutes my dad called me from upstairs. This made me more nervous then how I felt before I told them. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach and a little man did this hopping thing in there too. I felt as sick as a dog who just ate chocolate. As I walked down the steps I felt like I was falling into a deep dark hole, at one point I felt like I was walking into the deepest darkest depths of hell. So my whole family was downstairs in the living. They all sat next to each other, I felt like an intervention was about to take place. 

“What made you want to be a vegetarian?” My dad asked so quickly

“I actually been thinking about it for awhile and it seems like a smart choice to me. “ I replied

“Hmm,” He says with a eerie look “ are you sure your ready for such a change in diet like this?”

“Yes, as ready as ill ever be. I’m prepared to take the challenge that will change my life style.” I replied

“Well we all support you with whatever choice you made.” My mom had said to make me feel better.

So then I exited the living room to return to my comfy bed. That night was the first night of me being a vegetarian. 

Vegetarian was a foreign word in my family. It was things we saw on television, things we heard other people talk about and be, but never we. I was alienated from my family the moment I uttered the word vegetarian from my mouth. Alienated but accepted I continue to live my life and as I will continue as a vegetarian. 

Through many years intellectually you’ll notice your parents becoming more and more intact that you are not trying to disappoint them, but every structure they taught you would be more stretched out to help them understand and comprehend life as it is and the children.  I didn’t disappoint my parents but I gave them a little mental shock by telling them that I was a vegetarian.  Another example oh parents raising their children to comprehend that some things are not acceptable for times and or places. Steve Lundeberg Lundy: Acceptable language?

Some years back, I was driving with my niece from Australia, her husband Simon and another niece when I had to stop abruptly when the car in front of us did the same.

“S—,” I exclaimed, then, remembering the young women in the car, quickly said, “I mean shoot.”

“S—’s acceptable,” Simon said matter-of-factly.

In this scene the guy is talking and someone halts on his or her breaks really fast.  When this happens the man goes to curse, but he doesn’t. He did not do this because his parents had taught him not to. In many cases people would not care but he did. He was raised to learn that you are suppose to be your full blown gentleman when your around a lady. If he was around all of his friends I wonder if that would be the same. I don’t think so I think he would’ve talked around them however he felt like. 

When a parent had taught you to speak and learn a way that child tries and tries to fulfill their parents orders, but when its time to grow up and make your own choices then it’s time to defy the morals and language that you were taught to think was correct. 

Language Autobiography Daniel Wirt

Daniel Wirt 

Iron stream 

Talking to people in a manor, in which everyone can understand you, has become increasingly difficult. Now a day, we have all this new technology such as the iPod, the laptops, and the cool new phones. All of which have forms of communicating involved with them. These forms of communication all involve using language and through this communication people have found ways to dim down the amount of writing they have to do. Possibly it is because people are too lazy. There are things that are now shortened like laugh out loud= lol and k/kk= okay. These are just two of perhaps thousands of ways that people abbreviate things. 

More recently I have been noticing this becoming more evident in people’s language. People are using this to talk rather then the standard and ‘correct’ English. Why might this be? Possibly it is because people are so used to shortening words when they are using these technological devices. It has become second hand for people to write lol, kk, and ard. This is limiting the speech horizon for many people. It can be used as an advantage in some cases because other people may not be aware or this newly developed writing/speaking style but it can also be a disadvantage because it gets engraved into your head that this is correct and that this is proper. 

“Your so funny, lol,” I feel as though this is accepted today where we live, but out in another state or even another city that is right around the corner from ours may be thinking what does that mean. Now with the popularity of that word I feel as though it has spread throughout our country and most people that use these technologies are susceptible to this new form of talking. 

“Oh hey girl, how you doing?” the women said with  a look of shock on her face as if she hadn’t seen the women in a long time. 

“Oh i’m ight, how bout chou?,” The girl responded with the same amount of excitement. They both hugged and did some sort of hand shake. 

“oh girl I’m good, yo dat foul on the field was so funny like real rap yo,” 

“I know right lol,” the girl laughed in a chuckle that filled the environment with disapproval at the fact that she had just insulted the man. 

Now in this conversation that I over heard on the train there are two females interacting in a conversation after a football game. The words that they used are simply chopped up and revised English words. Making up these new words is like creating a new language that on you and the other person understand. In fact I am sure there are words that are used within one community that wont be understood to a community that is right around the corner. 

I feel as though this form of talking has taken over the people in my life. Why, just today my mom sent me a text saying “K,” not “okay.” It has become such a normal thing these days that people don’t really think twice about the way they are talking.

