Capstone (4/28)

Capstone presentations are coming fast and well... I need to work on my capstone! So I have been partnered with Mr. Blocks father (or I was supposed to) however our communication was not fluid so our collaboration was broke apart. Before it was broke apart however I recieved some valuable information about what is supposed to be inside a business proposal and on top of that a book which illustrates many neat things. Time to get to work!

Scary Scary...

There is a species of red ants that travel to other smaller ant colonies, kill everyone there, take the eggs, hatch them, and force the newborns to be their slaves. A typical slave making ant colony of 3,000 will have an average of 6,000 slave ants working for it.

I learned that today... pretty cool. I'm so stressed right now I can hardly take it. I have no idea how to work my TUPortal account to accept my award letter from Temple, if anyone did it already, PLEASE show me. I am really nervous about preforming in the semi's tomorrow, even though I have everything memorized and know what I'm doing. I don't know what I would talk about if I were called tomorrow in storytelling. And until I know where I'm going to school next year I think it's just going to stay like this. I hate all this uncertainty, I'm not someone who can handle that very well...

Negative Space Drawing.

​A. Negative space is a space around a subject of an image. The Negative space does not occupied the area of the image. This part of the drawing is usually neglected, or filled with scribbles. Negative space involves with concentrating on shading in the background and leaving the object white.

In the cutouts, the negative space changes around on the paper. [Black] is the negative space. [White] is the object of the drawing. From the first drawing, you can already tell it's a normal drawing picture. There isn't a negative space that's being added onto the drawing.
The second and third drawings shows negative space. The backgrounds are shaded in while the objects are not shaded's just white. 

C. It helps an artist to see the balance between light and dark and how objects are put together.

D. Yes, it does enhance the drawings because you can see an object as what it is but when you try and draw the object in front of you, you need to look at the space around the object and focus more on individual lines and segments of it instead of the whole thing.


A props to you

I would just like to give a props to Will Ferrel for having the balls to be disgusting and unattractive in his movies. While it's at many times disturbing, it's good comedy (for many). I'm very impressed that the man is not self-concious about his body expecially in a society where looks seems to get you much farther than talent.  Way to go Will Ferrel! I'm proud of you but yet a bit disgusted at the same time.

I'm So Glad...

​I'm so glad that I woke up another day & I'm extremely blessed. I put in my college & housing deposit so that's a weight off my shoulder. My prom dress was shipped out today so I'll get it someday early next week. College is taken care & Prom is sorta done. I need to upgrade my winter clothing because Minnesota gets cold as shit, I still need prom accessories. After I get my dress try that bad boy on then I'll purchase my shoes I may then can order it offline if I have time. I   still need a passport for Costa Rica this summer so much to do so little time.

I Remember...

I remember when you used to love me

You loved me like a bullet submerged in its chrome

You loved me more than the amounts of times my heart decided to beat

I remember your love was as dangerous as the Iraqi war soldiers surrounded by mines


I remember when I lost your love

It was like a 10-inch steel knife piercing in my chest and out my heart

It got lost along with White boys dignity the case in Gena 6

I remember that loving you, was worst than loosing you.

Tarea ! =)


Isla de Margarita

1) ¿Qué opina
s de Hugo Chávez? ¿Qué críticas tienes de él? ¿Estás de acuerdo (in agreement) con unas de sus acciones?

-  Creo que Hugo Chávez  no se importa por muchas cosas, pero al mismo tiempo, yo creo que el importa en todo. 
Habla tan malo, realmente creo que debería dejar un monton de cosassolo, dejar todo yaSi estoy de acuerdo con algunas de sus acciones, pero no todos, creo que hizo algunas decisiones buenas y malas.

2) Si fueras Venezolan@, ¿votarías por él? Explica tu respuesta.

​- Si yo estaba Venezolana crea que votaria por el porque creo que tienes mucho amor para los EE.UU.


The world is a mysterious place
People come and go
Leave and enter
A person could vanish into thin air 
And I swear no one would notice
It just mean there would be more room to walk on the sidewalk
Extra room in the bed
More air to breath
And yet there will always be someone 
someone out there who will weep because that person is gone
even if they were a hobo
Maybe it's out of pity
Don't really know
Will the day ever come when this will also disappear
Will it vanish just as mysteriously
Will someone weep then
Will there by anyone out there who will feel pity then
If so then I will wait for that day to come
Until then I will close my eyes
And wait peacefully for the day 
When I will mysteriously disappear along with this world of mine 

Venezuela? - Natasha Ashby

Si podría visitar Venezuela, iría a la isla de Margarita porque es una de las playas más agradables con una hermosa vista de las montañas. Los animales de mar exóticos y el agua increíblemente azul me atrae más. 