Speaking in a certain dialect also gives a bit of personality to you. It describes you, and it defines you. However, now that all of these technologies have introduced a whole new way of talking is it possible that we loose a bit of the things that define us? Everyone has a language identity. One that makes them, them.  For people to talk by using words that are cut down and slimmed it is perceived as an informal way of talking and it takes away from someone’s creativity. If you were to walk into a job interview and talk in such a manor then they would probably not hire you. Speaking in that manor makes you seem less intelligent and less ‘you’ but why? Is it because of whom the languages were made by? It could very well be that reason, or maybe it is the fact that it just sounds informal. I suppose we can’t know for certain but what is evident through this is that this language, ‘slang,’ is not a very good thing to get a habit on speaking like. 

“Yo I don’t fuck with no green vegetables besides green beans dog. Except for maybe some of dem hoagies and shit,” He said with a chuckle.

His friends replied with a laugh and were thoroughly okay with the way he was talking 

Now this was a person that was talking to his friends on the train. This doesn’t see like something you would want to be saying if you were in the middle of a job interview. There is an improper use of grammar and pronunciation. Thus telling the hirer that this job applicant has very little ability with talking. Jobs don’t want that form of English. Also this can be mistaken to some people because this kid has given the word “fuck” a new use. 

Language autobiography Ruben Burenstein

One summer I was at my cousins in Florida. Every time that I get outside I let the moist air into my lungs. I love everything, from getting my baggage to finding the car in the parking lot. I love Florida, it’s what I look foreword to every winter break and summer. I used to just go there and hang out with my cousins. They moved to Florida when I was about 7 and it was extremely saddening. I was there when I was in 7th grade. I was playing Xbox 360 with my cousin Jake for the first time ever. We sat on his comfortable carpet floor, playing on his 50-inch flat screen TV. We joked around about what was going on in the game of just us. After a while we decided that this was kind of boring with just us. We played an online game where he talked to other people. I couldn’t understand anything that he was saying. He said things like “Owned, Camper, Noob, Wrecked, Beast, and No-scope.” I asked him what that was. He was astonished that I didn’t know what those meant. He explained to me that its what you say when you play a game. He said, “Owned means I beat him really badly. Camper means that they are camped out in one spot. Noob means that he is bad at the game. Wrecked is a synonym for owned. Beast means that I’m really good.” I asked, “What does no scope mean?” He replied, “when you use a sniper rifle, and you don’t scope in but still hit someone.”

I spent several weeks in Florida that summer, all the time playing Xbox with him. I started catching on to this part of language. After I got home I had no-where to use this new language. I pleaded for weeks to get an Xbox, and finally I got one for my birthday. The first thing that I did was talk to my cousins. I was so excited that I forgot all of the trash talking online.  No one in my old school spoke with gamer language, so I didn’t either. I thought that I would get made fun of if I said anything that I use every time I play Xbox. While I wasn’t saying any of this in school, I said them as much as possible when talking with people online. When I came to this school I found other people that play Xbox. I started playing with them, so we used our gamer speak online. Eventually we became better friends and started using our gamer speak at school. This creates a problem because I am at risk of people being like “What is that, nerd!” I have decided that gamer speak is a kind of language that many people in the world use or speak. It is somewhat a type of slang, whereas words replace others and not everyone knows what they mean. I try to switch between these as much as possible, not saying some things to my friends who don’t play games, and saying gamer things when talking with my friends that do play games. Sometimes it gets kind of confused, so I switch the things up.  

In 8th grade I got a homework assignment in history class. We were asked to use a primary source, but I didn’t know what that was. I went to my friends house after school. My mom came after a while to pick me up. I walked out to our light gray Toyota Camry.  I always loved the seats because of how fuzzy and warm they are. They are also the same color as the car. I asked my mom what a primary source was. My mom was born in Queens New York. She lived there until she was in college, but then moved to Philly. I had never heard her New York accent before this. She repeated “A Primary sauce?” I started laughing uncontrollably, saying “Primary sauce? My primary sauce is tomato, I like it on spaghetti.” She didn’t understand why I found this so funny, because that is how she says source. When we got home I sat on the maroon sofa in the family room. This room is very dark, so the couch looks even darker than it is. The couch has a weird design in it, where unfilled in hexagons cover it. I don’t like sitting on it because of this, and because the small blanket is somewhat itchy. While sitting on the couch I was talking with my mom about it. Eventually she said sofa, but it came out as “Sofer.” This was the second time in one night that I had heard her New York accent, and it surprised me very much. I now make fun of her every time I need to find something, and use a primary source, or any time I sit on the sofa. 

Changing your accent is not something that most people would do unless they really wanted to. Everyone thinks that their accent is normal, so the only reason to change how you talk is to fit in with other people. It takes a long time in order to change your accent or how you speak. Many people try to change their accents in order to fit in, but like gamer talk it slips out sometimes. I think that changing your accent is unnecessary because people shouldn’t judge you on how you sound, or what you talk like. 

A lot of things about dialect are making you fit in or make you stand out in a bad way. Changing your accent or dialect can be a tough process. It takes a lot of time in order to change how you talk. It is not something that can be done over a short period of time, and even if you take a long time it will never be perfect. Everyone who has changed how they talk will eventually go back to how they used to, even if it is only for one word. Changing how you speak is something that many people do in order to fit in places, even though they probably know that it will make them alienated from the people that they knew before.

English Benchmark Two: Language

     Language is how we communicate with one another. It’s how we show respect for those that we communicate with, and how we talk. Our language is made up of our dialect and accent. Our dialect and accents are influenced by our surrounding beings, by how people in the media speak. We all have accents, and talk in some sort of way influenced by our peers or role models.

  It was the first day of school, and I wasn’t nervous or jittery with excitement – I was exhausted due to only getting a few ours of sleep the night before, but even though I only got a few hours of sleep, I was still out to enjoy my day, I wasn’t going to let tiredness be in the way of that.

     I arrived to my Advisory for the first period of the day. The walls were completely stripped of all of the random assortments of math posters and various other posters. The walls were painted with a sky blue. The place would have looked so much better, if there were windows in the room. I sat with faces that I haven’t seen in a while. I sat with Tyler and Alex and the rest of our advisory slowly, yet surely came into the room.  Shortly, a favorite of different dialects, word choice, and people were within the room. You could easily walk from one end of the room and here more sophisticated and quiet conversation, or go to the other side of the room and here a variety of shortened words and loudness. I chose to seclude myself between these two areas, where I could easily indulge in a conversation between either group of speakers. Tyreé came in the room and we greeted each other, “Yo man, I haven’t seen you in forever.” I said to him.  We did the “Shake hand hug thing.” and sat down.  Minutes passed, and Garvey and Sanchez walked in to the room. Immediately how I talked changed. My voice become more upbeat and much more louder and powerful. I walked up to Ms. Garvey and said, “Hey, Ms. Garvey! How was your summer?” She turned around to me to give me her undivided attention, “Hello, Mr. Ferry! My summer was great! I got a lot of training in and traveled. How about you?”

“My summer was pretty good. I got a lot of running in, volunteered, and got around the city abit. It was pretty sweet overall.“  I replied.  “That’s good.” She said with a smile. “Now, go find a place to sit while me and Mr. Sanchez read the advisory memos.”

   I took my seat away from the other students, because I enjoy being by myself in advisory, so I don’t get involved in a conversation. It’s not that I’m anti-social, but it’s because my advisory is very loud, and I’d prefer not to contribute to that noise. My advisory came a bit close, just leaving a few corner desk out of the way. I decided I’d sit at one of  those corner desk.  I sat there and faced where the Promethean board was, which was where Sanchez and Garvey were sitting in front of. I patiently awaited for them to speak, so I could find out my schedule and other information.

   Conversation was still be conducted on both sides of me by my peers. It wasn’t anything interesting, really.  On one side of the room I heard more thought out sentences like, “Haha, you’re absolutely right!” While on the other side I heard sentences like, “Haha, you so right!”  Their were such various uses or words and dialects, it was quite pleasant to hear, well in some cases it was. I could have gone without the slang, or improper English, but hey, who am I to judge one’s language of choice?

   We were just about to get rolling with the Advisory memo, when suddenly, Sanchez was interrupted by one of my peers. “Ahahaha, Sanchez you think you so funni!” It was in such a rude, and raised voice, which I found completely terrible. She used improper English when talking to a teacher, and showed no respect in her tone.

   How one speaks to someone else is a form of respect. Language is a tool of communication, and an indicator of that person’s heritage, intelligences, and overall just how polite they are. The way the student spoke to Sanchez just displayed them as rude, uneducated, and simply disrespectful. When you speak to someone, you either create a world of possible respect and a good relationship, or you create disrespect and a horrid relationship. How you project your voice use your words, and your accent all play a role in how others see you. You could speak with a more Philadelphian accent, and get respect from certain groups of people, or speak more Black English, and get respect from people who use that language.