Isla de Margarita

1) ¿Qué opinas de Hugo Chávez? ¿Qué críticas tienes de él? ¿Estás de acuerdo (in agreement) con unas de sus acciones?
No tenía un opinion de Hugo Chavez porque es muy dificil para escoger una cara. Todo la gente tienen un opina diferente y hasta que le den una oportunidad justa, no puedo juzgarlo. Al parece, Hugo Chavez, no ayuda a cada uno. Un ejemplo es cuando los lideres del iglesia piensan que Hugo Chavez no ayuda a los pobres, y se echa a un lado solamente con los ricos.

2) Si fueras Venezolan@, ¿votarías por él? Explica tu respuesta.

Si era Venezolana, votaría por él solamente si veo él está para ayudar a cada uno y cambiar las cosas para el mejor.

Public Vs Private

​The transition from middle school to high school is often considered one of the most trying times of a kid’s life. It is when most kids leave behind the safe environment that they have grown to trust throughout the years and it is replaced with teachers that no longer hold their hand through every assignment and peers that gossip about their insecurities and embarrassments. These changes are amplified when you switch from a private school to a public school. For nine years my single mother was able to scrounger up the funds to provide with the type of educational foundation that would last me a lifetime, but she knew with the current rise of college tuition, she would need to use high school as a time to save money.

  For years I had seized the benefits of small class sizes, increased individual attention from teachers and learning in an environmental filled with an eclectic group of diverse people that all shared a set of common goals and ideals. This was a place where people seemed to honestly enjoy coming to school for learning’s sake, rather than to just get a good grade in order to escape the scowls of parents. Accompanied with lavish offerings in extracurricular activities, and freedom from the school district to take interesting trips to places such as Costa Rica and New York that all aid to the learning and development of a child, this was undoubtedly an ideal environment to grow up in.

  My high school may not be the traditional public school. It has helped me hone several important skills such as inquiry, research and leadership. However, in one year all of my cushy surroundings were taken away from me. My current science class has 35 other students it – more than the maximum amount required by the district. Last month, the government officially put a number on the amount of cuts the school district will be facing due to the recession: $465 million. This will severely limit – if not discontinue – a large amount of extracurricular activities and opportunities my school is able to provide.

I, in no way, consider myself an elitist, but I have goals and I refuse to let anyone try to guilt me for being an “over achiever”. Why do we live in a society that discourages hard work? What can we do as a society to ensure that we continue to progress? These are the questions that have plagued me throughout high school. My transition to high school has definitely been a culture shock for me. In many ways I consider this the toughest academic challenge that I have had to endure, and I am committed fixing this issue, helping people realize their true potential. I once received a strong piece of advice from a teacher that I strive to live by: “Everyday, just make sure that you strive to be the best version of yourself and everything else will fall into place.” By living by these words, I believe I am fostering the type of environment that I wish to live and play and learn in, and I sincerely believe that dedication will benefit others.


Dear The Book of Lost Things by John Connelly,

For many years I harbored the secret desire to become a centaur as any young girl might. However, after reading this novel I am now suitably put off the notion for any mention of the word centaur forces me to think of the deranged hunter who shared my desire to become one of the greatest hybrids mythology has ever known. So thank you very much.


             Viscountess Elvira VinHousser III

P.S. Despite the book tainting my centaur dreams, I found it to be just wonderful.

Texting (4/27)

So what are the expectations when you are texting someone. For some odd reason every time I text girls or most girls, if I do not respond to them within 5 minutes, I am apparently being rude and ignoring them. I mean come on... I have stuff to do instead of sit around my phone waiting for it to light up and quickly responding. Then the girl gets frustrated and annoyed and I am stuck dealing with her upset. Not cool, totally not cool. 


Si yo tenia la oportunidad de viajar a Venezuela yo iba para la playa. Me gusta a nadar en la agua con los animales. También quiero a andar entre todo la ciudad para comprar cosas para mi familia y yo.

Esto es un foto de Margarita Island en Venezuela.

1) ¿Qué opinas de Hugo Chávez? ¿Qué críticas tienes de él? ¿Estás de acuerdo (in agreement) con unas de sus acciones?
Estoy de acuerdo con un poco de lo opinas de Hugo Chávez. Una crítica que Chávez tenia es que no hoyes a todas las gentes en Venezuela. Una ejemplo es que el no escucha lo que gente el trabaja con el. Si, estoy en acuerdo con el por que el tiene hacer lo que el tiene hacer.

2) Si fueras Venezolan@, ¿votarías por él? Explica tu respuesta.

Si era Venezolano, votaría  por él por que mi gusta lo que el esta hacendó con Venezuela.