   The language you use, is how one will be looked at, judged and will create a very large part of the first impression, or just reestablishing who you are with a group of people, like what happened here. She established that she was ignorant of the teacher with her word choice, and tone to the man. While I on the other hand established my respect for Ms. Garvey by my speaking toward her.

     A voice is a very powerful thing. It speaks languages, whether old, ancient, new, or new-age, it help creates a powerful instrument, some are nicer to hear then others, and some prefer some over others, but think of them as instruments. Some prefer it well played and very long notes (words,) if you will, while others prefer much shorter notes (words.) Each voice has a different sound, accent, and dialect, which gives it’s own uniqueness. 

Bureaucracy Reflection - Adoption (:

The task I chose was adoption. I decided to do this topic because adoption to me is really interesting, jus the way it helps to get children into safe homes and families is such a good idea to me. The job you gave us to do, was to create a flow chart , get paper work, as well as write a summary about our process. The flow chart was created, we couldn't get paperwork , and this is the summary. The flow chart is based off the process that is taken to adopt a child and questions created to determine if you've taken each step in the accurately. In my personal research, on Adopting. org I found that adoption is quite the job. There’s several steps involved such as:

  • Educate yourself and your family members.
  • Decide what type of adoption you want pursue.
  • Investigate ways to handle adoption expenses.
  • Select adoption agency/facilitator and/or attorney
  • Complete an agency application form.
  • Begin the home study process.
  • Attend pre-adoption and parenting classes.
  • Be matched with or locate a child.
  • Prepare for your child's arrival.
  • File a petition to adopt.
  • Finalize the adoption.
  • Post-adoption services and education.

During this process of adoption, you have to fill out a lot of paperwork, mainly in each step you take, but the most important sets of paperwork you have to complete are the actual petition to adopt, post-adoption contact agreements and the agency application which can be either domestic or international. It is very difficult to find examples of adoption papers and agreements because that stuff is all given by actual agencies and are private documents, I think that its been made this diffucult because of the simple fact that America wants to protect its children in the system, yes they want to provide homes for foster children and orphans, but they want to make sure that they are quality, safe environments for them to be in. I think the majority of the project was okay. Below is an example of a certificate of adoption that must be signed by the court judge when the adoption is final :


License to Tie the Knot

     The easiest task in the Bureacratic system is obtaining a marriage license. My partner and I found that the hardest part of this process would be to come up with the eighty dollar fee (minors pay 100 dollars). To research the process of getting a marriage license to create a flow chart, first my partner and I searched the city of Philadelphia's official website. We hit the jackpot with that website it had all the information we needed for every possible situation couples trying to wed could be in.

       To get a marriage license in Philadelphia, you need the eighty dollar fee, your social security card or document containing your social security number. If a person was married before they need proof of dissolution of marriage or the death certificate of your former mate along with the previously stated items. If you are minor you need parental consent and an extra ten dollars per person. Lastly if you've had your name changed you need the court order. After you bring all the required materials all there is left to for the couple to do is sign their signature.   

      They only thing I would change about this process is lower the fee for the license. Philadelphia has the highest fee in the state.

Bureaucracy Reflection

For our process Graham and I split up the work accordingly. We both picked what we were going to do and set up a timeline on when we were going to get it done. Graham and i both researched how to register your car, we compared information, and decided to use his. From here i decided I'd do the LucidChart and he would do the paper forms. 
The LucidChart was kind of easy. Since all the car registration data was easy to understand making the lucidchart was quite easy. 
Registering your car doesn't seem as complicated as people make it out to be. But, upon doing this project when it comes to registering a car I know what to expect. 

We did well but we can alway improve.

Foster Parenting

Kourtnee and I (Amirah Burkett) selected the bureaucratic task of becoming a Foster Parents in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I believe the hardest part of our project was the flow chart, it was the most complicated. The paperwork we needed to fill out was pretty straightforward and easy being as though we made ours how we wanted to fill it out, and it went into some detail. We couldn't find any official foster parent documents so we piggy backed off of a lot of other applications in other states. The flow chart is very similar to the application and asks most of the same questions. All of the qualifications steps like home inspections, being at least 21 years of age, and at least 36 hours of foster caring classes. I believe some systems have become more complicated because there's always going to be a person who's trying to get around it, so i guess they made it a little more complicated for certain bureaucratic 'tasks'

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